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react-runner - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.1 to 1.0.0-alpha.0



@@ -6,2 +6,10 @@ # Change Log

# [1.0.0-alpha.0]( (2021-12-27)
**Note:** Version bump only for package react-runner
## [0.5.1]( (2019-07-05)

@@ -8,0 +16,0 @@



@@ -1,334 +0,2 @@

import React, { useState, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { transform as transform$1 } from 'sucrase';
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
function isNativeReflectConstruct() {
if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false;
if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false;
if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true;
try {, [], function () {}));
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {
if (isNativeReflectConstruct()) {
_construct = Reflect.construct;
} else {
_construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {
var a = [null];
a.push.apply(a, args);
var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a);
var instance = new Constructor();
if (Class) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype);
return instance;
return _construct.apply(null, arguments);
function _assertThisInitialized(self) {
if (self === void 0) {
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return self;
var transform = function transform(code, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var _options = options,
type = _options.type;
return transform$1(code, {
transforms: ['jsx', type === 'typescript' && 'typescript', type === 'flow' && 'flow'].filter(Boolean),
production: true
var exportRegexp = /^export default(?=\s+)/m;
var renderRegexp = /^render(?=\s*\([^)])/m;
var elementRegexp = /^</;
var prepareCode = function prepareCode(code) {
// export default Component
if (exportRegexp.test(code)) return code.replace(exportRegexp, 'return'); // render(<Component />)
if (renderRegexp.test(code)) return code.replace(renderRegexp, 'return'); // remove trailing comma for expression
code = code.replace(/;$/, ''); // inline elements
if (elementRegexp.test(code) && React.Fragment) code = "<>" + code + "</>";
return "return (" + code + ")";
var evalCode = function evalCode(code, scope) {
var scopeKeys = Object.keys(scope);
var scopeValues = (key) {
return scope[key];
}); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
var fn = _construct(Function, scopeKeys.concat([code]));
return fn.apply(void 0, scopeValues);
var withErrorBoundary = function withErrorBoundary(Element, errorCallback) {
var _temp;
return _temp =
function (_React$Component) {
_inheritsLoose(ErrorBoundary, _React$Component);
function ErrorBoundary() {
var _this;
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
_this = _React$$Component, [this].concat(args)) || this;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "state", {
error: null
return _this;
var _proto = ErrorBoundary.prototype;
_proto.componentDidCatch = function componentDidCatch(error) {
error: error
_proto.render = function render() {
if (this.state.error || !Element) return null;
if (React.isValidElement(Element)) return Element;
var type = typeof Element;
if (type === 'object') return Element.toString();
if (type === 'function') return React.createElement(Element, null);
return Element;
return ErrorBoundary;
}(React.Component), _temp;
var generateElement = function generateElement(options, errorCallback) {
if (errorCallback === void 0) {
errorCallback = function errorCallback() {};
var code = options.code,
scope = options.scope;
var trimmedCode = code ? code.trim() : '';
if (!trimmedCode) return null;
var transformedCode = transform(prepareCode(trimmedCode), options);
var result = evalCode(transformedCode, _extends({
React: React
}, scope));
var Element = withErrorBoundary(result, errorCallback);
return React.createElement(Element, null);
var compile = function compile(options, errorCallback) {
var element = null;
var error = null;
try {
element = generateElement(options, errorCallback);
} catch (err) {
error = err.toString();
return {
element: element,
error: error
var Runner =
function (_React$Component) {
_inheritsLoose(Runner, _React$Component);
function Runner() {
var _this;
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
_this = _React$$Component, [this].concat(args)) || this;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "state", {
error: null,
element: null
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "compile", function () {
var _this$props = _this.props,
code = _this$props.code,
scope = _this$props.scope,
type = _this$props.type;
var _compile = compile({
code: code,
scope: scope,
type: type
}, function (error) {
error: error,
element: null
element = _compile.element,
error = _compile.error;
element: element,
error: error
return _this;
var _proto = Runner.prototype;
_proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {
_proto.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
var _this$props2 = this.props,
code = _this$props2.code,
scope = _this$props2.scope,
type = _this$props2.type;
if (code !== prevProps.code || scope !== prevProps.scope || type !== prevProps.type) {
_proto.render = function render() {
var children = this.props.children;
var _this$state = this.state,
element = _this$state.element,
error = _this$state.error;
return children({
element: element,
error: error
return Runner;
Runner.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
code: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
scope: PropTypes.object,
type: PropTypes.oneOf(['typescript', 'flow'])
var useRunner = function useRunner(_ref) {
var code = _ref.code,
scope = _ref.scope,
type = _ref.type;
if (!useState) throw new Error('Require React 16.8 or above to use hooks'); // memoize scope to avoid effect loop
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
var memoScope = useMemo(function () {
return scope;
}, [scope && Object.keys(scope).join()]);
var _useState = useState({
element: null,
error: null
state = _useState[0],
setState = _useState[1];
useEffect(function () {
var _compile = compile({
code: code,
scope: memoScope,
type: type
}, function (error) {
error: error,
element: null
element = _compile.element,
error = _compile.error;
element: element,
error: error
}, [code, memoScope, type]);
return state;
export default Runner;
export { compile, useRunner };
import e,{Component as r,isValidElement as t,createElement as o,Fragment as n,useState as s,useRef as c,useEffect as l}from"react";import{transform as p}from"sucrase";function i(){return i=Object.assign||function(e){for(var r=1;r<arguments.length;r++){var t=arguments[r];for(var o in t),o)&&(e[o]=t[o])}return e},i.apply(this,arguments)}class u extends r{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.state={hasError:!1}}static getDerivedStateFromError(){return{hasError:!0}}componentDidCatch(e){var r,t;null==(r=(t=this.props).onError)||,e.toString())}render(){return this.state.hasError?null:this.props.children}}const a=/^export default(?=\s+)/m,m=/^render(?=\s*\([^)])/m,h=/^</,d=(r,s)=>{const{code:c,scope:l}=r,d=c?c.trim():"";if(!d)return null;const f=(e=>p(e,{transforms:["jsx","typescript"],production:!0}).code)((e=>a.test(e)?e.replace(a,"return"):m.test(e)?e.replace(m,"return"):(e=e.replace(/;$/,""),h.test(e)&&n&&(e="<>"+e+"</>"),"return ("+e+")"))(d)),y=((e,r)=>{const t=Object.keys(r),>r[e]);return new Function(...t,e)(...o)})(f,i({React:e},l));let g;return g=t(y)?y:"object"==typeof y?String(y):"function"==typeof y?o(y):null,o(u,{onError:s},g)},f=(e,r)=>{let t;try{t={element:d(e,r),error:null}}catch(e){t={element:null,error:e.toString()}}return t};class y extends r{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.state={error:null,element:null},this.compile=()=>{const{code:e,scope:r}=this.props,{element:t,error:o}=f({code:e,scope:r},e=>{this.setState({error:e,element:null})});this.setState({element:t,error:o})}}componentDidMount(){this.compile()}componentDidUpdate(e){this.props.code!==e.code&&this.compile()}render(){return this.props.children(this.state)}}const g=e=>{let{code:r,scope:t}=e;const[o,n]=s({element:null,error:null}),p=c(t);return p.current=t,l(()=>{const{element:e,error:t}=f({code:r,scope:p.current},e=>{n({error:e,element:null})});n({element:e,error:t})},[r]),o};export{y as Runner,f as compile,g as useRunner};
"name": "react-runner",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.0",
"description": "Run your React code on the go",

@@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ "homepage": "",

"main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.esm.js",
"unpkg": "dist/foo.umd.js",
"exports": "./dist/index.modern.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [

@@ -26,7 +29,9 @@ "dist"

"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c",
"watch": "rollup -c -w",
"test": "jest",
"tsc": "tsc",
"build": "microbundle build",
"watch": "microbundle watch",
"clean": "rimraf dist",
"lint": "eslint 'src/**/*.js'",
"prettier": "prettier --write '**/src/**/*.{js,css}'"
"lint": "eslint 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx}'",
"prettier": "prettier --write '**/src/**/*.{ts,tsx}'"

@@ -37,7 +42,27 @@ "dependencies": {

"peerDependencies": {
"prop-types": "^15.5.7",
"react": "^16.0.0",
"react-dom": "^16.0.0"
"react": "^16.0.0 || ^17 || ^18",
"react-dom": "^16.0.0 || ^17 || ^18"
"gitHead": "4eb6d1b560c45e0b0cae62006fe8bf8000a34011"
"browserslist": [
"Chrome > 61",
"Edge > 16",
"Firefox > 60",
"Safari > 10.1"
"jest": {
"preset": "ts-jest",
"testEnvironment": "jsdom",
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"statements": 95,
"branches": 95,
"functions": 95,
"lines": 95
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