Advanced tools
property that rotates the tick label (see the documentation for details).'top'
or 'right'
is set to 'right'
(#143).New legends (sic!), new animations, faster rendering of components, no d3 in actual rendering process, new examples and more.
property works differently: duration is removed in favor of stiffness, damping and precision. Please refer to the documentation for the latest changes.undefined
and null
values of important scale-related attributes for domains and ranges are now treated as real values (and not ignored anymore).d3-selection
and d3-transition
modules and made the source code smaller.onNearestX
event now returns the index of the selected data point as an attribute (more details here)Upgraded to modular d3, compiled code became smaller, changed the API for axes and grids, fixed several bugs.
and YAxis
) was significantly changed:
and labelValues
attributes for the axes are removed: similar results can be done achieved when tickFormat
and tickValues
attributes are used (see the the updated documentation for axes for more details).tickFormat
function is now gets only one (value) argument instead of two (value and index).VerticalGridLines
and HorizontalGridLines
) was significantly changed: it partially replicates the API of the axes. Please refer to the updated documentation for more detail.margin
for the radial and ortogonal chart is now able to receive partial objects (e. g.<XYPlot margin={{left: 20}}>
instead of margins for each side) and numbers (e.g. <XYPlot margin={20}>
doesn't fail anymore (see #118).Please find full change log here.