Added compatibility with older manifest.yml files produced by Rails 3 Sprockets when symlinking digested assets during precompilation #566 by etripier.
Node option for installer added as alternative for server rendering #469 by jbhatab.
Server rendering now supports contexts outside of browser rendering, such as ActionMailer templates #486 by eacaps.
Added authenticityToken() and authenticityHeaders() javascript helpers for easier use when working with CSRF protection tag generated by Rails #517 by dzirtusss.
Updated JavaScript error handling on the client side. Errors in client rendering now pass through to the browser #521 by dzirtusss.
React on Rails now correctly parses single-digit version strings from package.json #491 by samphilipd .
Fixed assets symlinking to correctly use filenames with spaces. Beginning in #510, ending in #513 by dzirtusss.
Check encoding of request's original URL and force it to UTF-8 #527 by lucke84