What is public-encrypt?
The public-encrypt npm package provides functionality for asymmetric encryption and decryption using public and private keys. It allows users to encrypt data with a public key that can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, and vice versa.
What are public-encrypt's main functionalities?
Public Key Encryption
This feature allows you to encrypt data using a public key. The encrypted data can only be decrypted by someone with the corresponding private key.
const { publicEncrypt } = require('public-encrypt');
const { publicKey, privateKey } = require('crypto').generateKeyPairSync('rsa', { modulusLength: 2048 });
const encryptedData = publicEncrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from('Hello, World!'));
Private Key Decryption
This feature allows you to decrypt data using a private key that corresponds to the public key used for encryption.
const { privateDecrypt } = require('public-encrypt');
const { publicKey, privateKey } = require('crypto').generateKeyPairSync('rsa', { modulusLength: 2048 });
const encryptedData = publicEncrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from('Hello, World!'));
const decryptedData = privateDecrypt(privateKey, encryptedData);
Other packages similar to public-encrypt
node-rsa is a package that provides similar functionality for RSA encryption and decryption. It offers a more object-oriented approach compared to public-encrypt and includes additional features such as signing and verifying.
forge is a comprehensive library that includes not only public key encryption but also other cryptographic operations. It is more extensive than public-encrypt, providing a full set of tools for encryption, hashing, and TLS.
crypto-browserify is designed to emulate the Node.js crypto module for use in the browser. It includes functionality for public and private key encryption and decryption, similar to public-encrypt, but is tailored for browser environments.