Push Service for Node
This is a Node module to work with push notifications for iOS and Android.
It will work with other devices later.
How it works
npm install push_service --save
var push = new require('push_service')({
apnKeyDevel: 'path/to/developmentKey',
apnKeyProd: 'path/to/productionKey',
apnCerDevel: 'path/to/developmentCertificate',
apnCerProd: 'path/to/productionCertificate',
apnPassphrase: 'Your APN Passphrase',
gcmSenderId: 'Your Google GCM SenderID'
var message = {
title: 'Your message title',
message: 'Your message message',
to: 'token or array of tokens',
data: {
messageId: 10,
messageInfo: 'This info you arrive to your device as a payload'
push.sendTo('android', message).then(function() {
console.log('Message sent!');