size | Number | Size of a star in px | 30 |
rating | Number | Initial rating | 0 |
rtl | Boolean | Rating behaves in right-to-left direction | false |
interactive | Boolean | If true, users can change a rating. Must also provide onRatingChanged | false |
onRatingChanged | Function | Callback when rating changes | null |
count | Number | Number of stars, aka the scale | 5 |
borderThickness | Number | The stars' border thickness | 2 |
filledColor | String | Color used to fill the star | #FFC82C |
clearColor | String | Color used to indicate the empty areas of the star | #FFF |
borderColor | String | The stars' border color | #E4B50E |
hoverColor | String | Color used to fill when a user hovers over them | #FBDC84 |