Advanced tools
from context in Field
components (5995) (fzaninotto)<Datagrid isRowExpandable
prop (5941) (WiXSL)useResourceLabel
hook (6016) (djhi)<FormTab>
(6061) (WiXSL)<FilterListItem>
(6034) (fzaninotto)useGetList
without pagination, sort, or filter params (6056) (fzaninotto)basePath
in buttons (6041) (fzaninotto)basePath
in Reference fields (6028) (fzaninotto)<SingleFieldList component>
(6036) (fzaninotto)<Labeled fullWidth>
(6089) (seniorquico)<ArrayInput helperText>
(6062) (WiXSL)<AutocompleteArrayInput>
call (6003) (djhi)success
notification type (5961) (WiXSL)<Confirm content
prop value (5954) (andrico1234)<ReferenceArrayField>
passes empty data to child when loaded (6080) (fzaninotto)useGetList
code (6069) (WiXSL)ra-input-rich-text
is missing types (6093) (fzaninotto)<SimpleList>
and other list components can't be used without context (6090) (fzaninotto)ra-ui-materialui
Input components props (6086) (tdnl)<FormWithRedirect>
props types (6085) (djhi)<Datagrid rowClick>
prop doesn't allow for functions that return a Promise (6060) (jvert)'ra-data-local-storage
(6083) (luoxi)Changelog
looses its value upon navigation (6066) (djhi)<AutocompleteInput>
and <AutocompletearrayInput>
options appear behind Dialog (6065) (fzaninotto)<DeleteWithConfirmButton>
propagates click event down to <DatagridRow>
(6063) (WiXSL)<ReferenceInput>
incorrectly sets the total
value (6058) (WiXSL)useGetList
return type assumes data
and ids
are possibly undefined
(6053) (fzaninotto)useRecordContext
doesn't work without props (6046) (fzaninotto)<Admin ready>
prop doesn't appear in the side navigation (6048) (WiXSL)bulkActionButtons
documentation (6043) (WiXSL)react-admin
package README is out of date (6042) (WiXSL)Changelog
and useRecordContext
internal representation (6038) (djhi)actions={false}
in a View component throws a runtime warning (6033) (fzaninotto)<Admin>
with no i18nProvider logs warnings for missing translations (6032) (fzaninotto)ra-ui-materialui
Form components (6030) (adrien-may)<Labeled>
in Fields doc (6040) (fzaninotto)Changelog
labels must have a valid translation message (6029) (fzaninotto)useRecordSelection
function name (6021) (WiXSL)<List>
as a standalone component (6017) (fzaninotto)Changelog
ignores defaultValue
prop (6002) (djhi)ra-data-graphql-simple
(5999) (Kilometers42)<TabbedForm>
tab headers don't turn red on validation error (5984) (djhi)<TabbedFormView>
component isn't exported (6011) (WiXSL)<SimpleFormView>
component isn't exported (6006) (WiXSL)<CheckboxGroupInput>
label styles (6001) (andrico1234)<AutoCompleteArrayInput>
Props Interface isn't exported (5990) (djhi)<DeleteButton>
props (5998) (DjebbZ)<SimpleForm>
JDocs (6004) (WiXSL)DataProviderContext
in Querying the API chapter (5988) (fzaninotto)sortBy
prop prescription in <ReferenceField>
documentation (5983) (guilbill)Changelog
props drilling (5977) (djhi)<ReferenceArrayInput>
passes wrong props to children (5975) (djhi)dataProvider.deleteMany
response format in Tutorial (5973) (tbrrt11)ra-data-local-storage
package name in installation instructions (5972) (Kiailandi)useListContext().perPage
(5967) (WiXSL)<DashboardMenuItem>
component (5966) (WiXSL)<UserMenu>
description and reference (5965) (WiXSL)<TabbedForm>
example (5960) (WiXSL)Changelog
loading state detection (5931) (djhi)resource
prop in components using ResourceContext
(5929) (WiXSL)<ReferenceField label>
prop when using an element as value (5927) (ValentinH)<FunctionField>
misses PropType for the render prop (5924) (WiXSL)Changelog
doesn't change loading state false when stacked queries end (5922) (djhi)<SkipNavigationButton>
does not allow global CSS override via theme (5917) (WiXSL)<ReferenceArrayInputView>
propTypes warning about required resource
prop (5916) (ValentinH)useListContext
and other view context hooks (5802) (Luwangel)<SaveButton>
incorrectly checks <FormContext>
presence (5911) (djhi)<TabbedForm>
does not display errors in hidden tabs on submit (5903) (djhi)<SelectField>
definition (5923) (WiXSL)