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react-perf-devtool - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.7 to 3.0.8-beta.0



@@ -1,13 +0,22 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './extension/components/ReactPerfDevtool', './npm/hook'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./extension/components/ReactPerfDevtool'), require('./npm/hook'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.ReactPerfDevtool, global.hook);
global.index = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _ReactPerfDevtool, _hook) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.registerObserver = exports.ReactPerfDevtool = undefined;
var _ReactPerfDevtool = require('./extension/components/ReactPerfDevtool');
var _hook = require('./npm/hook');
exports.ReactPerfDevtool = _ReactPerfDevtool.ReactPerfDevtool;
exports.registerObserver = _hook.registerObserver;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.registerObserver = exports.ReactPerfDevtool = undefined;
exports.ReactPerfDevtool = _ReactPerfDevtool.ReactPerfDevtool;
exports.registerObserver = _hook.registerObserver;

@@ -1,144 +0,158 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', '../shared/parse', '../shared/generate'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('../shared/parse'), require('../shared/generate'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.parse, global.generate);
global.hook = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _parse, _generate) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getMeasuresByComponentName = exports.registerObserver = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getMeasuresByComponentName = exports.registerObserver = undefined;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} : function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
var _parse = require('../shared/parse');
This registers an observer that listens to the React performance measurement event.
It hooks an object containing information about the events and performance measures of React components to the
global state (window object) which can then be accessed inside the inspected window using eval().
With every re-render, this object is updated with new measures and events count.
The extension takes care of clearing up the memory (required to store this object) and also the cache.
Calculating and aggregating the results happens inside the app frame and not in the devtool. It has its own benefits.
* These measures can be send to a server for analyses
* Measures can be logged to a console
* Particular measures can be inspected in the console with the help of configuration object (not done with the API for it yet)
* This also gives control to the developer on how to manage and inspect the measures apart from using the extension
Trade-offs of previous version:
* Need to update the commonjs react-dom development bundle (commenting the line)
* No way of sending the measures from the app frame to the console
* Need to query measures rather than listening to an event once
* No control on how to inspect the measures for a particular use case (for eg - render and update performance of a component)
Options, passed to listener:
* log (log to console)
* port (port number to send the data to console)
Callback (optional): A callback can also be passed. The callback receives the parsed and aggregated results of the performance measures.
NOTE: This should only be used in development mode.
var registerObserver = function registerObserver(params, callback) {
params = params || {};
var _generate = require('../shared/generate');
// TODO: Is there any way to polyfill this API ?
if (window.PerformanceObserver) {
var _params = params,
shouldLog = _params.shouldLog,
port = _params.port,
components = _params.components;
This registers an observer that listens to the React performance measurement event.
It hooks an object containing information about the events and performance measures of React components to the
global state (window object) which can then be accessed inside the inspected window using eval().
With every re-render, this object is updated with new measures and events count.
The extension takes care of clearing up the memory (required to store this object) and also the cache.
var observer = new window.PerformanceObserver(function (list) {
var measures = (0, _generate.generateDataFromMeasures)((0, _parse.getReactPerformanceData)(list.getEntries()));
Calculating and aggregating the results happens inside the app frame and not in the devtool. It has its own benefits.
* These measures can be send to a server for analyses
* Measures can be logged to a console
* Particular measures can be inspected in the console with the help of configuration object (not done with the API for it yet)
* This also gives control to the developer on how to manage and inspect the measures apart from using the extension
if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
Trade-offs of previous version:
* Need to update the commonjs react-dom development bundle (commenting the line)
* No way of sending the measures from the app frame to the console
* Need to query measures rather than listening to an event once
* No control on how to inspect the measures for a particular use case (for eg - render and update performance of a component)
measures: measures,
length: list.getEntries().length,
rawMeasures: list.getEntries()
Options, passed to listener:
* log (log to console)
* port (port number to send the data to console)
// For logging to console
};if (shouldLog) {
logToConsole(params, measures);
Callback (optional): A callback can also be passed. The callback receives the parsed and aggregated results of the performance measures.
entryTypes: ['measure']
NOTE: This should only be used in development mode.
var registerObserver = function registerObserver(params, callback) {
params = params || {};
This function logs the measures to the console. Requires a server running on a specified port. Default port number is 8080.
var logToConsole = function logToConsole(_ref, measures) {
var port = _ref.port,
components = _ref.components;
// TODO: Is there any way to polyfill this API ?
if (window.PerformanceObserver) {
var _params = params,
shouldLog = _params.shouldLog,
port = _params.port,
components = _params.components;
if (!components) {
logMeasures(port, measures);
} else if ((typeof components === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(components)) !== undefined && Array.isArray(components)) {
logMeasures(port, getMeasuresByComponentName(components, measures));
var logMeasures = function logMeasures(port, measures) {
measures.forEach(function (_ref2) {
var componentName = _ref2.componentName,
mount = _ref2.mount,
render = _ref2.render,
update = _ref2.update,
unmount = _ref2.unmount,
totalTimeSpent = _ref2.totalTimeSpent,
percentTimeSpent = _ref2.percentTimeSpent,
numberOfInstances = _ref2.numberOfInstances,
componentWillMount = _ref2.componentWillMount,
componentDidMount = _ref2.componentDidMount,
componentWillReceiveProps = _ref2.componentWillReceiveProps,
shouldComponentUpdate = _ref2.shouldComponentUpdate,
componentWillUpdate = _ref2.componentWillUpdate,
componentDidUpdate = _ref2.componentDidUpdate,
componentWillUnmount = _ref2.componentWillUnmount;
var observer = new window.PerformanceObserver(function (list) {
var measures = (0, _generate.generateDataFromMeasures)((0, _parse.getReactPerformanceData)(list.getEntries()));
// The time is in millisecond (ms)
var data = {
component: componentName,
mount: mount,
render: render,
update: update,
unmount: unmount,
totalTimeSpent: totalTimeSpent,
percentTimeSpent: percentTimeSpent,
numberOfInstances: numberOfInstances,
componentWillMount: componentWillMount,
componentDidMount: componentDidMount,
componentWillReceiveProps: componentWillReceiveProps,
shouldComponentUpdate: shouldComponentUpdate,
componentWillUpdate: componentWillUpdate,
componentDidUpdate: componentDidUpdate,
componentWillUnmount: componentWillUnmount
if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
send(data, port);
measures: measures,
length: list.getEntries().length,
rawMeasures: list.getEntries()
// Send the data to a specified port
var send = function send(data, port) {
window.navigator.sendBeacon('' + (port !== undefined && typeof port === 'number' ? port : 8080), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
// For logging to console
};if (shouldLog) {
logToConsole(params, measures);
var getMeasuresByComponentName = function getMeasuresByComponentName(componentNames, measures) {
return measures.filter(function (measure) {
return componentNames.includes(measure.componentName);
entryTypes: ['measure']
This function logs the measures to the console. Requires a server running on a specified port. Default port number is 8080.
var logToConsole = function logToConsole(_ref, measures) {
var port = _ref.port,
components = _ref.components;
if (!components) {
logMeasures(port, measures);
} else if ((typeof components === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(components)) !== undefined && Array.isArray(components)) {
logMeasures(port, getMeasuresByComponentName(components, measures));
var logMeasures = function logMeasures(port, measures) {
measures.forEach(function (_ref2) {
var componentName = _ref2.componentName,
mount = _ref2.mount,
render = _ref2.render,
update = _ref2.update,
unmount = _ref2.unmount,
totalTimeSpent = _ref2.totalTimeSpent,
percentTimeSpent = _ref2.percentTimeSpent,
numberOfInstances = _ref2.numberOfInstances,
componentWillMount = _ref2.componentWillMount,
componentDidMount = _ref2.componentDidMount,
componentWillReceiveProps = _ref2.componentWillReceiveProps,
shouldComponentUpdate = _ref2.shouldComponentUpdate,
componentWillUpdate = _ref2.componentWillUpdate,
componentDidUpdate = _ref2.componentDidUpdate,
componentWillUnmount = _ref2.componentWillUnmount;
// The time is in millisecond (ms)
var data = {
component: componentName,
mount: mount,
render: render,
update: update,
unmount: unmount,
totalTimeSpent: totalTimeSpent,
percentTimeSpent: percentTimeSpent,
numberOfInstances: numberOfInstances,
componentWillMount: componentWillMount,
componentDidMount: componentDidMount,
componentWillReceiveProps: componentWillReceiveProps,
shouldComponentUpdate: shouldComponentUpdate,
componentWillUpdate: componentWillUpdate,
componentDidUpdate: componentDidUpdate,
componentWillUnmount: componentWillUnmount
send(data, port);
// Send the data to a specified port
var send = function send(data, port) {
window.navigator.sendBeacon('' + (port !== undefined && typeof port === 'number' ? port : 8080), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
var getMeasuresByComponentName = function getMeasuresByComponentName(componentNames, measures) {
return measures.filter(function (measure) {
return componentNames.includes(measure.componentName);
exports.registerObserver = registerObserver;
exports.getMeasuresByComponentName = getMeasuresByComponentName;
exports.registerObserver = registerObserver;
exports.getMeasuresByComponentName = getMeasuresByComponentName;

@@ -1,59 +0,72 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './math'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./math'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.math);
global.commitChanges = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _math) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getCommitChangesTime = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getCommitChangesTime = undefined;
var _math = require('./math');
// Update the store with the time spent while committing the changes
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure, delimiter) {
if ( {
var measureName ='');
// Update the store with the time spent while committing the changes
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure, delimiter) {
if ( {
var measureName ='');
if (measureName.includes('(Committing Changes)')) {
if (!store['Committing Changes']) {
store['Committing Changes'] = {
timeSpent: []
if (measureName.includes('(Committing Changes)')) {
if (!store['Committing Changes']) {
store['Committing Changes'] = {
timeSpent: []
store['Committing Changes'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
store['Committing Changes'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
var getCommitChangesTime = function getCommitChangesTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var getCommitChangesTime = function getCommitChangesTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
updateStore(store, measure, '⚛');
updateStore(store, measure, '⛔');
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
updateStore(store, measure, '⚛');
updateStore(store, measure, '⛔');
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return store;
return store;
exports.getCommitChangesTime = getCommitChangesTime;
exports.getCommitChangesTime = getCommitChangesTime;

@@ -1,69 +0,82 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './math'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./math'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.math);
global.generate = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _math) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.generateDataFromMeasures = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.generateDataFromMeasures = undefined;
var _math = require('./math');
// Get the total time taken combining all the phases
var getSummarisedTotalTime = function getSummarisedTotalTime(components) {
return components.reduce(function (acc, component) {
return acc += component.totalTime;
}, 0);
// Plot the timings (average time in ms, component instances, total time in ms)
var plotTimings = function plotTimings(nums) {
return {
averageTimeSpentMs: (0, _math.average)(nums),
numberOfTimes: nums.length,
totalTimeSpentMs: (0, _math.add)(nums)
// Get the total time taken combining all the phases
var getSummarisedTotalTime = function getSummarisedTotalTime(components) {
return components.reduce(function (acc, component) {
return acc += component.totalTime;
}, 0);
// Create a schema for each component
var createSchema = function createSchema(store, component, totalTime) {
return {
totalTimeSpent: component.totalTime,
numberOfInstances: store[].mount.timeSpent.length - store[].unmount.timeSpent.length,
percentTimeSpent: (0, _math.percent)(component.totalTime / totalTime),
render: plotTimings(store[].render.timeSpent),
mount: plotTimings(store[].mount.timeSpent),
update: plotTimings(store[].update.timeSpent),
unmount: plotTimings(store[].unmount.timeSpent),
componentWillMount: plotTimings(store[].componentWillMount.timeSpent),
componentDidMount: plotTimings(store[].componentDidMount.timeSpent),
componentWillReceiveProps: plotTimings(store[].componentWillReceiveProps.timeSpent),
shouldComponentUpdate: plotTimings(store[].shouldComponentUpdate.timeSpent),
componentWillUpdate: plotTimings(store[].componentWillUpdate.timeSpent),
componentDidUpdate: plotTimings(store[].componentDidUpdate.timeSpent),
componentWillUnmount: plotTimings(store[].componentWillUnmount.timeSpent)
// Plot the timings (average time in ms, component instances, total time in ms)
var plotTimings = function plotTimings(nums) {
return {
averageTimeSpentMs: (0, _math.average)(nums),
numberOfTimes: nums.length,
totalTimeSpentMs: (0, _math.add)(nums)
var getTotalComponentTimeSpent = function getTotalComponentTimeSpent(componentPhases) {
var phases = ['mount', 'unmount', 'update', 'render', 'componentWillMount', 'componentDidMount', 'componentWillReceiveProps', 'shouldComponentUpdate', 'componentWillUpdate', 'componentDidUpdate', 'componentWillUnmount'];
return phases.reduce(function (totalTimeSpent, phase) {
return totalTimeSpent += (0, _math.add)(componentPhases[phase].timeSpent);
}, 0);
var generateDataFromMeasures = function generateDataFromMeasures(store) {
var componentsWithTotalTime = Object.keys(store).map(function (componentName) {
// Create a schema for each component
var createSchema = function createSchema(store, component, totalTime) {
return {
name: componentName,
totalTime: getTotalComponentTimeSpent(store[componentName])
totalTimeSpent: component.totalTime,
numberOfInstances: store[].mount.timeSpent.length - store[].unmount.timeSpent.length,
percentTimeSpent: (0, _math.percent)(component.totalTime / totalTime),
render: plotTimings(store[].render.timeSpent),
mount: plotTimings(store[].mount.timeSpent),
update: plotTimings(store[].update.timeSpent),
unmount: plotTimings(store[].unmount.timeSpent),
componentWillMount: plotTimings(store[].componentWillMount.timeSpent),
componentDidMount: plotTimings(store[].componentDidMount.timeSpent),
componentWillReceiveProps: plotTimings(store[].componentWillReceiveProps.timeSpent),
shouldComponentUpdate: plotTimings(store[].shouldComponentUpdate.timeSpent),
componentWillUpdate: plotTimings(store[].componentWillUpdate.timeSpent),
componentDidUpdate: plotTimings(store[].componentDidUpdate.timeSpent),
componentWillUnmount: plotTimings(store[].componentWillUnmount.timeSpent)
var totalTime = getSummarisedTotalTime(componentsWithTotalTime);
return (componentWithTotalTime) {
return createSchema(store, componentWithTotalTime, totalTime);
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return b.totalTimeSpent - a.totalTimeSpent;
exports.generateDataFromMeasures = generateDataFromMeasures;
var getTotalComponentTimeSpent = function getTotalComponentTimeSpent(componentPhases) {
var phases = ['mount', 'unmount', 'update', 'render', 'componentWillMount', 'componentDidMount', 'componentWillReceiveProps', 'shouldComponentUpdate', 'componentWillUpdate', 'componentDidUpdate', 'componentWillUnmount'];
return phases.reduce(function (totalTimeSpent, phase) {
return totalTimeSpent += (0, _math.add)(componentPhases[phase].timeSpent);
}, 0);
var generateDataFromMeasures = function generateDataFromMeasures(store) {
var componentsWithTotalTime = Object.keys(store).map(function (componentName) {
return {
name: componentName,
totalTime: getTotalComponentTimeSpent(store[componentName])
var totalTime = getSummarisedTotalTime(componentsWithTotalTime);
return (componentWithTotalTime) {
return createSchema(store, componentWithTotalTime, totalTime);
}).sort(function (a, b) {
return b.totalTimeSpent - a.totalTimeSpent;
exports.generateDataFromMeasures = generateDataFromMeasures;

@@ -1,76 +0,89 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './math'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./math'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.math);
global.hostEffects = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _math) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getCommitHostEffectsTime = exports.getTotalEffects = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getCommitHostEffectsTime = exports.getTotalEffects = undefined;
var _math = require('./math');
// Update the store with the time spent while committing host effects
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var measureName ='⚛ ').join('');
// Update the store with the time spent while committing host effects
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var measureName ='⚛ ').join('');
if (measureName.includes('Committing Host Effects')) {
var totalEffects = Number(measureName.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]);
if (!store['Committing Host Effects']) {
store['Committing Host Effects'] = {
timeSpent: [],
totalEffects: []
if (measureName.includes('Committing Host Effects')) {
var totalEffects = Number(measureName.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]);
if (!store['Committing Host Effects']) {
store['Committing Host Effects'] = {
timeSpent: [],
totalEffects: []
store['Committing Host Effects'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
store['Committing Host Effects'].totalEffects.push(totalEffects);
store['Committing Host Effects'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
store['Committing Host Effects'].totalEffects.push(totalEffects);
return {};
return {};
var getCommitHostEffectsTime = function getCommitHostEffectsTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var getCommitHostEffectsTime = function getCommitHostEffectsTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
updateStore(store, measure);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
updateStore(store, measure);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return store;
return store;
// Get total number of host effects
var getTotalEffects = function getTotalEffects(store) {
var totalEffects = 0;
// Get total number of host effects
var getTotalEffects = function getTotalEffects(store) {
var totalEffects = 0;
for (var measure in store) {
totalEffects = totalEffects || 0;
totalEffects += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].totalEffects);
for (var measure in store) {
totalEffects = totalEffects || 0;
totalEffects += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].totalEffects);
return Number(totalEffects.toFixed(2));
return Number(totalEffects.toFixed(2));
exports.getTotalEffects = getTotalEffects;
exports.getCommitHostEffectsTime = getCommitHostEffectsTime;
exports.getTotalEffects = getTotalEffects;
exports.getCommitHostEffectsTime = getCommitHostEffectsTime;

@@ -1,76 +0,89 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './math'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./math'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.math);
global.lifecycle = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _math) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getLifecycleTime = exports.getTotalMethods = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getLifecycleTime = exports.getTotalMethods = undefined;
var _math = require('./math');
// Update the time spent while calling all the lifcycle methods
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var measureName ='⚛ ').join('');
// Update the time spent while calling all the lifcycle methods
var updateStore = function updateStore(store, measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var measureName ='⚛ ').join('');
if (measureName.includes('Calling Lifecycle Methods')) {
var totalMethods = Number(measureName.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]);
if (!store['Calling Lifecycle Methods']) {
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'] = {
timeSpent: [],
totalMethods: []
if (measureName.includes('Calling Lifecycle Methods')) {
var totalMethods = Number(measureName.split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]);
if (!store['Calling Lifecycle Methods']) {
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'] = {
timeSpent: [],
totalMethods: []
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'].totalMethods.push(totalMethods);
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'].timeSpent.push(Number(measure.duration.toFixed(2)));
store['Calling Lifecycle Methods'].totalMethods.push(totalMethods);
return {};
return {};
var getLifecycleTime = function getLifecycleTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var getLifecycleTime = function getLifecycleTime(measures) {
var store = {};
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
try {
for (var _iterator = measures[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var measure = _step.value;
updateStore(store, measure);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
updateStore(store, measure);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return store;
return store;
// Get the total number of lifecycle methods that were called
var getTotalMethods = function getTotalMethods(store) {
var totalMethods = 0;
// Get the total number of lifecycle methods that were called
var getTotalMethods = function getTotalMethods(store) {
var totalMethods = 0;
for (var measure in store) {
totalMethods = totalMethods || 0;
totalMethods += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].totalMethods);
for (var measure in store) {
totalMethods = totalMethods || 0;
totalMethods += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].totalMethods);
return Number(totalMethods.toFixed(2));
return Number(totalMethods.toFixed(2));
exports.getTotalMethods = getTotalMethods;
exports.getLifecycleTime = getLifecycleTime;
exports.getTotalMethods = getTotalMethods;
exports.getLifecycleTime = getLifecycleTime;

@@ -1,27 +0,41 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
global.math = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function add(nums) {
return Number(nums.reduce(function (acc, v) {
return acc += v;
}, 0).toFixed(2));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function add(nums) {
return Number(nums.reduce(function (acc, v) {
return acc += v;
}, 0).toFixed(2));
function average(nums) {
if (nums.length === 0) {
return '-';
function average(nums) {
if (nums.length === 0) {
return '-';
return (nums.reduce(function (acc, v) {
return acc += v;
}, 0) / nums.length).toFixed(2);
return (nums.reduce(function (acc, v) {
return acc += v;
}, 0) / nums.length).toFixed(2);
function percent(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) + '%';
function percent(num) {
return Math.round(num * 100) + '%';
exports.add = add;
exports.average = average;
exports.percent = percent;
exports.add = add;
exports.average = average;
exports.percent = percent;

@@ -1,118 +0,131 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './parseMeasures'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./parseMeasures'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.parseMeasures);
global.parse = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _parseMeasures) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getReactPerformanceData = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getReactPerformanceData = undefined;
var _parseMeasures = require('./parseMeasures');
// Schema for storing the time duration of each phase of a React component
var createSchema = function createSchema() {
return {
// Phases
mount: {
timeSpent: []
unmount: {
timeSpent: []
update: {
timeSpent: []
render: {
timeSpent: []
// Schema for storing the time duration of each phase of a React component
var createSchema = function createSchema() {
return {
// Phases
mount: {
timeSpent: []
unmount: {
timeSpent: []
update: {
timeSpent: []
render: {
timeSpent: []
// Lifecycle hooks
componentWillMount: {
timeSpent: []
componentDidMount: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillReceiveProps: {
timeSpent: []
shouldComponentUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentDidUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillUnmount: {
timeSpent: []
// Lifecycle hooks
componentWillMount: {
timeSpent: []
componentDidMount: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillReceiveProps: {
timeSpent: []
shouldComponentUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentDidUpdate: {
timeSpent: []
componentWillUnmount: {
timeSpent: []
// Update the time duration of each phase
var updateTime = function updateTime(store, componentName, phase, measure) {
if (phase === '[mount]') {
// Update the time duration of each phase
var updateTime = function updateTime(store, componentName, phase, measure) {
if (phase === '[mount]') {
if (phase === '[unmount]') {
if (phase === '[unmount]') {
if (phase === '[update]') {
if (phase === '[update]') {
if (phase === '[render]') {
if (phase === '[render]') {
if (phase === 'componentWillMount') {
if (phase === 'componentWillMount') {
if (phase === 'componentWillUnmount') {
if (phase === 'componentWillUnmount') {
if (phase === 'componentDidMount') {
if (phase === 'componentDidMount') {
if (phase === 'componentWillReceiveProps') {
if (phase === 'componentWillReceiveProps') {
if (phase === 'shouldComponentUpdate') {
if (phase === 'shouldComponentUpdate') {
if (phase === 'componentWillUpdate') {
if (phase === 'componentWillUpdate') {
if (phase === 'componentDidUpdate') {
if (phase === 'componentDidUpdate') {
// Get data from the performance measures
var getReactPerformanceData = function getReactPerformanceData(measures) {
var store = {};
measures.filter(function (measure) {
return (0, _parseMeasures.getComponentAndPhaseName)(measure) !== null;
}).forEach(function (measure) {
var _getComponentAndPhase = (0, _parseMeasures.getComponentAndPhaseName)(measure),
componentName = _getComponentAndPhase.componentName,
phase = _getComponentAndPhase.phase;
// Get data from the performance measures
var getReactPerformanceData = function getReactPerformanceData(measures) {
var store = {};
measures.filter(function (measure) {
return (0, _parseMeasures.getComponentAndPhaseName)(measure) !== null;
}).forEach(function (measure) {
var _getComponentAndPhase = (0, _parseMeasures.getComponentAndPhaseName)(measure),
componentName = _getComponentAndPhase.componentName,
phase = _getComponentAndPhase.phase;
if (!store[componentName]) {
store[componentName] = createSchema();
if (!store[componentName]) {
store[componentName] = createSchema();
updateTime(store, componentName, phase, measure);
return store;
updateTime(store, componentName, phase, measure);
return store;
exports.getReactPerformanceData = getReactPerformanceData;
exports.getReactPerformanceData = getReactPerformanceData;

@@ -1,58 +0,107 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
global.parseMeasures = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }();
var _slicedToArray = function () {
function sliceIterator(arr, i) {
var _arr = [];
var _n = true;
var _d = false;
var _e = undefined;
This function returns the component name and phase name from the measure name (returned from React performance data).
This may break if React changes the mark name (measure name).
var getComponentAndPhaseName = function getComponentAndPhaseName(measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var index ='⚛ ').join('');
try {
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
// "App [mount]"
if (/\[\w+\]/.test(index)) {
var _index$split = index.split(' '),
_index$split2 = _slicedToArray(_index$split, 2),
componentName = _index$split2[0],
phase = _index$split2[1];
if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
} catch (err) {
_d = true;
_e = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
return {
componentName: componentName,
phase: phase
} else if (/\w+\.\w+/.test(index)) {
// App.componentWillMount
var _index$split3 = index.split('.'),
_index$split4 = _slicedToArray(_index$split3, 2),
_componentName = _index$split4[0],
lifecycle = _index$split4[1];
return {
componentName: _componentName,
phase: lifecycle
} else {
return null;
return _arr;
} else if ('⛔')) {
var _index ='⛔ ').join('');
if (/\w+\.\w+/.test(_index)) {
return {
componentName: _index.split('.')[0],
phase: _index.split('.')[1].split(' Warning:')[0]
} else {
return null;
return function (arr, i) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
return arr;
} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {
return sliceIterator(arr, i);
} else {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
This function returns the component name and phase name from the measure name (returned from React performance data).
This may break if React changes the mark name (measure name).
var getComponentAndPhaseName = function getComponentAndPhaseName(measure) {
if ('⚛')) {
var index ='⚛ ').join('');
// "App [mount]"
if (/\[\w+\]/.test(index)) {
var _index$split = index.split(' '),
_index$split2 = _slicedToArray(_index$split, 2),
componentName = _index$split2[0],
phase = _index$split2[1];
return {
componentName: componentName,
phase: phase
} else if (/\w+\.\w+/.test(index)) {
var _index$split3 = index.split('.'),
_index$split4 = _slicedToArray(_index$split3, 2),
_componentName = _index$split4[0],
lifecycle = _index$split4[1];
return {
componentName: _componentName,
phase: lifecycle
} else {
return null;
} else if ('⛔')) {
var _index ='⛔ ').join('');
if (/\w+\.\w+/.test(_index)) {
return {
componentName: _index.split('.')[0],
phase: _index.split('.')[1].split(' Warning:')[0]
} else {
return null;
return null;
return null;
exports.getComponentAndPhaseName = getComponentAndPhaseName;
exports.getComponentAndPhaseName = getComponentAndPhaseName;

@@ -1,22 +0,35 @@

'use strict';
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports', './math'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
factory(exports, require('./math'));
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
factory(mod.exports, global.math);
global.totalTime = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports, _math) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getTotalTime = undefined;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getTotalTime = undefined;
var _math = require('./math');
// Computes the total time of each measure (commit changes, host effects and lifecycle methods)
var getTotalTime = function getTotalTime(store) {
var totalTime = 0;
// Computes the total time of each measure (commit changes, host effects and lifecycle methods)
var getTotalTime = function getTotalTime(store) {
var totalTime = 0;
for (var measure in store) {
totalTime = totalTime || 0;
totalTime += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].timeSpent);
for (var measure in store) {
totalTime = totalTime || 0;
totalTime += (0, _math.add)(store[measure].timeSpent);
return totalTime;
return totalTime;
exports.getTotalTime = getTotalTime;
exports.getTotalTime = getTotalTime;
"name": "react-perf-devtool",
"version": "3.0.7",
"version": "3.0.8-beta.0",
"description": "A devtool for inspecting the performance of React Components",
"main": "index.js",
"types": "index.d.ts",
"files": ["lib/shared", "lib/npm"],
"files": [
"author": "Nitin Tulswani",

@@ -19,2 +22,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.24.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-umd": "^6.24.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread": "^6.26.0",

@@ -37,11 +41,7 @@ "babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1",

"build:babel": "rm -rf lib && babel src --out-dir lib",
"rm -rf ./extension/build && NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --watch --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js --progress",
"rm -rf ./extension/build && NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js --progress && yarn build:babel",
"build:watch": "rm -rf ./extension/build && NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --watch --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js --progress",
"build": "rm -rf ./extension/build && NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-cli --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js --progress && yarn build:babel",
"precommit": "lint-staged",
"find src -name '*.js' | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote",
"yarn build && rm -rf ./extension/ && zip -r ./extension/ ./extension",
"format": "find src -name '*.js' | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote",
"generate": "yarn build && rm -rf ./extension/ && zip -r ./extension/ ./extension",
"build:extension": "yarn format && yarn test && yarn generate"

@@ -48,0 +48,0 @@ },

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