RAML Parser
This project contains a RAML parser capable (at this moment) to parser v0.8 version
of the RAML specification. The parser is written in CoffeeScript and its capable
of running inside NodeJS as well as in-browser.
The RAML parser is versioned in the following manner:
in which x.y denotes the version of the RAML specification
and z is the version of the parser.
So 0.1.2 is the 2nd revision of the parser for the 0.1 version
of the RAML specification.
If you are interested in contributing some code to this project, thanks! Please submit a Contributors Agreement acknowledging that you are transferring ownership.
To discuss this project, please use its github issues or the RAML forum.
Usage for NodeJS
Loading a RAML file is as easy as follows:
var raml = require('raml-parser');
raml.loadFile('myAPI.raml').then( function(data) {
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);
you can also alternatively load from a string containing the api definition:
var raml = require('raml-parser');
var definition = [
'#%RAML 0.8',
'title: MyApi',
'baseUri: http://myapi.com',
raml.load(definition).then( function(data) {
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);
Abstract Syntax Tree
Generating an AST from a RAML file is as easy as follows:
var raml = require('raml-parser');
var myAPI;
raml.composeFile('myAPI.raml').then( function(rootNode) {
console.log('Root Node: ' + rootNode)
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);
you can also alternatively generate an AST from a string containing the api definition:
var raml = require('raml-parser');
var definition = [
'#%RAML 0.8',
'title: MyApi',
'baseUri: http://myapi.com',
raml.compose(definition).then( function(rootNode) {
console.log('Root Node: ' + rootNode)
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);
Usage for In-Browser
Using the RAML parser from inside the browser requires the user to actually
include the RAML javascript file in a script tag as follows:
<script src="raml-parser.min.js"></script>
from there on the usage is pretty much the same as NodeJS, the script
defines a RAML.Parser object globally which can be used as follows:
RAML.Parser.loadFile('http://localhost:9001/myAPI.raml').then( function(data) {
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);
Notice that the in-browser version can fetch remote API definitions via XHR.