Files, proxies and inline "virtual files" over the air
ramp-resources is a "virtual file system" used to represent file sets on the
client and on the server in Buster.JS test runs.
2.0.2 (2015-Nov-26)
- Wait for all resources to be added fully before completing concat()
2.0.1 (2015-Nov-26)
- BREAKING: upgraded to
from when@1
- promises are now Common/A+ compliant and no longer release Zalgo - BREAKING: node support: min 4.2 LTS (Argon) required
- BREAKING: concat() now returns a promise
- License field in package.json
1.0.5 (2014-Aug-08)
1.0.4 (2014-May-12)
exported for buster-static
1.0.3 (2014-Apr-30)