A mutable URI parser and formatter for use by monkey patches. ql.io lets you monkey patch tables
by attaching a Node module with each table. Here is an example of how a monkey patch module could
patch the request URI.
// Patch the request URI. ql.io engine would use the returned URI.
exports['patch uri'] = function(options) {
var statement = options.statement, uri = options.uri, params = options.params, count = 0;
if(statement.offset && statement.limit) {
uri.setParam('paginationInput.pageNumber', statement.offset / statement.limit);
count = 0
if(params.FreeShippingOnly) {
uri.addParam("itemFilter(" + count + ").name", 'FreeShippingOnly');
uri.addParam("itemFilter(" + count + ").value", params.FreeShippingOnly);
if(params.MinPrice) {
uri.addParam("itemFilter(" + count + ").name", 'MinPrice');
uri.addParam("itemFilter(" + count + ").value", params.MinPrice);
return uri;