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react-selectize - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.6 to 0.2.0


@@ -18,3 +18,11 @@ # React Selectize

## v0.1.6 / 19h September 2015
## v0.1.6 / 19th September 2015
* introduced a new prop `autosize`, allows consumers to provide custom autosize logic for search input, the default implementation now supports nonmodern browsers
## v0.2.0 / 19th September 2015
* drop in replacement for React.DOM.Select, accepts options as children
* added a new prop `dropdownDirection`, setting it to -1 forces the options menu to open upwards
* option group support (as rows and columns)
* updated the signature of refs.selectInstance.focus from `a -> Void` to `a -> (a -> Void) -> Void`, i.e. the focus function now accepts a callback as the first parameter which is fired when the options menu is visible
* improved performance by implementing shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method for *Wrapper classes, added `uid :: (Eq e) => Item -> e` prop
* changed the signature of renderOption & renderValue props from `Int -> Item -> ReactElement` to `Item -> ReactElement`


"name": "react-selectize",
"version": "0.1.6",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "react implementation of selectize",

@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ "main": "src/index.js",

"browserify": "^9.0.3",
"gulp": "^3.8.11",
"browserify-shim": "^3.8.10",
"gulp": "^3.8.11",
"gulp-connect": "^2.2.0",

@@ -37,3 +38,3 @@ "gulp-if": "^1.2.5",

"watchify": "^2.4.0"
"repository": {

@@ -54,2 +55,2 @@ "type": "git",

# React Selectize
A flexible & stateless select component for ReactJS built with livescript and love.
ReactSelectize comes in 3 flavours SimpleSelect (or single select), MultiSelect & ReactSelectize. Both the SimpleSelect & the MultiSelect components are built on top of the stateless ReactSelectize component.
A flexible & stateless select component for ReactJS built with livescript and love.
ReactSelectize comes in 3 flavors SimpleSelect (or single select), MultiSelect & ReactSelectize. Both the SimpleSelect & the MultiSelect components are built on top of the stateless ReactSelectize component.

@@ -9,2 +10,17 @@

## Features
* Drop in replacement for React.DOM.Select
* Stateless, therefore extremely flexible & extensible
* Clean and compact API fully documented on GitHub
* Multiselect support
* Option groups
* Custom filtering & option object
* Custom option & value rendering
* Remote data loading
* Tagging or item creation
* Caret between items
* Customizable dropdown direction
* Mark options as unselectable
* Customizable styles, comes with Stylus files
## Install

@@ -53,5 +69,2 @@

placeholder = "Select a fruit"
options = ["apple", "mango", "orange", "banana"].map(function(fruit){
return {label: fruit, value: fruit};
onValueChange = {function(value, callback){

@@ -61,6 +74,12 @@ alert(value);

<option value = "apple">apple</option>
<option value = "mango">mango</option>
<option value = "orange">orange</option>
<option value = "banana">banana</option>
// Note: options can be passed as props as well, for example

@@ -89,30 +108,36 @@ placeholder = "Select fruits"

| Property | Type | Description|
| Property | Type | Description |
| autosize | InputElement -> Int | `function($search){return $search.value.length * 10}` custom logic for autosizing the input element|
| className | String | class name for the outer element, in addition to "simple-select"|
| disabled | Boolean | disables interaction with the Select control|
| createFromSearch | [Item] -> String -> Item? | implement this function to create new items on the fly, `function(options, search){return {label: search, value: search}}`, return null to avoid option creation for the given parameters|
| filterOptions | [Item]-> String -> [Item] | implement this function for custom synchronous filtering logic, `function(options, search) {return options}`|
| onBlur | Item -> String -> Void | `function(value, reason){}` reason can be either "click" (loss of focus because the user clicked elsewhere), "tab" or "blur" (invoked refs.simpleSelect.blur())|
| onFocus | Item -> String -> Void | `function(value, reason){}` reason can be either "event" (when the control gains focus outside) or "focus" (when the user invokes refs.simpleSelect.focus())|
| onSearchChange | String -> (a -> Void) -> Void | `function(search, callback){self.setState({search: search}, callback);}` or `function(search,callback){callback();}` i.e. callback MUST always be invoked|
| onValueChange | Item -> (a -> Void) -> Void | `function(selectedValue, callback){self.setState({selectedValue: selectedValue}, callback)}` or `function(value, callback){callback()}` i.e. callback MUST always be invoked|
| options | [Item] | list of items by default each option object MUST have label & value property, otherwise you must implement the render* & filterOptions methods|
| placeholder: | String | displayed when there is no value|
| renderNoResultsFound | Item -> String -> ReactElement | `function(item, search){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering the "No results found" error|
| renderOption | Int -> Item -> ReactElement | `function(index, item){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering each option|
| renderValue | Int -> Item -> ReactElement | `function(index, item){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering the selected value|
| restoreOnBackspace | Item -> String | `function(item){return item.label;}` implement this method if you want to go back to editing the item when the user hits the [backspace] key instead of getting removed|
| search | String | the text displayed in the search box|
| style | Object | the CSS styles for the outer element|
| value | Item | the selected value, i.e. one of the objects in the options array|
| className | String | class name for the outer element, in addition to "simple-select"|
| disabled | Boolean | disables interaction with the Select control|
| dropdownDirection | Int | defaults to 1, setting it to -1 opens the dropdown upward|
| createFromSearch | [Item] -> String -> Item? | implement this function to create new items on the fly, `function(options, search){return {label: search, value: search}}`, return null to avoid option creation for the given parameters|
| filterOptions | [Item]-> String -> [Item] | implement this function for custom synchronous filtering logic, `function(options, search) {return options}`|
| groupId | Item -> b | `function(item){return item.groupId}` this function is used to identify which group an option belongs to, it must return a value that matches the groupId property of an object in the groups collection|
| groups | [Group] | collection of objects where each object must atleast have a groupId property|
| groupsAsColumns | Boolean | display option groups in columns|
| onBlur | Item -> String -> Void | `function(value, reason){}` reason can be either "click" (loss of focus because the user clicked elsewhere), "tab" or "blur" (invoked refs.simpleSelect.blur())|
| onFocus | Item -> String -> Void | `function(value, reason){}` reason can be either "event" (when the control gains focus outside) or "focus" (when the user invokes refs.simpleSelect.focus())|
| onSearchChange | String -> (a -> Void) -> Void | `function(search, callback){self.setState({search: search}, callback);}` or `function(search,callback){callback();}` i.e. callback MUST always be invoked|
| onValueChange | Item -> (a -> Void) -> Void | `function(selectedValue, callback){self.setState({selectedValue: selectedValue}, callback)}` or `function(value, callback){callback()}` i.e. callback MUST always be invoked|
| options | [Item] | list of items by default each option object MUST have label & value property, otherwise you must implement the render* & filterOptions methods|
| placeholder | String | displayed when there is no value|
| renderNoResultsFound | Item -> String -> ReactElement | `function(item, search){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering the "No results found" error|
| renderGroupTitle | Int -> Group -> ReactElement | `function(index, group){return React.DOM.div(null)}` returns a custom way for rendering the group title|
| renderOption | Item -> ReactElement | `function(item){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering each option|
| renderValue | Item -> ReactElement | `function(item){return React.DOM.div(null);}` returns a custom way for rendering the selected value|
| restoreOnBackspace | Item -> String | `function(item){return item.label;}` implement this method if you want to go back to editing the item when the user hits the [backspace] key instead of getting removed|
| search | String | the text displayed in the search box|
| style | Object | the CSS styles for the outer element|
| uid | (Eq e) => Item -> e | `function(item){return item.value}` returns a unique id for a given option, defaults to the value property|
| value | Item | the selected value, i.e. one of the objects in the options array|
## SimpleSelect methods
| Method | Type | Description |
| focus | a -> Void | `this.refs.selectInstance.focus()` opens the list of options and positions the cursor in the input control|
| highlightFirstSelectableOption | a -> Void | `this.refs.selectInstance.highlightFirstSelectableOption()`|
| value | a -> Item | `this.refs.selectInstance.value()` returns the current selected item|
| Method | Type | Description |
| focus | a -> (a -> Void) -> Void | `this.refs.selectInstance.focus(callback)` opens the list of options and positions the cursor in the input control, the callback fired when the options menu becomes visible|
| highlightFirstSelectableOption | a -> Void | `this.refs.selectInstance.highlightFirstSelectableOption()`|
| value | a -> Item | `this.refs.selectInstance.value()` returns the current selected item|

@@ -134,3 +159,3 @@ ## MultiSelect Props

## MultSelect methods
## MultiSelect methods

@@ -137,0 +162,0 @@ same as SimpleSelect but use `this.refs.multiSelectInstance.values()` to get the selected values instead of the `value` method.

var ref$, all, any, camelize, difference, drop, filter, find, findIndex, last, map, reject, isEqualToObject, React, createFactory, div, img, span, ReactSelectize;
var ref$, all, any, camelize, difference, drop, filter, find, findIndex, last, map, reject, isEqualToObject, React, createFactory, div, img, span, ReactSelectize, toString$ = {}.toString;
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), all = ref$.all, any = ref$.any, camelize = ref$.camelize, difference = ref$.difference, drop = ref$.drop, filter = ref$.filter, find = ref$.find, findIndex = ref$.findIndex, last = ref$.last, map = ref$.map, reject = ref$.reject;

@@ -37,9 +37,14 @@ isEqualToObject = require('prelude-extension').isEqualToObject;

render: function(){
var ref$, anchor, search, values, onAnchorChange, onSearchChange, onValuesChange, filteredOptions, options, autosize, this$ = this;
var ref$, anchor, search, values, onAnchorChange, onSearchChange, onValuesChange, filteredOptions, options, autosize, disabled, dropdownDirection, groupId, groups, groupsAsColumns, renderGroupTitle, this$ = this;
ref$ = this.getComputedState(), anchor = ref$.anchor, search = ref$.search, values = ref$.values, onAnchorChange = ref$.onAnchorChange, onSearchChange = ref$.onSearchChange, onValuesChange = ref$.onValuesChange, filteredOptions = ref$.filteredOptions, options = ref$.options;
autosize = this.props.autosize;
ref$ = this.props, autosize = ref$.autosize, disabled = ref$.disabled, dropdownDirection = ref$.dropdownDirection, groupId = ref$.groupId, groups = ref$.groups, groupsAsColumns = ref$.groupsAsColumns, renderGroupTitle = ref$.renderGroupTitle;
return ReactSelectize(import$({
autosize: autosize,
className: "multi-select " + this.props.className,
disabled: this.props.disabled,
disabled: disabled,
dropdownDirection: dropdownDirection,
groupId: groupId,
groups: groups,
groupsAsColumns: groupsAsColumns,
renderGroupTitle: renderGroupTitle,
ref: 'select',

@@ -58,2 +63,8 @@ anchor: anchor,

highlightedUid: this.state.highlightedUid,
onHighlightedUidChange: function(highlightedUid, callback){
return this$.setState({
highlightedUid: highlightedUid
}, callback);
firstOptionIndexToHighlight: function(){

@@ -71,3 +82,2 @@ return this$.firstOptionIndexToHighlight(options);

return onValuesChange(newValues, function(){
if (this$.props.closeOnSelect || (!!this$.props.maxValues && newValues.length >= this$.props.maxValues)) {

@@ -78,3 +88,3 @@ return this$.setState({

} else {
return callback();
return this$.focus(callback);

@@ -119,3 +129,3 @@ });

getComputedState: function(){
var anchor, search, values, ref$, onAnchorChange, onSearchChange, onValuesChange, filteredOptions, newOption, options, this$ = this;
var anchor, search, values, ref$, onAnchorChange, onSearchChange, onValuesChange, optionsFromChildren, unfilteredOptions, filteredOptions, newOption, options, this$ = this;
anchor = this.props.hasOwnProperty('anchor')

@@ -151,3 +161,25 @@ ? this.props.anchor

['anchor', 'search', 'values']), onAnchorChange = ref$[0], onSearchChange = ref$[1], onValuesChange = ref$[2];
filteredOptions = this.props.filterOptions(this.props.options, values, search);
optionsFromChildren = (function(){
var ref$;
switch (false) {
case !((ref$ = this.props) != null && ref$.children):
return map(function(arg$){
var ref$, value, children;
ref$ = arg$.props, value = ref$.value, children = ref$.children;
return {
label: children,
value: value
toString$.call(this.props.children).slice(8, -1) === 'Array'
? this.props.children
: [this.props.children]);
return [];
unfilteredOptions = this.props.hasOwnProperty('options') ? (ref$ = this.props.options) != null
? ref$
: [] : optionsFromChildren;
filteredOptions = this.props.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, values, search);
newOption = typeof this.props.createFromSearch === 'function' ? this.props.createFromSearch(filteredOptions, values, search) : null;

@@ -171,2 +203,3 @@ options = (!!newOption

anchor: !!this.props.values ? last(this.props.values) : undefined,
highlightedUid: undefined,
open: false,

@@ -196,5 +229,5 @@ search: "",

focus: function(){
focus: function(callback){;
return this.showOptions(callback);

@@ -201,0 +234,0 @@ highlightFirstSelectableOption: function(){

var ref$, each, filter, find, findIndex, initial, last, map, objToPairs, partition, reject, reverse, sortBy, clamp, isEqualToObject, React, div, input, span, cancelEvent;
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), each = ref$.each, filter = ref$.filter, find = ref$.find, findIndex = ref$.findIndex, initial = ref$.initial, last = ref$.last, map = ref$.map, objToPairs = ref$.objToPairs, partition = ref$.partition, reject = ref$.reject, reverse = ref$.reverse, sortBy = ref$.sortBy;
var ref$, each, filter, find, findIndex, initial, last, map, objToPairs, partition, reject, reverse, sortBy, sum, clamp, isEqualToObject, React, div, input, span, createClass, createFactory, cancelEvent, OptionWrapper, ValueWrapper;
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), each = ref$.each, filter = ref$.filter, find = ref$.find, findIndex = ref$.findIndex, initial = ref$.initial, last = ref$.last, map = ref$.map, objToPairs = ref$.objToPairs, partition = ref$.partition, reject = ref$.reject, reverse = ref$.reverse, sortBy = ref$.sortBy, sum = ref$.sum;
ref$ = require('prelude-extension'), clamp = ref$.clamp, isEqualToObject = ref$.isEqualToObject;
React = require('react'), ref$ = React.DOM, div = ref$.div, input = ref$.input, span = ref$.span;
React = require('react'), ref$ = React.DOM, div = ref$.div, input = ref$.input, span = ref$.span, createClass = React.createClass, createFactory = React.createFactory;
cancelEvent = function(e){

@@ -10,5 +10,30 @@ e.preventDefault();

module.exports = React.createClass({
OptionWrapper = createFactory(createClass({
render: function(){
return div({
className: "option-wrapper " + (!!this.props.highlight ? 'highlight' : ''),
onClick: this.props.onClick,
onMouseMove: this.props.onMouseMove,
onMouseOut: this.props.onMouseOut,
onMouseOver: this.props.onMouseOver
}, this.props.renderItem(this.props.item));
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps){
var ref$, ref1$;
return (nextProps != null ? nextProps.uid : void 8) !== ((ref$ = this.props) != null ? ref$.uid : void 8) || (nextProps != null ? nextProps.highlight : void 8) !== ((ref1$ = this.props) != null ? ref1$.highlight : void 8);
ValueWrapper = createFactory(createClass({
render: function(){
return div({
className: 'value-wrapper'
}, this.props.renderItem(this.props.item));
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps){
var ref$;
return (nextProps != null ? nextProps.uid : void 8) !== ((ref$ = this.props) != null ? ref$.uid : void 8);
module.exports = createClass({
displayName: 'ReactSelectize',
highlightedOption: -1,
focusLock: false,

@@ -47,8 +72,15 @@ scrollLock: false,

disabled: false,
dropdownDirection: 1,
firstOptionIndexToHighlight: function(options){
return 0;
groupId: function(it){
return it.groupId;
groupsAsColumns: false,
highlightedUid: undefined,
onAnchorChange: function(anchor){},
onBlur: function(values, reason){},
onFocus: function(values, reason){},
onHighlightedUidChange: function(uid, callback){},
onOpenChange: function(open, callback){},

@@ -64,3 +96,13 @@ onSearchChange: function(search, callback){},

renderOption: function(index, arg$){
renderGroupTitle: function(index, arg$){
var groupId, title;
if (arg$ != null) {
groupId = arg$.groupId, title = arg$.title;
return div({
className: 'simple-group-title',
key: groupId
}, title);
renderOption: function(arg$){
var label, newOption, selectable, isSelectable;

@@ -72,12 +114,10 @@ if (arg$ != null) {

return div({
className: "simple-option " + (isSelectable ? '' : 'not-selectable'),
key: index
className: "simple-option " + (isSelectable ? '' : 'not-selectable')
}, span(null, !!newOption ? "Add " + label + " ..." : label));
renderValue: function(index, arg$){
renderValue: function(arg$){
var label;
label = arg$.label;
return div({
className: 'simple-value',
key: index
className: 'simple-value'
}, span(null, label));

@@ -87,2 +127,5 @@ },

style: {},
uid: function(it){
return it.value;
values: []

@@ -92,3 +135,3 @@ };

render: function(){
var anchorIndex, this$ = this;
var anchorIndex, renderOptions, ref$, ref1$, groups, this$ = this;
anchorIndex = (function(){

@@ -108,7 +151,7 @@ var ref$;

return div({
className: "react-selectize " + this.props.className + " " + (this.props.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') + " " + ( ? 'open' : ''),
className: ("react-selectize \n" + this.props.className + " \n" + (this.props.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') + " \n" + ( ? 'open' : '') + " \n" + (this.props.dropdownDirection === -1 ? 'flipped' : '')).replace(/\s+/g, ' '),
}, div({
className: 'control',
key: 'control',
ref: 'control',
onClick: function(){

@@ -124,3 +167,9 @@ return this$.props.onAnchorChange(last(this$.props.values), function(){

}, this.props.placeholder) : void 8, map(function(index){
return this$.props.renderValue(index, this$.props.values[index]);
var item;
item = this$.props.values[index];
return ValueWrapper({
uid: this$.props.uid(item),
item: item,
renderItem: this$.props.renderValue

@@ -143,3 +192,3 @@ (function(){

if (!this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.props.firstOptionIndexToHighlight(this$.props.options), 1)) {
return this$.lowlightOption();
return this$.props.onHighlightedUidChange(undefined);

@@ -164,2 +213,3 @@ });

onKeyDown: function(e){
var ref$;
switch (e.which) {

@@ -253,9 +303,3 @@ case 9:

if (e.which === 13 && this$ {
this$.selectHighlightedOption(anchorIndex, function(){
if (this$ && !this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.highlightedOption, 1)) {
if (!this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(0, 1)) {
return this$.lowlightOption();
this$.selectHighlightedUid(anchorIndex, function(){});
} else {

@@ -265,7 +309,9 @@ switch (e.which) {

this$.scrollLock = true;
this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.highlightedOption - 1, -1);
this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.optionIndexFromUid(this$.props.highlightedUid) - 1, -1);
case 40:
this$.scrollLock = true;
this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.highlightedOption + 1, 1);
this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(((ref$ = this$.optionIndexFromUid(this$.props.highlightedUid)) != null
? ref$
: -1) + 1, 1);

@@ -279,3 +325,9 @@ default:

}), map(function(index){
return this$.props.renderValue(index, this$.props.values[index]);
var item;
item = this$.props.values[index];
return ValueWrapper({
uid: this$.props.uid(item),
item: item,
renderItem: this$.props.renderValue

@@ -302,13 +354,13 @@ (function(){

className: 'arrow'
}, null)), ? div({
className: 'options'
}, this.props.options.length === 0
? this.props.renderNoResultsFound()
: map(function(index){
var option;
option = this$.props.options[index];
return div(import$({
className: 'option-wrapper',
ref: "option-" + index,
key: index + "",
}, null)), ? (renderOptions = function(options, indexOffset){
return map(function(index){
var option, uid;
option = options[index];
uid = this$.props.uid(option);
return OptionWrapper(import$({
uid: uid,
ref: "option-" + uid,
key: uid,
item: option,
highlight: this$.props.highlightedUid === uid,
onMouseMove: function(arg$){

@@ -323,5 +375,6 @@ var currentTarget;

if (!this$.scrollLock) {
renderItem: this$.props.renderOption
}, (function(){

@@ -336,3 +389,3 @@ switch (false) {

onClick: function(e){
this$.selectHighlightedOption(anchorIndex, function(){});
this$.selectHighlightedUid(anchorIndex, function(){});

@@ -343,3 +396,3 @@ onMouseOver: function(arg$){

if (!this$.scrollLock) {

@@ -349,11 +402,63 @@ }

}())), this$.props.renderOption(index, option));
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, to$ = this.props.options.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
for (i$ = 0, to$ = options.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}.call(this)))) : void 8);
}, div({
className: 'dropdown',
ref: 'dropdown'
}, this.props.options.length === 0
? this.props.renderNoResultsFound()
: ((ref$ = this.props) != null ? (ref1$ = ref$.groups) != null ? ref1$.length : void 8 : void 8) > 0
? (groups = map(function(index){
var group, groupId, options;
group = this$.props.groups[index], groupId = group.groupId;
options = filter(function(it){
return this$.props.groupId(it) === groupId;
return {
index: index,
group: group,
options: options
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, to$ = this.props.groups.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}.call(this))), div({
className: "groups " + (!!this.props.groupsAsColumns ? 'as-columns' : '')
}, map(function(arg$){
var index, group, groupId, options, offset;
index = arg$.index, group = arg$.group, groupId = group.groupId, options = arg$.options;
offset = sum(
return groups[it].options.length;
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, to$ = index; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
return div({
key: groupId
}, this$.props.renderGroupTitle(index, group, options), div({
className: 'options'
}, renderOptions(options, offset)));
return it.options.length > 0;
: renderOptions(this.props.options, 0))) : void 8);

@@ -386,3 +491,3 @@ componentDidMount: function(){

var x$, $search;
if ( && ! && (this.highlightedOption = -1)) {
if ( && ! && this.props.highlightedUid === undefined) {
this.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this.props.firstOptionIndexToHighlight(this.props.options), 1);

@@ -392,3 +497,3 @@ this.focus();

if (! && {
this.highlightedOption = -1;

@@ -398,3 +503,5 @@ x$ = $search =;

x$.style.width = this.props.autosize($search);
return x$;
if (!!this.refs.dropdown) {
this.refs.dropdown.getDOMNode().style.bottom = this.props.dropdownDirection === -1 ? this.refs.control.getDOMNode().offsetHeight : "";

@@ -406,7 +513,8 @@ componentWillReceiveProps: function(props){

focus: function(){
if ( !== document.activeElement) {
this.focusLock = true;;
optionIndexFromUid: function(uid){
var this$ = this;
return findIndex(function(it){
return uid === this$.props.uid(it);

@@ -417,37 +525,27 @@ blur: function(){

highlightOption: function(index){
var x$, optionElement, ref$, ref1$;
this.highlightedOption = index;
x$ = optionElement = (ref$ = this.refs) != null ? (ref1$ = ref$["option-" + index]) != null ? ref1$.getDOMNode() : void 8 : void 8;
if (x$ != null) {
x$.className = "option-wrapper focused";
focus: function(){
if ( !== document.activeElement) {
this.focusLock = true;;
return optionElement;
lowlightOption: function(){
var ref$, ref1$, ref2$;
if ((ref$ = this.refs) != null) {
if ((ref1$ = ref$["option-" + this.highlightedOption]) != null) {
if ((ref2$ = ref1$.getDOMNode()) != null) {
ref2$.className = 'option-wrapper';
highlightAndScrollToOption: function(index){
var uid, this$ = this;
uid = this.props.uid(this.props.options[index]);
this.props.onHighlightedUidChange(uid, function(){
var ref$, ref1$, optionElement, parentElement, optionHeight;
if ((ref$ = (ref1$ = this$.refs) != null ? ref1$["option-" + uid].getDOMNode() : void 8) != null) {
optionElement = ref$;
parentElement = this$.refs.dropdown.getDOMNode();
if (!!optionElement) {
optionHeight = optionElement.offsetHeight - 1;
if (optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.scrollTop >= parentElement.offsetHeight) {
return parentElement.scrollTop = optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.offsetHeight + optionHeight;
} else if (optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.scrollTop + optionHeight <= 0) {
return parentElement.scrollTop = optionElement.offsetTop;
this.highlightedOption = -1;
highlightAndScrollToOption: function(index){
var optionElement, parentElement, optionHeight;
if ((optionElement = this.highlightOption(index)) != null) {
parentElement = optionElement.parentElement;
if (!!optionElement) {
optionHeight = optionElement.offsetHeight - 1;
if (optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.scrollTop >= parentElement.offsetHeight) {
parentElement.scrollTop = optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.offsetHeight + optionHeight;
} else if (optionElement.offsetTop - parentElement.scrollTop + optionHeight <= 0) {
parentElement.scrollTop = optionElement.offsetTop;
highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption: function(index, direction){

@@ -480,36 +578,51 @@ var this$ = this;

selectHighlightedOption: function(anchorIndex, callback){
var option, ref$, this$ = this;
if (this.highlightedOption !== -1) {
option = (ref$ = this.props.options) != null ? ref$[this.highlightedOption] : void 8;
return this$.props.values[it];
}, (function(){
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, to$ = anchorIndex; i$ <= to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}())).concat([option], map(function(it){
return this$.props.values[it];
}, (function(){
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = anchorIndex + 1, to$ = this.props.values.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}.call(this)))), function(){
var value;
value = find(function(it){
return isEqualToObject(it, option);
}, this$.props.values);
if (!!value) {
return this$.props.onSearchChange("", function(){
return this$.props.onAnchorChange(value, callback);
selectHighlightedUid: function(anchorIndex, callback){
var index, option, this$ = this;
if (this.props.highlightedUid === undefined) {
index = this.optionIndexFromUid(this.props.highlightedUid);
if (typeof index !== 'number') {
option = this.props.options[index];
return this$.props.values[it];
}, (function(){
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, to$ = anchorIndex; i$ <= to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}())).concat([option], map(function(it){
return this$.props.values[it];
}, (function(){
var i$, to$, results$ = [];
for (i$ = anchorIndex + 1, to$ = this.props.values.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
return results$;
}.call(this)))), function(){
var value;
value = find(function(it){
return isEqualToObject(it, option);
}, this$.props.values);
if (!!value) {
return this$.props.onSearchChange("", function(){
return this$.props.onAnchorChange(value, function(){
var ref$;
if (!!this$ {
if (!!((ref$ = this$.props.options) != null && ref$[index])) {
return this$.props.onHighlightedUidChange(this$.props.uid(this$.props.options[index], callback));
} else {
this$.highlightAndScrollToSelectableOption(this$.props.firstOptionIndexToHighlight(this$.props.options), 1);
return callback();
} else {
return callback();
} else {
return callback();

@@ -516,0 +629,0 @@ });

var ref$, all, any, drop, camelize, difference, filter, find, findIndex, last, map, reject, isEqualToObject, React, createFactory, div, img, span, ReactSelectize;
var ref$, all, any, drop, camelize, difference, filter, find, findIndex, last, map, reject, isEqualToObject, React, createFactory, div, img, span, ReactSelectize, toString$ = {}.toString;
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), all = ref$.all, any = ref$.any, drop = ref$.drop, camelize = ref$.camelize, difference = ref$.difference, filter = ref$.filter, find = ref$.find, findIndex = ref$.findIndex, last = ref$.last, map = ref$.map, reject = ref$.reject;

@@ -25,3 +25,2 @@ isEqualToObject = require('prelude-extension').isEqualToObject;

onFocus: function(value, reason){},
options: [],
placeholder: "",

@@ -32,9 +31,15 @@ style: {}

render: function(){
var ref$, search, value, values, onSearchChange, onValueChange, filteredOptions, options, autosize, ref1$, this$ = this;
var ref$, search, value, values, onSearchChange, onValueChange, filteredOptions, options, autosize, disabled, dropdownDirection, groupId, groups, groupsAsColumns, renderGroupTitle, uid, ref1$, this$ = this;
ref$ = this.getComputedState(), search = ref$.search, value = ref$.value, values = ref$.values, onSearchChange = ref$.onSearchChange, onValueChange = ref$.onValueChange, filteredOptions = ref$.filteredOptions, options = ref$.options;
autosize = this.props.autosize;
ref$ = this.props, autosize = ref$.autosize, disabled = ref$.disabled, dropdownDirection = ref$.dropdownDirection, groupId = ref$.groupId, groups = ref$.groups, groupsAsColumns = ref$.groupsAsColumns, renderGroupTitle = ref$.renderGroupTitle, uid = ref$.uid;
return ReactSelectize(import$({
autosize: autosize,
className: "simple-select " + ((ref$ = (ref1$ = this.props) != null ? ref1$.className : void 8) != null ? ref$ : ''),
disabled: this.props.disabled,
disabled: disabled,
dropdownDirection: dropdownDirection,
groupId: groupId,
groups: groups,
groupsAsColumns: groupsAsColumns,
renderGroupTitle: renderGroupTitle,
uid: uid,
ref: 'select',

@@ -55,2 +60,8 @@ anchor: last(values),

highlightedUid: this.state.highlightedUid,
onHighlightedUidChange: function(highlightedUid, callback){
return this$.setState({
highlightedUid: highlightedUid
}, callback);
firstOptionIndexToHighlight: function(){

@@ -81,6 +92,3 @@ return this$.firstOptionIndexToHighlight(options, value);

return onValueChange(undefined, function(){
return this$.showOptions(function(){
return callback();
return this$.focus(callback);

@@ -158,3 +166,3 @@ } else {

getComputedState: function(){
var search, value, values, ref$, onSearchChange, onValueChange, filteredOptions, newOption, options, this$ = this;
var search, value, values, ref$, onSearchChange, onValueChange, optionsFromChildren, unfilteredOptions, filteredOptions, newOption, options, this$ = this;
search = this.props.hasOwnProperty('search')

@@ -181,4 +189,3 @@ ?

return this$.setState((ref$ = {}, ref$[p + ""] = o, ref$), function(){
this$.props[camelize("on-" + p + "-change")](o, function(){});
return callback();
return this$.props[camelize("on-" + p + "-change")](o, callback);

@@ -194,3 +201,25 @@ };

['search', 'value']), onSearchChange = ref$[0], onValueChange = ref$[1];
filteredOptions = this.props.filterOptions(this.props.options, search);
optionsFromChildren = (function(){
var ref$;
switch (false) {
case !((ref$ = this.props) != null && ref$.children):
return map(function(arg$){
var ref$, value, children;
ref$ = arg$.props, value = ref$.value, children = ref$.children;
return {
label: children,
value: value
toString$.call(this.props.children).slice(8, -1) === 'Array'
? this.props.children
: [this.props.children]);
return [];
unfilteredOptions = this.props.hasOwnProperty('options') ? (ref$ = this.props.options) != null
? ref$
: [] : optionsFromChildren;
filteredOptions = this.props.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, search);
newOption = typeof this.props.createFromSearch === 'function' ? this.props.createFromSearch(filteredOptions, search) : null;

@@ -212,2 +241,3 @@ options = (!!newOption

return {
highlightedUid: undefined,
open: false,

@@ -242,6 +272,5 @@ search: "",

focus: function(){
var this$ = this;
focus: function(callback){;
return this.showOptions(callback);

@@ -248,0 +277,0 @@ highlightFirstSelectableOption: function(){

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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