Automatically download files from urls, even in the background, and keep them locally cached with no headache or babysitting. Robustly retries until successful. Supports wifi-only downloads as well.
- Enhances
from react-native-fs
by supporting background downloads on iOS (i.e. downloads will continue even if you close your app) by using react-native-background-downloader
. - Automatically resumes suspended downloads when you next launch your app.
- Automatically retries failed downloads until they succeed. This happens even if you restart your app, until it's ultimately successful.
- Reconciles all your cached/downloaded files with a set of URLs you can change at any time. This way, you can just manage the list of URLs you want at any time, and everything else is taken care of for you.
- Supports lazy deletion.
- Supports easy implementation of wifi-only downloads if desired.
- Automation-tested with 100% code coverage.
First install peer dependencies:
Once those are done, install this package:
npm install react-native-background-downloader-queue
yarn add react-native-background-downloader-queue
import DownloadQueue from "react-native-background-downloader-queue";
new DownloadQueue({
onBegin: (url, bytes) => console.log("Download started", url, bytes),
onDone: (url, localPath) => console.log("Download finished", url, localPath),
onError: (url, error) => console.log("Download error", url, error),
onProgress: (url, fraction, bytes, totalBytes) => console.log("Download progress", url, fraction, bytes, totalBytes)
await downloader.init();
await downloader.addUrl("");
const localOrRemotePath = await downloader.getAvailableUrl("");
For full documentation, see the javaDoc style comments in the package which automatically come up in VS Code when you use this library.
async init(options?: DownloadQueueOptions): Promise<void>
Gets everything started (e.g. reconstitutes state from storage and reconciles it with downloads that might have completed in the background, subscribes to events, etc). You must call this first.
You can pass any of the following options, or nothing at all:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
handlers | DownloadQueueHandlers | undefined | For any events you'd like to receive notifications about, you'll need to pass a handler here. More details in the next table. |
domain | string | "main" | By default, AsyncStorage keys and RNFS filenames are with DownloadQueue/main". If you want to use something other than "main", pass it here. This is commonly used to manage different queues for different users (e.g. you can use userId as the domain). |
urlToPath | (url:string) => string | undefined (i.e. files will be saved without extensions) | Callback used to get a pathname from a URL. By default, files are saved without any particular extension. But if you need the server extension to be preserved (e.g. you pass the file to a media player that uses the extension to determine its data format), pass a function here that returns a path given a URL (e.g. for , returns baz/moo.mp3 ). The easiest way to implement this if you already have a React Native URL polyfill is: (url) => new URL(url).pathname . If you don't have a polyfill, you can use something like |
startActive | boolean | true | Whether to start the queue in an active state where downloads will be started. If false, no downloads will begin until you call resumeAll(). |
netInfoAddEventListener | (listener: (state: {isConnected: boolean | null, type: string}) => void) => ()=> void | undefined | If you'd like DownloadQueue to pause downloads when the device is offline, pass this. Usually easiest to literally pass NetInfo.addEventListener . |
netInfoFetchState | () => Promise<DownloadQueueNetInfoState> | undefined | Callback that gets the current network state. If you pass netInfoAddEventListener , you must pass this as well. The easiest thing is usually to pass NetInfo.fetch . |
activeNetworkTypes | string[] | [] | The NetInfoStateType values for which downloads will be allowed. Only works if you also pass netInfoAddEventListener .If activeNetworkTypes is undefined or [], downloads will happen on all connection types. A common practice is to pass ["wifi", "ethernet"] if you want to help users avoid cellular data charges. As of @react-native-community/netinfo@9.3.7, valid values are "unknown", "none", "wifi", "cellular", "bluetooth", "ethernet", "wimax", "vpn", "other", "mixed". |
Here are the optional notification handlers you can pass to be informed of download status changes:
Handler | Description |
onBegin?: (url: string, totalBytes: number) => void | Called when the download has begun and the total number of bytes expected is known. |
onProgress?: (url: string, fractionWritten: number, bytesWritten: number, totalBytes: number) => void | Called at most every 1.5 seconds for any file while it's downloading. fractionWritten is between 0.0 and 1.0 |
onDone?: (url: string, localPath: string) => void | Called when the download has completed successfully. localPath will be a file path. |
onWillRemove?: (url: string) => Promise<void> | Called before any url is removed from the queue. This is async because removeUrl (and also setQueue , when it needs to remove some urls) will block until you return from this, giving you the opportunity remove any dependencies on any downloaded local file before it's deleted. |
onError?: (url: string, error: any) => void | Called when there's been an issue downloading the file. Note that this is mostly for you to communicate something to the user, or to do other housekeeping; DownloadQueue will automatically re-attempt the download every minute (while you're online) until it succeeds. |
terminate(): void
Terminates all pending downloads and stops all activity, including
processing lazy-deletes. You can re-init() if you'd like -- but in most cases where you plan to re-init, pause()
might be what you really meant.
async addUrl(url: string): Promise<void>
Downloads a url to the local documents directory. Safe to call if it's already been added before. If it's been lazy-deleted, it'll be revived.
async removeUrl(url: string, deleteTime = -1): Promise<void>
Removes a url record and any associated file that's been downloaded. Can optionally be a lazy delete if you pass a deleteTime
async setQueue(urls: string[], deleteTime = -1): Promise<void>
Sets the sum total of urls to keep in the queue. If previously-added urls don't show up here, they'll be removed. New urls will be added.
async getStatus(url: string): Promise<DownloadQueueStatus | null>
Returns a DownloadQueueStatus
object reflecting the status of a url's download. If the url isn't in the queue (e.g. you've deleted it, or you've passed a random string), returns null
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | Original url given for the download |
path | string | Path to local file |
complete | boolean | Whether the file is completely downloaded. Note that if this is false , path may point to a file that either doesn't exist, or that is only partially downloaded. |
async getQueueStatus(): Promise<DownloadQueueStatus[]>
Returns the status of all urls in the queue, excluding urls marked for lazy deletion.
pauseAll(): void
Pauses all active downloads. Note that if you just want to download on certain types of connections, you should instead use activeNetworkTypes
in init()
. For instance, to avoid cellular data charges, you might pass activeNetworkTypes: ["wifi", "ethernet"]
resumeAll(): void
Resumes all active downloads that were previously paused. If you init()
with startActive === false
, you'll want to call this at some point or else downloads will never happen. Also, downloads will only proceed if the network connection type passes the activeNetworkTypes
filter (which by default allows all connection types).
async getAvailableUrl(url: string): Promise<string>
Gets a remote or local url, preferring the local path when possible. If the local file hasn't yet been downloaded fully, returns the remote url.
async setActiveNetworkTypes(types: string[]): Promise<void>
Sets the types of networks which you want downloads to occur on. This can be changed from what you originally passed init()
. If you call this, you must have passed both netInfoAddEventListener
as well as netInfoFetchState
during init()
. Values in types
should come from NetInfo.NetInfoStateType
, e.g. ["wifi", "cellular"]
. If you pass an empty array, downloads will happen under all network connection types.