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react-compiler-runtime - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-experimental-fa06e2c-20241016 to 0.0.0-experimental-fcabbc1-20241106



@@ -14,3 +14,312 @@ /**

"use no memo";"use strict";function e(e){var t=Object.create(null);return e&&Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n){if("default"!==n){var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n);Object.defineProperty(t,n,o.get?o:{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return e[n]}})}})),t.default=e,Object.freeze(t)}var t,n,o=e(require("react"));const{useRef:r,useEffect:c,isValidElement:a}=o,i=null!==(t=o.__CLIENT_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE)&&void 0!==t?t:o.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED,s=Symbol.for("react.memo_cache_sentinel"),u="function"==typeof(null===(n=o.__COMPILER_RUNTIME)||void 0===n?void 0:n.c)?o.__COMPILER_RUNTIME.c:function(e){return o.useMemo((()=>{const t=new Array(e);for(let n=0;n<e;n++)t[n]=s;return t[s]=!0,t}),[])},l={};["readContext","useCallback","useContext","useEffect","useImperativeHandle","useInsertionEffect","useLayoutEffect","useMemo","useReducer","useRef","useState","useDebugValue","useDeferredValue","useTransition","useMutableSource","useSyncExternalStore","useId","unstable_isNewReconciler","getCacheSignal","getCacheForType","useCacheRefresh"].forEach((e=>{l[e]=()=>{throw new Error(`[React] Unexpected React hook call (${e}) from a React Forget compiled function. Check that all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') `)}}));let f=null;var p;function h(e){return i.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current=e,i.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current}l.useMemoCache=e=>{if(null==f)throw new Error("React Forget internal invariant violation: unexpected null dispatcher");return f.useMemoCache(e)},function(e){e[e.PushGuardContext=0]="PushGuardContext",e[e.PopGuardContext=1]="PopGuardContext",e[e.PushExpectHook=2]="PushExpectHook",e[e.PopExpectHook=3]="PopExpectHook"}(p||(p={}));const d=[];const y=new Map;const R=new Set;exports.$dispatcherGuard=function(e){const t=i.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;if(e===p.PushGuardContext){if(d.push(t),1===d.length&&(f=t),t===l)throw new Error("[React] Unexpected call to custom hook or component from a React Forget compiled function. Check that (1) all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') and (2) components are returned as JSX instead of being directly invoked.");h(l)}else if(e===p.PopGuardContext){const e=d.pop();if(null==e)throw new Error("React Forget internal error: unexpected null in guard stack");0===d.length&&(f=null),h(e)}else if(e===p.PushExpectHook)d.push(t),h(f);else{if(e!==p.PopExpectHook)throw new Error("Forget internal error: unreachable block"+e);{const e=d.pop();if(null==e)throw new Error("React Forget internal error: unexpected null in guard stack");h(e)}}},exports.$makeReadOnly=function(){throw new Error("TODO: implement $makeReadOnly in react-compiler-runtime")},exports.$reset=function(e){for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]=s},exports.$structuralCheck=function(e,t,n,o,r,c){function i(e,t,a,i){const s=`${o}:${c} [${r}] ${n}${a} changed from ${e} to ${t} at depth ${i}`;R.has(s)||(R.add(s),console.error(s))}!function e(t,n,o,r){if(!(r>2)&&t!==n)if(typeof t!=typeof n)i("type "+typeof t,"type "+typeof n,o,r);else if("object"==typeof t){const c=Array.isArray(t),s=Array.isArray(n);if(null===t&&null!==n)i("null","type "+typeof n,o,r);else if(null===n)i("type "+typeof t,"null",o,r);else if(t instanceof Map)if(n instanceof Map)if(t.size!==n.size)i(`Map instance with size ${t.size}`,`Map instance with size ${n.size}`,o,r);else for(const[c,a]of t)n.has(c)?e(a,n.get(c),`${o}.get(${c})`,r+1):i(`Map instance with key ${c}`,`Map instance without key ${c}`,o,r);else i("Map instance","other value",o,r);else if(n instanceof Map)i("other value","Map instance",o,r);else if(t instanceof Set)if(n instanceof Set)if(t.size!==n.size)i(`Set instance with size ${t.size}`,`Set instance with size ${n.size}`,o,r);else for(const e of n)t.has(e)||i(`Set instance without element ${e}`,`Set instance with element ${e}`,o,r);else i("Set instance","other value",o,r);else if(n instanceof Set)i("other value","Set instance",o,r);else if(c||s)if(c!==s)i("type "+(c?"array":"object"),"type "+(s?"array":"object"),o,r);else if(t.length!==n.length)i(`array with length ${t.length}`,`array with length ${n.length}`,o,r);else for(let c=0;c<t.length;c++)e(t[c],n[c],`${o}[${c}]`,r+1);else if(a(t)||a(n))a(t)!==a(n)?i("type "+(a(t)?"React element":"object"),"type "+(a(n)?"React element":"object"),o,r):t.type!==n.type?i(`React element of type ${t.type}`,`React element of type ${n.type}`,o,r):e(t.props,n.props,`[props of ${o}]`,r+1);else{for(const e in n)e in t||i(`object without key ${e}`,`object with key ${e}`,o,r);for(const c in t)c in n?e(t[c],n[c],`${o}.${c}`,r+1):i(`object with key ${c}`,`object without key ${c}`,o,r)}}else{if("function"==typeof t)return;isNaN(t)||isNaN(n)?isNaN(t)!==isNaN(n)&&i(""+(isNaN(t)?"NaN":"non-NaN value"),""+(isNaN(n)?"NaN":"non-NaN value"),o,r):t!==n&&i(t,n,o,r)}}(e,t,"",0)},exports.c=u,exports.clearRenderCounterRegistry=function(){for(const e of y.values())e.forEach((e=>{e.count=0}))},exports.renderCounterRegistry=y,exports.useRenderCounter=function(e){const t=r(null);null!=t.current&&(t.current.count+=1),c((()=>{if(null==t.current){const n={count:0};!function(e,t){let n=y.get(e);null==n&&(n=new Set,y.set(e,n)),n.add(t)}(e,n),t.current=n}return()=>{null!==t.current&&function(e,t){const n=y.get(e);null!=n&&n.delete(t)}(e,t.current)}}))};
"use no memo";'use strict';
var React = require('react');
function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) {
var n = Object.create(null);
if (e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== 'default') {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return e[k]; }
n.default = e;
return Object.freeze(n);
var React__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(React);
var _a, _b;
const { useRef, useEffect, isValidElement } = React__namespace;
const ReactSecretInternals = (_a = React__namespace.__CLIENT_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : React__namespace.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;
const $empty = Symbol.for('react.memo_cache_sentinel');
const c = typeof ((_b = React__namespace.__COMPILER_RUNTIME) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.c) === 'function'
: function c(size) {
return React__namespace.useMemo(() => {
const $ = new Array(size);
for (let ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
$[ii] = $empty;
$[$empty] = true;
return $;
}, []);
const LazyGuardDispatcher = {};
].forEach(name => {
LazyGuardDispatcher[name] = () => {
throw new Error(`[React] Unexpected React hook call (${name}) from a React compiled function. ` +
"Check that all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') ");
let originalDispatcher = null;
LazyGuardDispatcher['useMemoCache'] = (count) => {
if (originalDispatcher == null) {
throw new Error('React Compiler internal invariant violation: unexpected null dispatcher');
else {
return originalDispatcher.useMemoCache(count);
var GuardKind;
(function (GuardKind) {
GuardKind[GuardKind["PushGuardContext"] = 0] = "PushGuardContext";
GuardKind[GuardKind["PopGuardContext"] = 1] = "PopGuardContext";
GuardKind[GuardKind["PushExpectHook"] = 2] = "PushExpectHook";
GuardKind[GuardKind["PopExpectHook"] = 3] = "PopExpectHook";
})(GuardKind || (GuardKind = {}));
function setCurrent(newDispatcher) {
ReactSecretInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = newDispatcher;
return ReactSecretInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;
const guardFrames = [];
function $dispatcherGuard(kind) {
const curr = ReactSecretInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;
if (kind === GuardKind.PushGuardContext) {
if (guardFrames.length === 1) {
originalDispatcher = curr;
if (curr === LazyGuardDispatcher) {
throw new Error(`[React] Unexpected call to custom hook or component from a React compiled function. ` +
"Check that (1) all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') " +
'and (2) components are returned as JSX instead of being directly invoked.');
else if (kind === GuardKind.PopGuardContext) {
const lastFrame = guardFrames.pop();
if (lastFrame == null) {
throw new Error('React Compiler internal error: unexpected null in guard stack');
if (guardFrames.length === 0) {
originalDispatcher = null;
else if (kind === GuardKind.PushExpectHook) {
else if (kind === GuardKind.PopExpectHook) {
const lastFrame = guardFrames.pop();
if (lastFrame == null) {
throw new Error('React Compiler internal error: unexpected null in guard stack');
else {
throw new Error('React Compiler internal error: unreachable block' + kind);
function $reset($) {
for (let ii = 0; ii < $.length; ii++) {
$[ii] = $empty;
function $makeReadOnly() {
throw new Error('TODO: implement $makeReadOnly in react-compiler-runtime');
const renderCounterRegistry = new Map();
function clearRenderCounterRegistry() {
for (const counters of renderCounterRegistry.values()) {
counters.forEach(counter => {
counter.count = 0;
function registerRenderCounter(name, val) {
let counters = renderCounterRegistry.get(name);
if (counters == null) {
counters = new Set();
renderCounterRegistry.set(name, counters);
function removeRenderCounter(name, val) {
const counters = renderCounterRegistry.get(name);
if (counters == null) {
function useRenderCounter(name) {
const val = useRef(null);
if (val.current != null) {
val.current.count += 1;
useEffect(() => {
if (val.current == null) {
const counter = { count: 0 };
registerRenderCounter(name, counter);
val.current = counter;
return () => {
if (val.current !== null) {
removeRenderCounter(name, val.current);
const seenErrors = new Set();
function $structuralCheck(oldValue, newValue, variableName, fnName, kind, loc) {
function error(l, r, path, depth) {
const str = `${fnName}:${loc} [${kind}] ${variableName}${path} changed from ${l} to ${r} at depth ${depth}`;
if (seenErrors.has(str)) {
const depthLimit = 2;
function recur(oldValue, newValue, path, depth) {
if (depth > depthLimit) {
else if (oldValue === newValue) {
else if (typeof oldValue !== typeof newValue) {
error(`type ${typeof oldValue}`, `type ${typeof newValue}`, path, depth);
else if (typeof oldValue === 'object') {
const oldArray = Array.isArray(oldValue);
const newArray = Array.isArray(newValue);
if (oldValue === null && newValue !== null) {
error('null', `type ${typeof newValue}`, path, depth);
else if (newValue === null) {
error(`type ${typeof oldValue}`, 'null', path, depth);
else if (oldValue instanceof Map) {
if (!(newValue instanceof Map)) {
error(`Map instance`, `other value`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue.size !== newValue.size) {
error(`Map instance with size ${oldValue.size}`, `Map instance with size ${newValue.size}`, path, depth);
else {
for (const [k, v] of oldValue) {
if (!newValue.has(k)) {
error(`Map instance with key ${k}`, `Map instance without key ${k}`, path, depth);
else {
recur(v, newValue.get(k), `${path}.get(${k})`, depth + 1);
else if (newValue instanceof Map) {
error('other value', `Map instance`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue instanceof Set) {
if (!(newValue instanceof Set)) {
error(`Set instance`, `other value`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue.size !== newValue.size) {
error(`Set instance with size ${oldValue.size}`, `Set instance with size ${newValue.size}`, path, depth);
else {
for (const v of newValue) {
if (!oldValue.has(v)) {
error(`Set instance without element ${v}`, `Set instance with element ${v}`, path, depth);
else if (newValue instanceof Set) {
error('other value', `Set instance`, path, depth);
else if (oldArray || newArray) {
if (oldArray !== newArray) {
error(`type ${oldArray ? 'array' : 'object'}`, `type ${newArray ? 'array' : 'object'}`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue.length !== newValue.length) {
error(`array with length ${oldValue.length}`, `array with length ${newValue.length}`, path, depth);
else {
for (let ii = 0; ii < oldValue.length; ii++) {
recur(oldValue[ii], newValue[ii], `${path}[${ii}]`, depth + 1);
else if (isValidElement(oldValue) || isValidElement(newValue)) {
if (isValidElement(oldValue) !== isValidElement(newValue)) {
error(`type ${isValidElement(oldValue) ? 'React element' : 'object'}`, `type ${isValidElement(newValue) ? 'React element' : 'object'}`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue.type !== newValue.type) {
error(`React element of type ${oldValue.type}`, `React element of type ${newValue.type}`, path, depth);
else {
recur(oldValue.props, newValue.props, `[props of ${path}]`, depth + 1);
else {
for (const key in newValue) {
if (!(key in oldValue)) {
error(`object without key ${key}`, `object with key ${key}`, path, depth);
for (const key in oldValue) {
if (!(key in newValue)) {
error(`object with key ${key}`, `object without key ${key}`, path, depth);
else {
recur(oldValue[key], newValue[key], `${path}.${key}`, depth + 1);
else if (typeof oldValue === 'function') {
else if (isNaN(oldValue) || isNaN(newValue)) {
if (isNaN(oldValue) !== isNaN(newValue)) {
error(`${isNaN(oldValue) ? 'NaN' : 'non-NaN value'}`, `${isNaN(newValue) ? 'NaN' : 'non-NaN value'}`, path, depth);
else if (oldValue !== newValue) {
error(oldValue, newValue, path, depth);
recur(oldValue, newValue, '', 0);
exports.$dispatcherGuard = $dispatcherGuard;
exports.$makeReadOnly = $makeReadOnly;
exports.$reset = $reset;
exports.$structuralCheck = $structuralCheck;
exports.c = c;
exports.clearRenderCounterRegistry = clearRenderCounterRegistry;
exports.renderCounterRegistry = renderCounterRegistry;
exports.useRenderCounter = useRenderCounter;


"name": "react-compiler-runtime",
"version": "0.0.0-experimental-fa06e2c-20241016",
"version": "0.0.0-experimental-fcabbc1-20241106",
"description": "Runtime for React Compiler",

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^18.2.0 || ^19.0.0"
"react": "^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0"

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

'use no forget';
'use no memo';

@@ -71,3 +71,3 @@ import * as React from 'react';

throw new Error(
`[React] Unexpected React hook call (${name}) from a React Forget compiled function. ` +
`[React] Unexpected React hook call (${name}) from a React compiled function. ` +
"Check that all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') ",

@@ -84,3 +84,3 @@ );

throw new Error(
'React Forget internal invariant violation: unexpected null dispatcher',
'React Compiler internal invariant violation: unexpected null dispatcher',

@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ } else {

* of the no-conditional-hook-calls rule.
* As Forget needs to statically understand which calls to move out of
* conditional branches (i.e. Forget cannot memoize the results of hook
* As React Compiler needs to statically understand which calls to move out of
* conditional branches (i.e. React Compiler cannot memoize the results of hook
* calls), its understanding of "the rules of React" are more restrictive.
* This validation throws on unsound inputs at runtime.
* Components should only be invoked through React as Forget could memoize
* Components should only be invoked through React as React Compiler could memoize
* the call to AnotherComponent, introducing conditional hook calls in its

@@ -155,3 +155,3 @@ * compiled output.

throw new Error(
`[React] Unexpected call to custom hook or component from a React Forget compiled function. ` +
`[React] Unexpected call to custom hook or component from a React compiled function. ` +
"Check that (1) all hooks are called directly and named according to convention ('use[A-Z]') " +

@@ -168,3 +168,3 @@ 'and (2) components are returned as JSX instead of being directly invoked.',

throw new Error(
'React Forget internal error: unexpected null in guard stack',
'React Compiler internal error: unexpected null in guard stack',

@@ -185,3 +185,3 @@ }

throw new Error(
'React Forget internal error: unexpected null in guard stack',
'React Compiler internal error: unexpected null in guard stack',

@@ -191,3 +191,3 @@ }

} else {
throw new Error('Forget internal error: unreachable block' + kind);
throw new Error('React Compiler internal error: unreachable block' + kind);

@@ -194,0 +194,0 @@ }

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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