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react-form - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-beta.0 to 3.0.0-beta.1


"name": "react-form",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "React Form is a lightweight framework and utility for building powerful forms in React applications.",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build": "nwb build-react-component --title React Form",
"clean": "nwb clean-module && nwb clean-demo",
"start": "nwb serve-react-demo",
"test": "mocha-webpack --opts tests/mocha-webpack.opts",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test mocha-webpack --opts test/mocha-webpack.opts",
"test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch",
"prepublishOnly": "yarn build",
"postPublish": "git push --tags",
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"postpublish": "git push --tags"
"authors": [
"name": "Joseph Puzzo",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"name": "Tanner Linsley",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"author": {
"name": "Joseph Puzzo",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"keywords": [

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@@ -61,2 +53,3 @@ "prop-types": "^15.5.10",

"redux": "^3.7.2",
"redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
"redux-thunk": "^2.2.0"

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# React-Form
Simple, powerful, highly composable forms in React
A powerful and lightweight form library for React.
# *Update:* V3 is comming!
We are actively working on V3 of React Form. This update will include many enhancements including field level validation, and a simplified interface. Stay tuned! For additional information we have created a Git issue called `React Form 3.0`.
### Go to [live examples, code and docs](!
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# Features
- 🚀 Lightweight and fast.
- 🔥 Built-in input primitives for building quickly.
- ⚖️ Scales from tiny to massively complex forms with ease.
- 🚚 Easily integrate with 3rd party components or build your own!
- ✍️ Nested Fields and ultra-composable syntax for complex form shapes.
- ⏲ Asynchronous validation
- 🎛 Simple API that supports manipulating values, errors, warnings, and successes
- 👉 Render Props!
- 😂 Works in IE (with a polyfill or two)
# Intro
Say hello to the best react form library you have ever used! `react-form` is an extensive, simple, and efficient solution for creating simple to complex forms in react. Out of the box you get the ability to grab and manipulate values; set errors, warnings, and successes; customize your inputs, perform asynchronous validation, and much more! If you want to check out the cool stuff and how to use this library, head over to the docs [here](
## Questions? Ideas? Chat with us!
Sign up for the [React-Tools Slack Org](!
# Motivation
Simplicity and efficiency. This form works in IE! and its fast!
There are many other libraries that exist, but they don't function in
IE and, can get pretty complex. You can create very complex forms quickly,
with only a few lines of code.
### Installation
# Installation
`npm install --save react-form`
### Basic Usage
# Basic usage
import { Form, Text, Radio, TextArea, Checkbox } from 'react-form';
import { Form, Text } from 'react-form';
const ExampleForm = () => (
<Form render={({
}) => (
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
<Text field="firstName" placeholder='First Name' />
<Text field="lastName" placeholder='Last Name' />
Male <Radio field='gender' value="male" />
Female <Radio field='gender' value="female" />
<TextArea field="bio" />
<Checkbox field="agreesToTerms" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
)} />
const ExampleForm = ( ) => {
return (
{ formApi => (
<form onSubmit={formApi.submitForm} id="form1">
<label htmlFor="hello">Hello World</label>
<Text field="hello" id="hello" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
### Array and Data-driven fields
import { Form, Text } from 'react-form';
![FormExample]( "FormExample")
const ExampleForm = () => (
<Form render={({
}) => (
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
<Text field="firstName" placeholder='First Name' />
<Text field="lastName" placeholder='Last Name' />
{values.friends &&, i) => (
// Loop over the friend values and create fields for each friend
<Text field={['friends', i, 'firstName']} placeholder='First Name' />
<Text field={['friends', i, 'lastName']} placeholder='Last Name' />
// Use the form api to add or remove values to the friends array
<button onClick={() => removeValue('friends', i)>
Remove Friend
// Use the form api to add or remove values to the friends array
<button onClick={() => addValue('friends', {})>
Add Friend
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
)} />
![StyledFormExample]( "StyledFormExample")
### Advanced Field reuse, and Nested Fields
import { Form, FormApi, NestedField, Text } from 'react-form';
// Reuse The user fields for the user and their friends!
const UserFields = () => (
<Text field="firstName" placeholder='First Name' />
<Text field="lastName" placeholder='Last Name' />
# Examples & Documentation
Go [here]( for examples and documentation for **2.x.x** of React-Form.
const ExampleForm = () => (
<Form render={({
}) => (
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
<UserFields />
<NestedField field='friends' render={() => ( // Create a new nested field context
{, i) => (
<NestedField field={['friends', i]} render={() => (
<UserFields /> // Now the user fields will map to each friend!
)} />
<button onClick={() => removeValue('friends', i)>
Remove Friend
<button onClick={() => addValue('friends', {})>
Add Friend
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
)} />
### Examples & Documentation
[Visit]( for examples and documentation for **2.x.x** of React-Form.
Older versions:
* [Version 1.x.x](
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