Getting started
$ npm install react-native-shopify --save
Including Mobile-BUY-SDK
Include the Shopify Mobile Buy SDK in your project to make it available to the bridge.
Follow the instructions on their Github page to get started. For example,
the recommended and easiest way for iOS is to install it as a Pod. This project will look
for headers in the Pods directory.
Mostly automatic installation
$ react-native link react-native-shopify
Manual installation
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜ Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
➜ react-native-shopify
and add RNShopify.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project's Build Phases
➜ Link Binary With Libraries
- Run your project (
- Open up
- Add
import com.reactnativeshopify.RNShopifyPackage;
to the imports at the top of the file - Add
new RNShopifyPackage()
to the list returned by the getPackages()
- Append the following lines to
include ':react-native-shopify'
project(':react-native-shopify').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-shopify/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
compile project(':react-native-shopify')
Initialize the shop.
import Shopify from 'react-native-shopify';
Shopify.initialize('', 'YOUR API KEY');
Fetch shop data, collections and tags
Shopify.getShop().then(shop => {
return getAllCollections();
}).then(collections => {
return getAllTags();
}).then(tags => {
const getAllCollections = (page = 1, allCollections = []) =>
Shopify.getCollections(page).then((collections) => {
if (_.size(collections)) {
return getAllCollections(page + 1, [...allCollections, ...collections]);
return allCollections;
const getAllTags = (page = 1, allTags = []) =>
Shopify.getProductTags(page).then((tags) => {
if (_.size(tags)) {
return getAllTags(page + 1, [...allTags, ...tags]);
return allTags;
Shopify.getProducts().then(products => {
Shopify.getProducts(2, collectionId).then(products => {});
Search products by tags
Shopify.getProducts(1, collectionId, ['t-shirts']).then(products => {});
![Products by tag](docs/products-tag.png)
Add products to cart and proceed to checkout
A product has several variants. For example, a sweater in various sizes and colors. You add
variants for products to the cart. A cart item is defined as a tuple of item, variant and quantity.
You can perform a native or web checkout. Contributions for Apple Pay are welcome! The steps below
describe the native checkout flow.
Add item to cart
![Add to cart](docs/add-to-cart.png)
Proceed to checkout
Shopify.getProducts().then(products => {
const firstProduct = products[0];
const cartItem = {
item: firstProduct,
variant: firstProduct.variants[0],
quantity: 2,
const cart = [cartItem];
Shopify.checkout(_.cloneDeep(cart)).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
'Error with checkout',
Collect customer information
![Customer information form](docs/customer-info.png)
const email = '';
const addressInformation = {
Shopify.setCustomerInformation(email, addressInformation).then(() => {
return Shopify.getShippingRates();
}).then((shippingRates) => {
return Shopify.selectShippingRate(0);
}).then(() => {
Collect payment information
![Payment information form](docs/payment-info.png)
const creditCard = {
Shopify.completeCheckout({ ...creditCard }).then((order) => {
What can you do with it?
You can browse through all products or filter them by collection and tag. You can call native checkout
methods for both iOS and Android. We support web checkout for iOS but we have yet to implement the
handlers for order completion so you can clear the cart or redirect the user to another page.
We implemented custom parsing for checkout errors to give your users
friendly messages on what went wrong. You can find out which line items are unavailable due to
not enough quantity in stock and how many are remaining. You can also get feedback about which
fields are invalid when entering customer and payment information. Feedback messages are available
through the message
property on the error object in checkout methods.
You can find live code examples in the Shoutem Shopify extension,
where you can also find UI components for various screens you might need.
Here's a sample application in action:
All contributions are welcome!
These are the things missing:
- Finishing web checkout on iOS and implementing it for Android
- Apple Pay
- Customer API
We published a two part article series on bridging in React Native. Read it if you need more information about working with bridge libraries.
The first part talks
about high level concepts. The second part
goes into details about working with native objects.