What is rc-pagination?
The rc-pagination package is a React component for creating paginated interfaces, allowing users to navigate through pages of items. It provides a range of customization options to tailor the pagination behavior and appearance to the needs of different applications.
What are rc-pagination's main functionalities?
Basic Pagination
This code sample demonstrates how to render a basic pagination component with a total of 50 items.
import Pagination from 'rc-pagination';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
<Pagination total={50} />,
Custom Page Size
This code sample shows how to set a custom page size and enable a size changer dropdown for the user to select how many items to display per page.
import Pagination from 'rc-pagination';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
<Pagination total={500} defaultPageSize={20} showSizeChanger />,
Controlled Component
This code sample illustrates how to create a controlled pagination component where the current page state is managed by the parent component.
import Pagination from 'rc-pagination';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const App = () => {
const [current, setCurrent] = useState(1);
const onChange = page => {
return (
<Pagination current={current} onChange={onChange} total={100} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('container'));
Jump to Page
This code sample demonstrates how to enable the 'quick jumper' feature, allowing users to jump to a specific page directly.
import Pagination from 'rc-pagination';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
<Pagination total={100} showQuickJumper />,
Other packages similar to rc-pagination
react-paginate is a React component to create pagination. It provides built-in styles and is highly customizable. Compared to rc-pagination, react-paginate might be more suitable for those who prefer a component with out-of-the-box styled elements.
react-js-pagination is another React component for pagination. It is similar to rc-pagination but offers different customization options and styles. It might be a good alternative for users looking for a slightly different look and feel.
material-ui is a set of React components that implement Google's Material Design, including a pagination component. It is a comprehensive UI framework that offers a Material Design styled pagination component, which is different from the minimalistic approach of rc-pagination.
React Pagination Component.
npm install
npm start
online example: http://react-component.github.io/pagination/examples/
- support ie9,ie9+,chrome,firefox,safari
var Pagination = require('rc-pagination');
var React = require('react');
React.render(<Pagination />, container);
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
disabled | disable pagination | Bool | - |
defaultCurrent | uncontrolled current page | Number | 1 |
current | current page | Number | undefined |
total | items total count | Number | 0 |
defaultPageSize | default items per page | Number | 10 |
pageSize | items per page | Number | 10 |
onChange | page change callback | Function(current, pageSize) | - |
showSizeChanger | show pageSize changer | Bool | false |
pageSizeOptions | specify the sizeChanger selections | Array | ['10', '20', '30', '40'] |
onShowSizeChange | pageSize change callback | Function(current, size) | - |
hideOnSinglePage | hide on single page | Bool | false |
showPrevNextJumpers | show jump-prev, jump-next | Bool | true |
showQuickJumper | show quick goto jumper | Bool / Object | false / {goButton: true} |
showTotal | show total records and range | Function(total, [from, to]) | - |
className | className of pagination | String | - |
simple | when set, show simple pager | Object | null |
locale | to set l10n config | Object | zh_CN |
style | the style of pagination | Object | {} |
showLessItems | show less page items | Bool | false |
showTitle | show page items title | Bool | true |
itemRender | custom page item renderer | Function(current, type: 'page' | 'prev' |
prevIcon | specifict the default previous icon | ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode | |
nextIcon | specifict the default previous icon | ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode | |
jumpPrevIcon | specifict the default previous icon | ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode | |
jumpNextIcon | specifict the default previous icon | ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode | |
rc-pagination is released under the MIT license.