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prosemirror-suggest - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-next.3 to 1.0.0-next.4


# prosemirror-suggest
## 1.0.0-next.4
> 2020-08-01
### Major Changes
- 4463d117: **Rename `Suggestion` to `Suggester`**
The name `Suggestion` implies something offered to a user. For example typing `@a` offers a
suggestion to tag a certain username. Using `Suggestion` as the name for the configuration object
is confusing. Going forward `Suggester` will be used as the name of the configuration object.
The `Suggester` configures the editor to behave in a desired way so that it can provide
suggestions to end users.
**Make `prosemirror-state` and `prosemirror-keymap` peerDependencies.**
Make all `@type/*` peer dependencies optional.
Remove `@remirror/core-utils` from dependencies to avoid bloating the size.
- 6c6d524e: **Breaking Changes** 💥
Rename `contains` to `containsNodesOfType`.
Make `isValidPresetConstructor` internal only.
Remove `EMPTY_CSS_VALUE`, `CSS_ROTATE_PATTERN` from `@remirror/core-constants`.
Remove method:
`clean() | coerce() | fragment() | markFactory() | nodeFactory() | offsetTags() | sequence() | slice() | text() | isTaggedNode() | replaceSelection()`
and type:
`BaseFactoryParameter | MarkWithAttributes | MarkWithoutAttributes | NodeWithAttributes | NodeWithoutAttributes | TagTracker | TaggedContent | TaggedContentItem | TaggedContentWithText | Tags`
exports from `jest-remirror`.
### Minor Changes
- 068d2e07: Allow runtime additions to the `prosemirror-suggest` plugin.
You can now add suggester configurations to active suggest plugin instances. The name is used as
an identifier and identical names will automatically be replaced.
- 4eb56ecd: Make `removed` and `setMarkRemoved()` methods public on `SuggestState`.
### Patch Changes
- a7037832: Use exact versions for `@remirror` package `dependencies` and `peerDepedencies`.
Closes #435
- dcccc5fc: Add browser entrypoint to packages and shrink bundle size.
- 231f664b: Upgrade dependencies.
- 6c6d524e: Remove use of `export *` for better tree shaking.
Closes #406
- Updated dependencies [6528323e]
- Updated dependencies [a7037832]
- Updated dependencies [dcccc5fc]
- Updated dependencies [231f664b]
- Updated dependencies [6c6d524e]
- Updated dependencies [6c6d524e]
- @remirror/core-types@1.0.0-next.16
- @remirror/core-constants@1.0.0-next.16
- @remirror/core-helpers@1.0.0-next.16
## 1.0.0-next.3

@@ -4,0 +73,0 @@



@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ /**

* `prosemirror-suggest` uses configuration objects called `Suggestion`'s to
* `prosemirror-suggest` uses configuration objects called `Suggester`'s to
* define the behaviour of the suggesters you create. By calling the exported
* `suggest` method with all required `Suggestion`'s the functionality is added
* `suggest` method with all required `Suggester`'s the functionality is added
* to the editor in one plugin.

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@ *

* ```ts
* import { Suggestion, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';
* import { Suggester, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ * const maxResults = 10;

* const suggestEmojis: Suggestion = {
* const suggestEmojis: Suggester = {
* // By default decorations are used to highlight the currently matched

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ * // suggestion in the dom.

* // Create the plugin with the above configuration. It also supports multiple plugins being added.
* const suggestionPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* const suggestPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* // Include the plugin in the created editor state.
* const state = EditorState.create({schema,
* plugins: [suggestionPlugin],
* plugins: [suggestPlugin],
* });

@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ * ```

export * from './suggest-plugin';
export * from './suggest-types';
export * from './suggest-constants';
export * from './suggest-predicates';
export * from './suggest-helpers';
export type { SuggestState } from './suggest-plugin';
export { addSuggester, getSuggestPluginState, removeSuggester, suggest } from './suggest-plugin';
export type { AddIgnoredParameter, CompareMatchParameter, CreateSuggestCommandParameter, DocChangedParameter, FromToEndParameter, KeyboardEventParameter, MatchValue, OnKeyDownParameter, ReasonMatchParameter, ReasonParameter, RemoveIgnoredParameter, SuggestCallbackParameter, SuggestChangeHandlerMethod, SuggestChangeHandlerParameter, SuggestCharacterEntryMethod, SuggestCharacterEntryParameter, SuggestCommandParameter, SuggestExitHandlerMethod, SuggestExitHandlerParameter, SuggestIgnoreParameter, SuggestKeyBinding, SuggestKeyBindingMap, SuggestKeyBindingParameter, SuggestMarkParameter, SuggestReasonMap, SuggestReplacementType, SuggestStateMatch, SuggestStateMatchParameter, SuggestStateMatchReason, Suggester, SuggesterParameter, } from './suggest-types';
export { ChangeReason, ExitReason, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER } from './suggest-constants';
export { isChange, isChangeReason, isEntry, isExit, isExitReason, isInvalidSplitReason, isJump, isJumpReason, isMove, isRemovedReason, isSelectionExitReason, isSplitReason, isValidMatch, selectionOutsideMatch, } from './suggest-predicates';
export { createRegexFromSuggester, escapeChar, getRegexPrefix, regexToString, } from './suggest-helpers';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Suggestion } from './suggest-types';
import type { Suggester } from './suggest-types';
export declare const escapeChar: (char: string) => any;

@@ -19,2 +19,2 @@ /**

export declare const createRegexFromSuggestion: ({ char, matchOffset, startOfLine, supportedCharacters, }: Pick<Required<Suggestion>, 'startOfLine' | 'char' | 'supportedCharacters' | 'matchOffset'>, flags?: string) => RegExp;
export declare const createRegexFromSuggester: ({ char, matchOffset, startOfLine, supportedCharacters, }: Pick<Required<Suggester>, 'startOfLine' | 'char' | 'supportedCharacters' | 'matchOffset'>, flags?: string) => RegExp;
import { Plugin } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { EditorSchema, EditorState } from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { EditorSchema, EditorState } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { SuggestState } from './suggest-state';
import { Suggestion } from './suggest-types';
import type { Suggester } from './suggest-types';

@@ -10,9 +10,21 @@ * Get the state of the suggest plugin.

export declare function getSuggestPluginState<Schema extends EditorSchema = any>(state: EditorState<Schema>): SuggestState;
export declare function getSuggestPluginState(state: EditorState): SuggestState;
* This creates a suggestion plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* Add a new suggester or replace it if the name already exists in the existing
* configuration.
* Will return a function for disposing of the added suggester.
export declare function addSuggester<Schema extends EditorSchema = any>(state: EditorState<Schema>, suggester: Suggester): () => void;
* Remove a suggester if it exists. Pass in the name or the full suggester
* object.
export declare function removeSuggester<Schema extends EditorSchema = any>(state: EditorState<Schema>, suggester: Suggester | string): void;
* This creates a suggest plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* @remarks
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggestion plugin that
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggest plugin that
* responds to the colon character with a query and presents a list of matching

@@ -22,3 +34,3 @@ * emojis based on the query typed so far.

* ```ts
* import { Suggestion, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';
* import { Suggester, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';

@@ -30,3 +42,3 @@ * const maxResults = 10;

* const suggestEmojis: Suggestion = {
* const suggestEmojis: Suggester = {
* // By default decorations are used to highlight the currently matched

@@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ * // suggestion in the dom.

* // Create the plugin with the above configuration. It also supports multiple plugins being added.
* const suggestionPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* const suggesterPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* // Include the plugin in the created editor state.
* const state = EditorState.create({schema,
* plugins: [suggestionPlugin],
* plugins: [suggesterPlugin],
* });

@@ -104,4 +116,4 @@ * ```

* Only one suggestion can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggestion will be active.
* Only one suggester can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggester will be active.

@@ -111,2 +123,3 @@ * @param suggesters - a list of suggesters in the order they should be

export declare function suggest<Schema extends EditorSchema = any>(...suggesters: Suggestion[]): Plugin<SuggestState, Schema>;
export declare function suggest<Schema extends EditorSchema = any>(...suggesters: Suggester[]): Plugin<SuggestState, Schema>;
export type { SuggestState };

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { SelectionParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { SelectionParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { ChangeReason, ExitReason } from './suggest-constants';
import { CompareMatchParameter, SuggestReasonMap, SuggestStateMatch, SuggestStateMatchParameter } from './suggest-types';
import type { CompareMatchParameter, SuggestReasonMap, SuggestStateMatch, SuggestStateMatchParameter } from './suggest-types';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ * Is this a change in the current suggestion (added or deleted characters)?

import { DecorationSet, EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { CompareStateParameter, EditorSchema, EditorState, FromToParameter, TextParameter, TransactionParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { AddIgnoredParameter, RemoveIgnoredParameter, Suggestion, SuggestStateMatch } from './suggest-types';
import type { CompareStateParameter, EditorSchema, EditorState, FromToParameter, TextParameter, TransactionParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { AddIgnoredParameter, RemoveIgnoredParameter, Suggester, SuggestStateMatch } from './suggest-types';
* The suggestion state which manages the list of suggesters.
* The `prosemirror-suggest` state which manages the list of suggesters.

@@ -12,20 +12,4 @@ export declare class SuggestState {

static create(suggesters: Suggestion[]): SuggestState;
static create(suggesters: Suggester[]): SuggestState;
* The suggesters that have been registered for the suggesters plugin.
private readonly suggesters;
* Keeps track of the current state.
private next?;
* Holds onto the previous active state.
private prev?;
* The handler matches which are passed into `onChange` / `onExit` handlers.
private handlerMatches;
* Holds a copy of the view

@@ -35,8 +19,6 @@ */

* The set of ignored decorations
private ignored;
* Lets us know whether the most recent change was to remove a mention.
* True when the most recent change was to remove a mention.
* @remarks
* This is needed because sometimes removing a prosemirror `Mark` has no

@@ -47,5 +29,5 @@ * effect. Hence we need to keep track of whether it's removed and then later

private removed;
get removed(): boolean;
* Returns the current active suggestion state field if one exists
* Returns the current active suggester state field if one exists

@@ -66,3 +48,3 @@ get match(): Readonly<SuggestStateMatch> | undefined;

constructor(suggesters: Suggestion[]);
constructor(suggesters: Suggester[]);

@@ -76,3 +58,3 @@ * Initialize the SuggestState with a view which is stored for use later.

private readonly setRemovedTrue;
readonly setMarkRemoved: () => void;

@@ -91,5 +73,9 @@ * The actions created by the extension.

* Check whether the exit callback is valid at this time.
private shouldRunExit;
* Manages the view updates.
private readonly onViewUpdate;
private onViewUpdate;

@@ -100,3 +86,3 @@ * Update the current ignored decorations based on the latest changes to the

private mapIgnoredDecorations;
ignoreNextExit: () => void;
readonly ignoreNextExit: () => void;

@@ -112,3 +98,3 @@ * Ignores the match specified. Until the match is deleted no more `onChange`,

addIgnored: ({ from, char, name, specific }: AddIgnoredParameter) => void;
readonly addIgnored: ({ from, char, name, specific }: AddIgnoredParameter) => void;

@@ -122,3 +108,3 @@ * Removes a single match character from the ignored decorations.

removeIgnored: ({ from, char, name }: RemoveIgnoredParameter) => void;
readonly removeIgnored: ({ from, char, name }: RemoveIgnoredParameter) => void;

@@ -128,3 +114,3 @@ * Removes all the ignored decorations so that suggesters can active their

clearIgnored: (name?: string) => void;
readonly clearIgnored: (name?: string) => void;
private shouldIgnoreMatch;

@@ -140,6 +126,14 @@ /**

* Add a new suggest or replace it if it already exists.
addSuggester(suggester: Suggester): () => void;
* Remove a suggester if it exists.
removeSuggester(suggester: Suggester | string): void;
* Used to handle the view property of the plugin spec.
viewHandler(): {
update: () => void;
update: any;

@@ -146,0 +140,0 @@ toJSON(): Readonly<SuggestStateMatch<import("@remirror/core-types").AnyFunction<void>>>;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { AnyFunction, EditorViewParameter, FromToParameter, TextParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { ChangeReason, ExitReason } from './suggest-constants';
import type { AnyFunction, EditorViewParameter, FromToParameter, TextParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { ChangeReason, ExitReason } from './suggest-constants';
* This `Suggestion` interface defines all the options required to create a
* This `Suggester` interface defines all the options required to create a
* suggestion within your editor.

@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ *

* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.
export interface Suggestion<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> {
export interface Suggester<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> {

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ * The activation character(s) to match against.

* eventually matched suggester will depend on the order in which the
* suggestions are added to the plugin.
* suggesters are added to the plugin.

@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ char: string;

* A regex containing all supported characters when within a suggestion.
* A regex containing all supported characters when within an active suggester.

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ * @defaultValue `/[\w\d_]+/`

* This will be used when {@link Suggestion.invalidPrefixCharacters} is not
* This will be used when {@link Suggester.invalidPrefixCharacters} is not
* provided.

@@ -103,4 +103,3 @@ *

* Class name to use for the decoration (while the suggestion is still being
* written)
* Class name to use for the decoration while the suggester is active.

@@ -117,3 +116,3 @@ * @defaultValue 'suggest'

* Set a class for the ignored suggestion decoration.
* Set a class for the ignored suggester decoration.

@@ -124,3 +123,3 @@ * @defaultValue ''

* Set a tag for the ignored suggestion decoration.
* Set a tag for the ignored suggester decoration.

@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ * @defaultValue 'span'

* When true, decorations are not created when this mention is being edited..
* When true, decorations are not created when this mention is being edited.
noDecorations?: boolean;
* Called whenever a suggestion becomes active or changes in any way.
* Called whenever a suggester becomes active or changes in any way.

@@ -147,3 +146,3 @@ * @remarks

* Called whenever a suggestion is exited with the pre-exit match value.
* Called whenever a suggester is exited with the pre-exit match value.

@@ -188,3 +187,3 @@ * @remarks

* Suggested actions are useful for developing plugins and extensions which
* provide useful defaults for managing the suggestion lifecycle.
* provide useful defaults based on changes happening to the suggester.

@@ -213,3 +212,3 @@ createCommand?: (parameter: CreateSuggestCommandParameter) => Command;

export interface RemoveIgnoredParameter extends Pick<Suggestion, 'char' | 'name'> {
export interface RemoveIgnoredParameter extends Pick<Suggester, 'char' | 'name'> {

@@ -222,3 +221,3 @@ * The starting point of the match that should be ignored.

* A parameter builder interface describing the ignore methods available to the
* {@link Suggestion} handlers.
* {@link Suggester} handlers.

@@ -249,3 +248,3 @@ export interface SuggestIgnoreParameter {

* onExit: ({ addIgnored, range: { from }, suggester: { char, name } }: SuggestExitHandlerParameter) => {
* addIgnored({ from, char, name }); // Ignore this suggestion
* addIgnored({ from, char, name }); // Ignore this suggester
* },

@@ -262,9 +261,13 @@ * }

* Use this method to skip the next `onExit` callback. This is useful when
* you manually call a command which applies the suggestion outside of the
* `onExit` callback. When that happens on exit will be called again by default
* and if you don't have the logic set up properly it will rerun your exit
* command. This can lead to mismatched transaction errors since the `onExit`
* handler is provided the last known value and this is no longer valid.
* Use this method to skip the next `onExit` callback.
* @remarks
* This is useful when you manually call a command which applies the
* suggestion outside of the `onExit` callback. When that happens `onExit`
* will still be triggered and if you don't have the logic set
* up properly it will rerun your exit command. This can lead to mismatched
* transaction errors since the `onExit` handler is provided the last active
* range and query and these values no longer valid.
* This helper method can be applied to make life easier. Call it when running

@@ -313,6 +316,6 @@ * a command in a click handler or key binding and you don't have to worry

* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.
export interface SuggestStateMatch<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> extends SuggestionParameter<Command> {
export interface SuggestStateMatch<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> extends SuggesterParameter<Command> {

@@ -339,2 +342,13 @@ * Range of current match; for example `@foo|bar` (where | is the cursor)

export interface DocChangedParameter {
* - `true` when there was a changed in the editor content.
* - `false` when only the selection changed.
* TODO currently unused. Should be used to differentiate between a cursor
* exit using the keyboard navigation and a document update change typing
* invalid character, space, etc...
docChanged: boolean;

@@ -388,3 +402,3 @@ * A parameter builder interface describing match found by the suggest plugin.

* The parameters required by the {@link Suggestion.onKeyDown}.
* The parameters required by the {@link Suggester.onKeyDown}.

@@ -423,5 +437,5 @@ * @remarks

* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggestion.onChange} method.
* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggester.onChange} method.
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -433,5 +447,5 @@ */

* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggestion.onExit} method.
* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggester.onExit} method.
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -443,5 +457,5 @@ */

* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggestion.onCharacterEntry} method.
* The parameters passed to the {@link Suggester.onCharacterEntry} method.
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -462,3 +476,3 @@ */

* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -476,3 +490,3 @@ */

* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -482,5 +496,5 @@ */

* The keybindings shape for the {@link Suggestion.keyBindings} property.
* The keybindings shape for the {@link Suggester.keyBindings} property.
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -492,3 +506,3 @@ */

* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggestion} makes available
* @typeParam Command - the command method a {@link Suggester} makes available
* to its handlers.

@@ -503,7 +517,7 @@ */

export interface SuggestionParameter<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> {
export interface SuggesterParameter<Command extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>> {
* The suggester to use for finding matches.
suggester: Required<Suggestion<Command>>;
suggester: Required<Suggester<Command>>;

@@ -531,3 +545,3 @@ export interface SuggestStateMatchReason<Reason> extends SuggestStateMatch, ReasonParameter<Reason> {

* This is used to build parameters for {@link Suggestion} handler methods.
* This is used to build parameters for {@link Suggester} handler methods.

@@ -534,0 +548,0 @@ * @typeParam Reason - Whether this is change or an exit reason.

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { EditorStateParameter, ProsemirrorCommandFunction, ResolvedPosParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { CompareMatchParameter, Suggestion, SuggestKeyBindingMap, SuggestKeyBindingParameter, SuggestReasonMap, SuggestStateMatch } from './suggest-types';
import type { EditorStateParameter, ProsemirrorCommandFunction, ResolvedPosParameter } from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { CompareMatchParameter, DocChangedParameter, Suggester, SuggestKeyBindingMap, SuggestKeyBindingParameter, SuggestReasonMap, SuggestStateMatch } from './suggest-types';
interface TransformKeyBindingsParameter {

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ /**

suggestionParameter: SuggestKeyBindingParameter;
suggestParameter: SuggestKeyBindingParameter;

@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ /**

export declare function runKeyBindings(bindings: SuggestKeyBindingMap, suggestionParameter: SuggestKeyBindingParameter): boolean;
interface FindFromSuggestionsParameter extends ResolvedPosParameter {
export declare function runKeyBindings(bindings: SuggestKeyBindingMap, suggestParameter: SuggestKeyBindingParameter): boolean;
interface FindFromSuggestersParameter extends ResolvedPosParameter, DocChangedParameter {
* The matchers to search through.
suggesters: Array<Required<Suggestion>>;
suggesters: Array<Required<Suggester>>;
declare type FindReasonParameter = EditorStateParameter & ResolvedPosParameter & Partial<CompareMatchParameter>;

@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ * Creates an array of the actions taken based on the current prev and next

export declare const findReason: ({ prev, next, state, $pos, }: EditorStateParameter & ResolvedPosParameter & Partial<CompareMatchParameter>) => SuggestReasonMap;
export declare function findReason(parameter: FindReasonParameter): SuggestReasonMap;
* Find a match for the provided matchers
export declare function findFromSuggestions({ suggesters, $pos, }: FindFromSuggestionsParameter): SuggestStateMatch | undefined;
export declare function findFromSuggesters(parameter: FindFromSuggestersParameter): SuggestStateMatch | undefined;
export {};

@@ -8,3 +8,2 @@ 'use strict';

var prosemirrorState = require('prosemirror-state');
var coreUtils = require('@remirror/core-utils');
var _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty'));

@@ -21,9 +20,2 @@ var _classPrivateFieldSet = _interopDefault(require('@babel/runtime/helpers/classPrivateFieldSet'));

command: coreHelpers.noop,
create: coreHelpers.noop,
remove: coreHelpers.noop,
update: coreHelpers.noop
var defaultHandler = () => false;

@@ -175,3 +167,3 @@

var createRegexFromSuggestion = function createRegexFromSuggestion(_ref) {
var createRegexFromSuggester = function createRegexFromSuggester(_ref) {
var char = _ref.char,

@@ -205,2 +197,3 @@ matchOffset = _ref.matchOffset,


@@ -212,8 +205,6 @@ * Checks to see if the text before the matching character is a valid prefix.

function isPrefixValid(prefix, options) {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = options.invalidPrefixCharacters,
validPrefixCharacters = options.validPrefixCharacters;
var isPrefixValid = (prefix, _ref) => {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = _ref.invalidPrefixCharacters,
validPrefixCharacters = _ref.validPrefixCharacters;
if (!coreHelpers.isUndefined(invalidPrefixCharacters)) {

@@ -229,3 +220,3 @@ var regex = new RegExp(regexToString(invalidPrefixCharacters));


@@ -238,9 +229,8 @@ * Find the position of a mention for a given selection and character

var findPosition = (_ref2) => {
var text = _ref2.text,
regexp = _ref2.regexp,
$pos = _ref2.$pos,
char = _ref2.char,
suggester = _ref2.suggester;
var position;
function findPosition(parameter) {
var text = parameter.text,
regexp = parameter.regexp,
$pos = parameter.$pos,
char = parameter.char,
suggester = parameter.suggester;
var cursor = $pos.pos; // The current cursor position

@@ -250,2 +240,3 @@

var position;
coreHelpers.findMatches(text, regexp).forEach(match => {

@@ -288,12 +279,11 @@ // Check the character before the current match to ensure it is not one of

return position;
* Checks if any matches exist at the current selection for so that the
* suggesters be activated or deactivated.
* Checks if any matches exist at the current selection so that the
* suggesters can be activated or deactivated.
function findMatch(_ref3) {
var $pos = _ref3.$pos,
suggester = _ref3.suggester;
function findMatch(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos,
suggester = parameter.suggester;
var char = suggester.char,

@@ -305,3 +295,3 @@ name =,

var regexp = createRegexFromSuggestion({
var regexp = createRegexFromSuggester({

@@ -324,2 +314,3 @@ matchOffset,


@@ -332,10 +323,8 @@ * Checks the provided match and generates a new match. This is useful for

function recheckMatch(parameter) {
var state = parameter.state,
match = parameter.match;
var recheckMatch = (_ref4) => {
var state = _ref4.state,
match = _ref4.match;
try {
// Wrapped in try catch because it's possible for everything to be deleted
// Wrapped in try/catch because it's possible for everything to be deleted
// and the doc.resolve will fail.

@@ -349,3 +338,4 @@ return findMatch({


@@ -358,10 +348,7 @@ * Check whether the insert action occurred at the end, in the middle or caused

function createInsertReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state; // Has the text been removed? TODO how to tests for deletions mid document?
var createInsertReason = (_ref5) => {
var prev = _ref5.prev,
next =,
state = _ref5.state;
// Has the text been removed? TODO how to tests for deletions mid document?
if (!next && prev.range.from >= state.doc.nodeSize) {

@@ -407,12 +394,11 @@ return {

return {};
* Find the reason for the Jump
var findJumpReason = (_ref6) => {
var prev = _ref6.prev,
next =,
state = _ref6.state;
function findJumpReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state;
var value = coreHelpers.object();

@@ -424,3 +410,3 @@ var updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({

var _ref7 = updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full !== prev.queryText.full // has query changed
var _ref = updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full !== prev.queryText.full // has query changed
? createInsertReason({

@@ -431,3 +417,3 @@ prev,

}) : value,
exit = _ref7.exit;
exit = _ref.exit;

@@ -459,3 +445,4 @@ var isJumpForward = prev.range.from < next.range.from;


@@ -467,8 +454,6 @@ * Find the reason for the exit.

var findExitReason = (_ref8) => {
var match = _ref8.match,
state = _ref8.state,
$pos = _ref8.$pos;
function findExitReason(parameter) {
var match = parameter.match,
state = parameter.state,
$pos = parameter.$pos;
var selection = state.selection;

@@ -489,3 +474,3 @@ var updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({

if (!coreUtils.isSelectionEmpty(state) && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end)) {
if (!state.selection.empty && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end)) {
return {

@@ -520,3 +505,3 @@ exit: createMatchWithReason({

return {};

@@ -529,3 +514,3 @@ /**

var bindings = parameter.bindings,
suggestionParameter = parameter.suggestionParameter;
suggestParameter = parameter.suggestParameter;
var transformed = coreHelpers.object();

@@ -542,3 +527,3 @@

transformed[key] = () => coreHelpers.bool(binding(suggestionParameter));
transformed[key] = () => coreHelpers.bool(binding(suggestParameter));

@@ -567,7 +552,7 @@

function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestionParameter) {
function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestParameter) {
return prosemirrorKeymap.keydownHandler(transformKeyBindings({
}))(suggestionParameter.view, suggestionParameter.event);
}))(suggestParameter.view, suggestParameter.event);

@@ -579,7 +564,7 @@

var findReason = (_ref9) => {
var prev = _ref9.prev,
next =,
state = _ref9.state,
$pos = _ref9.$pos;
function findReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state,
$pos = parameter.$pos;
var value = coreHelpers.object();

@@ -636,3 +621,3 @@

reason: coreUtils.isSelectionEmpty(state) ? exports.ChangeReason.Move : exports.ChangeReason.SelectionInside
reason: state.selection.empty ? exports.ChangeReason.Move : exports.ChangeReason.SelectionInside

@@ -643,3 +628,3 @@ };

return value;

@@ -649,7 +634,6 @@ * Find a match for the provided matchers

function findFromSuggestions(_ref10) {
var suggesters = _ref10.suggesters,
$pos = _ref10.$pos;
function findFromSuggesters(parameter) {
var suggesters = parameter.suggesters,
$pos = parameter.$pos; // Find the first match and break when done
// Find the first match and break when done
var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(suggesters),

@@ -688,7 +672,21 @@ _step2;

* The suggestion state which manages the list of suggesters.
* The `prosemirror-suggest` state which manages the list of suggesters.
var _docChanged = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _ignoreNextExit = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _suggesters = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _next = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _prev = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _handlerMatches = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _ignored = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _removed = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
class SuggestState {

@@ -701,8 +699,27 @@ /**

* True when the doc changed in the most recently applied transaction.
* Returns the current active suggestion state field if one exists
* True when the most recent change was to remove a mention.
* @remarks
* This is needed because sometimes removing a prosemirror `Mark` has no
* effect. Hence we need to keep track of whether it's removed and then later
* in the apply step check that a removal has happened and reset the
* `handlerMatches` to prevent an infinite loop.
get removed() {
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed);
* Returns the current active suggester state field if one exists
get match() {
return ? : this.prev && this.handlerMatches.exit ? this.prev : undefined;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) && _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches).exit ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) : undefined;

@@ -725,2 +742,7 @@ /**

constructor(suggesters) {
_docChanged.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: false
_ignoreNextExit.set(this, {

@@ -731,68 +753,34 @@ writable: true,

_defineProperty(this, "handlerMatches", coreHelpers.object());
_suggesters.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "ignored", prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty);
_next.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "removed", false);
_prev.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "setRemovedTrue", () => {
this.removed = true;
_handlerMatches.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: coreHelpers.object()
_defineProperty(this, "onViewUpdate", () => {
var match = this.match,
_this$handlerMatches = this.handlerMatches,
change = _this$handlerMatches.change,
exit = _this$handlerMatches.exit;
_ignored.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty
var shouldRunExit = () => {
if (_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, false);
_removed.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: false
return false;
return true;
}; // Cancel update when a suggestion isn't active
if (!change && !exit || !isValidMatch(match)) {
} // When a jump happens run the action that involves the
// position that occurs later in the document. This is so that changes don't
// affect previous positions.
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit);
var changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
var movedForwards = exit.range.from < change.range.from;
if (movedForwards) {
shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
} else {
shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
this.removed = false;
if (change) {
if (exit && shouldRunExit()) {
this.removed = false;
if (isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason)) {
this.handlerMatches = coreHelpers.object();
_defineProperty(this, "setMarkRemoved", () => {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, true);

@@ -811,4 +799,5 @@

var to = from + char.length;
var suggester = this.suggesters.find(value => === name);
var suggester = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(value => === name);
if (!suggester) {

@@ -828,3 +817,4 @@ throw new Error("No suggester exists for the name provided: ".concat(name));

this.ignored = this.ignored.add(this.view.state.doc, [decoration]);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(this.view.state.doc, [decoration]));

@@ -836,3 +826,5 @@

name =;
var decorations = this.ignored.find(from, from + char.length);
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find(from, from + char.length);
var decoration = decorations[0];

@@ -844,3 +836,3 @@

this.ignored = this.ignored.remove([decoration]);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove([decoration]));

@@ -850,3 +842,4 @@

if (name) {
var decorations = this.ignored.find();
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find();
var decorationsToClear = decorations.filter((_ref3) => {

@@ -856,21 +849,12 @@ var spec = _ref3.spec;

this.ignored = this.ignored.remove(decorationsToClear);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove(decorationsToClear));
} else {
this.ignored = prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty);
var names = [];
this.suggesters = => {
if (names.includes( {
throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester); // Preserve any descriptors (getters and setters)
mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester);
return clone;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters,;

@@ -900,3 +884,3 @@ /**

view: this.view,
setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue,
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved,
addIgnored: this.addIgnored,

@@ -932,2 +916,16 @@ clearIgnored: this.clearIgnored,

* Check whether the exit callback is valid at this time.
shouldRunExit() {
if (_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, false);
return false;
return true;
* Manages the view updates.

@@ -937,2 +935,51 @@ */

onViewUpdate() {
var _classPrivateFieldGet2 = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches),
change = _classPrivateFieldGet2.change,
exit = _classPrivateFieldGet2.exit;
var match = this.match; // Cancel update when a suggester isn't active
if (!change && !exit || !isValidMatch(match)) {
} // When a jump happens run the action that involves the
// position that occurs later in the document. This is so that changes don't
// affect previous positions.
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit);
var changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
var movedForwards = exit.range.from < change.range.from;
if (movedForwards) {
this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
} else {
this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);
if (change) {
if (exit && this.shouldRunExit()) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);
if (isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, coreHelpers.object());

@@ -942,5 +989,8 @@ * Update the current ignored decorations based on the latest changes to the

mapIgnoredDecorations(tr) {
// Map over and update the ignored decorations.
var ignored =, tr.doc);
var ignored = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).map(tr.mapping, tr.doc);
var decorations = ignored.find(); // For suggesters with multiple characters it is possible for a `paste` or

@@ -962,3 +1012,4 @@ // any edit action within the decoration to expand the ignored section. We

this.ignored = ignored.remove(invalid);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, ignored.remove(invalid));

@@ -969,3 +1020,5 @@

name =;
var decorations = this.ignored.find();
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find();
return decorations.some((_ref6) => {

@@ -989,5 +1042,7 @@ var spec = _ref6.spec,

resetState() {
this.handlerMatches = coreHelpers.object(); = undefined;
this.removed = false;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, coreHelpers.object());
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, undefined);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);

@@ -999,19 +1054,53 @@ /**

updateReasons(_ref7) {
var $pos = _ref7.$pos,
state = _ref7.state;
var match = findFromSuggestions({
suggesters: this.suggesters,
}); = match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? undefined : match; // Store the matches with reasons
updateReasons(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos,
state = parameter.state;
this.handlerMatches = findReason({
prev: this.prev,
var docChanged = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _docChanged);
var match = findFromSuggesters({
suggesters: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters),
}); // Track the next match if not being ignored.
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? undefined : match); // Store the matches with reasons
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, findReason({
next: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next),
prev: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev),
* Add a new suggest or replace it if it already exists.
addSuggester(suggester) {
var previous = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(item => ===;
var mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
if (previous) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).map(item => item === previous ? mapper(suggester) : item));
} else {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, [..._classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters), mapper(suggester)]);
return () => this.removeSuggester(;
* Remove a suggester if it exists.
removeSuggester(suggester) {
var name = coreHelpers.isString(suggester) ? suggester :;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).filter(item => !== name));
* Used to handle the view property of the plugin spec.

@@ -1023,3 +1112,3 @@ */

return {
update: this.onViewUpdate
update: this.onViewUpdate.bind(this)

@@ -1038,19 +1127,27 @@ }

apply(_ref8) {
var tr =,
newState = _ref8.newState;
var exit = this.handlerMatches.exit;
apply(_ref7) {
var tr =,
newState = _ref7.newState;
if (!coreUtils.hasTransactionChanged(tr) && !this.removed) {
var _classPrivateFieldGet3 = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches),
exit = _classPrivateFieldGet3.exit;
var transactionHasChanged = tr.docChanged || tr.selectionSet;
if (!transactionHasChanged && !_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed)) {
return this;
this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr); // If the previous run was an exit reset the suggestion matches
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _docChanged, tr.docChanged);
this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr); // If the previous run was an exit, reset the suggester matches.
if (exit) {
} // Track the previous match.
this.prev =; // Match against the current selection position
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _prev, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next)); // Match against the current selection position

@@ -1080,3 +1177,3 @@ $pos: tr.selection.$from,

setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved
}, this.createParameter(match)); // TODO recalculating the keybindings on every update this is a performance bottleneck

@@ -1092,6 +1189,6 @@

handleTextInput(_ref9) {
var text = _ref9.text,
from = _ref9.from,
to =;
handleTextInput(_ref8) {
var text = _ref8.text,
from = _ref8.from,
to =;
var match = this.match;

@@ -1120,7 +1217,7 @@

if (!isValidMatch(match)) {
return this.ignored;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);
if (match.suggester.noDecorations) {
return this.ignored;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);

@@ -1131,9 +1228,9 @@

name = _match$,
decorationsTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag,
suggestionClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName;
suggestTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag,
suggestClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName;
var from = range.from,
end = range.end;
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? this.ignored : this.ignored.add(state.doc, [prosemirrorView.Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: decorationsTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestionClassName, " ").concat(suggestionClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestionClassName
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(state.doc, [prosemirrorView.Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: suggestTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestClassName, " ").concat(suggestClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestClassName

@@ -1144,2 +1241,18 @@ }

function createSuggesterMapper() {
var names = new Set();
return suggester => {
if (names.has( {
throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester); // Preserve any descriptors (getters and setters)
mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester);
return clone;
var suggestPluginKey = /*#__PURE__*/new prosemirrorState.PluginKey('suggest');

@@ -1153,10 +1266,28 @@ /**

function getSuggestPluginState(state) {
return coreUtils.getPluginState(suggestPluginKey, state);
return suggestPluginKey.getState(state);
* This creates a suggestion plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* Add a new suggester or replace it if the name already exists in the existing
* configuration.
* Will return a function for disposing of the added suggester.
function addSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).addSuggester(suggester);
* Remove a suggester if it exists. Pass in the name or the full suggester
* object.
function removeSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).removeSuggester(suggester);
* This creates a suggest plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* @remarks
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggestion plugin that
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggest plugin that
* responds to the colon character with a query and presents a list of matching

@@ -1166,3 +1297,3 @@ * emojis based on the query typed so far.

* ```ts
* import { Suggestion, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';
* import { Suggester, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';

@@ -1174,3 +1305,3 @@ * const maxResults = 10;

* const suggestEmojis: Suggestion = {
* const suggestEmojis: Suggester = {
* // By default decorations are used to highlight the currently matched

@@ -1233,7 +1364,7 @@ * // suggestion in the dom.

* // Create the plugin with the above configuration. It also supports multiple plugins being added.
* const suggestionPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* const suggesterPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* // Include the plugin in the created editor state.
* const state = EditorState.create({schema,
* plugins: [suggestionPlugin],
* plugins: [suggesterPlugin],
* });

@@ -1248,4 +1379,4 @@ * ```

* Only one suggestion can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggestion will be active.
* Only one suggester can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggester will be active.

@@ -1283,3 +1414,3 @@ * @param suggesters - a list of suggesters in the order they should be

props: {
// Call the keydown hook if suggestion is active.
// Call the keydown hook if suggester is active.
handleKeyDown: (_, event) => {

@@ -1306,4 +1437,4 @@ return pluginState.handleKeyDown(event);

exports.createRegexFromSuggestion = createRegexFromSuggestion;
exports.addSuggester = addSuggester;
exports.createRegexFromSuggester = createRegexFromSuggester;
exports.escapeChar = escapeChar;

@@ -1326,3 +1457,4 @@ exports.getRegexPrefix = getRegexPrefix;

exports.regexToString = regexToString;
exports.removeSuggester = removeSuggester;
exports.selectionOutsideMatch = selectionOutsideMatch;
exports.suggest = suggest;

@@ -11,8 +11,3 @@ "use strict";

var prosemirrorState = require("prosemirror-state"), coreUtils = require("@remirror/core-utils"), _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty")), _classPrivateFieldSet = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classPrivateFieldSet")), _classPrivateFieldGet = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classPrivateFieldGet")), mergeDescriptors = _interopDefault(require("merge-descriptors")), prosemirrorView = require("prosemirror-view"), coreHelpers = require("@remirror/core-helpers"), _slicedToArray = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray")), prosemirrorKeymap = require("prosemirror-keymap"), coreConstants = require("@remirror/core-constants"), escapeStringRegex = _interopDefault(require("escape-string-regexp")), DEFAULT_SUGGEST_ACTIONS = {
command: coreHelpers.noop,
create: coreHelpers.noop,
remove: coreHelpers.noop,
update: coreHelpers.noop
}, defaultHandler = () => !1, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER = {
var prosemirrorState = require("prosemirror-state"), _defineProperty = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty")), _classPrivateFieldSet = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classPrivateFieldSet")), _classPrivateFieldGet = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classPrivateFieldGet")), mergeDescriptors = _interopDefault(require("merge-descriptors")), prosemirrorView = require("prosemirror-view"), coreHelpers = require("@remirror/core-helpers"), _slicedToArray = _interopDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray")), prosemirrorKeymap = require("prosemirror-keymap"), coreConstants = require("@remirror/core-constants"), escapeStringRegex = _interopDefault(require("escape-string-regexp")), defaultHandler = () => !1, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER = {
appendText: "",

@@ -56,3 +51,3 @@ createCommand: () => coreHelpers.noop,

return match && (selection.from < match.range.from || selection.from > match.range.end);
}, escapeChar = char => escapeStringRegex(char), regexToString = regexOrString => coreHelpers.isRegExp(regexOrString) ? regexOrString.source : regexOrString, getRegexPrefix = onlyStartOfLine => onlyStartOfLine ? "^" : "", getRegexSupportedCharacters = (supportedCharacters, matchOffset) => "(?:".concat(regexToString(supportedCharacters), "){").concat(matchOffset, ",}"), createRegexFromSuggestion = function(_ref) {
}, escapeChar = char => escapeStringRegex(char), regexToString = regexOrString => coreHelpers.isRegExp(regexOrString) ? regexOrString.source : regexOrString, getRegexPrefix = onlyStartOfLine => onlyStartOfLine ? "^" : "", getRegexSupportedCharacters = (supportedCharacters, matchOffset) => "(?:".concat(regexToString(supportedCharacters), "){").concat(matchOffset, ",}"), createRegexFromSuggester = function(_ref) {
var char = _ref.char, matchOffset = _ref.matchOffset, startOfLine = _ref.startOfLine, supportedCharacters = _ref.supportedCharacters, flags = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "gm";

@@ -152,10 +147,11 @@ return new RegExp("".concat(getRegexPrefix(startOfLine)).concat(escapeChar(char)).concat(getRegexSupportedCharacters(supportedCharacters, matchOffset)), flags);

var isPrefixValid = (prefix, _ref) => {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = _ref.invalidPrefixCharacters, validPrefixCharacters = _ref.validPrefixCharacters;
function isPrefixValid(prefix, options) {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = options.invalidPrefixCharacters, validPrefixCharacters = options.validPrefixCharacters;
return coreHelpers.isUndefined(invalidPrefixCharacters) ? new RegExp(regexToString(validPrefixCharacters)).test(prefix) : !new RegExp(regexToString(invalidPrefixCharacters)).test(prefix);
}, findPosition = _ref2 => {
var position, text = _ref2.text, regexp = _ref2.regexp, $pos = _ref2.$pos, char = _ref2.char, suggester = _ref2.suggester, cursor = $pos.pos, start = $pos.start();
function findPosition(parameter) {
var position, text = parameter.text, regexp = parameter.regexp, $pos = parameter.$pos, char = parameter.char, suggester = parameter.suggester, cursor = $pos.pos, start = $pos.start();
return coreHelpers.findMatches(text, regexp).forEach(match => {
var matchPrefix = match.input.slice(Math.max(0, match.index - 1), match.index);
if (isPrefixValid(matchPrefix, suggester)) {
if (isPrefixValid(match.input.slice(Math.max(0, match.index - 1), match.index), suggester)) {
var from = match.index + start, end = from + match[0].length, to = Math.min(end, cursor), matchLength = to - from;

@@ -180,6 +176,6 @@ from < cursor && end >= cursor && (position = {

}), position;
function findMatch(_ref3) {
var $pos = _ref3.$pos, suggester = _ref3.suggester, char = suggester.char, name =, startOfLine = suggester.startOfLine, supportedCharacters = suggester.supportedCharacters, matchOffset = suggester.matchOffset, regexp = createRegexFromSuggestion({
function findMatch(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos, suggester = parameter.suggester, char = suggester.char, name =, startOfLine = suggester.startOfLine, supportedCharacters = suggester.supportedCharacters, matchOffset = suggester.matchOffset, regexp = createRegexFromSuggester({
char: char,

@@ -189,6 +185,6 @@ matchOffset: matchOffset,

supportedCharacters: supportedCharacters
}), text = $pos.doc.textBetween($pos.before(), $pos.end(), coreConstants.NULL_CHARACTER, coreConstants.NULL_CHARACTER);
return findPosition({
suggester: suggester,
text: text,
text: $pos.doc.textBetween($pos.before(), $pos.end(), coreConstants.NULL_CHARACTER, coreConstants.NULL_CHARACTER),
regexp: regexp,

@@ -201,4 +197,4 @@ $pos: $pos,

var recheckMatch = _ref4 => {
var state = _ref4.state, match = _ref4.match;
function recheckMatch(parameter) {
var state = parameter.state, match = parameter.match;
try {

@@ -212,4 +208,6 @@ return findMatch({

}, createInsertReason = _ref5 => {
var prev = _ref5.prev, next =, state = _ref5.state;
function createInsertReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev, next =, state = parameter.state;
return !next && prev.range.from >= state.doc.nodeSize ? {

@@ -236,4 +234,6 @@ exit: createMatchWithReason({

}, findJumpReason = _ref6 => {
var prev = _ref6.prev, next =, state = _ref6.state, value = coreHelpers.object(), updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({
function findJumpReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev, next =, state = parameter.state, value = coreHelpers.object(), updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({
state: state,

@@ -265,8 +265,10 @@ match: prev

}, findExitReason = _ref8 => {
var match = _ref8.match, state = _ref8.state, $pos = _ref8.$pos, selection = state.selection, updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({
function findExitReason(parameter) {
var match = parameter.match, state = parameter.state, $pos = parameter.$pos, selection = state.selection, updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({
match: match,
state: state
return updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full === match.queryText.full ? !coreUtils.isSelectionEmpty(state) && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end) ? {
return updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full === match.queryText.full ? !state.selection.empty && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end) ? {
exit: createMatchWithReason({

@@ -291,10 +293,10 @@ match: match,

function transformKeyBindings(parameter) {
var _step, bindings = parameter.bindings, suggestionParameter = parameter.suggestionParameter, transformed = coreHelpers.object(), _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(coreHelpers.entries(bindings));
var _step, bindings = parameter.bindings, suggestParameter = parameter.suggestParameter, transformed = coreHelpers.object(), _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(coreHelpers.entries(bindings));
try {
var _loop = function() {
var _step$value = _slicedToArray(_step.value, 2), key = _step$value[0], binding = _step$value[1];
transformed[key] = () => coreHelpers.bool(binding(suggestionParameter));
transformed[key] = () => coreHelpers.bool(binding(suggestParameter));

@@ -310,11 +312,11 @@ for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done; ) _loop();

function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestionParameter) {
function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestParameter) {
return prosemirrorKeymap.keydownHandler(transformKeyBindings({
bindings: bindings,
suggestionParameter: suggestionParameter
}))(suggestionParameter.view, suggestionParameter.event);
suggestParameter: suggestParameter
}))(suggestParameter.view, suggestParameter.event);
var findReason = _ref9 => {
var prev = _ref9.prev, next =, state = _ref9.state, $pos = _ref9.$pos, value = coreHelpers.object();
function findReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev, next =, state = parameter.state, $pos = parameter.$pos, value = coreHelpers.object();
if (!prev && !next) return value;

@@ -346,9 +348,9 @@ var compare = {

reason: coreUtils.isSelectionEmpty(state) ? exports.ChangeReason.Move : exports.ChangeReason.SelectionInside
reason: state.selection.empty ? exports.ChangeReason.Move : exports.ChangeReason.SelectionInside
} : value;
function findFromSuggestions(_ref10) {
var _step2, suggesters = _ref10.suggesters, $pos = _ref10.$pos, _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(suggesters);
function findFromSuggesters(parameter) {
var _step2, suggesters = parameter.suggesters, $pos = parameter.$pos, _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(suggesters);
try {

@@ -397,3 +399,3 @@ for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done; ) {

var _ignoreNextExit = new WeakMap;
var _docChanged = new WeakMap, _ignoreNextExit = new WeakMap, _suggesters = new WeakMap, _next = new WeakMap, _prev = new WeakMap, _handlerMatches = new WeakMap, _ignored = new WeakMap, _removed = new WeakMap;

@@ -404,32 +406,39 @@ class SuggestState {

get removed() {
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed);
get match() {
return ? : this.prev && this.handlerMatches.exit ? this.prev : void 0;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) && _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches).exit ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) : void 0;
constructor(suggesters) {
_ignoreNextExit.set(this, {
_docChanged.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: !1
}), _defineProperty(this, "handlerMatches", coreHelpers.object()), _defineProperty(this, "ignored", prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty),
_defineProperty(this, "removed", !1), _defineProperty(this, "setRemovedTrue", () => {
this.removed = !0;
}), _defineProperty(this, "onViewUpdate", () => {
var match = this.match, _this$handlerMatches = this.handlerMatches, change = _this$handlerMatches.change, exit = _this$handlerMatches.exit, shouldRunExit = () => !_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit) || (_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, !1),
if ((change || exit) && isValidMatch(match)) {
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
change: change,
exit: exit
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit), changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
return exit.range.from < change.range.from ? (change.suggester.onChange(changeParameters),
shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters)) : (shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters),
change.suggester.onChange(changeParameters)), void (this.removed = !1);
change && change.suggester.onChange(this.createReasonParameter(change)), exit && shouldRunExit() && (exit.suggester.onExit(this.createReasonParameter(exit)),
this.removed = !1, isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason) && (this.handlerMatches = coreHelpers.object()));
}), _ignoreNextExit.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: !1
}), _suggesters.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: void 0
}), _next.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: void 0
}), _prev.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: void 0
}), _handlerMatches.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: coreHelpers.object()
}), _ignored.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty
}), _removed.set(this, {
writable: !0,
value: !1
}), _defineProperty(this, "setMarkRemoved", () => {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, !0);
}), _defineProperty(this, "ignoreNextExit", () => {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, !0);
}), _defineProperty(this, "addIgnored", _ref => {
var from = _ref.from, char = _ref.char, name =, _ref$specific = _ref.specific, specific = void 0 !== _ref$specific && _ref$specific, to = from + char.length, suggester = this.suggesters.find(value => === name);
var from = _ref.from, char = _ref.char, name =, _ref$specific = _ref.specific, specific = void 0 !== _ref$specific && _ref$specific, to = from + char.length, suggester = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(value => === name);
if (!suggester) throw new Error("No suggester exists for the name provided: ".concat(name));

@@ -445,18 +454,14 @@ var attributes = suggester.ignoredClassName ? {

this.ignored = this.ignored.add(this.view.state.doc, [ decoration ]);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(this.view.state.doc, [ decoration ]));
}), _defineProperty(this, "removeIgnored", _ref2 => {
var from = _ref2.from, char = _ref2.char, name =, decoration = this.ignored.find(from, from + char.length)[0];
coreHelpers.bool(decoration) && === name && (this.ignored = this.ignored.remove([ decoration ]));
var from = _ref2.from, char = _ref2.char, name =, decoration = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find(from, from + char.length)[0];
coreHelpers.bool(decoration) && === name && _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove([ decoration ]));
}), _defineProperty(this, "clearIgnored", name => {
if (name) {
var decorationsToClear = this.ignored.find().filter(_ref3 => === name);
this.ignored = this.ignored.remove(decorationsToClear);
} else this.ignored = prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty;
var decorationsToClear = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find().filter(_ref3 => === name);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove(decorationsToClear));
} else _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, prosemirrorView.DecorationSet.empty);
var names = [];
this.suggesters = => {
if (names.includes( throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester);
return mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester), names.push(, clone;
var mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters,;

@@ -471,3 +476,3 @@ init(view) {

view: this.view,
setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue,
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved,
addIgnored: this.addIgnored,

@@ -492,12 +497,32 @@ clearIgnored: this.clearIgnored,

shouldRunExit() {
return !_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit) || (_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, !1),
onViewUpdate() {
var _classPrivateFieldGet2 = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches), change = _classPrivateFieldGet2.change, exit = _classPrivateFieldGet2.exit, match = this.match;
if ((change || exit) && isValidMatch(match)) {
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
change: change,
exit: exit
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit), changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
return exit.range.from < change.range.from ? (change.suggester.onChange(changeParameters),
this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters)) : (this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters),
change.suggester.onChange(changeParameters)), void _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, !1);
change && change.suggester.onChange(this.createReasonParameter(change)), exit && this.shouldRunExit() && (exit.suggester.onExit(this.createReasonParameter(exit)),
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, !1), isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason) && _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, coreHelpers.object()));
mapIgnoredDecorations(tr) {
var ignored =, tr.doc), invalid = ignored.find().filter(_ref4 => {
var ignored = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).map(tr.mapping, tr.doc), invalid = ignored.find().filter(_ref4 => {
var from = _ref4.from;
return - from !== _ref4.spec.char.length;
this.ignored = ignored.remove(invalid);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, ignored.remove(invalid));
shouldIgnoreMatch(_ref5) {
var range = _ref5.range, name =;
return this.ignored.find().some(_ref6 => {
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find().some(_ref6 => {
var spec = _ref6.spec;

@@ -508,19 +533,31 @@ return _ref6.from === range.from && (!spec.specific || === name);

resetState() {
this.handlerMatches = coreHelpers.object(), = void 0, this.removed = !1;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, coreHelpers.object()), _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, void 0),
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, !1);
updateReasons(_ref7) {
var $pos = _ref7.$pos, state = _ref7.state, match = findFromSuggestions({
suggesters: this.suggesters,
$pos: $pos
updateReasons(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos, state = parameter.state, docChanged = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _docChanged), match = findFromSuggesters({
suggesters: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters),
$pos: $pos,
docChanged: docChanged
}); = match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? void 0 : match, this.handlerMatches = findReason({
prev: this.prev,
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? void 0 : match),
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, findReason({
next: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next),
prev: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev),
state: state,
$pos: $pos
addSuggester(suggester) {
var previous = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(item => ===, mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
return _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, previous ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).map(item => item === previous ? mapper(suggester) : item) : [ ..._classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters), mapper(suggester) ]),
() => this.removeSuggester(;
removeSuggester(suggester) {
var name = coreHelpers.isString(suggester) ? suggester :;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).filter(item => !== name));
viewHandler() {
return {
update: this.onViewUpdate
update: this.onViewUpdate.bind(this)

@@ -531,6 +568,7 @@ }

apply(_ref8) {
var tr =, newState = _ref8.newState, exit = this.handlerMatches.exit;
return coreUtils.hasTransactionChanged(tr) || this.removed ? (this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr),
exit && this.resetState(), this.prev =, this.updateReasons({
apply(_ref7) {
var tr =, newState = _ref7.newState, exit = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches).exit;
return tr.docChanged || tr.selectionSet || _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed) ? (_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _docChanged, tr.docChanged),
this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr), exit && this.resetState(), _classPrivateFieldSet(this, _prev, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next)),
$pos: tr.selection.$from,

@@ -545,8 +583,8 @@ state: newState

event: event,
setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved
}, this.createParameter(match));
return runKeyBindings(coreHelpers.isFunction(keyBindings) ? keyBindings() : keyBindings, parameter);
handleTextInput(_ref9) {
var text = _ref9.text, from = _ref9.from, to =, match = this.match;
handleTextInput(_ref8) {
var text = _ref8.text, from = _ref8.from, to =, match = this.match;
return !!isValidMatch(match) && (0, match.suggester.onCharacterEntry)(_objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, this.createParameter(match)), {}, {

@@ -560,8 +598,8 @@ from: from,

var match = this.match;
if (!isValidMatch(match)) return this.ignored;
if (match.suggester.noDecorations) return this.ignored;
var range = match.range, _match$suggester = match.suggester, name = _match$, decorationsTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag, suggestionClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName, from = range.from, end = range.end;
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? this.ignored : this.ignored.add(state.doc, [ prosemirrorView.Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: decorationsTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestionClassName, " ").concat(suggestionClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestionClassName
if (!isValidMatch(match)) return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);
if (match.suggester.noDecorations) return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);
var range = match.range, _match$suggester = match.suggester, name = _match$, suggestTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag, suggestClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName, from = range.from, end = range.end;
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(state.doc, [ prosemirrorView.Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: suggestTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestClassName, " ").concat(suggestClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestClassName
}) ]);

@@ -571,8 +609,25 @@ }

function createSuggesterMapper() {
var names = new Set;
return suggester => {
if (names.has( throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester);
return mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester), names.add(, clone;
var suggestPluginKey = new prosemirrorState.PluginKey("suggest");
function getSuggestPluginState(state) {
return coreUtils.getPluginState(suggestPluginKey, state);
return suggestPluginKey.getState(state);
function addSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).addSuggester(suggester);
function removeSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).removeSuggester(suggester);
function suggest() {

@@ -604,4 +659,4 @@ for (var _len = arguments.length, suggesters = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) suggesters[_key] = arguments[_key];

exports.createRegexFromSuggestion = createRegexFromSuggestion, exports.escapeChar = escapeChar,
exports.DEFAULT_SUGGESTER = DEFAULT_SUGGESTER, exports.addSuggester = addSuggester,
exports.createRegexFromSuggester = createRegexFromSuggester, exports.escapeChar = escapeChar,
exports.getRegexPrefix = getRegexPrefix, exports.getSuggestPluginState = getSuggestPluginState,

@@ -613,2 +668,3 @@ exports.isChange = isChange, exports.isChangeReason = isChangeReason, exports.isEntry = isEntry,

exports.isSplitReason = isSplitReason, exports.isValidMatch = isValidMatch, exports.regexToString = regexToString,
exports.selectionOutsideMatch = selectionOutsideMatch, exports.suggest = suggest;
exports.removeSuggester = removeSuggester, exports.selectionOutsideMatch = selectionOutsideMatch,
exports.suggest = suggest;
import { Plugin, PluginKey } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { isSelectionEmpty, hasTransactionChanged, getPluginState } from '@remirror/core-utils';
import _defineProperty from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty';

@@ -14,9 +13,2 @@ import _classPrivateFieldSet from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classPrivateFieldSet';

command: noop,
create: noop,
remove: noop,
update: noop
var defaultHandler = () => false;

@@ -175,3 +167,3 @@

var createRegexFromSuggestion = function createRegexFromSuggestion(_ref) {
var createRegexFromSuggester = function createRegexFromSuggester(_ref) {
var char = _ref.char,

@@ -205,2 +197,3 @@ matchOffset = _ref.matchOffset,


@@ -212,8 +205,6 @@ * Checks to see if the text before the matching character is a valid prefix.

function isPrefixValid(prefix, options) {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = options.invalidPrefixCharacters,
validPrefixCharacters = options.validPrefixCharacters;
var isPrefixValid = (prefix, _ref) => {
var invalidPrefixCharacters = _ref.invalidPrefixCharacters,
validPrefixCharacters = _ref.validPrefixCharacters;
if (!isUndefined(invalidPrefixCharacters)) {

@@ -229,3 +220,3 @@ var regex = new RegExp(regexToString(invalidPrefixCharacters));


@@ -238,9 +229,8 @@ * Find the position of a mention for a given selection and character

var findPosition = (_ref2) => {
var text = _ref2.text,
regexp = _ref2.regexp,
$pos = _ref2.$pos,
char = _ref2.char,
suggester = _ref2.suggester;
var position;
function findPosition(parameter) {
var text = parameter.text,
regexp = parameter.regexp,
$pos = parameter.$pos,
char = parameter.char,
suggester = parameter.suggester;
var cursor = $pos.pos; // The current cursor position

@@ -250,2 +240,3 @@

var position;
findMatches(text, regexp).forEach(match => {

@@ -288,12 +279,11 @@ // Check the character before the current match to ensure it is not one of

return position;
* Checks if any matches exist at the current selection for so that the
* suggesters be activated or deactivated.
* Checks if any matches exist at the current selection so that the
* suggesters can be activated or deactivated.
function findMatch(_ref3) {
var $pos = _ref3.$pos,
suggester = _ref3.suggester;
function findMatch(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos,
suggester = parameter.suggester;
var char = suggester.char,

@@ -305,3 +295,3 @@ name =,

var regexp = createRegexFromSuggestion({
var regexp = createRegexFromSuggester({

@@ -324,2 +314,3 @@ matchOffset,


@@ -332,10 +323,8 @@ * Checks the provided match and generates a new match. This is useful for

function recheckMatch(parameter) {
var state = parameter.state,
match = parameter.match;
var recheckMatch = (_ref4) => {
var state = _ref4.state,
match = _ref4.match;
try {
// Wrapped in try catch because it's possible for everything to be deleted
// Wrapped in try/catch because it's possible for everything to be deleted
// and the doc.resolve will fail.

@@ -349,3 +338,4 @@ return findMatch({


@@ -358,10 +348,7 @@ * Check whether the insert action occurred at the end, in the middle or caused

function createInsertReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state; // Has the text been removed? TODO how to tests for deletions mid document?
var createInsertReason = (_ref5) => {
var prev = _ref5.prev,
next =,
state = _ref5.state;
// Has the text been removed? TODO how to tests for deletions mid document?
if (!next && prev.range.from >= state.doc.nodeSize) {

@@ -407,12 +394,11 @@ return {

return {};
* Find the reason for the Jump
var findJumpReason = (_ref6) => {
var prev = _ref6.prev,
next =,
state = _ref6.state;
function findJumpReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state;
var value = object();

@@ -424,3 +410,3 @@ var updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({

var _ref7 = updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full !== prev.queryText.full // has query changed
var _ref = updatedPrevious && updatedPrevious.queryText.full !== prev.queryText.full // has query changed
? createInsertReason({

@@ -431,3 +417,3 @@ prev,

}) : value,
exit = _ref7.exit;
exit = _ref.exit;

@@ -459,3 +445,4 @@ var isJumpForward = prev.range.from < next.range.from;


@@ -467,8 +454,6 @@ * Find the reason for the exit.

var findExitReason = (_ref8) => {
var match = _ref8.match,
state = _ref8.state,
$pos = _ref8.$pos;
function findExitReason(parameter) {
var match = parameter.match,
state = parameter.state,
$pos = parameter.$pos;
var selection = state.selection;

@@ -489,3 +474,3 @@ var updatedPrevious = recheckMatch({

if (!isSelectionEmpty(state) && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end)) {
if (!state.selection.empty && (selection.from <= match.range.from || >= match.range.end)) {
return {

@@ -520,3 +505,3 @@ exit: createMatchWithReason({

return {};

@@ -529,3 +514,3 @@ /**

var bindings = parameter.bindings,
suggestionParameter = parameter.suggestionParameter;
suggestParameter = parameter.suggestParameter;
var transformed = object();

@@ -542,3 +527,3 @@

transformed[key] = () => bool(binding(suggestionParameter));
transformed[key] = () => bool(binding(suggestParameter));

@@ -567,7 +552,7 @@

function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestionParameter) {
function runKeyBindings(bindings, suggestParameter) {
return keydownHandler(transformKeyBindings({
}))(suggestionParameter.view, suggestionParameter.event);
}))(suggestParameter.view, suggestParameter.event);

@@ -579,7 +564,7 @@

var findReason = (_ref9) => {
var prev = _ref9.prev,
next =,
state = _ref9.state,
$pos = _ref9.$pos;
function findReason(parameter) {
var prev = parameter.prev,
next =,
state = parameter.state,
$pos = parameter.$pos;
var value = object();

@@ -636,3 +621,3 @@

reason: isSelectionEmpty(state) ? ChangeReason.Move : ChangeReason.SelectionInside
reason: state.selection.empty ? ChangeReason.Move : ChangeReason.SelectionInside

@@ -643,3 +628,3 @@ };

return value;

@@ -649,7 +634,6 @@ * Find a match for the provided matchers

function findFromSuggestions(_ref10) {
var suggesters = _ref10.suggesters,
$pos = _ref10.$pos;
function findFromSuggesters(parameter) {
var suggesters = parameter.suggesters,
$pos = parameter.$pos; // Find the first match and break when done
// Find the first match and break when done
var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(suggesters),

@@ -688,7 +672,21 @@ _step2;

* The suggestion state which manages the list of suggesters.
* The `prosemirror-suggest` state which manages the list of suggesters.
var _docChanged = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _ignoreNextExit = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _suggesters = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _next = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _prev = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _handlerMatches = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _ignored = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
var _removed = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap();
class SuggestState {

@@ -701,8 +699,27 @@ /**

* True when the doc changed in the most recently applied transaction.
* Returns the current active suggestion state field if one exists
* True when the most recent change was to remove a mention.
* @remarks
* This is needed because sometimes removing a prosemirror `Mark` has no
* effect. Hence we need to keep track of whether it's removed and then later
* in the apply step check that a removal has happened and reset the
* `handlerMatches` to prevent an infinite loop.
get removed() {
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed);
* Returns the current active suggester state field if one exists
get match() {
return ? : this.prev && this.handlerMatches.exit ? this.prev : undefined;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) && _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches).exit ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev) : undefined;

@@ -725,2 +742,7 @@ /**

constructor(suggesters) {
_docChanged.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: false
_ignoreNextExit.set(this, {

@@ -731,68 +753,34 @@ writable: true,

_defineProperty(this, "handlerMatches", object());
_suggesters.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "ignored", DecorationSet.empty);
_next.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "removed", false);
_prev.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: void 0
_defineProperty(this, "setRemovedTrue", () => {
this.removed = true;
_handlerMatches.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: object()
_defineProperty(this, "onViewUpdate", () => {
var match = this.match,
_this$handlerMatches = this.handlerMatches,
change = _this$handlerMatches.change,
exit = _this$handlerMatches.exit;
_ignored.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: DecorationSet.empty
var shouldRunExit = () => {
if (_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, false);
_removed.set(this, {
writable: true,
value: false
return false;
return true;
}; // Cancel update when a suggestion isn't active
if (!change && !exit || !isValidMatch(match)) {
} // When a jump happens run the action that involves the
// position that occurs later in the document. This is so that changes don't
// affect previous positions.
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit);
var changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
var movedForwards = exit.range.from < change.range.from;
if (movedForwards) {
shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
} else {
shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
this.removed = false;
if (change) {
if (exit && shouldRunExit()) {
this.removed = false;
if (isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason)) {
this.handlerMatches = object();
_defineProperty(this, "setMarkRemoved", () => {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, true);

@@ -811,4 +799,5 @@

var to = from + char.length;
var suggester = this.suggesters.find(value => === name);
var suggester = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(value => === name);
if (!suggester) {

@@ -828,3 +817,4 @@ throw new Error("No suggester exists for the name provided: ".concat(name));

this.ignored = this.ignored.add(this.view.state.doc, [decoration]);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(this.view.state.doc, [decoration]));

@@ -836,3 +826,5 @@

name =;
var decorations = this.ignored.find(from, from + char.length);
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find(from, from + char.length);
var decoration = decorations[0];

@@ -844,3 +836,3 @@

this.ignored = this.ignored.remove([decoration]);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove([decoration]));

@@ -850,3 +842,4 @@

if (name) {
var decorations = this.ignored.find();
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find();
var decorationsToClear = decorations.filter((_ref3) => {

@@ -856,21 +849,12 @@ var spec = _ref3.spec;

this.ignored = this.ignored.remove(decorationsToClear);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).remove(decorationsToClear));
} else {
this.ignored = DecorationSet.empty;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, DecorationSet.empty);
var names = [];
this.suggesters = => {
if (names.includes( {
throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester); // Preserve any descriptors (getters and setters)
mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester);
return clone;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters,;

@@ -900,3 +884,3 @@ /**

view: this.view,
setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue,
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved,
addIgnored: this.addIgnored,

@@ -932,2 +916,16 @@ clearIgnored: this.clearIgnored,

* Check whether the exit callback is valid at this time.
shouldRunExit() {
if (_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignoreNextExit)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignoreNextExit, false);
return false;
return true;
* Manages the view updates.

@@ -937,2 +935,51 @@ */

onViewUpdate() {
var _classPrivateFieldGet2 = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches),
change = _classPrivateFieldGet2.change,
exit = _classPrivateFieldGet2.exit;
var match = this.match; // Cancel update when a suggester isn't active
if (!change && !exit || !isValidMatch(match)) {
} // When a jump happens run the action that involves the
// position that occurs later in the document. This is so that changes don't
// affect previous positions.
if (change && exit && isJumpReason({
})) {
var exitParameters = this.createReasonParameter(exit);
var changeParameters = this.createReasonParameter(change);
var movedForwards = exit.range.from < change.range.from;
if (movedForwards) {
this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
} else {
this.shouldRunExit() && exit.suggester.onExit(exitParameters);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);
if (change) {
if (exit && this.shouldRunExit()) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);
if (isInvalidSplitReason(exit.reason)) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, object());

@@ -942,5 +989,8 @@ * Update the current ignored decorations based on the latest changes to the

mapIgnoredDecorations(tr) {
// Map over and update the ignored decorations.
var ignored =, tr.doc);
var ignored = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).map(tr.mapping, tr.doc);
var decorations = ignored.find(); // For suggesters with multiple characters it is possible for a `paste` or

@@ -962,3 +1012,4 @@ // any edit action within the decoration to expand the ignored section. We

this.ignored = ignored.remove(invalid);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ignored, ignored.remove(invalid));

@@ -969,3 +1020,5 @@

name =;
var decorations = this.ignored.find();
var decorations = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).find();
return decorations.some((_ref6) => {

@@ -989,5 +1042,7 @@ var spec = _ref6.spec,

resetState() {
this.handlerMatches = object(); = undefined;
this.removed = false;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, object());
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, undefined);
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _removed, false);

@@ -999,19 +1054,53 @@ /**

updateReasons(_ref7) {
var $pos = _ref7.$pos,
state = _ref7.state;
var match = findFromSuggestions({
suggesters: this.suggesters,
}); = match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? undefined : match; // Store the matches with reasons
updateReasons(parameter) {
var $pos = parameter.$pos,
state = parameter.state;
this.handlerMatches = findReason({
prev: this.prev,
var docChanged = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _docChanged);
var match = findFromSuggesters({
suggesters: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters),
}); // Track the next match if not being ignored.
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _next, match && this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? undefined : match); // Store the matches with reasons
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _handlerMatches, findReason({
next: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next),
prev: _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _prev),
* Add a new suggest or replace it if it already exists.
addSuggester(suggester) {
var previous = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).find(item => ===;
var mapper = createSuggesterMapper();
if (previous) {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).map(item => item === previous ? mapper(suggester) : item));
} else {
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, [..._classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters), mapper(suggester)]);
return () => this.removeSuggester(;
* Remove a suggester if it exists.
removeSuggester(suggester) {
var name = isString(suggester) ? suggester :;
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _suggesters, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _suggesters).filter(item => !== name));
* Used to handle the view property of the plugin spec.

@@ -1023,3 +1112,3 @@ */

return {
update: this.onViewUpdate
update: this.onViewUpdate.bind(this)

@@ -1038,19 +1127,27 @@ }

apply(_ref8) {
var tr =,
newState = _ref8.newState;
var exit = this.handlerMatches.exit;
apply(_ref7) {
var tr =,
newState = _ref7.newState;
if (!hasTransactionChanged(tr) && !this.removed) {
var _classPrivateFieldGet3 = _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _handlerMatches),
exit = _classPrivateFieldGet3.exit;
var transactionHasChanged = tr.docChanged || tr.selectionSet;
if (!transactionHasChanged && !_classPrivateFieldGet(this, _removed)) {
return this;
this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr); // If the previous run was an exit reset the suggestion matches
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _docChanged, tr.docChanged);
this.mapIgnoredDecorations(tr); // If the previous run was an exit, reset the suggester matches.
if (exit) {
} // Track the previous match.
this.prev =; // Match against the current selection position
_classPrivateFieldSet(this, _prev, _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _next)); // Match against the current selection position

@@ -1080,3 +1177,3 @@ $pos: tr.selection.$from,

setMarkRemoved: this.setRemovedTrue
setMarkRemoved: this.setMarkRemoved
}, this.createParameter(match)); // TODO recalculating the keybindings on every update this is a performance bottleneck

@@ -1092,6 +1189,6 @@

handleTextInput(_ref9) {
var text = _ref9.text,
from = _ref9.from,
to =;
handleTextInput(_ref8) {
var text = _ref8.text,
from = _ref8.from,
to =;
var match = this.match;

@@ -1120,7 +1217,7 @@

if (!isValidMatch(match)) {
return this.ignored;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);
if (match.suggester.noDecorations) {
return this.ignored;
return _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored);

@@ -1131,9 +1228,9 @@

name = _match$,
decorationsTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag,
suggestionClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName;
suggestTag = _match$suggester.suggestTag,
suggestClassName = _match$suggester.suggestClassName;
var from = range.from,
end = range.end;
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? this.ignored : this.ignored.add(state.doc, [Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: decorationsTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestionClassName, " ").concat(suggestionClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestionClassName
return this.shouldIgnoreMatch(match) ? _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored) : _classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ignored).add(state.doc, [Decoration.inline(from, end, {
nodeName: suggestTag,
class: name ? "".concat(suggestClassName, " ").concat(suggestClassName, "-").concat(name) : suggestClassName

@@ -1144,2 +1241,18 @@ }

function createSuggesterMapper() {
var names = new Set();
return suggester => {
if (names.has( {
throw new Error("A suggester already exists with the name '".concat(, "'. The name provided must be unique."));
var clone = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER), suggester); // Preserve any descriptors (getters and setters)
mergeDescriptors(clone, suggester);
return clone;
var suggestPluginKey = /*#__PURE__*/new PluginKey('suggest');

@@ -1153,10 +1266,28 @@ /**

function getSuggestPluginState(state) {
return getPluginState(suggestPluginKey, state);
return suggestPluginKey.getState(state);
* This creates a suggestion plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* Add a new suggester or replace it if the name already exists in the existing
* configuration.
* Will return a function for disposing of the added suggester.
function addSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).addSuggester(suggester);
* Remove a suggester if it exists. Pass in the name or the full suggester
* object.
function removeSuggester(state, suggester) {
return getSuggestPluginState(state).removeSuggester(suggester);
* This creates a suggest plugin with all the suggesters provided.
* @remarks
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggestion plugin that
* In the following example we're creating an emoji suggest plugin that
* responds to the colon character with a query and presents a list of matching

@@ -1166,3 +1297,3 @@ * emojis based on the query typed so far.

* ```ts
* import { Suggestion, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';
* import { Suggester, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';

@@ -1174,3 +1305,3 @@ * const maxResults = 10;

* const suggestEmojis: Suggestion = {
* const suggestEmojis: Suggester = {
* // By default decorations are used to highlight the currently matched

@@ -1233,7 +1364,7 @@ * // suggestion in the dom.

* // Create the plugin with the above configuration. It also supports multiple plugins being added.
* const suggestionPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* const suggesterPlugin = suggest(suggestEmojis);
* // Include the plugin in the created editor state.
* const state = EditorState.create({schema,
* plugins: [suggestionPlugin],
* plugins: [suggesterPlugin],
* });

@@ -1248,4 +1379,4 @@ * ```

* Only one suggestion can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggestion will be active.
* Only one suggester can match at any given time. The order and specificity of
* the regex parameters help determines which suggester will be active.

@@ -1283,3 +1414,3 @@ * @param suggesters - a list of suggesters in the order they should be

props: {
// Call the keydown hook if suggestion is active.
// Call the keydown hook if suggester is active.
handleKeyDown: (_, event) => {

@@ -1305,2 +1436,2 @@ return pluginState.handleKeyDown(event);

export { ChangeReason, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER, DEFAULT_SUGGEST_ACTIONS, ExitReason, createRegexFromSuggestion, escapeChar, getRegexPrefix, getSuggestPluginState, isChange, isChangeReason, isEntry, isExit, isExitReason, isInvalidSplitReason, isJump, isJumpReason, isMove, isRemovedReason, isSelectionExitReason, isSplitReason, isValidMatch, regexToString, selectionOutsideMatch, suggest };
export { ChangeReason, DEFAULT_SUGGESTER, ExitReason, addSuggester, createRegexFromSuggester, escapeChar, getRegexPrefix, getSuggestPluginState, isChange, isChangeReason, isEntry, isExit, isExitReason, isInvalidSplitReason, isJump, isJumpReason, isMove, isRemovedReason, isSelectionExitReason, isSplitReason, isValidMatch, regexToString, removeSuggester, selectionOutsideMatch, suggest };
"name": "prosemirror-suggest",
"version": "1.0.0-next.3",
"version": "1.0.0-next.4",
"description": "Primitives for building your prosemirror suggestion and autocomplete functionality",

@@ -14,2 +14,6 @@ "homepage": "",

"module": "dist/prosemirror-suggest.esm.js",
"browser": {
"./dist/prosemirror-suggest.cjs.js": "./dist/prosemirror-suggest.browser.cjs.js",
"./dist/prosemirror-suggest.esm.js": "./dist/prosemirror-suggest.browser.esm.js"
"types": "dist/prosemirror-suggest.cjs.d.ts",

@@ -20,22 +24,37 @@ "files": [

"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.10.5",
"@remirror/core-constants": "^1.0.0-next.4",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "^1.0.0-next.4",
"@remirror/core-types": "^1.0.0-next.4",
"@remirror/core-utils": "^1.0.0-next.8",
"@babel/runtime": "^7.11.0",
"@remirror/core-constants": "1.0.0-next.16",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "1.0.0-next.16",
"@remirror/core-types": "1.0.0-next.16",
"@types/merge-descriptors": "1.0.1",
"escape-string-regexp": "^4.0.0",
"merge-descriptors": "1.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/prosemirror-keymap": "^1.0.3",
"@types/prosemirror-state": "^1.2.5",
"@types/prosemirror-view": "^1.15.0",
"escape-string-regexp": "^4.0.0",
"merge-descriptors": "1.0.1",
"prosemirror-keymap": "^1.1.4",
"prosemirror-state": "^1.3.3"
"devDependencies": {
"prosemirror-state": "^1.3.3",
"prosemirror-view": "^1.15.2"
"peerDependencies": {
"@types/prosemirror-keymap": "^1.0.3",
"@types/prosemirror-state": "^1.2.5",
"@types/prosemirror-view": "^1.15.0",
"prosemirror-keymap": "^1.1.4",
"prosemirror-state": "^1.3.3",
"prosemirror-view": "^1.14.9"
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
"@types/prosemirror-keymap": {
"optional": true
"@types/prosemirror-state": {
"optional": true
"@types/prosemirror-view": {
"optional": true
"publishConfig": {

@@ -45,4 +64,4 @@ "access": "public"

"meta": {
"sizeLimit": "50 KB"
"sizeLimit": "10 KB"
# prosemirror-suggest
[![npm bundle size (scoped)](](
> Primitives for building your prosemirror suggestion and autocomplete functionality.
Primitives for building your prosemirror suggestion and autocomplete functionality.
[![Version][version]][npm] [![Weekly Downloads][downloads-badge]][npm]
[![Bundled size][size-badge]][size] [![Typed Codebase][typescript]](./src/index.ts)
![MIT License][license]
<br />
## The problem

@@ -23,17 +34,27 @@

<br />
## Installation
`prosemirror-view` is a peer dependency of `prosemirror-suggest` and needs to be installed as well.
# yarn
yarn add prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view prosemirror-state prosemirror-keymap
yarn add prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view # yarn
pnpm add prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view # pnpm
npm add prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view # npm
# pnpm
pnpm add prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view prosemirror-state prosemirror-keymap
# npm
npm install prosemirror-suggest prosemirror-view prosemirror-state prosemirror-keymap
The installation requires the installation of the peer dependencies
`prosemirror-view prosemirror-state prosemirror-keymap` to avoid version clashes.
<br />
## Getting Started
`prosemirror-suggest` uses configuration objects called `Suggestion`<!-- -->'s to define the
`prosemirror-suggest` uses configuration objects called `Suggester`<!-- -->'s to define the
behaviour of the suggesters you create. By calling the exported `suggest` method with all required
`Suggestion`<!-- -->'s the functionality is added to the editor in one plugin.
`Suggester`<!-- -->'s the functionality is added to the editor in one plugin.

@@ -44,3 +65,3 @@ In the following example we're creating an emoji suggestion plugin that responds to the colon

import { Suggestion, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';
import { Suggester, suggest } from 'prosemirror-suggest';

@@ -52,3 +73,3 @@ const maxResults = 10;

const suggestEmojis: Suggestion = {
const suggestEmojis: Suggester = {
// By default decorations are used to highlight the currently matched

@@ -149,3 +170,3 @@ // suggestion in the dom.

suggest: (...suggesters: Suggestion[]) => Plugin;
suggest: (...suggesters: Suggester[]) => Plugin;

@@ -161,10 +182,10 @@

Only one suggestion can match at any given time. The order and specificity of the regex parameters
help determines which suggestion will be active.
Only one suggester can match at any given time. The order and specificity of the regex parameters
help determines which suggester will be active.
<br />
### `Suggestion`
### `Suggester`
This `Suggestion` interface defines all the options required to create a suggestion within your
This `Suggester` interface defines all the options required to create a suggester within your

@@ -175,3 +196,3 @@

export interface Suggestion<GCommand extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>>
export interface Suggester<GCommand extends AnyFunction<void> = AnyFunction<void>>

@@ -181,31 +202,29 @@

| Property | Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [appendText]( | <code>string</code> | Text to append after the mention has been added. |
| [char]( | <code>string</code> | The activation character(s) to match against. |
| [ignoredClassName]( | <code>string</code> | Set a class for the ignored suggestion decoration. |
| [ignoredTag]( | <code>string</code> | Set a tag for the ignored suggestion decoration. |
| [invalidPrefixCharacters]( | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex expression used to invalidate the text directly before the match. |
| [keyBindings]( | <code>SuggestKeyBindingMap&lt;GCommand&gt;</code> | An object that describes how certain key bindings should be handled. |
| [matchOffset]( | <code>number</code> | Sets the characters that need to be present after the initial character match before a match is triggered. |
| [name]( | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for the suggester. |
| [noDecorations]( | <code>boolean</code> | When true, decorations are not created when this mention is being edited.. |
| [startOfLine]( | <code>boolean</code> | Whether to only match from the start of the line |
| [suggestClassName]( | <code>string</code> | Class name to use for the decoration (while the suggestion is still being written) |
| [suggestTag]( | <code>string</code> | Tag for the prosemirror decoration which wraps an active match. |
| [supportedCharacters]( | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex containing all supported characters when within a suggestion. |
| [validPrefixCharacters]( | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex expression used to validate the text directly before the match. |
| Property | Type | Description |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `appendText` | <code>string</code> | Text to append after the mention has been added. |
| `char` | <code>string</code> | The activation character(s) to match against. |
| `ignoredClassName` | <code>string</code> | Set a class for the ignored suggester decoration. |
| `ignoredTag` | <code>string</code> | Set a tag for the ignored suggester decoration. |
| `invalidPrefixCharacters` | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex expression used to invalidate the text directly before the match. |
| `keyBindings` | <code>SuggestKeyBindingMap&lt;GCommand&gt;</code> | An object that describes how certain key bindings should be handled. |
| `matchOffset` | <code>number</code> | Sets the characters that need to be present after the initial character match before a match is triggered. |
| `name` | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for the suggester. |
| `noDecorations` | <code>boolean</code> | When true, decorations are not created when this mention is being edited.. |
| `startOfLine` | <code>boolean</code> | Whether to only match from the start of the line |
| `suggestClassName` | <code>string</code> | Class name to use for the decoration (while the suggester is still being written) |
| `suggestTag` | <code>string</code> | Tag for the prosemirror decoration which wraps an active match. |
| `supportedCharacters` | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex containing all supported characters when within a suggester. |
| `validPrefixCharacters` | <code>RegExp &#124; string</code> | A regex expression used to validate the text directly before the match. |
#### Methods
| Method | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [createCommand(params)]( | Create the suggested actions which are made available to the <code>onExit</code> and on<code>onChange</code> handlers. |
| [onChange(params)]( | Called whenever a suggestion becomes active or changes in anyway. |
| [onCharacterEntry(params)]( | Called for each character entry and can be used to disable certain characters. |
| [onExit(params)]( | Called when a suggestion is exited with the pre-exit match value. |
| Method | Description |
| -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `createCommand(params)` | Create the suggested actions which are made available to the <code>onExit</code> and on<code>onChange</code> handlers. |
| `onChange(params)` | Called whenever a suggester becomes active or changes in anyway. |
| `onCharacterEntry(params)` | Called for each character entry and can be used to disable certain characters. |
| `onExit(params)` | Called when a suggester is exited with the pre-exit match value. |
The options are passed to the
method which uses them.
The options are passed to the `suggest` method which uses them.

@@ -218,68 +237,68 @@ <br />

| Enumeration | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| [ChangeReason]( | The potential reason for changes |
| [ExitReason]( | The potential reasons for an exit of a mention. |
| Enumeration | Description |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `ChangeReason` | The potential reason for changes |
| `ExitReason` | The potential reasons for an exit of a mention. |
### Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [AddIgnoredParameter]( | The parameters needed for the [SuggestIgnoreParameter.addIgnored()]( action method available to the suggest plugin handlers. |
| [CompareMatchParameter]( | A parameter builder interface which compares the previous and next match. |
| [CreateSuggestCommandParameter]( | The parameters passed into the <code>createSuggest</code> suggester property. |
| [FromToEndParameter]( | A parameter builder interface describing a <code>from</code>/<code>to</code>/<code>end</code> range. |
| [KeyboardEventParameter]( | A parameter builder interface describing the event which triggers the keyboard event handler. |
| [MatchValue]( | The match value with the full and partial text. |
| [OnKeyDownParameter]( | The parameters required by the . |
| [ReasonMatchParameter]( | A parameter builder interface which adds the match property. |
| [ReasonParameter]( | A parameter builder interface indicating the reason the handler was called. |
| [RemoveIgnoredParameter]( | The parameters needed for the action method available to the suggest plugin handlers. |
| [SuggestCallbackParameter]( | |
| [SuggestChangeHandlerParameter]( | The parameters passed to the [Suggestion.onChange()]( method. |
| [SuggestCharacterEntryParameter]( | The parameters passed to the [Suggestion.onCharacterEntry()]( method. |
| [SuggestCommandParameter]( | A parameter builder interface which adds the command property. |
| [Suggestion]( | This <code>Suggestion</code> interface defines all the options required to create a suggestion within your editor. |
| [SuggestionParameter]( | |
| [SuggestExitHandlerParameter]( | The parameters passed to the [Suggestion.onExit()]( method. |
| [SuggestIgnoreParameter]( | A parameter builder interface describing the ignore methods available to the [Suggestion]( handlers. |
| [SuggestKeyBindingParameter]( | The parameters required by the [SuggestKeyBinding]( method. |
| [SuggestMarkParameter]( | A special parameter needed when creating editable suggester using prosemirror <code>Marks</code>. The method should be called when removing a suggestion that was identified by a prosemirror <code>Mark</code>. |
| [SuggestReasonMap]( | A mapping of the handler matches with their reasons for occurring within the suggest state. |
| [SuggestStateMatch]( | Describes the properties of a match which includes range and the text as well as information of the suggester that created the match. |
| [SuggestStateMatchParameter]( | A parameter builder interface describing match found by the suggest plugin. |
| [SuggestStateMatchReason]( | |
| Interface | Description |
| -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `AddIgnoredParameter` | The parameters needed for the `SuggestIgnoreParameter.addIgnored()` action method available to the suggest plugin handlers. |
| `CompareMatchParameter` | A parameter builder interface which compares the previous and next match. |
| `CreateSuggestCommandParameter` | The parameters passed into the <code>createSuggest</code> suggester property. |
| `FromToEndParameter` | A parameter builder interface describing a <code>from</code>/<code>to</code>/<code>end</code> range. |
| `KeyboardEventParameter` | A parameter builder interface describing the event which triggers the keyboard event handler. |
| `MatchValue` | The match value with the full and partial text. |
| `OnKeyDownParameter` | The parameters required by the . |
| `ReasonMatchParameter` | A parameter builder interface which adds the match property. |
| `ReasonParameter` | A parameter builder interface indicating the reason the handler was called. |
| `RemoveIgnoredParameter` | The parameters needed for the action method available to the suggest plugin handlers. |
| `SuggestCallbackParameter` | |
| `SuggestChangeHandlerParameter` | The parameters passed to the `Suggester.onChange()` method. |
| `SuggestCharacterEntryParameter` | The parameters passed to the `Suggester.onCharacterEntry()` method. |
| `SuggestCommandParameter` | A parameter builder interface which adds the command property. |
| `Suggester` | This <code>Suggester</code> interface defines all the options required to create a suggestion within your editor. |
| `SuggesterParameter` | |
| `SuggestExitHandlerParameter` | The parameters passed to the `Suggester.onExit()` method. |
| `SuggestIgnoreParameter` | A parameter builder interface describing the ignore methods available to the `Suggester` handlers. |
| `SuggestKeyBindingParameter` | The parameters required by the `SuggestKeyBinding` method. |
| `SuggestMarkParameter` | A special parameter needed when creating editable suggester using prosemirror <code>Marks</code>. The method should be called when removing a suggester that was identified by a prosemirror <code>Mark</code>. |
| `SuggestReasonMap` | A mapping of the handler matches with their reasons for occurring within the suggest state. |
| `SuggestStateMatch` | Describes the properties of a match which includes range and the text as well as information of the suggester that created the match. |
| `SuggestStateMatchParameter` | A parameter builder interface describing match found by the suggest plugin. |
| `SuggestStateMatchReason` | |
### Variables
| Variable | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [createRegexFromSuggestion]( | Create a regex expression to evaluate matches directly from the suggester properties. |
| [escapeChar]( | |
| [getRegexPrefix]( | Find regex prefix when depending on whether the mention only supports the start of a line or not |
| [getSuggestPluginState]( | Get the state of the suggest plugin. |
| [isChange]( | Is this a change in the current suggestion (added or deleted characters)? |
| [isChangeReason]( | |
| [isEntry]( | Are we entering a new suggestion? |
| [isExit]( | Are we exiting a suggestion? |
| [isExitReason]( | Check that the passed in value is an ExitReason |
| [isInvalidSplitReason]( | Checks that the reason was caused by a split at a point where there is no query. |
| [isJump]( | Is this a jump from one suggestion to another? |
| [isJumpReason]( | Checks to see if this is a jump reason. |
| [isMove]( | Has the cursor moved within the current suggestion (added or deleted characters)? |
| [isRemovedReason]( | Checks that the reason was caused by a deletion. |
| [isSplitReason]( | Checks that the reason passed is a split reason. This typically means that we should default to a partial update / creation of the mention. |
| [isValidMatch]( | True when the match is currently active (i.e. it's query has a value) |
| [regexToString]( | Convert a RegExp into a string |
| [selectionOutsideMatch]( | True when the current selection is outside the match. |
| [suggest]( | This creates a suggestion plugin with all the suggesters provided. |
| Variable | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `createRegexFromSuggester` | Create a regex expression to evaluate matches directly from the suggester properties. |
| `escapeChar` | |
| `getRegexPrefix` | Find regex prefix when depending on whether the mention only supports the start of a line or not |
| `getSuggestPluginState` | Get the state of the suggest plugin. |
| `isChange` | Is this a change in the current suggestion (added or deleted characters)? |
| `isChangeReason` | |
| `isEntry` | Are we entering a new suggestion? |
| `isExit` | Are we exiting a suggestion? |
| `isExitReason` | Check that the passed in value is an ExitReason |
| `isInvalidSplitReason` | Checks that the reason was caused by a split at a point where there is no query. |
| `isJump` | Is this a jump from one suggestion to another? |
| `isJumpReason` | Checks to see if this is a jump reason. |
| `isMove` | Has the cursor moved within the current suggestion (added or deleted characters)? |
| `isRemovedReason` | Checks that the reason was caused by a deletion. |
| `isSplitReason` | Checks that the reason passed is a split reason. This typically means that we should default to a partial update / creation of the mention. |
| `isValidMatch` | True when the match is currently active (i.e. it's query has a value) |
| `regexToString` | Convert a RegExp into a string |
| `selectionOutsideMatch` | True when the current selection is outside the match. |
| `suggest` | This creates a suggestion plugin with all the suggesters provided. |
### Type Aliases
| Type Alias | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [SuggestKeyBinding]( | A method for performing actions when a certain key / pattern is pressed. |
| [SuggestKeyBindingMap]( | The keybindings shape for the [Suggestion.keyBindings]( property. |
| [SuggestReplacementType]( | Determines whether to replace the full match or the partial match (up to the cursor position). |
| Type Alias | Description |
| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `SuggestKeyBinding` | A method for performing actions when a certain key / pattern is pressed. |
| `SuggestKeyBindingMap` | The keybindings shape for the `Suggester.keyBindings` property. |
| `SuggestReplacementType` | Determines whether to replace the full match or the partial match (up to the cursor position). |
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