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react-router - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.0.1 to 7.0.2-pre.0


# `react-router`
## 7.0.2-pre.0
### Patch Changes
- temporarily only use one build in export map so packages can have a peer dependency on react router ([#12437](
- Generate wide `matches` and `params` types for child routes ([#12397](
At runtime, `matches` includes child route matches and `params` include child route path parameters.
But previously, we only generated types for parent routes and the current route in `matches` and `params`.
To align our generated types more closely to the runtime behavior, we now generate more permissive, wider types when accessing child route information.
## 7.0.1

@@ -22,3 +33,3 @@

- Remove single\_fetch future flag. ([#11522](
- Remove single_fetch future flag. ([#11522](

@@ -25,0 +36,0 @@ - Drop support for Node 16, React Router SSR now requires Node 18 or higher ([#11391](


import * as React from 'react';
import { R as RouterProviderProps$1 } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
import { R as RouterProviderProps$1 } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
import './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

import { R as RouteModules, a as Router, D as DataStrategyFunction, A as ActionFunction, L as LoaderFunction, C as ClientActionFunction, b as ClientLoaderFunction, c as LinksFunction, M as MetaFunction, d as RouteManifest, e as LoaderFunctionArgs, f as ActionFunctionArgs, T as To, g as RelativeRoutingType, h as Location, i as Action, P as ParamParseKey, j as Path, k as PathPattern, l as PathMatch, N as NavigateOptions, m as Params, n as RouteObject, o as Navigation, p as RevalidationState, U as UIMatch, S as SerializeFrom, B as BlockerFunction, q as Blocker, r as StaticHandlerContext, s as StaticHandler, F as FutureConfig$1, t as CreateStaticHandlerOptions$1, I as InitialEntry, H as HydrationState, u as IndexRouteObject, v as NonIndexRouteObject, w as RouterState } from './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';
export { ap as ClientActionFunctionArgs, aq as ClientLoaderFunctionArgs, aj as DataRouteMatch, ak as DataRouteObject, Q as DataStrategyFunctionArgs, V as DataStrategyMatch, W as DataStrategyResult, Y as ErrorResponse, y as Fetcher, Z as FormEncType, _ as FormMethod, G as GetScrollPositionFunction, x as GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, $ as HTMLFormMethod, au as HtmlLinkDescriptor, a9 as IDLE_BLOCKER, a8 as IDLE_FETCHER, a7 as IDLE_NAVIGATION, a0 as LazyRouteFunction, av as LinkDescriptor, ar as MetaArgs, as as MetaDescriptor, z as NavigationStates, al as Navigator, at as PageLinkDescriptor, am as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, an as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunctionArgs, a1 as PathParam, a2 as RedirectFunction, ao as RouteMatch, O as RouterFetchOptions, E as RouterInit, K as RouterNavigateOptions, J as RouterSubscriber, a3 as ShouldRevalidateFunction, a4 as ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, aA as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, aB as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, X as UNSAFE_DataWithResponseInit, az as UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl, aC as UNSAFE_FetchersContext, aD as UNSAFE_LocationContext, aE as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, aF as UNSAFE_RouteContext, aG as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, aw as UNSAFE_createBrowserHistory, ay as UNSAFE_createRouter, ax as UNSAFE_invariant, a5 as createPath, aa as data, ab as generatePath, ac as isRouteErrorResponse, ad as matchPath, ae as matchRoutes, a6 as parsePath, af as redirect, ag as redirectDocument, ah as replace, ai as resolvePath } from './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';
import { A as AssetsManifest, a as Route, F as FutureConfig, E as EntryContext } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
export { f as Await, b as AwaitProps, G as BrowserRouter, B as BrowserRouterProps, u as FetcherFormProps, y as FetcherSubmitFunction, a3 as FetcherSubmitOptions, z as FetcherWithComponents, U as Form, v as FormProps, J as HashRouter, H as HashRouterProps, p as HistoryRouterProps, I as IndexRouteProps, L as LayoutRouteProps, K as Link, q as LinkProps, aa as Links, g as MemoryRouter, M as MemoryRouterProps, a9 as Meta, T as NavLink, s as NavLinkProps, t as NavLinkRenderProps, h as Navigate, N as NavigateProps, i as Outlet, O as OutletProps, a4 as ParamKeyValuePair, P as PathRouteProps, ac as PrefetchPageLinks, j as Route, c as RouteProps, k as Router, d as RouterProps, l as RouterProvider, R as RouterProviderProps, m as Routes, e as RoutesProps, ab as Scripts, ad as ScriptsProps, V as ScrollRestoration, S as ScrollRestorationProps, w as SetURLSearchParams, x as SubmitFunction, a5 as SubmitOptions, a7 as SubmitTarget, af as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext, ai as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, aj as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, ag as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, ae as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, ak as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, ah as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, al as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, a6 as URLSearchParamsInit, C as createBrowserRouter, D as createHashRouter, n as createMemoryRouter, o as createRoutesFromChildren, o as createRoutesFromElements, a8 as createSearchParams, r as renderMatches, Q as unstable_HistoryRouter, a1 as unstable_usePrompt, a0 as useBeforeUnload, _ as useFetcher, $ as useFetchers, Z as useFormAction, W as useLinkClickHandler, X as useSearchParams, Y as useSubmit, a2 as useViewTransitionState } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
import { A as AssetsManifest, a as Route, F as FutureConfig, E as EntryContext } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
export { f as Await, b as AwaitProps, J as BrowserRouter, B as BrowserRouterProps, v as FetcherFormProps, z as FetcherSubmitFunction, a4 as FetcherSubmitOptions, C as FetcherWithComponents, V as Form, w as FormProps, K as HashRouter, H as HashRouterProps, q as HistoryRouterProps, I as IndexRouteProps, L as LayoutRouteProps, Q as Link, s as LinkProps, ab as Links, g as MemoryRouter, M as MemoryRouterProps, aa as Meta, U as NavLink, t as NavLinkProps, u as NavLinkRenderProps, h as Navigate, N as NavigateProps, i as Outlet, O as OutletProps, a5 as ParamKeyValuePair, P as PathRouteProps, ad as PrefetchPageLinks, j as Route, c as RouteProps, k as Router, d as RouterProps, l as RouterProvider, R as RouterProviderProps, m as Routes, e as RoutesProps, ac as Scripts, ae as ScriptsProps, W as ScrollRestoration, S as ScrollRestorationProps, x as SetURLSearchParams, y as SubmitFunction, a6 as SubmitOptions, a8 as SubmitTarget, ag as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext, aj as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, ak as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, ah as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, af as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, al as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, ai as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, am as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, a7 as URLSearchParamsInit, D as createBrowserRouter, G as createHashRouter, n as createMemoryRouter, o as createRoutesFromChildren, p as createRoutesFromElements, a9 as createSearchParams, r as renderMatches, T as unstable_HistoryRouter, a2 as unstable_usePrompt, a1 as useBeforeUnload, $ as useFetcher, a0 as useFetchers, _ as useFormAction, X as useLinkClickHandler, Y as useSearchParams, Z as useSubmit, a3 as useViewTransitionState } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
import * as React from 'react';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import { ReactElement } from 'react';

@@ -37,3 +37,3 @@ import { av as LinkDescriptor, as as MetaDescriptor, aJ as ServerDataFrom, aK as ClientDataFrom, aL as Func, aM as Equal, aN as Pretty } from '../../route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';

type MetaMatches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [MetaMatch<F>, ...MetaMatches<R>] : [];
type MetaMatches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [MetaMatch<F>, ...MetaMatches<R>] : MetaMatch<RouteInfo>[];
type CreateMetaArgs<T extends RouteInfo> = {

@@ -96,3 +96,3 @@ location: Location;

type Matches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [Match<F>, ...Matches<R>] : [];
type Matches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [Match<F>, ...Matches<R>] : Match<RouteInfo>[];
type CreateComponentProps<T extends RouteInfo> = {

@@ -99,0 +99,0 @@ params: T["params"];

* react-router v7.0.1
* react-router v7.0.2-pre.0

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.

import * as React from 'react';
import { R as RouterProviderProps$1 } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
import { R as RouterProviderProps$1 } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
import './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

import { R as RouteModules, a as Router, D as DataStrategyFunction, A as ActionFunction, L as LoaderFunction, C as ClientActionFunction, b as ClientLoaderFunction, c as LinksFunction, M as MetaFunction, d as RouteManifest, e as LoaderFunctionArgs, f as ActionFunctionArgs, T as To, g as RelativeRoutingType, h as Location, i as Action, P as ParamParseKey, j as Path, k as PathPattern, l as PathMatch, N as NavigateOptions, m as Params, n as RouteObject, o as Navigation, p as RevalidationState, U as UIMatch, S as SerializeFrom, B as BlockerFunction, q as Blocker, r as StaticHandlerContext, s as StaticHandler, F as FutureConfig$1, t as CreateStaticHandlerOptions$1, I as InitialEntry, H as HydrationState, u as IndexRouteObject, v as NonIndexRouteObject, w as RouterState } from './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';
export { ap as ClientActionFunctionArgs, aq as ClientLoaderFunctionArgs, aj as DataRouteMatch, ak as DataRouteObject, Q as DataStrategyFunctionArgs, V as DataStrategyMatch, W as DataStrategyResult, Y as ErrorResponse, y as Fetcher, Z as FormEncType, _ as FormMethod, G as GetScrollPositionFunction, x as GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, $ as HTMLFormMethod, au as HtmlLinkDescriptor, a9 as IDLE_BLOCKER, a8 as IDLE_FETCHER, a7 as IDLE_NAVIGATION, a0 as LazyRouteFunction, av as LinkDescriptor, ar as MetaArgs, as as MetaDescriptor, z as NavigationStates, al as Navigator, at as PageLinkDescriptor, am as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, an as PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunctionArgs, a1 as PathParam, a2 as RedirectFunction, ao as RouteMatch, O as RouterFetchOptions, E as RouterInit, K as RouterNavigateOptions, J as RouterSubscriber, a3 as ShouldRevalidateFunction, a4 as ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, aA as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, aB as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, X as UNSAFE_DataWithResponseInit, az as UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl, aC as UNSAFE_FetchersContext, aD as UNSAFE_LocationContext, aE as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, aF as UNSAFE_RouteContext, aG as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, aw as UNSAFE_createBrowserHistory, ay as UNSAFE_createRouter, ax as UNSAFE_invariant, a5 as createPath, aa as data, ab as generatePath, ac as isRouteErrorResponse, ad as matchPath, ae as matchRoutes, a6 as parsePath, af as redirect, ag as redirectDocument, ah as replace, ai as resolvePath } from './route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';
import { A as AssetsManifest, a as Route, F as FutureConfig, E as EntryContext } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
export { f as Await, b as AwaitProps, G as BrowserRouter, B as BrowserRouterProps, u as FetcherFormProps, y as FetcherSubmitFunction, a3 as FetcherSubmitOptions, z as FetcherWithComponents, U as Form, v as FormProps, J as HashRouter, H as HashRouterProps, p as HistoryRouterProps, I as IndexRouteProps, L as LayoutRouteProps, K as Link, q as LinkProps, aa as Links, g as MemoryRouter, M as MemoryRouterProps, a9 as Meta, T as NavLink, s as NavLinkProps, t as NavLinkRenderProps, h as Navigate, N as NavigateProps, i as Outlet, O as OutletProps, a4 as ParamKeyValuePair, P as PathRouteProps, ac as PrefetchPageLinks, j as Route, c as RouteProps, k as Router, d as RouterProps, l as RouterProvider, R as RouterProviderProps, m as Routes, e as RoutesProps, ab as Scripts, ad as ScriptsProps, V as ScrollRestoration, S as ScrollRestorationProps, w as SetURLSearchParams, x as SubmitFunction, a5 as SubmitOptions, a7 as SubmitTarget, af as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext, ai as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, aj as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, ag as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, ae as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, ak as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, ah as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, al as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, a6 as URLSearchParamsInit, C as createBrowserRouter, D as createHashRouter, n as createMemoryRouter, o as createRoutesFromChildren, o as createRoutesFromElements, a8 as createSearchParams, r as renderMatches, Q as unstable_HistoryRouter, a1 as unstable_usePrompt, a0 as useBeforeUnload, _ as useFetcher, $ as useFetchers, Z as useFormAction, W as useLinkClickHandler, X as useSearchParams, Y as useSubmit, a2 as useViewTransitionState } from './fog-of-war-CbNQuoo8.js';
import { A as AssetsManifest, a as Route, F as FutureConfig, E as EntryContext } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
export { f as Await, b as AwaitProps, J as BrowserRouter, B as BrowserRouterProps, v as FetcherFormProps, z as FetcherSubmitFunction, a4 as FetcherSubmitOptions, C as FetcherWithComponents, V as Form, w as FormProps, K as HashRouter, H as HashRouterProps, q as HistoryRouterProps, I as IndexRouteProps, L as LayoutRouteProps, Q as Link, s as LinkProps, ab as Links, g as MemoryRouter, M as MemoryRouterProps, aa as Meta, U as NavLink, t as NavLinkProps, u as NavLinkRenderProps, h as Navigate, N as NavigateProps, i as Outlet, O as OutletProps, a5 as ParamKeyValuePair, P as PathRouteProps, ad as PrefetchPageLinks, j as Route, c as RouteProps, k as Router, d as RouterProps, l as RouterProvider, R as RouterProviderProps, m as Routes, e as RoutesProps, ac as Scripts, ae as ScriptsProps, W as ScrollRestoration, S as ScrollRestorationProps, x as SetURLSearchParams, y as SubmitFunction, a6 as SubmitOptions, a8 as SubmitTarget, ag as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext, aj as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, ak as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, ah as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, af as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, al as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, ai as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, am as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, a7 as URLSearchParamsInit, D as createBrowserRouter, G as createHashRouter, n as createMemoryRouter, o as createRoutesFromChildren, p as createRoutesFromElements, a9 as createSearchParams, r as renderMatches, T as unstable_HistoryRouter, a2 as unstable_usePrompt, a1 as useBeforeUnload, $ as useFetcher, a0 as useFetchers, _ as useFormAction, X as useLinkClickHandler, Y as useSearchParams, Z as useSubmit, a3 as useViewTransitionState } from './fog-of-war-DU_DzpDb.js';
import * as React from 'react';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import { ReactElement } from 'react';

@@ -37,3 +37,3 @@ import { av as LinkDescriptor, as as MetaDescriptor, aJ as ServerDataFrom, aK as ClientDataFrom, aL as Func, aM as Equal, aN as Pretty } from '../../route-data-DuV3tXo2.js';

type MetaMatches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [MetaMatch<F>, ...MetaMatches<R>] : [];
type MetaMatches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [MetaMatch<F>, ...MetaMatches<R>] : MetaMatch<RouteInfo>[];
type CreateMetaArgs<T extends RouteInfo> = {

@@ -96,3 +96,3 @@ location: Location;

type Matches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [Match<F>, ...Matches<R>] : [];
type Matches<T extends RouteInfo[]> = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [Match<F>, ...Matches<R>] : Match<RouteInfo>[];
type CreateComponentProps<T extends RouteInfo> = {

@@ -99,0 +99,0 @@ params: T["params"];

* react-router v7.0.1
* react-router v7.0.2-pre.0

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.

"name": "react-router",
"version": "7.0.1",
"version": "7.0.2-pre.0",
"description": "Declarative routing for React",

@@ -21,25 +21,19 @@ "keywords": [

"sideEffects": false,
"types": "./dist/production/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/production/index.js",
"module": "./dist/production/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/development/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/development/index.js",
"module": "./dist/development/index.mjs",
"exports": {
".": {
"node": {
"types": "./dist/production/index.d.ts",
"development": {
"module-sync": "./dist/development/index.mjs",
"default": "./dist/development/index.js"
"module-sync": "./dist/production/index.mjs",
"default": "./dist/production/index.js"
"types": "./dist/development/index.d.ts",
"module-sync": "./dist/development/index.mjs",
"default": "./dist/development/index.js"
"import": {
"types": "./dist/production/index.d.mts",
"development": "./dist/development/index.mjs",
"default": "./dist/production/index.mjs"
"types": "./dist/development/index.d.mts",
"default": "./dist/development/index.mjs"
"default": {
"types": "./dist/production/index.d.ts",
"development": "./dist/development/index.js",
"default": "./dist/production/index.js"
"types": "./dist/development/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/development/index.js"

@@ -49,6 +43,6 @@ },

"import": {
"types": "./dist/production/lib/types/route-module.d.mts"
"types": "./dist/development/lib/types/route-module.d.mts"
"default": {
"types": "./dist/production/lib/types/route-module.d.ts"
"types": "./dist/development/lib/types/route-module.d.ts"

@@ -58,19 +52,13 @@ },

"node": {
"types": "./dist/production/dom-export.d.ts",
"development": {
"module-sync": "./dist/development/dom-export.mjs",
"default": "./dist/development/dom-export.js"
"module-sync": "./dist/production/dom-export.mjs",
"default": "./dist/production/dom-export.js"
"types": "./dist/development/dom-export.d.ts",
"module-sync": "./dist/development/dom-export.mjs",
"default": "./dist/development/dom-export.js"
"import": {
"types": "./dist/production/dom-export.d.mts",
"development": "./dist/development/dom-export.mjs",
"default": "./dist/production/dom-export.mjs"
"types": "./dist/development/dom-export.d.mts",
"default": "./dist/development/dom-export.mjs"
"default": {
"types": "./dist/production/dom-export.d.ts",
"development": "./dist/development/dom-export.js",
"default": "./dist/production/dom-export.js"
"types": "./dist/development/dom-export.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/development/dom-export.js"

@@ -77,0 +65,0 @@ },

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