Feel free to make a pull request. I'm happy about every contribution.
You can find example implementations for all use cases of this library in the repo react-native-viewpager-carousel-example-app. The example project is also linked as git submodule in this project.
yarn add react-native-viewpager-carousel
npm install --save react-native-viewpager-carousel
The <ViewPager />
is the base component of the library. Till now it acts like a simple view-carousel:
import { ViewPager } from 'react-native-viewpager-carousel'
class ExampleCarousel extends PureComponent {
constructor() { = [
{ title: 'title 1' },
{ title: 'title 2' },
{ title: 'title 3' },
_renderPage = ({data}) => {
return ( <Text>{item.title}</Text> )
render() {
return (
prop name | data type | default | functionality |
containerStyle | style | {} | the component is wrapped into a <View /> . Styles to this <View /> can be assigned through this property |
contentContainerStyle | style | {} | posibility to set styles to the content container (the entire scrollable area) |
data | array | [] | a data array of objects |
dev | boolean | false | draws a black line around the pages and tabs for debugging |
lazyrender | boolean | false | lazyrender renders the active page only when its in the viewport |
lazyrenderThreshold | number | 1 | determines how many threshold left and right the current visible page sould be rendered if lazyrender={true} |
renderAsCarousel | boolean | true | renders the as endless carousel |
thresholdPages | number | 1 | number of pages left and right of the scrollable content (sneak preview) |
pageWidth | number | {{screen width of device}} | width of page |
initialPage | object | {} | key value pair of initial page: e. g. data=[{key:'page-a'}, {key:'page-b'}] & initialPage={{key:'page-b}} |
scrollEnabled | boolean | true | decleares wether the ViewPager sould be able to scroll by user or not |
firePageChangeIfPassedScreenCenter | boolean | false | toggle's if onPageChange sould already be called when the dragged page passed half of the screen |
pageingEnabled | boolean | true | |
experimentalMirroring | boolean | false | toggles the mirroring of the scrollposition of the threshold views - more information here |
showNativeScrollIndicator | boolean | false | native ScrollView indicator is disabled by default |
renderPage | function | () => {} | render callback for content page |
onPageChange | function | () => {} | callback when the page changes -> retuns the current pageNumber as first argument |
onScroll | function | () => {} | callback when the content area scrolls |
In addition to the <ViewPager />
the <TabbedPager />
component provides an additional renderFunction for Tabs above the content view. The following pseudo-code shows the basic usage with an <Image />
as content and a <Text />
as tab.
import { TabbedPager } from 'react-native-viewpager-carousel'
class ExampleCarousel extends PureComponent {
constructor() { = [
{ title: 'title 1', url: 'http://...' },
{ title: 'title 2', url: 'http://...' },
{ title: 'title 3', url: 'http://...' },
_renderTab = ({data}) => {
return ( <Text>{data.title}</Text> )
_renderPage = ({data}) => {
return ( <Image source={{uri: data.url}} /> )
render() {
return (
prop name | data type | default | functionality |
data | array | [] | a data array of objects |
dev | boolean | false | draws a black line around the pages and tabs for debugging |
fullScreen | boolean | true | draws the in full screen mode (flex 1) |
lazyrender | boolean | false | lazyrender renders the active page only when its in the viewport |
lazyrenderThreshold | number | 1 | determines how many threshold left and right the current visible page sould be rendered if lazyrender={true} |
renderAsCarousel | boolean | true | renders the as endless carousel |
tabContainerPosition | string | 'top' | could be 'top' || 'bottom' - places the tab container on top of the viewpager or on the bottom side |
scrollTabsEnabled | boolean | false | |
firePageChangeIfPassedScreenCenter | boolean | false | toggle's if onPageChange sould already be called when the dragged page passed half of the screen |
staticTabWidth | number | {{screen width of device / 2}} | |
initialPage | object | {} | key value pair of initial page: e. g. data=[{key:'page-a'}, {key:'page-b'}] & initialPage={{key:'page-b}} |
showTabIndicator | boolean | true | toggles the tab indicator |
tabIndicatorColor | string | 'transparent' | changes the color of the tab indicator |
tabIndicatorHeight | number | 2 | height of tab indicator |
tabsVisible | boolean | true | indicates if tabs should be visible or not |
DividerComponent | any | null | renders a given Component between the tabs and the content area |
renderPage | function | () => {} | render callback for content page |
renderTab | function | () => {} | render callback for the tab |
onPageChange | function | () => {} | callback when the page changes -> retuns the current pageNumber as first argument |
experimentalMirroring | boolean | false | toggles the mirroring of the scrollposition of the threshold views - more information here |