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What is react-day-picker?

The react-day-picker package is a flexible date picker component for React applications. It allows users to select dates or ranges of dates within a calendar interface. It is customizable and can be used to create various date-picking experiences in web applications.

What are react-day-picker's main functionalities?

Single Date Selection

This feature allows users to select a single date from the calendar. The 'onDayClick' event handler updates the state with the selected date.

import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker';
import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css';

function MyDatePicker() {
  const [selectedDay, setSelectedDay] = useState();
  return (
      onDayClick={(day) => setSelectedDay(day)}

Range Selection

This feature enables users to select a range of dates. The 'DateUtils.addDayToRange' function is used to update the range state.

import DayPicker, { DateUtils } from 'react-day-picker';
import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css';

function MyDateRangePicker() {
  const [range, setRange] = useState({ from: undefined, to: undefined });
  const handleDayClick = (day) => {
    const range = DateUtils.addDayToRange(day, this.state.range);
  return (
      selectedDays={[range.from, { from: range.from, to: }]}


This feature allows for extensive customization of the calendar's appearance and behavior, including custom class names and replacing default components with custom ones.

import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker';
import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css';

function MyStyledDatePicker() {
  return (
      weekdayElement={<div>Custom Weekday</div>}
      navbarElement={<div>Custom Navbar</div>}

Other packages similar to react-day-picker




Minimalistic date picker built for React and moment.js.

npm install react-day-picker --save

See a live version of the example app, where the the component works together with an <input> field. There, the past days are shown as "disabled" and cannot be selected.

Modifiers instead of selected days

This date picker does not have the concept of a selected date: instead, you specify custom day modifiers. A modifier is a string that classify the aspect (and eventually the behaviour) for each day appearing in the calendar.

By evaluating a function(day) you provide, a modifier is appended for each day to the daypicker__day class, using a BEM-like syntax.

For example, a disabled modifier (daypicker__day--disabled) may make it appearing as grayed-out, or a selected (daypicker__day--selected) modifier could highlight a range of selected days.

Selecting a day

You are expected to use the state of your component: set its state listening to the onTouchTap/onClick DayPicker events (see API and example below).


You need to setup your own CSS. You can start from this css as example.

Usage example

The following component implements the DayPicker and saves the selected day in its own state.

It also adds the daypicker__day--today CSS modifier for today, and a daypicker__day--selected CSS modifier to the cell corresponding to the selected day.

var DayPicker = require('react-day-picker');
var moment = require('moment');

function isSameDay(a, b) {
  return a.startOf('day').isSame(b.startOf('day'));

var MyDatePicker = React.createClass({
  handleDayTouchTap(day, modifiers, event) {
    this.setState({ selectedDay: day });

  render() {
    var modifiers = {
      today: function (day) {
        // add the `today` modifier for the current day
        return isSameDay(moment(), day);
      selected: function (day) {
        // add the `selected` modifier for the selected day
        return this.state.selectedDay 
          && isSameDay(this.state.selectedDay, day);
    return (
      <DayPicker modifiers={ modifiers } 
        onDayTouchTap={this.handleDayTouchTap} />

React.render(<MyDatePicker/>, document.body);

Run the example app

git clone
cd react-day-picker
npm install
npm run example

...then open http://localhost:8080.


initialMonth moment object

A moment() date object with the month to display in the calendar.

enableOutsideDays bool

Show the days outside the shown month.

modifiers Object
  • The object's keys are the modifier's name – applied to each day, following a BEM-like syntax: daypicker__day--<modifier>
  • The key's values are functions evaluated for each day. When they returns true, the modifier is applied, and eventually passed to the onDayTouchTap payload.

For example, the following modifiers will add the CSS class daypicker__day--disabled to the days of the past:

modifiers = {
  disabled: function (day) {
    return day.diff(moment(), 'day') < 0;
<DayPicker modifiers={modifiers} />

onDayClick function(day, modifiers, event)
onDayTouchTap function(day, modifiers, event)

Use one of these attributes to add an event handler when the user touches/clicks a day.

  • day <Object> the touched day (a moment object)
  • modifiers <Array> array of modifiers for the touched day, e.g. ['disabled', 'today']
  • event <SyntheticEvent> the original touch event

To make the touch tap events working, you must inject react-tap-event-plugin client side.

onDayMouseEnter function(day, modifiers, event)
onDayMouseLeave function(day, modifiers, event)

Use this attribute to add an handler when the mouse enters/leaves a day element.

onPrevMonthTouchTap function(month)
onNextMonthTouchTap function(month)

Use this attribute to add an handler when the user switch to the previous/next month.



Last updated on 02 Jan 2015

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