A drop-in implementation of Plaid Link with typescript definitions,
built for React. Originally written for Basil Finance.
npm install react-plaid-link-button --save
Yup! Check out the definition file
import PlaidLinkButton from 'react-plaid-link-button';
class PlaidLinkExample extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
buttonProps={{ className: 'some-class' }}
product: ['transactions'],
webhook: 'https://my-backend-webhook',
onScriptLoad={() => this.setState({ loaded: true })}
this.state.loaded ? 'Click me to launch Plaid!' : 'Loading....'
// Any props set here will be spread onto the top-level button element
buttonProps: PropTypes.object,
// Used to set the button text, defaults to: 'Link new account'
children: PropTypes.node,
// The URL of the plaid-link-script to load, defaults to: ''
scriptUrl: PropTypes.string,
// Callback when the script has been loaded successfully
onScriptLoad: PropTypes.func,
// Callback if loading the script has failed
onScriptError: PropTypes.func,
// See: for more
plaidLinkProps: PropTypes.shape({
// Displayed once a user has successfully linked their account
clientName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
// A list of Plaid product(s) you wish to use. Valid products are : transactions, auth, and identity.
// Only institutions that support all requested products will be shown.
product: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['transactions', 'auth', 'identity'])).isRequired,
// The public_key associated with your account; available from the Dashboard.
key: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
// The Plaid API environment on which to create user accounts.
// For development and testing, use sandbox or development. For production use, use production.
// Note: all production requests are billed.
env: PropTypes.oneOf(['sandbox', 'development', 'production']).isRequired,
// A function that is called when a user has successfully onboarded an Item.
// The function should expect two arguments, the public_token and a metadata object.
onSuccess: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
// A function that is called when a user has specifically exited the Link flow.
// The function should expect two arguments, a nullable error object and a metadata object.
onExit: PropTypes.func,
// A function that is called when a user reaches certain points in the Link flow.
// The function should expect two arguments, an eventName string and a metadata object. See onEvent.
onEvent: PropTypes.func,
// A function that is called when the Link module has finished loading.
// Calls to prior to the onLoad callback will be delayed until the module is fully loaded.
onLoad: PropTypes.func,
// Specify a webhook to associate with an Item.
// Plaid fires a webhook when the Item requires updated credentials or when new data is available.
webhook: PropTypes.string,
// Specify a public_token to launch Link in update mode for a particular Item.
// This will cause Link to open directly to the authentication step for that Item's institution.
// Use the POST /item/public_token/create endpoint to generate a public_token for an Item.
token: PropTypes.string,
// Set to true if launching Link within a WebView.
isWebView: PropTypes.bool,
Contributing/How to build
Shell into the docker container and run the build script
docker-compose run --rm frontend bash
npm run build:prod