Generates a sitemap from react-router-dom routes.
Available on NPM:
Routes layout
The sitemap generator expects a Routes element containing one or multiple Route elements in it. Like the following example:
import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
const MyRoutes = () => {
return (
<Route path="/" element={<AnyElement />}></Route>
<Route index element={<AnyElement />} />
<Route path="Contact" element={<AnyElement />} />
<Route path="*" element={<AnyElement />} />
Note: The Routes cannot be wrapped in a HashRouter or a BrowserRouter, because this requires the DOM, thus the code cannot be ran server side.
Creating the builder file
To create the sitemap you need a builder file.
You can possibly run this after you ran the actual build and put the sitemap in the dist or the build folder.
Alternatively you could run it before the building process and put it in the public folder.
import GenerateSitemap from "react-router-sitemap-maker";
import Routes from "../src/routes";
const sitemapData = await GenerateSitemap(Routes(), {
baseUrl: "",
hashrouting: true,
changeFrequency: "monthly"
Run the builder
These are some possible ways to run the sitemap builder file.
Using babel-node:
(Additional setup may be required to get babel-node to run JSX)
babel-node ./builders/sitemap.js
Using vite-node:
(vite-node should run JSX out of the box)
vite-node ./builders/sitemap.js