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react-tabulator - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.18.0 to 0.18.1



@@ -8,3 +8,10 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

declare const ReactTabulator: (props: any) => JSX.Element;
export interface ReactTabulatorProps {
columns?: ColumnDefinition[];
options?: any;
events?: any;
onRef?: (ref: any) => void;
[k: string]: any;
declare const ReactTabulator: (props: ReactTabulatorProps) => JSX.Element;
export default ReactTabulator;



@@ -86,2 +86,3 @@ "use strict";

props.onRef && props.onRef(instanceRef);
return [2 /*return*/];

@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ }

React.useEffect(function () {
// console.log('useEffect - onmount');
}, []);
React.useEffect(function () {
console.log('instanceRef.current', instanceRef.current);
// console.log('useEffect - changed');
if (instanceRef && instanceRef.current) {

@@ -98,0 +100,0 @@ initTabulator(); // re-init table

@@ -1,15 +0,3 @@

import * as React from 'react';
interface IProps {
data: any[];
export default class extends React.Component<IProps> {
state: any;
ref: any;
rowClick: (e: any, row: any) => void;
setData: () => void;
clearData: () => void;
modifyData: () => void;
renderAjaxScrollExample: () => JSX.Element;
render(): JSX.Element;
export {};
/// <reference types="react" />
declare const _default: () => JSX.Element;
export default _default;
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var _a;

@@ -40,3 +25,3 @@ exports.__esModule = true;

{ title: 'Passed?', field: 'passed', hozAlign: 'center', formatter: 'tickCross' },
{ title: 'Custom', field: 'custom', hozAlign: 'center', editor: 'input', formatter: (0, Utils_1.reactFormatter)(React.createElement(SimpleButton, null)) },
{ title: 'Custom', field: 'custom', hozAlign: 'center', editor: 'input', formatter: (0, Utils_1.reactFormatter)(React.createElement(SimpleButton, null)) }

@@ -63,6 +48,10 @@ var data = [

var colorOptions = (_a = {}, _a[''] = '&nbsp;', = 'red', = 'green', _a.yellow = 'yellow', _a);
var petOptions = [{ id: 'cat', name: 'cat' }, { id: 'dog', name: 'dog' }, { id: 'fish', name: 'fish' }];
var petOptions = [
{ id: 'cat', name: 'cat' },
{ id: 'dog', name: 'dog' },
{ id: 'fish', name: 'fish' }
var editableColumns = [
{ title: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 150, editor: 'input', headerFilter: 'input' },
{ title: 'Age', field: 'age', hozAlign: 'left', formatter: 'progress', editor: 'progress' },
{ title: 'Age', field: 'age', hozAlign: 'left', formatter: 'progress', editor: 'star' },

@@ -88,107 +77,98 @@ title: 'Favourite Color',

var default_1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(default_1, _super);
function default_1() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.state = {
data: [],
selectedName: ''
exports["default"] = (function () {
var _a = React.useState({
data: [],
selectedName: ''
}), state = _a[0], setState = _a[1];
var ref = React.useRef();
var rowClick = function (e, row) {
console.log('ref table: ', ref.current); // this is the Tabulator table instance
// ref?.current && ref?.current.replaceData([])
console.log('rowClick id: ${row.getData().id}', row, e);
setState({ selectedName: row.getData().name });
var setData = function () {
setState({ data: data });
var clearData = function () {
setState({ data: [] });
var modifyData = function () {
var _newData = data.filter(function (item) { return === 'Oli Bob'; });
setState({ data: _newData });
var renderAjaxScrollExample = function () {
var columns = [
{ title: 'First Name', field: 'first_name', width: 150 },
{ title: 'Last Name', field: 'last_name', width: 150 },
{ title: 'Email', field: 'email', width: 150 }
var options = {
height: 100,
movableRows: true,
progressiveLoad: 'scroll',
progressiveLoadDelay: 200,
progressiveLoadScrollMargin: 30,
ajaxURL: '',
dataSendParams: {
page: 'page',
size: 'per_page'
dataReceiveParams: {
last_page: 'last'
paginationSize: 5,
ajaxResponse: function (url, params, response) {
console.log('url, params, response', url, params, response);
return {
last: response.total_pages
ajaxError: function (error) {
console.log('ajaxError', error);
_this.ref = null;
_this.rowClick = function (e, row) {
console.log('ref table: ', _this.ref.table); // this is the Tabulator table instance
console.log('rowClick id: ${row.getData().id}', row, e);
_this.setState({ selectedName: row.getData().name });
_this.setData = function () {
_this.setState({ data: data });
_this.clearData = function () {
_this.setState({ data: [] });
_this.modifyData = function () {
var _newData = data.filter(function (item) { return === 'Oli Bob'; });
_this.setState({ data: _newData });
_this.renderAjaxScrollExample = function () {
var columns = [
{ title: 'First Name', field: 'first_name', width: 150 },
{ title: 'Last Name', field: 'last_name', width: 150 },
{ title: 'Email', field: 'email', width: 150 },
var options = {
height: 100,
movableRows: true,
progressiveLoad: 'scroll',
progressiveLoadDelay: 200,
progressiveLoadScrollMargin: 30,
ajaxURL: '',
dataSendParams: {
page: "page",
size: "per_page"
return (React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { onRef: function (r) { return (ref = r); }, columns: columns, options: options, events: {
dataLoaded: function (data) {
console.log('dataLoaded', data);
// return data; //return the response data to tabulator
var modResponse = {}; = data;
modResponse.last = 5;
return modResponse;
dataReceiveParams: {
last_page: 'last'
paginationSize: 5,
ajaxResponse: function (url, params, response) {
console.log('url, params, response', url, params, response);
return {
last: response.total_pages
ajaxError: function (error) {
console.log('ajaxError', error);
return (React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { ref: function (ref) { return (_this.ref = ref); }, columns: columns, options: options, events: {
dataLoaded: function (data) {
console.log('dataLoaded', data);
// return data; //return the response data to tabulator
var modResponse = {}; = data;
modResponse.last = 5;
return modResponse;
ajaxError: function (error) {
console.log('ajaxError', error);
} }));
return _this;
default_1.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var options = {
height: 150,
movableRows: true,
movableColumns: true
return (React.createElement("div", null,
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { ref: function (ref) { return (_this.ref = ref); }, columns: columns, data: data, events: {
rowClick: this.rowClick
}, options: options, "data-custom-attr": "test-custom-attribute", className: "custom-css-class" }),
React.createElement("i", null,
"Selected Name: ",
React.createElement("strong", null, this.state.selectedName)),
React.createElement("h3", null,
"Asynchronous data: (e.g. fetch) - ",
React.createElement("button", { onClick: this.setData }, "Set Data"),
' ',
React.createElement("button", { onClick: this.clearData }, "Clear"),
' ',
React.createElement("button", { onClick: this.modifyData }, "Modify Data")),
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { columns: columns, data: }),
React.createElement("h3", null, "Editable Table"),
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { columns: editableColumns, data: data, cellEdited: function (cell) { return console.log('cellEdited', cell); }, dataChanged: function (newData) { return console.log('dataChanged', newData); }, footerElement: React.createElement("span", null, "Footer"), options: { movableColumns: true, movableRows: true } }),
React.createElement("h3", null, "Infinite Scrolling with Ajax Requests"),
React.createElement("p", null,
React.createElement("a", { href: "", target: "_blank" }, "Back to: Github Repo: react-tabulator")),
React.createElement("p", null,
React.createElement("a", { href: "", target: "_blank" }, "More Tabulator's Examples"))));
} }));
return default_1;
exports["default"] = default_1;
var options = {
height: 150,
movableRows: true,
movableColumns: true
return (React.createElement("div", null,
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { onRef: function (ref) { return (ref = ref); }, columns: columns, data: data, events: {
rowClick: rowClick
}, options: options, "data-custom-attr": "test-custom-attribute", className: "custom-css-class" }),
React.createElement("i", null,
"Selected Name: ",
React.createElement("strong", null, state.selectedName)),
React.createElement("h3", null,
"Asynchronous data: (e.g. fetch) - ",
React.createElement("button", { onClick: setData }, "Set Data"),
' ',
React.createElement("button", { onClick: clearData }, "Clear"),
" ",
React.createElement("button", { onClick: modifyData }, "Modify Data")),
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { columns: columns, data: }),
React.createElement("h3", null, "Editable Table"),
React.createElement(ReactTabulator_1["default"], { columns: editableColumns, data: data, cellEdited: function (cell) { return console.log('cellEdited', cell); }, dataChanged: function (newData) { return console.log('dataChanged', newData); }, footerElement: React.createElement("span", null, "Footer"), options: { movableColumns: true, movableRows: true } }),
React.createElement("h3", null, "Infinite Scrolling with Ajax Requests"),
React.createElement("p", null,
React.createElement("a", { href: "", target: "_blank" }, "Back to: Github Repo: react-tabulator")),
React.createElement("p", null,
React.createElement("a", { href: "", target: "_blank" }, "More Tabulator's Examples"))));
"name": "react-tabulator",
"version": "0.18.0",
"version": "0.18.1",
"description": "React Tabulator is based on tabulator - a JS table library with many advanced features.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

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