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Comparing version 4.2.2 to 5.0.0-rc1




@@ -1,3 +0,14 @@

var DEFAULT_POSITION = "bottom left";
var positions = ["bottom left", "bottom center", "bottom right", "middle left", "middle center", "middle right", "top left", "top center", "top right"];
export { DEFAULT_POSITION as default, positions };
const DEFAULT_POSITION = 'bottom left';
export default DEFAULT_POSITION;
export const positions = [
'bottom left',
'bottom center',
'bottom right',
'middle left',
'middle center',
'middle right',
'top left',
'top center',
'top right',



@@ -1,123 +0,114 @@

import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import invariant from "invariant";
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from "react";
import { positions } from "../defaultPosition.js";
import { isPositionedToBottom, isPositionedToTop, fitsOnBottom, fitsOnTop, isPositionedToLeft, isPositionedToRight, fitsOnRight, fitsOnLeft } from "../utils/fit.js";
import getDefaultAlign from "../utils/getDefaultAlign.js";
import "@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty";
var useAutoFlip = function useAutoFlip2(enableAutoHorizontalFlip, enableAutoVerticalFlip, initialPosition, initialAlign) {
var _useState = useState(initialPosition), _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2), currentPosition = _useState2[0], setCurrentPosition = _useState2[1];
var _useState3 = useState(initialAlign || getDefaultAlign(initialPosition)), _useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 2), currentAlign = _useState4[0], setCurrentAlign = _useState4[1];
useEffect(function() {
setCurrentAlign(initialAlign || getDefaultAlign(initialPosition));
}, [initialAlign, initialPosition]);
var checkAlignment = useCallback(function(nodeRef, anchorRef) {
var _autoFlipHorizontally = autoFlipHorizontally(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoHorizontalFlip,
}), _autoFlipHorizontally2 = _slicedToArray(_autoFlipHorizontally, 2), horizontalPosition = _autoFlipHorizontally2[0], horizontalAlign = _autoFlipHorizontally2[1];
var _autoFlipVertically = autoFlipVertically(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoVerticalFlip,
currentPosition: horizontalPosition,
currentAlign: horizontalAlign
}), _autoFlipVertically2 = _slicedToArray(_autoFlipVertically, 2), verticalPosition = _autoFlipVertically2[0], verticalAlign = _autoFlipVertically2[1];
if (verticalPosition !== currentPosition) {
import invariant from 'invariant';
import { useCallback, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { positions } from '../defaultPosition';
import { fitsOnBottom, fitsOnLeft, fitsOnRight, fitsOnTop, getDefaultAlign, isPositionedToBottom, isPositionedToLeft, isPositionedToRight, isPositionedToTop, } from '../utils';
const useAutoFlip = (enableAutoHorizontalFlip, enableAutoVerticalFlip, initialPosition, initialAlign) => {
const [currentPosition, setCurrentPosition] = useState(initialPosition);
const [currentAlign, setCurrentAlign] = useState(initialAlign || getDefaultAlign(initialPosition));
useEffect(() => {
setCurrentAlign(initialAlign || getDefaultAlign(initialPosition));
}, [initialAlign, initialPosition]);
const checkAlignment = useCallback((nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const [horizontalPosition, horizontalAlign] = autoFlipHorizontally(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoHorizontalFlip,
const [verticalPosition, verticalAlign] = autoFlipVertically(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoVerticalFlip,
currentPosition: horizontalPosition,
currentAlign: horizontalAlign,
if (verticalPosition !== currentPosition) {
if (verticalAlign !== currentAlign) {
}, [
return [currentPosition, currentAlign, checkAlignment];
export default useAutoFlip;
const autoFlipVertically = (nodeRef, anchorRef, { enabled, initialPosition, currentPosition, initialAlign, currentAlign, }) => {
if (!enabled) {
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
if (verticalAlign !== currentAlign) {
const positionedToBottom = isPositionedToBottom(currentPosition);
const positionedToTop = isPositionedToTop(currentPosition);
if (isPositionedToBottom(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnBottom(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
else if (fitsOnTop(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
}, [currentAlign, currentPosition, enableAutoHorizontalFlip, enableAutoVerticalFlip, initialAlign, initialPosition]);
return [currentPosition, currentAlign, checkAlignment];
if (isPositionedToTop(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnTop(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
else if (fitsOnBottom(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
var autoFlipVertically = function autoFlipVertically2(nodeRef, anchorRef, _ref) {
var enabled = _ref.enabled, initialPosition = _ref.initialPosition, currentPosition = _ref.currentPosition;
var currentAlign = _ref.currentAlign;
if (!enabled) {
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
var positionedToBottom = isPositionedToBottom(currentPosition);
var positionedToTop = isPositionedToTop(currentPosition);
if (isPositionedToBottom(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnBottom(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
} else if (fitsOnTop(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
const autoFlipHorizontally = (nodeRef, anchorRef, { enabled, initialPosition, currentPosition, initialAlign, currentAlign, }) => {
if (!enabled) {
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
if (isPositionedToTop(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnTop(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
} else if (fitsOnBottom(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
const positionedToLeft = isPositionedToLeft(currentPosition);
const positionedToRight = isPositionedToRight(currentPosition);
if (isPositionedToRight(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnRight(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
else if (fitsOnLeft(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
var autoFlipHorizontally = function autoFlipHorizontally2(nodeRef, anchorRef, _ref2) {
var enabled = _ref2.enabled, initialPosition = _ref2.initialPosition, currentPosition = _ref2.currentPosition;
var currentAlign = _ref2.currentAlign;
if (!enabled) {
if (isPositionedToLeft(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnLeft(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
else if (fitsOnRight(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
var positionedToLeft = isPositionedToLeft(currentPosition);
var positionedToRight = isPositionedToRight(currentPosition);
if (isPositionedToRight(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnRight(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
} else if (fitsOnLeft(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
if (isPositionedToLeft(initialPosition)) {
if (fitsOnLeft(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
} else if (fitsOnRight(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
var switchVerticalPosition = function switchVerticalPosition2(position, target) {
var newPosition = positions.find(function(standardPosition) {
return standardPosition === "".concat(target, " ").concat(position.split(" ")[1]);
invariant(newPosition, 'Could not determine new position. Old position "'.concat(position, '", new vertical target "').concat(target, '"'));
return newPosition;
const switchVerticalPosition = (position, target) => {
const newPosition = positions.find((standardPosition) => standardPosition === `${target} ${position.split(' ')[1]}`);
invariant(newPosition, `Could not determine new position. Old position "${position}", new vertical target "${target}"`);
return newPosition;
var switchHorizontalPosition = function switchHorizontalPosition2(position, target) {
var newPosition = positions.find(function(standardPosition) {
return standardPosition === "".concat(position.split(" ")[0], " ").concat(target);
invariant(newPosition, 'Could not determine new position. Old position "'.concat(position, '", new horizontal target "').concat(target, '"'));
return newPosition;
const switchHorizontalPosition = (position, target) => {
const newPosition = positions.find((standardPosition) => standardPosition === `${position.split(' ')[0]} ${target}`);
invariant(newPosition, `Could not determine new position. Old position "${position}", new horizontal target "${target}"`);
return newPosition;
var switchToBottom = function switchToBottom2(position) {
return switchVerticalPosition(position, "bottom");
var switchToTop = function switchToTop2(position) {
return switchVerticalPosition(position, "top");
var switchToLeft = function switchToLeft2(position) {
return switchHorizontalPosition(position, "left");
var switchToRight = function switchToRight2(position) {
return switchHorizontalPosition(position, "right");
export { useAutoFlip as default };
const switchToBottom = (position) => switchVerticalPosition(position, 'bottom');
const switchToTop = (position) => switchVerticalPosition(position, 'top');
const switchToLeft = (position) => switchHorizontalPosition(position, 'left');
const switchToRight = (position) => switchHorizontalPosition(position, 'right');

@@ -1,28 +0,30 @@

import { useEffect } from "react";
function useWatcher(watcher, _ref) {
var updateOnAnimationFrame = _ref.updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled = _ref.enabled;
useEffect(function() {
var animationFrameId;
var idleCallbackId;
if (enabled && typeof window.requestAnimationFrame !== "undefined") {
var callback = function callback2() {
if (updateOnAnimationFrame) {
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(callback2);
} else {
idleCallbackId = requestIdleCallback(callback2);
import { useEffect } from 'react';
function useWatcher(watcher, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled }) {
useEffect(() => {
let animationFrameId;
let idleCallbackId;
// do not track in node
if (enabled && typeof window.requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined') {
const callback = () => {
if (updateOnAnimationFrame) {
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(callback);
else {
idleCallbackId = requestIdleCallback(callback);
return function() {
if (animationFrameId) {
if (idleCallbackId) {
}, [updateOnAnimationFrame, watcher, enabled]);
return () => {
if (animationFrameId) {
if (idleCallbackId) {
}, [updateOnAnimationFrame, watcher, enabled]);
export { useWatcher as default };
export default useWatcher;

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

export { default } from "./Stick.js";
export { PortalContext } from "./StickPortal.js";
export { default } from './Stick';
export { PortalContext } from './StickPortal';

@@ -1,181 +0,136 @@

import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties";
import "requestidlecallback";
import invariant from "invariant";
import React, { useState, useContext, useRef, useEffect, useCallback } from "react";
import useStyles from "substyle";
import { StickContext } from "./StickContext.js";
import StickInline from "./StickInline.js";
import StickNode from "./StickNode.js";
import StickPortal from "./StickPortal.js";
import DEFAULT_POSITION from "./defaultPosition.js";
import useAutoFlip from "./hooks/useAutoFlip.js";
import useWatcher from "./hooks/useWatcher.js";
import { scrollX } from "./utils/scroll.js";
import getDefaultAlign from "./utils/getDefaultAlign.js";
import getModifiers from "./utils/getModifiers.js";
import uniqueId from "./utils/uniqueId.js";
var _excluded = ["inline", "node", "sameWidth", "children", "updateOnAnimationFrame", "position", "align", "component", "transportTo", "autoFlipHorizontally", "autoFlipVertically", "onClickOutside", "style", "className", "classNames"];
var defaultStyles = {
node: {
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: "left"
import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import 'requestidlecallback';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from 'react';
import useStyles from 'substyle';
import { StickContext } from './StickContext';
import StickInline from './StickInline';
import StickNode from './StickNode';
import StickPortal from './StickPortal';
import DEFAULT_POSITION from './defaultPosition';
import { useAutoFlip, useWatcher } from './hooks';
import { getDefaultAlign, getModifiers, scrollX, uniqueId } from './utils';
const defaultStyles = {
node: {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: 'left',
function Stick(_ref) {
var _ref$inline = _ref.inline, inline = _ref$inline === void 0 ? false : _ref$inline, node = _ref.node, _ref$sameWidth = _ref.sameWidth, sameWidth = _ref$sameWidth === void 0 ? false : _ref$sameWidth, children = _ref.children, _ref$updateOnAnimatio = _ref.updateOnAnimationFrame, updateOnAnimationFrame = _ref$updateOnAnimatio === void 0 ? false : _ref$updateOnAnimatio, position = _ref.position, align = _ref.align, component = _ref.component, transportTo = _ref.transportTo, _ref$autoFlipHorizont = _ref.autoFlipHorizontally, autoFlipHorizontally = _ref$autoFlipHorizont === void 0 ? false : _ref$autoFlipHorizont, _ref$autoFlipVertical = _ref.autoFlipVertically, autoFlipVertically = _ref$autoFlipVertical === void 0 ? false : _ref$autoFlipVertical, onClickOutside = _ref.onClickOutside, style =, className = _ref.className, classNames = _ref.classNames, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
var _useState = useState(0), _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2), width = _useState2[0], setWidth = _useState2[1];
var _useState3 = useState(function() {
return uniqueId();
}), _useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 1), containerNestingKeyExtension = _useState4[0];
var nestingKey = [useContext(StickContext), containerNestingKeyExtension].filter(function(key) {
return !!key;
var anchorRef = useRef();
var nodeRef = useRef();
var _containerRef = useRef();
var _useAutoFlip = useAutoFlip(autoFlipHorizontally, autoFlipVertically, position || DEFAULT_POSITION, align || getDefaultAlign(position || DEFAULT_POSITION)), _useAutoFlip2 = _slicedToArray(_useAutoFlip, 3), resolvedPosition = _useAutoFlip2[0], resolvedAlign = _useAutoFlip2[1], checkAlignment = _useAutoFlip2[2];
var styles = useStyles(defaultStyles, {
}, getModifiers({
position: resolvedPosition,
align: resolvedAlign,
useEffect(function() {
var handleScroll = function handleScroll2() {
if (!nodeRef.current || !anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
return function() {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}, [checkAlignment]);
useEffect(function() {
var handleClickOutside = function handleClickOutside2(ev) {
if (!onClickOutside) {
var target =;
if (target instanceof window.HTMLElement && isOutside(anchorRef, _containerRef, target)) {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, true);
return function() {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, true);
}, [onClickOutside]);
var measure = useCallback(function() {
if (!anchorRef.current) {
var boundingRect = anchorRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
var newWidth = sameWidth ? boundingRect.width : calculateWidth(anchorRef.current, resolvedPosition, resolvedAlign, boundingRect);
if (newWidth !== width) {
}, [resolvedAlign, resolvedPosition, sameWidth, width]);
useWatcher(measure, {
enabled: !!node
var handleReposition = useCallback(function() {
if (nodeRef.current && anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
}, [checkAlignment]);
if (inline) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickContext.Provider, {
value: nestingKey
}, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickInline, _extends({}, rest, {
position: resolvedPosition,
align: resolvedAlign,
style: styles,
node: node && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickNode, {
function Stick({ inline = false, node, sameWidth = false, children, updateOnAnimationFrame = false, position, align, component, transportTo, autoFlipHorizontally = false, autoFlipVertically = false, onClickOutside, style, className, classNames, }) {
const [width, setWidth] = useState(0);
const [containerNestingKeyExtension] = useState(() => uniqueId());
const nestingKey = [useContext(StickContext), containerNestingKeyExtension]
.filter((key) => !!key)
const anchorRef = useRef();
const nodeRef = useRef(null);
const containerRef = useRef();
const [resolvedPosition, resolvedAlign, checkAlignment] = useAutoFlip(autoFlipHorizontally, autoFlipVertically, position || DEFAULT_POSITION, align || getDefaultAlign(position || DEFAULT_POSITION));
const styles = useStyles(defaultStyles, { style, className, classNames }, getModifiers({
position: resolvedPosition,
align: resolvedAlign,
ref: nodeRef
}, node),
containerRef: function containerRef(node2) {
anchorRef.current = node2;
_containerRef.current = node2;
}), children));
return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickContext.Provider, {
value: nestingKey
}, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickPortal, _extends({}, rest, {
ref: function ref(node2) {
invariant(!node2 || node2 instanceof Element, "Only HTML elements can be stick anchors.");
anchorRef.current = node2;
position: resolvedPosition,
node: node && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(StickNode, {
position: resolvedPosition,
align: resolvedAlign,
ref: nodeRef
}, node),
style: styles,
containerRef: _containerRef,
onReposition: handleReposition
}), children));
useEffect(() => {
const handleScroll = () => {
if (!nodeRef.current || !anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
handleScroll(); // Check alignment on first render
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
}, [checkAlignment]);
useEffect(() => {
const handleClickOutside = (ev) => {
if (!onClickOutside) {
const { target } = ev;
if (target instanceof window.HTMLElement &&
isOutside(anchorRef, containerRef, target)) {
document.addEventListener('click', handleClickOutside, true);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('click', handleClickOutside, true);
}, [onClickOutside]);
const measure = useCallback(() => {
if (!anchorRef.current) {
const boundingRect = anchorRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
const newWidth = sameWidth
? boundingRect.width
: calculateWidth(anchorRef.current, resolvedPosition, resolvedAlign, boundingRect);
if (newWidth !== width) {
}, [resolvedAlign, resolvedPosition, sameWidth, width]);
useWatcher(measure, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled: !!node });
const handleReposition = useCallback(() => {
if (nodeRef.current && anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
}, [checkAlignment]);
if (inline) {
return (_jsx(StickContext.Provider, { value: nestingKey, children: _jsx(StickInline, {, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, style: styles, node: node && (_jsx(StickNode, { width: width, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, sameWidth: sameWidth, ref: nodeRef, children: node })), nestingKey: nestingKey, containerRef: (node) => {
anchorRef.current = node || undefined;
containerRef.current = node || undefined;
}, component: component, children: children }) }));
return (_jsx(StickContext.Provider, { value: nestingKey, children: _jsx(StickPortal, {, updateOnAnimationFrame: updateOnAnimationFrame, transportTo: transportTo, component: component, ref: (node) => {
invariant(!node || node instanceof Element, 'Only HTML elements can be stick anchors.');
anchorRef.current = node || undefined;
}, position: resolvedPosition, node: node && (_jsx(StickNode, { width: width, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, sameWidth: sameWidth, ref: nodeRef, children: node })), style: styles, nestingKey: nestingKey, containerRef: containerRef, onReposition: handleReposition, children: children }) }));
function isOutside(anchorRef, containerRef, target) {
if (anchorRef.current && anchorRef.current.contains(target)) {
return false;
var nestingKey = containerRef.current && containerRef.current.getAttribute("data-sticknestingkey");
if (nestingKey) {
var nestedStickNodes = document.querySelectorAll("[data-stickNestingKey^='".concat(nestingKey, "']"));
return !nestedStickNodes || !Array.from(nestedStickNodes).some(function(stickNode) {
return stickNode.contains(target);
return true;
if (anchorRef.current && anchorRef.current.contains(target)) {
return false;
const nestingKey = containerRef.current &&
if (nestingKey) {
// Find all stick nodes nested inside our own stick node and check if the click
// happened on any of these (our own stick node will also be part of the query result)
const nestedStickNodes = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-stickNestingKey^='${nestingKey}']`);
return (!nestedStickNodes ||
!Array.from(nestedStickNodes).some((stickNode) => stickNode.contains(target)));
return true;
function calculateWidth(anchorRef, position, align, _ref2) {
var left = _ref2.left, width = _ref2.width, right = _ref2.right;
if (!anchorRef) {
function calculateWidth(anchorRef, position, align, { left, width, right }) {
if (!anchorRef) {
return 0;
invariant(document.documentElement, 'Could not find document root node.');
const scrollWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
const [, horizontalPosition] = position.split(' ');
invariant(horizontalPosition === 'left' ||
horizontalPosition === 'center' ||
horizontalPosition === 'right', `Expected horizontal position to be "left", "center", or "right" but got "${horizontalPosition}".`);
const positionAdjustments = {
center: left + width / 2,
const absLeft = scrollX(anchorRef) + positionAdjustments[horizontalPosition];
if (align.indexOf('left') !== -1) {
return scrollWidth - absLeft;
if (align.indexOf('right') !== -1) {
return absLeft;
if (align.indexOf('center') !== -1) {
return Math.min(absLeft, scrollWidth - absLeft) * 2;
return 0;
invariant(document.documentElement, "Could not find document root node.");
var scrollWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
var _position$split = position.split(" "), _position$split2 = _slicedToArray(_position$split, 2), horizontalPosition = _position$split2[1];
invariant(horizontalPosition === "left" || horizontalPosition === "center" || horizontalPosition === "right", 'Expected horizontal position to be "left", "center", or "right" but got "'.concat(horizontalPosition, '".'));
var positionAdjustments = {
center: left + width / 2,
var absLeft = scrollX(anchorRef) + positionAdjustments[horizontalPosition];
if (align.indexOf("left") !== -1) {
return scrollWidth - absLeft;
if (align.indexOf("right") !== -1) {
return absLeft;
if (align.indexOf("center") !== -1) {
return Math.min(absLeft, scrollWidth - absLeft) * 2;
return 0;
export { Stick as default };
export default Stick;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { createContext } from "react";
var StickContext = /* @__PURE__ */ createContext(null);
export { StickContext };
import { createContext } from 'react';
export const StickContext = createContext(null);

@@ -1,60 +0,48 @@

import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties";
import React from "react";
import useStyles from "substyle";
import "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import getModifiers from "./utils/getModifiers.js";
var _excluded = ["node", "children", "component", "containerRef", "nestingKey", "align", "position", "style"];
function StickInline(_ref) {
var node = _ref.node, children = _ref.children, component = _ref.component, containerRef = _ref.containerRef, nestingKey = _ref.nestingKey, align = _ref.align, position = _ref.position, style =, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
var styles = useStyles(defaultStyle, {
}, getModifiers({
var Component = component || "div";
return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(Component, _extends({}, rest, styles, {
ref: containerRef,
"data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey
}), children, node && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", styles("node"), node));
import { jsx as _jsx, jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import useStyles from 'substyle';
import { getModifiers } from './utils';
function StickInline({ node, children, component, containerRef, nestingKey, align, position, style, }) {
const styles = useStyles(defaultStyle, { style }, getModifiers({ align, position }));
const Component = component || 'div';
return (_jsxs(Component, {, ...styles, ref: containerRef, "data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey, children: [children, node && _jsx("div", { ...styles('node'), children: node })] }));
var defaultStyle = {
position: "relative",
node: {
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: "left"
"&position-top": {
const defaultStyle = {
position: 'relative',
node: {
top: 0
"&position-middle": {
node: {
top: "50%"
"&position-bottom": {
node: {
top: "100%"
"&position-left": {
node: {
left: 0
"&position-center": {
node: {
left: "50%"
"&position-right": {
node: {
left: "100%"
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: 'left',
'&position-top': {
node: {
top: 0,
'&position-middle': {
node: {
top: '50%',
'&position-bottom': {
node: {
top: '100%',
'&position-left': {
node: {
left: 0,
'&position-center': {
node: {
left: '50%',
'&position-right': {
node: {
left: '100%',
export { StickInline as default };
export default StickInline;

@@ -1,62 +0,55 @@

import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
import React, { forwardRef } from "react";
import useStyles, { inline } from "substyle";
import "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import getModifiers from "./utils/getModifiers.js";
function StickNode(_ref, ref) {
var children = _ref.children, width = _ref.width, align = _ref.align, position = _ref.position, sameWidth = _ref.sameWidth;
var styles = useStyles(defaultStyle, {}, getModifiers({
return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", inline(styles, {
}), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", _extends({}, styles("content"), {
}), children));
var defaultStyle = {
position: "absolute",
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
content: {
position: "absolute",
display: "inline-block",
left: "inherit",
right: "inherit",
top: "inherit",
bottom: "inherit"
"&sameWidth": {
import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { forwardRef } from 'react';
import useStyles, { inline } from 'substyle';
import { getModifiers } from './utils';
const StickNode = forwardRef(function ({ children, width, align, position, sameWidth }, ref) {
const styles = useStyles(defaultStyle, {}, getModifiers({ align, position, sameWidth }));
return (_jsx("div", { ...inline(styles, { width }), children: _jsx("div", { ...styles('content'), ref: ref, children: children }) }));
const defaultStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
content: {
display: "block",
width: "100%"
"&align-left": {
right: "auto",
left: 0
"&align-top": {
bottom: "auto",
top: 0
"&align-middle": {
content: {
transform: "translate(0, 50%)"
"&align-center": {
content: {
transform: "translate(50%, 0)"
// absolute position is needed as the stick node would otherwise
// cover up the base node and, for instance, make it impossible to
// click buttons
position: 'absolute',
display: 'inline-block',
left: 'inherit',
right: 'inherit',
top: 'inherit',
bottom: 'inherit',
"&align-middle": {
content: {
transform: "translate(50%, 50%)"
'&sameWidth': {
content: {
display: 'block',
width: '100%',
'&align-left': {
right: 'auto',
left: 0,
'&align-top': {
bottom: 'auto',
top: 0,
'&align-middle': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(0, 50%)',
'&align-center': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(50%, 0)',
'&align-middle': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(50%, 50%)',
var StickNode$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ forwardRef(StickNode);
export { StickNode$1 as default };
export default StickNode;

@@ -1,152 +0,140 @@

import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties";
import "requestidlecallback";
import invariant from "invariant";
import React, { createContext, forwardRef, useRef, useState, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useCallback, useContext } from "react";
import { createPortal } from "react-dom";
import { inline } from "substyle";
import { scrollY, scrollX } from "./utils/scroll.js";
import "@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty";
import useWatcher from "./hooks/useWatcher.js";
var _excluded = ["children", "component", "style", "transportTo", "nestingKey", "node", "position", "containerRef", "updateOnAnimationFrame", "onReposition"];
function StickPortal(_ref, _ref2) {
var children = _ref.children, component = _ref.component, style =, transportTo = _ref.transportTo, nestingKey = _ref.nestingKey, node = _ref.node, position = _ref.position, containerRef = _ref.containerRef, updateOnAnimationFrame = _ref.updateOnAnimationFrame, onReposition = _ref.onReposition, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
var nodeRef = useRef();
var _useState = useState(null), _useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2), top = _useState2[0], setTop = _useState2[1];
var _useState3 = useState(null), _useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 2), left = _useState4[0], setLeft = _useState4[1];
var _useState5 = useState(!!node), _useState6 = _slicedToArray(_useState5, 2), visible = _useState6[0], setVisible = _useState6[1];
var _useHost = useHost(transportTo), _useHost2 = _slicedToArray(_useHost, 2), host = _useHost2[0], hostParent = _useHost2[1];
useEffect(function() {
if (nodeRef.current) {
import { jsx as _jsx, jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import 'requestidlecallback';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import { createContext, forwardRef, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState, } from 'react';
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
import { inline } from 'substyle';
import { useWatcher } from './hooks';
import { scrollX, scrollY } from './utils';
const StickPortal = forwardRef(function ({ children, component, style, transportTo, nestingKey, node, position, containerRef, updateOnAnimationFrame, onReposition, }, ref) {
const nodeRef = useRef();
const [top, setTop] = useState(null);
const [left, setLeft] = useState(null);
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(!!node);
const [host, hostParent] = useHost(transportTo);
useEffect(() => {
if (nodeRef.current) {
}, [onReposition, top, left]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [node]);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (visible) {
return () => {
}, [host, hostParent, visible]);
const measure = useCallback(() => {
const node = nodeRef.current;
if (!node || !visible) {
const newTop = calculateTop(node, position, host);
const newLeft = calculateLeft(node, position, host);
if (newTop !== top) {
if (newLeft !== left) {
}, [host, left, position, top, visible]);
useWatcher(measure, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled: visible });
const Component = component || 'div';
return (_jsxs(Component, {,, ref: (node) => {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
else if (ref) {
ref.current = node;
nodeRef.current = node;
}, children: [children, top != null && left != null && (_jsx(PortalContext.Provider, { value: (host.parentNode || defaultRoot), children: createPortal(_jsx("div", { ref: containerRef, "data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey, ...inline(style('node'), {
position: 'absolute',
}), children: node }), host) }))] }));
invariant(document.body, 'Stick can only be used in a browser environment.');
const defaultRoot = document.body;
export const PortalContext = createContext(defaultRoot);
export default StickPortal;
function useHost(transportTo) {
const [host] = useState(() => document.createElement('div'));
const portalHost = useContext(PortalContext);
const hostParent = transportTo || portalHost;
invariant(hostParent, 'Could not determine a parent for the host node.');
return [host, hostParent];
function calculateTop(node, position, host) {
const { top, height, bottom } = node.getBoundingClientRect();
const fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
let result = 0;
if (position.indexOf('top') !== -1) {
result = top;
}, [onReposition, top, left]);
useEffect(function() {
}, [node]);
useLayoutEffect(function() {
if (visible) {
return function() {
if (position.indexOf('middle') !== -1) {
result = top + height / 2;
}, [host, hostParent, visible]);
var measure = useCallback(function() {
var node2 = nodeRef.current;
if (!node2 || !visible) {
if (position.indexOf('bottom') !== -1) {
result = bottom;
var newTop = calculateTop(node2, position, host);
var newLeft = calculateLeft(node2, position, host);
if (newTop !== top) {
if (fixedHost) {
const { top: hostTop } = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect();
return result - hostTop;
if (newLeft !== left) {
return result + scrollY();
function calculateLeft(node, position, host) {
const { left, width, right } = node.getBoundingClientRect();
const fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
const scrollHost = getScrollParent(node);
let result = 0;
if (position.indexOf('left') !== -1) {
result = left;
}, [host, left, position, top, visible]);
useWatcher(measure, {
enabled: visible
var Component = component || "div";
return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(Component, _extends({}, rest, style, {
ref: function ref(node2) {
if (typeof _ref2 === "function") {
} else {
_ref2.current = node2;
nodeRef.current = node2;
if (position.indexOf('center') !== -1) {
result = left + width / 2;
}), children, top != null && left != null && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(PortalContext.Provider, {
value: host.parentNode || defaultRoot
}, /* @__PURE__ */ createPortal(/* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", _extends({
ref: containerRef,
"data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey
}, inline(style("node"), {
position: "absolute",
})), node), host)));
if (position.indexOf('right') !== -1) {
result = right;
if (fixedHost) {
const { left: hostLeft } = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect();
return result - hostLeft;
if (scrollHost) {
return result + scrollX(node) - scrollHost.scrollLeft;
return result + scrollX(node);
invariant(document.body, "Stick can only be used in a browser environment.");
var defaultRoot = document.body;
var PortalContext = /* @__PURE__ */ createContext(defaultRoot);
var StickPortal$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ forwardRef(StickPortal);
function useHost(transportTo) {
var _useState7 = useState(function() {
return document.createElement("div");
}), _useState8 = _slicedToArray(_useState7, 1), host = _useState8[0];
var portalHost = useContext(PortalContext);
var hostParent = transportTo || portalHost;
invariant(hostParent, "Could not determine a parent for the host node.");
return [host, hostParent];
function calculateTop(node, position, host) {
var _node$getBoundingClie = node.getBoundingClientRect(), top = _node$, height = _node$getBoundingClie.height, bottom = _node$getBoundingClie.bottom;
var fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
var result = 0;
if (position.indexOf("top") !== -1) {
result = top;
if (position.indexOf("middle") !== -1) {
result = top + height / 2;
if (position.indexOf("bottom") !== -1) {
result = bottom;
if (fixedHost) {
var _fixedHost$getBoundin = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect(), hostTop = _fixedHost$;
return result - hostTop;
return result + scrollY();
function calculateLeft(node, position, host) {
var _node$getBoundingClie2 = node.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _node$getBoundingClie2.left, width = _node$getBoundingClie2.width, right = _node$getBoundingClie2.right;
var fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
var scrollHost = getScrollParent(node);
var result = 0;
if (position.indexOf("left") !== -1) {
result = left;
if (position.indexOf("center") !== -1) {
result = left + width / 2;
if (position.indexOf("right") !== -1) {
result = right;
if (fixedHost) {
var _fixedHost$getBoundin2 = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect(), hostLeft = _fixedHost$getBoundin2.left;
return result - hostLeft;
if (scrollHost) {
return result + scrollX(node) - scrollHost.scrollLeft;
return result + scrollX(node);
function getScrollParent(element) {
if (!element) {
return null;
if (element.nodeName === "BODY" || element.nodeName === "HTML") {
return null;
var style = getComputedStyle(element);
if (style.overflowX === "auto" || style.overflowX === "scroll") {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element ? getScrollParent(element.parentNode) : null;
if (!element) {
return null;
if (element.nodeName === 'BODY' || element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return null;
const style = getComputedStyle(element);
if (style.overflowX === 'auto' || style.overflowX === 'scroll') {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element
? getScrollParent(element.parentNode)
: null;
function getFixedParent(element) {
if (element.nodeName === "BODY" || element.nodeName === "HTML") {
return null;
if (getComputedStyle(element).position === "fixed") {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element ? getFixedParent(element.parentNode) : null;
if (element.nodeName === 'BODY' || element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return null;
if (getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed') {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element
? getFixedParent(element.parentNode)
: null;
export { PortalContext, StickPortal$1 as default };

@@ -1,38 +0,37 @@

import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
var isPositionedToTop = function isPositionedToTop2(position) {
var _position$split = position.split(" "), _position$split2 = _slicedToArray(_position$split, 1), positionMarker = _position$split2[0];
return positionMarker === "top";
export const isPositionedToTop = (position) => {
const [positionMarker] = position.split(' ');
return positionMarker === 'top';
var isPositionedToBottom = function isPositionedToBottom2(position) {
var _position$split3 = position.split(" "), _position$split4 = _slicedToArray(_position$split3, 1), positionMarker = _position$split4[0];
return positionMarker === "bottom";
export const isPositionedToBottom = (position) => {
const [positionMarker] = position.split(' ');
return positionMarker === 'bottom';
var isPositionedToRight = function isPositionedToRight2(position) {
var positionMarker = position.split(" ")[1];
return positionMarker === "right";
export const isPositionedToRight = (position) => {
const positionMarker = position.split(' ')[1];
return positionMarker === 'right';
var isPositionedToLeft = function isPositionedToLeft2(position) {
var positionMarker = position.split(" ")[1];
return positionMarker === "left";
export const isPositionedToLeft = (position) => {
const positionMarker = position.split(' ')[1];
return positionMarker === 'left';
var fitsOnRight = function fitsOnRight2(nodeRef, anchorRef) {
var _nodeRef$getBoundingC = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect(), nodeWidth = _nodeRef$getBoundingC.width;
var _anchorRef$getBoundin = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect(), anchorRight = _anchorRef$getBoundin.right;
return anchorRight + nodeWidth <= window.innerWidth;
export const fitsOnRight = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { width: nodeWidth } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { right: anchorRight } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorRight + nodeWidth <= window.innerWidth;
var fitsOnLeft = function fitsOnLeft2(nodeRef, anchorRef) {
var _nodeRef$getBoundingC2 = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect(), nodeWidth = _nodeRef$getBoundingC2.width;
var _anchorRef$getBoundin2 = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect(), anchorLeft = _anchorRef$getBoundin2.left;
return anchorLeft - nodeWidth >= 0;
export const fitsOnLeft = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { width: nodeWidth } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { left: anchorLeft } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorLeft - nodeWidth >= 0;
var fitsOnTop = function fitsOnTop2(nodeRef, anchorRef) {
var _nodeRef$getBoundingC3 = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect(), nodeHeight = _nodeRef$getBoundingC3.height;
var _anchorRef$getBoundin3 = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect(), anchorTop = _anchorRef$;
return anchorTop - nodeHeight >= 0;
export const fitsOnTop = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { height: nodeHeight } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { top: anchorTop } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorTop - nodeHeight >= 0;
var fitsOnBottom = function fitsOnBottom2(nodeRef, anchorRef) {
var _nodeRef$getBoundingC4 = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect(), nodeHeight = _nodeRef$getBoundingC4.height;
var _anchorRef$getBoundin4 = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect(), anchorBottom = _anchorRef$getBoundin4.bottom;
return anchorBottom + nodeHeight <= window.innerHeight;
export const fitsOnBottom = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { height: nodeHeight } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { bottom: anchorBottom } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorBottom + nodeHeight <= window.innerHeight;
export { fitsOnBottom, fitsOnLeft, fitsOnRight, fitsOnTop, isPositionedToBottom, isPositionedToLeft, isPositionedToRight, isPositionedToTop };

@@ -1,15 +0,14 @@

var defaultAligns = {
"top left": "bottom left",
"top center": "bottom center",
"top right": "bottom right",
"middle left": "middle right",
"middle center": "middle center",
"middle right": "middle left",
"bottom left": "top left",
"bottom center": "top center",
"bottom right": "top right"
const defaultAligns = {
'top left': 'bottom left',
'top center': 'bottom center',
'top right': 'bottom right',
'middle left': 'middle right',
'middle center': 'middle center',
'middle right': 'middle left',
'bottom left': 'top left',
'bottom center': 'top center',
'bottom right': 'top right',
var getDefaultAlign = function getDefaultAlign2(position) {
return defaultAligns[position];
export { getDefaultAlign as default };
const getDefaultAlign = (position) => defaultAligns[position];
export default getDefaultAlign;

@@ -1,13 +0,16 @@

import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray";
import DEFAULT_POSITION from "../defaultPosition.js";
import getDefaultAlign from "./getDefaultAlign.js";
var getModifiers = function getModifiers2(_ref) {
var _ref2;
var align = _ref.align, position = _ref.position, sameWidth = _ref.sameWidth;
var finalPosition = position || DEFAULT_POSITION;
var _finalPosition$split = finalPosition.split(" "), _finalPosition$split2 = _slicedToArray(_finalPosition$split, 2), verticalPosition = _finalPosition$split2[0], horizontalPosition = _finalPosition$split2[1];
var _split = (align || getDefaultAlign(finalPosition)).split(" "), _split2 = _slicedToArray(_split, 2), verticalAlign = _split2[0], horizontalAlign = _split2[1];
return _ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, "&position-".concat(horizontalPosition), true), _defineProperty(_ref2, "&position-".concat(verticalPosition), true), _defineProperty(_ref2, "&align-".concat(horizontalAlign), true), _defineProperty(_ref2, "&align-".concat(verticalAlign), true), _defineProperty(_ref2, "&sameWidth", !!sameWidth), _ref2;
import DEFAULT_POSITION from '../defaultPosition';
import getDefaultAlign from './getDefaultAlign';
const getModifiers = ({ align, position, sameWidth }) => {
const finalPosition = position || DEFAULT_POSITION;
const [verticalPosition, horizontalPosition] = finalPosition.split(' ');
const [verticalAlign, horizontalAlign] = (align || getDefaultAlign(finalPosition)).split(' ');
return {
[`&position-${horizontalPosition}`]: true,
[`&position-${verticalPosition}`]: true,
[`&align-${horizontalAlign}`]: true,
[`&align-${verticalAlign}`]: true,
'&sameWidth': !!sameWidth,
export { getModifiers as default };
export default getModifiers;

@@ -1,16 +0,18 @@

function scrollX(node) {
if (!node) {
export function scrollX(node) {
if (!node) {
return 0;
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return 0;
return node.scrollLeft + scrollX(node.parentNode);
export function scrollY() {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return typeof window.scrollY === 'number'
? window.scrollY
: window.pageYOffset;
return 0;
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return 0;
return node.scrollLeft + scrollX(node.parentNode);
function scrollY() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
return typeof window.scrollY === "number" ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset;
return 0;
export { scrollX, scrollY };

@@ -1,5 +0,6 @@

var counter = 1;
let counter = 1;
function uniqueId() {
return counter++;
return counter++;
export { uniqueId as default };
export default uniqueId;

@@ -1,1 +0,17 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var t="bottom left",e=["bottom left","bottom center","bottom right","middle left","middle center","middle right","top left","top center","top right"];exports.default=t;exports.positions=e;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.positions = void 0;
const DEFAULT_POSITION = 'bottom left';
exports.default = DEFAULT_POSITION;
exports.positions = [
'bottom left',
'bottom center',
'bottom right',
'middle left',
'middle center',
'middle right',
'top left',
'top center',
'top right',

@@ -1,1 +0,119 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var k=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray"),M=require("invariant"),d=require("react"),F=require("../defaultPosition.js"),r=require("../utils/fit.js"),z=require("../utils/getDefaultAlign.js");require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty");function L(u){return u&&typeof u=="object"&&"default"in u?u:{default:u}}var v=L(k),S=L(M),E=function(t,n,i,a){var l=d.useState(i),o=v.default(l,2),e=o[0],s=o[1],c=d.useState(a||z.default(i)),h=v.default(c,2),f=h[0],w=h[1];d.useEffect(function(){s(i),w(a||z.default(i))},[a,i]);var j=d.useCallback(function(y,A){var C=G(y,A,{enabled:t,initialPosition:i,initialAlign:a,currentPosition:e,currentAlign:f}),m=v.default(C,2),H=m[0],V=m[1],D=x(y,A,{enabled:n,initialPosition:i,initialAlign:a,currentPosition:H,currentAlign:V}),b=v.default(D,2),O=b[0],_=b[1];O!==e&&s(O),_!==f&&w(_)},[f,e,t,n,a,i]);return[e,f,j]},x=function(t,n,i){var a=i.enabled,l=i.initialPosition,o=i.currentPosition;i.initialAlign;var e=i.currentAlign;if(!a)return[o,e];var s=r.isPositionedToBottom(o),c=r.isPositionedToTop(o);if(r.isPositionedToBottom(l)){if(r.fitsOnBottom(t,n)){if(!s)return[p(o),T(e)]}else if(r.fitsOnTop(t,n)&&!c)return[T(o),p(e)]}if(r.isPositionedToTop(l)){if(r.fitsOnTop(t,n)){if(!c)return[T(o),p(e)]}else if(r.fitsOnBottom(t,n)&&!s)return[p(o),T(e)]}return[o,e]},G=function(t,n,i){var a=i.enabled,l=i.initialPosition,o=i.currentPosition;i.initialAlign;var e=i.currentAlign;if(!a)return[o,e];var s=r.isPositionedToLeft(o),c=r.isPositionedToRight(o);if(r.isPositionedToRight(l)){if(r.fitsOnRight(t,n)){if(!c)return[g(o),P(e)]}else if(r.fitsOnLeft(t,n)&&!s)return[P(o),g(e)]}if(r.isPositionedToLeft(l)){if(r.fitsOnLeft(t,n)){if(!s)return[P(o),g(e)]}else if(r.fitsOnRight(t,n)&&!c)return[g(o),P(e)]}return[o,e]},q=function(t,n){var i=F.positions.find(function(a){return a==="".concat(n," ").concat(t.split(" ")[1])});return S.default(i,'Could not determine new position. Old position "'.concat(t,'", new vertical target "').concat(n,'"')),i},B=function(t,n){var i=F.positions.find(function(a){return a==="".concat(t.split(" ")[0]," ").concat(n)});return S.default(i,'Could not determine new position. Old position "'.concat(t,'", new horizontal target "').concat(n,'"')),i},p=function(t){return q(t,"bottom")},T=function(t){return q(t,"top")},P=function(t){return B(t,"left")},g=function(t){return B(t,"right")};exports.default=E;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const invariant_1 = __importDefault(require("invariant"));
const react_1 = require("react");
const defaultPosition_1 = require("../defaultPosition");
const utils_1 = require("../utils");
const useAutoFlip = (enableAutoHorizontalFlip, enableAutoVerticalFlip, initialPosition, initialAlign) => {
const [currentPosition, setCurrentPosition] = (0, react_1.useState)(initialPosition);
const [currentAlign, setCurrentAlign] = (0, react_1.useState)(initialAlign || (0, utils_1.getDefaultAlign)(initialPosition));
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
setCurrentAlign(initialAlign || (0, utils_1.getDefaultAlign)(initialPosition));
}, [initialAlign, initialPosition]);
const checkAlignment = (0, react_1.useCallback)((nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const [horizontalPosition, horizontalAlign] = autoFlipHorizontally(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoHorizontalFlip,
const [verticalPosition, verticalAlign] = autoFlipVertically(nodeRef, anchorRef, {
enabled: enableAutoVerticalFlip,
currentPosition: horizontalPosition,
currentAlign: horizontalAlign,
if (verticalPosition !== currentPosition) {
if (verticalAlign !== currentAlign) {
}, [
return [currentPosition, currentAlign, checkAlignment];
exports.default = useAutoFlip;
const autoFlipVertically = (nodeRef, anchorRef, { enabled, initialPosition, currentPosition, initialAlign, currentAlign, }) => {
if (!enabled) {
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
const positionedToBottom = (0, utils_1.isPositionedToBottom)(currentPosition);
const positionedToTop = (0, utils_1.isPositionedToTop)(currentPosition);
if ((0, utils_1.isPositionedToBottom)(initialPosition)) {
if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnBottom)(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
else if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnTop)(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
if ((0, utils_1.isPositionedToTop)(initialPosition)) {
if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnTop)(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToTop) {
return [switchToTop(currentPosition), switchToBottom(currentAlign)];
else if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnBottom)(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToBottom) {
return [switchToBottom(currentPosition), switchToTop(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
const autoFlipHorizontally = (nodeRef, anchorRef, { enabled, initialPosition, currentPosition, initialAlign, currentAlign, }) => {
if (!enabled) {
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
const positionedToLeft = (0, utils_1.isPositionedToLeft)(currentPosition);
const positionedToRight = (0, utils_1.isPositionedToRight)(currentPosition);
if ((0, utils_1.isPositionedToRight)(initialPosition)) {
if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnRight)(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
else if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnLeft)(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
if ((0, utils_1.isPositionedToLeft)(initialPosition)) {
if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnLeft)(nodeRef, anchorRef)) {
if (!positionedToLeft) {
return [switchToLeft(currentPosition), switchToRight(currentAlign)];
else if ((0, utils_1.fitsOnRight)(nodeRef, anchorRef) && !positionedToRight) {
return [switchToRight(currentPosition), switchToLeft(currentAlign)];
return [currentPosition, currentAlign];
const switchVerticalPosition = (position, target) => {
const newPosition = defaultPosition_1.positions.find((standardPosition) => standardPosition === `${target} ${position.split(' ')[1]}`);
(0, invariant_1.default)(newPosition, `Could not determine new position. Old position "${position}", new vertical target "${target}"`);
return newPosition;
const switchHorizontalPosition = (position, target) => {
const newPosition = defaultPosition_1.positions.find((standardPosition) => standardPosition === `${position.split(' ')[0]} ${target}`);
(0, invariant_1.default)(newPosition, `Could not determine new position. Old position "${position}", new horizontal target "${target}"`);
return newPosition;
const switchToBottom = (position) => switchVerticalPosition(position, 'bottom');
const switchToTop = (position) => switchVerticalPosition(position, 'top');
const switchToLeft = (position) => switchHorizontalPosition(position, 'left');
const switchToRight = (position) => switchHorizontalPosition(position, 'right');

@@ -1,1 +0,32 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var c=require("react");function o(n,i){var t=i.updateOnAnimationFrame,r=i.enabled;c.useEffect(function(){var e,a;if(r&&typeof window.requestAnimationFrame!="undefined"){var u=function l(){n(),t?e=requestAnimationFrame(l):a=requestIdleCallback(l)};u()}return function(){e&&cancelAnimationFrame(e),a&&cancelIdleCallback(a)}},[t,n,r])}exports.default=o;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const react_1 = require("react");
function useWatcher(watcher, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled }) {
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
let animationFrameId;
let idleCallbackId;
// do not track in node
if (enabled && typeof window.requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined') {
const callback = () => {
if (updateOnAnimationFrame) {
animationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(callback);
else {
idleCallbackId = requestIdleCallback(callback);
return () => {
if (animationFrameId) {
if (idleCallbackId) {
}, [updateOnAnimationFrame, watcher, enabled]);
exports.default = useWatcher;

@@ -1,1 +0,11 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var t=require("./Stick.js"),e=require("./StickPortal.js");exports.default=t.default;exports.PortalContext=e.PortalContext;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PortalContext = exports.default = void 0;
var Stick_1 = require("./Stick");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return __importDefault(Stick_1).default; } });
var StickPortal_1 = require("./StickPortal");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PortalContext", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return StickPortal_1.PortalContext; } });

@@ -1,1 +0,141 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var ee=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"),te=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray"),ie=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties");require("requestidlecallback");var ne=require("invariant"),r=require("react"),re=require("substyle"),O=require("./StickContext.js"),ae=require("./StickInline.js"),z=require("./StickNode.js"),le=require("./StickPortal.js"),M=require("./defaultPosition.js"),ue=require("./hooks/useAutoFlip.js"),oe=require("./hooks/useWatcher.js"),se=require("./utils/scroll.js"),ce=require("./utils/getDefaultAlign.js"),de=require("./utils/getModifiers.js"),fe=require("./utils/uniqueId.js");function h(e){return e&&typeof e=="object"&&"default"in e?e:{default:e}}var $=h(ee),j=h(te),ve=h(ie),W=h(ne),p=h(r),me=h(re),pe=["inline","node","sameWidth","children","updateOnAnimationFrame","position","align","component","transportTo","autoFlipHorizontally","autoFlipVertically","onClickOutside","style","className","classNames"],he={node:{position:"absolute",zIndex:99,textAlign:"left"}};function ge(e){var s=e.inline,u=s===void 0?!1:s,i=e.node,o=e.sameWidth,l=o===void 0?!1:o,y=e.children,g=e.updateOnAnimationFrame,k=g===void 0?!1:g,S=e.position,c=e.align,b=e.component,f=e.transportTo,C=e.autoFlipHorizontally,H=C===void 0?!1:C,w=e.autoFlipVertically,K=w===void 0?!1:w,E=e.onClickOutside,,V=e.className,D=e.classNames,P=ve.default(e,pe),B=r.useState(0),R=j.default(B,2),q=R[0],X=R[1],G=r.useState(function(){return fe.default()}),J=j.default(G,1),Q=J[0],A=[r.useContext(O.StickContext),Q].filter(function(t){return!!t}).join("_"),a=r.useRef(),v=r.useRef(),x=r.useRef(),U=ue.default(H,K,S||M.default,c||ce.default(S||M.default)),F=j.default(U,3),d=F[0],m=F[1],_=F[2],N=me.default(he,{style:I,className:V,classNames:D},de.default({position:d,align:m,sameWidth:l}));r.useEffect(function(){var t=function(){!v.current||!a.current||_(v.current,a.current)};return t(),window.addEventListener("scroll",t),function(){window.removeEventListener("scroll",t)}},[_]),r.useEffect(function(){var t=function(T){if(!!E){var;L instanceof window.HTMLElement&&ye(a,x,L)&&E(T)}};return document.addEventListener("click",t,!0),function(){document.removeEventListener("click",t,!0)}},[E]);var Y=r.useCallback(function(){if(!!a.current){var t=a.current.getBoundingClientRect(),n=l?t.width:ke(a.current,d,m,t);n!==q&&X(n)}},[m,d,l,q]);oe.default(Y,{updateOnAnimationFrame:k,enabled:!!i});var Z=r.useCallback(function(){v.current&&a.current&&_(v.current,a.current)},[_]);return u?p.default.createElement(O.StickContext.Provider,{value:A},p.default.createElement(ae.default,$.default({},P,{position:d,align:m,style:N,node:i&&p.default.createElement(z.default,{width:q,position:d,align:m,sameWidth:l,ref:v},i),nestingKey:A,containerRef:function(n){a.current=n,x.current=n},component:b}),y)):p.default.createElement(O.StickContext.Provider,{value:A},p.default.createElement(le.default,$.default({},P,{updateOnAnimationFrame:k,transportTo:f,component:b,ref:function(n){W.default(!n||n instanceof Element,"Only HTML elements can be stick anchors."),a.current=n},position:d,node:i&&p.default.createElement(z.default,{width:q,position:d,align:m,sameWidth:l,ref:v},i),style:N,nestingKey:A,containerRef:x,onReposition:Z}),y))}function ye(e,s,u){if(e.current&&e.current.contains(u))return!1;var i=s.current&&s.current.getAttribute("data-sticknestingkey");if(i){var o=document.querySelectorAll("[data-stickNestingKey^='".concat(i,"']"));return!o||!Array.from(o).some(function(l){return l.contains(u)})}return!0}function ke(e,s,u,i){var o=i.left,l=i.width,y=i.right;if(!e)return 0;W.default(document.documentElement,"Could not find document root node.");var g=document.documentElement.scrollWidth,k=s.split(" "),S=j.default(k,2),c=S[1];W.default(c==="left"||c==="center"||c==="right",'Expected horizontal position to be "left", "center", or "right" but got "'.concat(c,'".'));var b={left:o,center:o+l/2,right:y},f=se.scrollX(e)+b[c];return u.indexOf("left")!==-1?g-f:u.indexOf("right")!==-1?f:u.indexOf("center")!==-1?Math.min(f,g-f)*2:0}exports.default=ge;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
const invariant_1 = __importDefault(require("invariant"));
const react_1 = require("react");
const substyle_1 = __importDefault(require("substyle"));
const StickContext_1 = require("./StickContext");
const StickInline_1 = __importDefault(require("./StickInline"));
const StickNode_1 = __importDefault(require("./StickNode"));
const StickPortal_1 = __importDefault(require("./StickPortal"));
const defaultPosition_1 = __importDefault(require("./defaultPosition"));
const hooks_1 = require("./hooks");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const defaultStyles = {
node: {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: 'left',
function Stick({ inline = false, node, sameWidth = false, children, updateOnAnimationFrame = false, position, align, component, transportTo, autoFlipHorizontally = false, autoFlipVertically = false, onClickOutside, style, className, classNames, }) {
const [width, setWidth] = (0, react_1.useState)(0);
const [containerNestingKeyExtension] = (0, react_1.useState)(() => (0, utils_1.uniqueId)());
const nestingKey = [(0, react_1.useContext)(StickContext_1.StickContext), containerNestingKeyExtension]
.filter((key) => !!key)
const anchorRef = (0, react_1.useRef)();
const nodeRef = (0, react_1.useRef)(null);
const containerRef = (0, react_1.useRef)();
const [resolvedPosition, resolvedAlign, checkAlignment] = (0, hooks_1.useAutoFlip)(autoFlipHorizontally, autoFlipVertically, position || defaultPosition_1.default, align || (0, utils_1.getDefaultAlign)(position || defaultPosition_1.default));
const styles = (0, substyle_1.default)(defaultStyles, { style, className, classNames }, (0, utils_1.getModifiers)({
position: resolvedPosition,
align: resolvedAlign,
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
const handleScroll = () => {
if (!nodeRef.current || !anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
handleScroll(); // Check alignment on first render
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
}, [checkAlignment]);
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
const handleClickOutside = (ev) => {
if (!onClickOutside) {
const { target } = ev;
if (target instanceof window.HTMLElement &&
isOutside(anchorRef, containerRef, target)) {
document.addEventListener('click', handleClickOutside, true);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('click', handleClickOutside, true);
}, [onClickOutside]);
const measure = (0, react_1.useCallback)(() => {
if (!anchorRef.current) {
const boundingRect = anchorRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
const newWidth = sameWidth
? boundingRect.width
: calculateWidth(anchorRef.current, resolvedPosition, resolvedAlign, boundingRect);
if (newWidth !== width) {
}, [resolvedAlign, resolvedPosition, sameWidth, width]);
(0, hooks_1.useWatcher)(measure, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled: !!node });
const handleReposition = (0, react_1.useCallback)(() => {
if (nodeRef.current && anchorRef.current) {
checkAlignment(nodeRef.current, anchorRef.current);
}, [checkAlignment]);
if (inline) {
return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickContext_1.StickContext.Provider, { value: nestingKey, children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickInline_1.default, {, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, style: styles, node: node && ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickNode_1.default, { width: width, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, sameWidth: sameWidth, ref: nodeRef, children: node })), nestingKey: nestingKey, containerRef: (node) => {
anchorRef.current = node || undefined;
containerRef.current = node || undefined;
}, component: component, children: children }) }));
return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickContext_1.StickContext.Provider, { value: nestingKey, children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickPortal_1.default, {, updateOnAnimationFrame: updateOnAnimationFrame, transportTo: transportTo, component: component, ref: (node) => {
(0, invariant_1.default)(!node || node instanceof Element, 'Only HTML elements can be stick anchors.');
anchorRef.current = node || undefined;
}, position: resolvedPosition, node: node && ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(StickNode_1.default, { width: width, position: resolvedPosition, align: resolvedAlign, sameWidth: sameWidth, ref: nodeRef, children: node })), style: styles, nestingKey: nestingKey, containerRef: containerRef, onReposition: handleReposition, children: children }) }));
function isOutside(anchorRef, containerRef, target) {
if (anchorRef.current && anchorRef.current.contains(target)) {
return false;
const nestingKey = containerRef.current &&
if (nestingKey) {
// Find all stick nodes nested inside our own stick node and check if the click
// happened on any of these (our own stick node will also be part of the query result)
const nestedStickNodes = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-stickNestingKey^='${nestingKey}']`);
return (!nestedStickNodes ||
!Array.from(nestedStickNodes).some((stickNode) => stickNode.contains(target)));
return true;
function calculateWidth(anchorRef, position, align, { left, width, right }) {
if (!anchorRef) {
return 0;
(0, invariant_1.default)(document.documentElement, 'Could not find document root node.');
const scrollWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
const [, horizontalPosition] = position.split(' ');
(0, invariant_1.default)(horizontalPosition === 'left' ||
horizontalPosition === 'center' ||
horizontalPosition === 'right', `Expected horizontal position to be "left", "center", or "right" but got "${horizontalPosition}".`);
const positionAdjustments = {
center: left + width / 2,
const absLeft = (0, utils_1.scrollX)(anchorRef) + positionAdjustments[horizontalPosition];
if (align.indexOf('left') !== -1) {
return scrollWidth - absLeft;
if (align.indexOf('right') !== -1) {
return absLeft;
if (align.indexOf('center') !== -1) {
return Math.min(absLeft, scrollWidth - absLeft) * 2;
return 0;
exports.default = Stick;

@@ -1,1 +0,6 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var e=require("react"),t=e.createContext(null);exports.StickContext=t;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.StickContext = void 0;
const react_1 = require("react");
exports.StickContext = (0, react_1.createContext)(null);

@@ -1,1 +0,53 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var v=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"),y=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties"),b=require("react"),g=require("substyle");require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray");var m=require("./utils/getModifiers.js");function t(e){return e&&typeof e=="object"&&"default"in e?e:{default:e}}var h=t(v),_=t(y),o=t(b),j=t(g),q=["node","children","component","containerRef","nestingKey","align","position","style"];function x(e){var i=e.node,r=e.children,l=e.component,a=e.containerRef,s=e.nestingKey,d=e.align,u=e.position,,c=_.default(e,q),n=j.default(S,{style:p},m.default({align:d,position:u})),f=l||"div";return o.default.createElement(f,h.default({},c,n,{ref:a,"data-sticknestingkey":s}),r,i&&o.default.createElement("div",n("node"),i))}var S={position:"relative",node:{position:"absolute",zIndex:99,textAlign:"left"},"&position-top":{node:{top:0}},"&position-middle":{node:{top:"50%"}},"&position-bottom":{node:{top:"100%"}},"&position-left":{node:{left:0}},"&position-center":{node:{left:"50%"}},"&position-right":{node:{left:"100%"}}};exports.default=x;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
const substyle_1 = __importDefault(require("substyle"));
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
function StickInline({ node, children, component, containerRef, nestingKey, align, position, style, }) {
const styles = (0, substyle_1.default)(defaultStyle, { style }, (0, utils_1.getModifiers)({ align, position }));
const Component = component || 'div';
return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsxs)(Component, {, ...styles, ref: containerRef, "data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey, children: [children, node && (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("div", { ...styles('node'), children: node })] }));
const defaultStyle = {
position: 'relative',
node: {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 99,
textAlign: 'left',
'&position-top': {
node: {
top: 0,
'&position-middle': {
node: {
top: '50%',
'&position-bottom': {
node: {
top: '100%',
'&position-left': {
node: {
left: 0,
'&position-center': {
node: {
left: '50%',
'&position-right': {
node: {
left: '100%',
exports.default = StickInline;

@@ -1,1 +0,80 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var f=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"),r=require("react"),n=require("substyle");require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray");var h=require("./utils/getModifiers.js");function e(t){return t&&typeof t=="object"&&"default"in t?t:{default:t}}var m=e(f),a=e(r),g=e(n);function b(t,l){var o=t.children,d=t.width,s=t.align,u=t.position,c=t.sameWidth,i=g.default(p,{},h.default({align:s,position:u,sameWidth:c}));return a.default.createElement("div",n.inline(i,{width:d}),a.default.createElement("div",m.default({},i("content"),{ref:l}),o))}var p={position:"absolute",right:0,bottom:0,content:{position:"absolute",display:"inline-block",left:"inherit",right:"inherit",top:"inherit",bottom:"inherit"},"&sameWidth":{content:{display:"block",width:"100%"}},"&align-left":{right:"auto",left:0},"&align-top":{bottom:"auto",top:0},"&align-middle":{content:{transform:"translate(0, 50%)"}},"&align-center":{content:{transform:"translate(50%, 0)"},"&align-middle":{content:{transform:"translate(50%, 50%)"}}}},v=r.forwardRef(b);exports.default=v;
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
const react_1 = require("react");
const substyle_1 = __importStar(require("substyle"));
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const StickNode = (0, react_1.forwardRef)(function ({ children, width, align, position, sameWidth }, ref) {
const styles = (0, substyle_1.default)(defaultStyle, {}, (0, utils_1.getModifiers)({ align, position, sameWidth }));
return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("div", { ...(0, substyle_1.inline)(styles, { width }), children: (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("div", { ...styles('content'), ref: ref, children: children }) }));
const defaultStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
content: {
// absolute position is needed as the stick node would otherwise
// cover up the base node and, for instance, make it impossible to
// click buttons
position: 'absolute',
display: 'inline-block',
left: 'inherit',
right: 'inherit',
top: 'inherit',
bottom: 'inherit',
'&sameWidth': {
content: {
display: 'block',
width: '100%',
'&align-left': {
right: 'auto',
left: 0,
'&align-top': {
bottom: 'auto',
top: 0,
'&align-middle': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(0, 50%)',
'&align-center': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(50%, 0)',
'&align-middle': {
content: {
transform: 'translate(50%, 50%)',
exports.default = StickNode;

@@ -1,1 +0,146 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var V=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"),z=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray"),G=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties");require("requestidlecallback");var I=require("invariant"),r=require("react"),J=require("react-dom"),Q=require("substyle"),R=require("./utils/scroll.js");require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty");var U=require("./hooks/useWatcher.js");function g(e){return e&&typeof e=="object"&&"default"in e?e:{default:e}}var k=g(V),b=g(z),Z=g(G),w=g(I),C=g(r),ee=["children","component","style","transportTo","nestingKey","node","position","containerRef","updateOnAnimationFrame","onReposition"];function te(e,t){var d=e.children,a=e.component,,l=e.transportTo,c=e.nestingKey,i=e.node,n=e.position,u=e.containerRef,v=e.updateOnAnimationFrame,y=e.onReposition,j=Z.default(e,ee),S=r.useRef(),A=r.useState(null),q=b.default(A,2),p=q[0],F=q[1],W=r.useState(null),T=b.default(W,2),m=T[0],D=T[1],M=r.useState(!!i),E=b.default(M,2),h=E[0],X=E[1],K=ne(l),H=b.default(K,2),s=H[0],x=H[1];r.useEffect(function(){S.current&&y(S.current)},[y,p,m]),r.useEffect(function(){X(!!i)},[i]),r.useLayoutEffect(function(){if(h)return x.appendChild(s),function(){x.removeChild(s)}},[s,x,h]);var Y=r.useCallback(function(){var _=S.current;if(!(!_||!h)){var f=ae(_,n,s),N=oe(_,n,s);f!==p&&F(f),N!==m&&D(N)}},[s,m,n,p,h]);U.default(Y,{updateOnAnimationFrame:v,enabled:h});var $=a||"div";return C.default.createElement($,k.default({},j,o,{ref:function(f){typeof t=="function"?t(f):t.current=f,S.current=f}}),d,p!=null&&m!=null&&C.default.createElement(P.Provider,{value:s.parentNode||B},J.createPortal(C.default.createElement("div",k.default({ref:u,"data-sticknestingkey":c},Q.inline(o("node"),{position:"absolute",top:p,left:m})),i),s)))}w.default(document.body,"Stick can only be used in a browser environment.");var B=document.body,P=r.createContext(B),re=r.forwardRef(te);function ne(e){var t=r.useState(function(){return document.createElement("div")}),d=b.default(t,1),a=d[0],o=r.useContext(P),l=e||o;return w.default(l,"Could not determine a parent for the host node."),[a,l]}function ae(e,t,d){var a=e.getBoundingClientRect(),,l=a.height,c=a.bottom,i=O(d),n=0;if(t.indexOf("top")!==-1&&(n=o),t.indexOf("middle")!==-1&&(n=o+l/2),t.indexOf("bottom")!==-1&&(n=c),i){var u=i.getBoundingClientRect(),;return n-v}return n+R.scrollY()}function oe(e,t,d){var a=e.getBoundingClientRect(),o=a.left,l=a.width,c=a.right,i=O(d),n=L(e),u=0;if(t.indexOf("left")!==-1&&(u=o),t.indexOf("center")!==-1&&(u=o+l/2),t.indexOf("right")!==-1&&(u=c),i){var v=i.getBoundingClientRect(),y=v.left;return u-y}return n?u+R.scrollX(e)-n.scrollLeft:u+R.scrollX(e)}function L(e){if(!e||e.nodeName==="BODY"||e.nodeName==="HTML")return null;var t=getComputedStyle(e);return t.overflowX==="auto"||t.overflowX==="scroll"?e:e.parentNode instanceof Element?L(e.parentNode):null}function O(e){return e.nodeName==="BODY"||e.nodeName==="HTML"?null:getComputedStyle(e).position==="fixed"?e:e.parentNode instanceof Element?O(e.parentNode):null}exports.PortalContext=P;exports.default=re;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PortalContext = void 0;
const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
const invariant_1 = __importDefault(require("invariant"));
const react_1 = require("react");
const react_dom_1 = require("react-dom");
const substyle_1 = require("substyle");
const hooks_1 = require("./hooks");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const StickPortal = (0, react_1.forwardRef)(function ({ children, component, style, transportTo, nestingKey, node, position, containerRef, updateOnAnimationFrame, onReposition, }, ref) {
const nodeRef = (0, react_1.useRef)();
const [top, setTop] = (0, react_1.useState)(null);
const [left, setLeft] = (0, react_1.useState)(null);
const [visible, setVisible] = (0, react_1.useState)(!!node);
const [host, hostParent] = useHost(transportTo);
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
if (nodeRef.current) {
}, [onReposition, top, left]);
(0, react_1.useEffect)(() => {
}, [node]);
(0, react_1.useLayoutEffect)(() => {
if (visible) {
return () => {
}, [host, hostParent, visible]);
const measure = (0, react_1.useCallback)(() => {
const node = nodeRef.current;
if (!node || !visible) {
const newTop = calculateTop(node, position, host);
const newLeft = calculateLeft(node, position, host);
if (newTop !== top) {
if (newLeft !== left) {
}, [host, left, position, top, visible]);
(0, hooks_1.useWatcher)(measure, { updateOnAnimationFrame, enabled: visible });
const Component = component || 'div';
return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsxs)(Component, {,, ref: (node) => {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
else if (ref) {
ref.current = node;
nodeRef.current = node;
}, children: [children, top != null && left != null && ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(exports.PortalContext.Provider, { value: (host.parentNode || defaultRoot), children: (0, react_dom_1.createPortal)((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("div", { ref: containerRef, "data-sticknestingkey": nestingKey, ...(0, substyle_1.inline)(style('node'), {
position: 'absolute',
}), children: node }), host) }))] }));
(0, invariant_1.default)(document.body, 'Stick can only be used in a browser environment.');
const defaultRoot = document.body;
exports.PortalContext = (0, react_1.createContext)(defaultRoot);
exports.default = StickPortal;
function useHost(transportTo) {
const [host] = (0, react_1.useState)(() => document.createElement('div'));
const portalHost = (0, react_1.useContext)(exports.PortalContext);
const hostParent = transportTo || portalHost;
(0, invariant_1.default)(hostParent, 'Could not determine a parent for the host node.');
return [host, hostParent];
function calculateTop(node, position, host) {
const { top, height, bottom } = node.getBoundingClientRect();
const fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
let result = 0;
if (position.indexOf('top') !== -1) {
result = top;
if (position.indexOf('middle') !== -1) {
result = top + height / 2;
if (position.indexOf('bottom') !== -1) {
result = bottom;
if (fixedHost) {
const { top: hostTop } = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect();
return result - hostTop;
return result + (0, utils_1.scrollY)();
function calculateLeft(node, position, host) {
const { left, width, right } = node.getBoundingClientRect();
const fixedHost = getFixedParent(host);
const scrollHost = getScrollParent(node);
let result = 0;
if (position.indexOf('left') !== -1) {
result = left;
if (position.indexOf('center') !== -1) {
result = left + width / 2;
if (position.indexOf('right') !== -1) {
result = right;
if (fixedHost) {
const { left: hostLeft } = fixedHost.getBoundingClientRect();
return result - hostLeft;
if (scrollHost) {
return result + (0, utils_1.scrollX)(node) - scrollHost.scrollLeft;
return result + (0, utils_1.scrollX)(node);
function getScrollParent(element) {
if (!element) {
return null;
if (element.nodeName === 'BODY' || element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return null;
const style = getComputedStyle(element);
if (style.overflowX === 'auto' || style.overflowX === 'scroll') {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element
? getScrollParent(element.parentNode)
: null;
function getFixedParent(element) {
if (element.nodeName === 'BODY' || element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
return null;
if (getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed') {
return element;
return element.parentNode instanceof Element
? getFixedParent(element.parentNode)
: null;

@@ -1,1 +0,48 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var a=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray");function u(o){return o&&typeof o=="object"&&"default"in o?o:{default:o}}var d=u(a),f=function(t){var i=t.split(" "),n=d.default(i,1),e=n[0];return e==="top"},g=function(t){var i=t.split(" "),n=d.default(i,1),e=n[0];return e==="bottom"},l=function(t){var i=t.split(" ")[1];return i==="right"},c=function(t){var i=t.split(" ")[1];return i==="left"},h=function(t,i){var n=t.getBoundingClientRect(),e=n.width,r=i.getBoundingClientRect(),s=r.right;return s+e<=window.innerWidth},p=function(t,i){var n=t.getBoundingClientRect(),e=n.width,r=i.getBoundingClientRect(),s=r.left;return s-e>=0},v=function(t,i){var n=t.getBoundingClientRect(),e=n.height,r=i.getBoundingClientRect(),;return s-e>=0},B=function(t,i){var n=t.getBoundingClientRect(),e=n.height,r=i.getBoundingClientRect(),s=r.bottom;return s+e<=window.innerHeight};exports.fitsOnBottom=B;exports.fitsOnLeft=p;exports.fitsOnRight=h;exports.fitsOnTop=v;exports.isPositionedToBottom=g;exports.isPositionedToLeft=c;exports.isPositionedToRight=l;exports.isPositionedToTop=f;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.fitsOnBottom = exports.fitsOnTop = exports.fitsOnLeft = exports.fitsOnRight = exports.isPositionedToLeft = exports.isPositionedToRight = exports.isPositionedToBottom = exports.isPositionedToTop = void 0;
const isPositionedToTop = (position) => {
const [positionMarker] = position.split(' ');
return positionMarker === 'top';
exports.isPositionedToTop = isPositionedToTop;
const isPositionedToBottom = (position) => {
const [positionMarker] = position.split(' ');
return positionMarker === 'bottom';
exports.isPositionedToBottom = isPositionedToBottom;
const isPositionedToRight = (position) => {
const positionMarker = position.split(' ')[1];
return positionMarker === 'right';
exports.isPositionedToRight = isPositionedToRight;
const isPositionedToLeft = (position) => {
const positionMarker = position.split(' ')[1];
return positionMarker === 'left';
exports.isPositionedToLeft = isPositionedToLeft;
const fitsOnRight = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { width: nodeWidth } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { right: anchorRight } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorRight + nodeWidth <= window.innerWidth;
exports.fitsOnRight = fitsOnRight;
const fitsOnLeft = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { width: nodeWidth } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { left: anchorLeft } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorLeft - nodeWidth >= 0;
exports.fitsOnLeft = fitsOnLeft;
const fitsOnTop = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { height: nodeHeight } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { top: anchorTop } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorTop - nodeHeight >= 0;
exports.fitsOnTop = fitsOnTop;
const fitsOnBottom = (nodeRef, anchorRef) => {
const { height: nodeHeight } = nodeRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const { bottom: anchorBottom } = anchorRef.getBoundingClientRect();
return anchorBottom + nodeHeight <= window.innerHeight;
exports.fitsOnBottom = fitsOnBottom;

@@ -1,1 +0,16 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var e={"top left":"bottom left","top center":"bottom center","top right":"bottom right","middle left":"middle right","middle center":"middle center","middle right":"middle left","bottom left":"top left","bottom center":"top center","bottom right":"top right"},l=function(t){return e[t]};exports.default=l;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const defaultAligns = {
'top left': 'bottom left',
'top center': 'bottom center',
'top right': 'bottom right',
'middle left': 'middle right',
'middle center': 'middle center',
'middle right': 'middle left',
'bottom left': 'top left',
'bottom center': 'top center',
'bottom right': 'top right',
const getDefaultAlign = (position) => defaultAligns[position];
exports.default = getDefaultAlign;

@@ -1,1 +0,21 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var y=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty"),b=require("@babel/runtime/helpers/slicedToArray"),h=require("../defaultPosition.js"),A=require("./getDefaultAlign.js");function u(t){return t&&typeof t=="object"&&"default"in t?t:{default:t}}var i=u(y),n=u(b),m=function(a){var e,s=a.align,d=a.position,f=a.sameWidth,r=d||h.default,c=r.split(" "),l=n.default(c,2),p=l[0],v=l[1],g=(s||A.default(r)).split(" "),o=n.default(g,2),_=o[0],P=o[1];return e={},i.default(e,"&position-".concat(v),!0),i.default(e,"&position-".concat(p),!0),i.default(e,"&align-".concat(P),!0),i.default(e,"&align-".concat(_),!0),i.default(e,"&sameWidth",!!f),e};exports.default=m;
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const defaultPosition_1 = __importDefault(require("../defaultPosition"));
const getDefaultAlign_1 = __importDefault(require("./getDefaultAlign"));
const getModifiers = ({ align, position, sameWidth }) => {
const finalPosition = position || defaultPosition_1.default;
const [verticalPosition, horizontalPosition] = finalPosition.split(' ');
const [verticalAlign, horizontalAlign] = (align || (0, getDefaultAlign_1.default)(finalPosition)).split(' ');
return {
[`&position-${horizontalPosition}`]: true,
[`&position-${verticalPosition}`]: true,
[`&align-${horizontalAlign}`]: true,
[`&align-${verticalAlign}`]: true,
'&sameWidth': !!sameWidth,
exports.default = getModifiers;

@@ -1,1 +0,23 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});function r(e){return!e||!(e instanceof HTMLElement)?0:e.scrollLeft+r(e.parentNode)}function t(){return typeof window!="undefined"?typeof window.scrollY=="number"?window.scrollY:window.pageYOffset:0}exports.scrollX=r;exports.scrollY=t;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.scrollY = exports.scrollX = void 0;
function scrollX(node) {
if (!node) {
return 0;
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return 0;
return node.scrollLeft + scrollX(node.parentNode);
exports.scrollX = scrollX;
function scrollY() {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return typeof window.scrollY === 'number'
? window.scrollY
: window.pageYOffset;
return 0;
exports.scrollY = scrollY;

@@ -1,1 +0,8 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});var e=1;function u(){return e++}exports.default=u;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
let counter = 1;
function uniqueId() {
return counter++;
exports.default = uniqueId;
"name": "react-stick",
"version": "4.2.2",
"version": "5.0.0-rc1",
"description": "React component to stick a portaled node to an anchor node",

@@ -17,52 +17,49 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"prebuild": "npm run clean",
"build": "vite build",
"postbuild": "flow-copy-source -v src lib && flow-copy-source -v src es",
"build": "tsc -p ./src/tsconfig.json --outdir ./es && tsc -p ./src/tsconfig.json --module commonJS --outdir ./lib ",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
"build-demo": "webpack",
"clean": "rimraf coverage es lib demo/dist build",
"flow": "flow check",
"format": "prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 \"{src,stories}/**/*.js\"",
"lint": "eslint --max-warnings=0 --ext .js src tests demo/src",
"build-demo": "NODE_ENV=PRODUCTION webpack --config ./demo/webpack.config.js",
"clean": "rimraf coverage es lib build",
"_format": "prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 \"{src,stories}/**/*.js\"",
"lint": "eslint --max-warnings=0 --ext .ts --ext .tsx src tests demo/src",
"prenow-build": "npm run build",
"now-build": "webpack",
"start": "NODE_ENV=development webpack server",
"now-build": "npm run build-demo",
"start": "NODE_ENV=development webpack server --mode=development --config demo/webpack.config.js",
"semantic-release": "semantic-release",
"semantic-release-preview": "semantic-release-github-pr",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test karma start"
"test": "NODE_ENV=test karma start ./tests/karma.conf.js",
"prepare": "husky install"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.17.9",
"@types/invariant": "^2.2.35",
"invariant": "^2.2.4",
"requestidlecallback": "^0.3.0",
"substyle": "^9.1.0"
"substyle": "^9.4.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.17.10",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "7.17.3",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "7.17.10",
"@babel/preset-env": "7.17.10",
"@babel/preset-flow": "7.16.7",
"@babel/preset-react": "7.16.7",
"@testing-library/react": "12.1.5",
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "1.3.2",
"@babel/core": "7.17.12",
"@babel/preset-env": "7.17.12",
"@babel/preset-react": "7.17.12",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.17.12",
"@testing-library/react": "^12.1.5",
"@types/expect": "^1.20.4",
"@types/mocha": "^9.1.1",
"babel-eslint": "10.1.0",
"babel-loader": "8.2.5",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.5",
"babel-plugin-istanbul": "6.1.1",
"babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "6.18.0",
"condition-circle": "2.0.2",
"core-js": "3.22.5",
"eslint": "7.32.0",
"eslint": "8.15.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
"eslint-config-react-app": "7.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-flowtype": "8.0.3",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.26.0",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "6.5.1",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "7.29.4",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "4.5.0",
"expect": "1.20.2",
"flow-bin": "0.133.0",
"flow-copy-source": "2.0.9",
"glamor": "2.20.40",
"html-webpack-harddisk-plugin": "2.0.0",
"html-webpack-plugin": "4.5.2",
"karma": "6.3.19",
"html-webpack-plugin": "5.5.0",
"husky": "^8.0.1",
"karma": "6.3.20",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "3.1.1",

@@ -74,12 +71,11 @@ "karma-coverage": "2.2.0",

"karma-webpack": "5.0.0",
"lint-staged": "^12.4.1",
"mocha": "10.0.0",
"prettier": "2.6.2",
"react": "16.14.0",
"react-dom": "16.14.0",
"regenerator-runtime": "0.13.9",
"rimraf": "3.0.2",
"semantic-release": "19.0.2",
"substyle-glamor": "4.1.2",
"vite": "2.9.8",
"webpack": "4.46.0",
"ts-loader": "^9.3.0",
"typescript": "^4.6.4",
"webpack": "5.72.1",
"webpack-cli": "4.9.2",

@@ -108,3 +104,9 @@ "webpack-dev-server": "4.9.0"

"npm": ">=8.x"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,ts,tsx}": [
"eslint --max-warnings 0 --fix"
"*.{json,md,yaml,yml}": "prettier --write"
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