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react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux

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##react-redux-toastr demo


react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux, primary consists of three things: a reducer, toastr emitter and a React component.

The reducer listens to dispatched actions from the component to maintain the toastr state in Redux.

Implementation Guide

1. Installation

npm install --save react-redux-toastr

2. Add the styles
  • import the scss file into to your project.

    @import 'react-redux-toastr/src/styles/index';
  • or include the css file from the demo site (NOTE: This can be change at anytime)

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
3. Add the reducer.
import {createStore, combineReducers} from 'redux'
import {reducer as toastrReducer} from 'react-redux-toastr'
const reducers = {
  // ... other reducers ...
  toastr: toastrReducer // <- Mounted at toastr.
const reducer = combineReducers(reducers)
const store = createStore(reducer)

NOTE: The default mount point for react-redux-toastr is toastr.

4. Add the component into an app root
import {Provider}  from 'react-redux'
import ReduxToastr from 'react-redux-toastr'

<Provider store={store}>
    ... other things like router ...
    // props are not required

The default configuration is:

  timeOut: 5000,
  newestOnTop: true,
  position: 'top-right',
  transitionIn: 'bounceIn',
  transitionOut: 'bounceOut',
  progressBar: false

NOTE: transitionIn and transitionOut will affect the confirm animation as well

Here is the full list of available configurations:

  • position: top-left top-center top-right bottom-left bottom-center and bottom-right

  • transitionIn: bounceIn bounceInDown and fadeIn

  • transitionOut: bounceOut bounceOutUp and fadeOut

5. Use the emitter

The toastr method use eventemitter3 to dispatch the actions

import React, {Component}  from 'react'
import {toastr} from 'react-redux-toastr'

export class YourComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          onClick={() => toastr.success('The title', 'The message')}
          type="button">Toastr Success</button>

Or you can bind the actions to your component if you prefer.

import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'
import {actions as toastrActions} from 'react-redux-toastr'
// In your React component
constructor(props) {
  // Bind the react-redux-toastr actions to the component
  this.toastr = bindActionCreators(toastrActions, this.props.dispatch)

   id: 'mycustomid', // If not provided we will add one.
   type: 'success',
   title: 'your title',
   position: 'top-left', // This will override the global props position.
   attention: true, // This will add a shadow like the confirm method.
   message: 'message',
   options: {}


Toastr methods

Toastr accepts the following methods: success info warning light error confirm message and removeByType

Toastr: success info warning light error and removeByType

Each of these methods can take up to three arguments the title a message and options. In options you can specify timeOut icon onShowComplete onHideComplete className component removeOnHover, showCloseButton, onCloseButtonClick, progressBar, transitionIn, position, attention and transitionOut.

import {toastr} from 'react-redux-toastr'

const toastrOptions = {
  timeOut: 3000, // by setting to 0 it will prevent the auto close
  icon: (<myCustomIconOrAvatar />), // You can add any component you want but note the the with and height are 70px ;)
  onShowComplete: () => console.log('SHOW: animation is done'),
  onHideComplete: () => console.log('HIDE: animation is done'),
  onCloseButtonClick: () => console.log('Close button was clicked'),
  showCloseButton: false, // true by default
  component: ( // this option will give you a func 'remove' as props
    <MyCustomComponent myProp="myValue">
      <span>Hello, World!</span>

toastr.success('Title', 'Message', toastrOptions)'The message', toastrOptions)
toastr.warning('The title', 'The message')
toastr.error('The message')
toastr.removeByType('error') // Remove all toastrs with the type error.
Toastr methods light

The light method is like the other toastr except that the background-color is white and you can add a top border on top of the toastr by passing the status option

icon can be one of the following:

  • 'success'
  • 'info'
  • 'warning'
  • 'error'
import {toastr} from 'react-redux-toastr'

const toastrType = 'warning';
const toastrOptions = {
  icon: toastrType,
  status: toastrType

toastr.light('The title', 'The message', toastrOptions)
Toastr: message

This one is in case you wanna show a large amount of information, unlike the other methods above this will not close automatically unless you provide a timeout in the message options.

const toastrMessageOptions = {
  timeOut: 3000, // Default value is 0
  onShowComplete: () => console.log('SHOW: animation is done'),
  onHideComplete: () => console.log('HIDE: animation is done'),
  removeOnHover: false // Default value is false
  component: React.Component
toastr.message('Title', toastrMessageOptions)
Toastr: confirm

The confirm method takes two arguments, the first is the message the second is a object where you can specify what will happen when the user clicks on ok and cancel button or by keypress enter/esc

NOTE: You can only have one at a time, right now if you have one confirm and you fire another it will be ignored.

const toastrConfirmOptions = {
  onOk: () => console.log('OK: clicked'),
  onCancel: () => console.log('CANCEL: clicked')
toastr.confirm('Are you sure about that!', toastrConfirmOptions);

You can change the ok and cancel text by:

  • Passing the confirm props to the ReduxToastr component
<!-- please define both keys as this will override default okText & cancelText -->
const options = {
  okText: 'confirm text',
  cancelText: 'cancel text'
<ReduxToastr confirmOptions={options}/>
  • Passing the okText and cancelText props to the toasterConfirmOptions object:
const toastrConfirmOptions = {
  okText: 'confirm text',
  cancelText: 'cancel text'

toastr.confirm('Are you sure about that!', toastrConfirmOptions);

You can make it so ok is the only button by:

  • Passing the disableCancel prop to the toasterConfirmOptions object:
const toastrConfirmOptions = {
  disableCancel: true;

toastr.confirm('You have timed out! Please log back in.', toastrConfirmOptions);

Avatar: in case you wanna use the same avatar as the example


Run a local demo

git clone
cd react-redux-toastr
npm install
npm start

open your browser at http://localhost:3000


create test.



Package last updated on 11 Apr 2017

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