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react-xarrows - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.4.4 to 1.5.0



@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import React from "react";

headSize?: number;
path: "smooth" | "grid" | "straight";
path?: "smooth" | "grid" | "straight";
curveness?: number;

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ dashness?: boolean | {

@@ -1,85 +0,49 @@

var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
"use strict";
//// @ts-nocheck
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import _ from "lodash";
const findCommonAncestor = (elem, elem2) => {
function parents(node) {
var nodes = [node];
for (; node; node = node.parentNode) {
return nodes;
function commonAncestor(node1, node2) {
var parents1 = parents(node1);
var parents2 = parents(node2);
// if (parents1[0] !== parents2[0]) throw new Error("No common ancestor!");
if (parents1[0] !== parents2[0])
throw new Error("No common ancestor!");
for (var i = 0; i < parents1.length; i++) {
if (parents1[i] !== parents2[i])
return parents1[i - 1];
return commonAncestor(elem, elem2);
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
const findAllChildren = (child, parent) => {
if (child === parent)
return [];
let children = [];
let childParent = child.parentElement;
while (childParent !== parent) {
childParent = childParent.parentElement;
return children;
const getElementByPropGiven = (ref) => {
var myRef;
if (typeof ref === "string") {
myRef = document.getElementById(ref);
if (myRef === null)
throw Error(`'${ref}' is not an id of element in the dom. make sure you provided current id or provide a React reference to element instead.`);
myRef = ref.current;
if (myRef === null)
throw Error(`'${ref}' is not a valid react reference to html element
you tried to render Xarrow before one of the anchors.
please provide correct react reference or provide id instead.`);
return myRef;
const typeOf = (arg) => {
let type = typeof arg;
if (type === "object") {
if (arg === null)
type = "null";
else if (Array.isArray(arg))
type = "array";
return type;
const Xarrow = (_a) => {
var props = __rest(_a, []);
const selfRef = useRef(null);
const [anchorsRefs, setAnchorsRefs] = useState({ start: null, end: null });
const [prevPosState, setPrevPosState] = useState(null);
const [prevProps, setPrevProps] = useState(null);
const [anchorsParents, setAnchorsParents] = useState(null); //list children of the common ancestor of the arrow with start and end until start or end
const [commonAncestor, setCommonAncestor] = useState(null); //list children of the common ancestor of the arrow with start and end until start or end
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const react_1 = __importStar(require("react"));
const lodash_isequal_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash.isequal"));
const lodash_pick_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash.pick"));
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const prop_types_1 = __importDefault(require("prop-types"));
const Xarrow = (props) => {
let { startAnchor, endAnchor, label, color, lineColor, headColor, strokeWidth, headSize, path, curveness, dashness, passProps, advanced, } = props;
const selfRef = react_1.useRef(null);
const [anchorsRefs, setAnchorsRefs] = react_1.useState({ start: null, end: null });
const [prevPosState, setPrevPosState] = react_1.useState(null);
const [prevProps, setPrevProps] = react_1.useState(null);
const updateIfNeeded = () => {
if (checkIfAnchorsRefsChanged()) {
// check if anchors refs changed
const start = utils_1.getElementByPropGiven(props.start);
const end = utils_1.getElementByPropGiven(props.end);
// in case one of the elements does not mounted skip any update
if (start == null || end == null)
// if anchors changed re-set them
if (!lodash_isequal_1.default(anchorsRefs, { start, end })) {
else if (!_.isEqual(props, prevProps)) {
else if (!lodash_isequal_1.default(props, prevProps)) {
//first check if any properties changed

@@ -96,3 +60,3 @@ if (prevProps) {

let posState = getAnchorsPos();
if (!_.isEqual(prevPosState, posState)) {
if (!lodash_isequal_1.default(prevPosState, posState)) {

@@ -103,169 +67,21 @@ updatePosition(posState);

const checkIfAnchorsRefsChanged = () => {
var start = getElementByPropGiven(props.start);
var end = getElementByPropGiven(props.end);
return !_.isEqual(anchorsRefs, { start, end });
const monitorDOMchanges = () => {
[...anchorsParents.start, ...anchorsParents.end].forEach((elem) => {
elem.addEventListener("scroll", updateIfNeeded);
window.addEventListener("resize", updateIfNeeded);
if (window.getComputedStyle(commonAncestor).position !== "relative")
commonAncestor.addEventListener("scroll", updateIfNeeded);
const cleanMonitorDOMchanges = () => {
[...anchorsParents.start, ...anchorsParents.end].forEach((elem) => {
elem.removeEventListener("scroll", updateIfNeeded);
window.removeEventListener("resize", updateIfNeeded);
if (window.getComputedStyle(commonAncestor).position === "relative")
commonAncestor.removeEventListener("scroll", updateIfNeeded);
const initParentsChildren = () => {
let anchorsCommonAncestor = findCommonAncestor(anchorsRefs.start, anchorsRefs.end);
let allAncestor = findCommonAncestor(anchorsCommonAncestor, selfRef.current);
let allAncestorChildrenStart = findAllChildren(anchorsRefs.start, allAncestor);
let allAncestorChildrenEnd = findAllChildren(anchorsRefs.end, allAncestor);
start: allAncestorChildrenStart,
end: allAncestorChildrenEnd,
let allAncestorPosStyle = window.getComputedStyle(allAncestor).position;
if (props.consoleWarning) {
if (allAncestorPosStyle !== "relative" &&
(allAncestor.scrollHeight > allAncestor.clientHeight || allAncestor.scrollWidth > allAncestor.clientWidth))
console.warn(`Xarrow warning: it is recommended to set common ancestor positioning style to 'relative',this will prevent rerender on every scroll event.
change position style from '${allAncestorPosStyle}' to 'relative' of element `, allAncestor);
if (selfRef.current.parentElement !== anchorsCommonAncestor)
console.warn(`Xarrow warning: you placed Xarrow not as son of the common ancestor of 'start' component and 'end' component.
the suggested element to put Xarrow inside of to prevent redundant rerenders iss `, anchorsCommonAncestor, " and not ", selfRef.current.parentElement, `if this was your intention set monitorDOMchanges to true so Xarrow will render whenever relevant DOM events are triggered.
to disable this warnings set consoleWarning property to false`);
if ((allAncestorChildrenStart.length > 0 || allAncestorChildrenEnd.length > 0) &&
props.monitorDOMchanges === false)
console.warn(`Xarrow warning: set monitorDOMchanges to true - its possible that the positioning will get out of sync on DOM events(like scroll),
on these elements`, _.uniqWith([...allAncestorChildrenStart, ...allAncestorChildrenEnd], _.isEqual), `\nto disable this warnings set consoleWarning property to false`);
const testUserGivenProperties = () => {
const throwError = (errorMsg, consoleMsg) => {
let err = Error("Xarrows: " + errorMsg);
if (consoleMsg)
console.error("xarrow error: ", ...consoleMsg);
throw err;
const typeCheck = (arg, allowedTypes, name) => {
if (!allowedTypes.includes(typeOf(arg))) {
throwError(`'${name}' property error.`, [
`'${name}' property should be from type ${allowedTypes.join(" or ")}, not`,
const valueCheck = (value, allowedValues, name) => {
if (!allowedValues.includes(value)) {
throwError(`'${name}' property error.`, [
`${name} =`,
` but ${name} prop should be '${allowedValues.join("' or '")}', not`,
"'" + value + "'",
const checkRef = (ref, name) => {
typeCheck(ref, ["object", "string"], name);
if (typeOf(ref) === "object") {
if (!("current" in ref))
throwError(`'${name}' property error.`, [
`but '${name}' is not of type reference. maybe you set '${name}' property to other object and not to React reference?`,
if (ref.current === null)
throwError(`'${name}' property error`, [
`Make sure the reference to ${name} anchor are provided correctly.
maybe you tried to render Xarrow before ${name} anchor?`,
const checkAnchor = (anchor, name) => {
typeCheck(anchor, ["string", "array", "object"], name);
if (typeOf(anchor) === "string")
valueCheck(anchor, ["auto", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "middle"], name);
else if (typeOf(anchor) === "array")
anchor.forEach((an) => valueCheck(an, ["auto", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "middle"], name));
if (getElementByPropGiven(props.start) === getElementByPropGiven(props.end))
throwError(`'start' and 'end' props cannot point to the same element`, [
`'start' and 'end' props cannot point to the same element`,
checkRef(props.start, "start");
checkRef(props.end, "end");
checkAnchor(props.startAnchor, "startAnchor");
checkAnchor(props.endAnchor, "endAnchor");
const triggerUpdate = (callback) => {
if (callback)
const initRegisterEvents = () => {
props.registerEvents.forEach((re) => {
var ref = getElementByPropGiven(re.ref);
ref.addEventListener(re.eventName, () => triggerUpdate(re.callback));
const cleanRegisterEvents = () => {
props.registerEvents.forEach((re) => {
var ref = getElementByPropGiven(re.ref);
ref.removeEventListener(re.eventName, () => triggerUpdate(re.callback));
const initAnchorsRefs = () => {
var start = getElementByPropGiven(props.start);
var end = getElementByPropGiven(props.end);
const start = utils_1.getElementByPropGiven(props.start);
const end = utils_1.getElementByPropGiven(props.end);
setAnchorsRefs({ start, end });
const initProps = () => {
// initXarrowElemPos();
// testUserGivenProperties();
useEffect(() => {
// equivalent to componentDidMount
react_1.useEffect(() => {
// console.log("xarrow mounted");
return () => {
// console.log("xarrow unmounted");
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Happens only at mounting (or props changed) after anchorsRefs initialized
if (anchorsRefs.start) {
}, [anchorsRefs]);
useEffect(() => {
// happens only at mounting after anchorsParents initialized
if (anchorsParents && props.monitorDOMchanges) {
return () => {
//cleanUp it unmounting!
}, [anchorsParents]);
// useEffect(() => {
// // triggers position update when prevPosState changed(can happen in any render)
// if (prevPosState) updatePosition(prevPosState);
// }, [prevPosState]);
useEffect(() => {
react_1.useLayoutEffect(() => {
// console.log("xarrow rendered!");
const [st, setSt] = useState({
const [st, setSt] = react_1.useState({
//initial state

@@ -300,3 +116,2 @@ cx0: 0,

let { color, lineColor, headColor, headSize, strokeWidth, dashness } = props;
headSize = Number(headSize);

@@ -309,4 +124,8 @@ strokeWidth = Number(strokeWidth);

if (typeof dashness === "object") {
dashStroke = dashness.strokeLen ? Number(dashness.strokeLen) : Number(strokeWidth) * 2;
dashNone = dashness.strokeLen ? Number(dashness.nonStrokeLen) : Number(strokeWidth);
dashStroke = dashness.strokeLen
? Number(dashness.strokeLen)
: Number(strokeWidth) * 2;
dashNone = dashness.strokeLen
? Number(dashness.nonStrokeLen)
: Number(strokeWidth);
animationSpeed = dashness.animation ? Number(dashness.animation) : null;

@@ -326,18 +145,21 @@ }

let labelStart = null, labelMiddle = null, labelEnd = null;
if (props.label) {
if (typeof props.label === "string" || "type" in props.label)
labelMiddle = props.label;
else if (["start", "middle", "end"].some((key) => key in props.label)) {
props.label = props.label;
({ start: labelStart, middle: labelMiddle, end: labelEnd } = props.label);
if (label) {
if (typeof label === "string" || "type" in label)
labelMiddle = label;
else if (["start", "middle", "end"].some((key) => key in label)) {
label = label;
({ start: labelStart, middle: labelMiddle, end: labelEnd } = label);
let { passProps: adPassProps = { SVGcanvas: {}, arrowHead: {}, arrowBody: {} }, extendSVGcanvas: extendSVGcanvas = 0, } = props.advanced;
let { passProps: adPassProps = { SVGcanvas: {}, arrowHead: {}, arrowBody: {} }, extendSVGcanvas: extendSVGcanvas = 0, } = advanced;
let { SVGcanvas = {}, arrowBody = {}, arrowHead = {} } = adPassProps;
const getSelfPos = () => {
let { x: xarrowElemX, y: xarrowElemY } = selfRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let { left: xarrowElemX, top: xarrowElemY, } = selfRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let xarrowStyle = getComputedStyle(selfRef.current);
let xarrowStyleLeft = Number(xarrowStyle.left.slice(0, -2));
let xarrowStyleTop = Number(, -2));
return { x: xarrowElemX - xarrowStyleLeft, y: xarrowElemY - xarrowStyleTop };
return {
x: xarrowElemX - xarrowStyleLeft,
y: xarrowElemY - xarrowStyleTop,

@@ -367,5 +189,3 @@ const getAnchorsPos = () => {

const updatePosition = (positions) => {
// Do NOT call this function directly.
// you should set position by 'setPrevPosState(posState)' and that will trigger
// this function in the useEffect hook.
// calculate new position and path and set state based on given properties
let { start: sPos } = positions;

@@ -375,3 +195,3 @@ let { end: ePos } = positions;

// declare relevant functions for later
// declare relevant functions for later use for start and end refs(instead doing all twice)
const getAnchorsDefaultOffsets = (width, height) => {

@@ -390,9 +210,14 @@ return {

let anchorChoice = Array.isArray(anchor) ? anchor : [anchor];
if (anchorChoice.length == 0)
anchorChoice = ["auto"];
//now map each item in the list to relevant object
let anchorChoiceMapped = => {
if (typeOf(anchorChoice) === "string") {
if (utils_1.typeOf(anchorChoice) === "string") {
anchorChoice = anchorChoice;
return { position: anchorChoice, offset: { rightness: 0, bottomness: 0 } };
return {
position: anchorChoice,
offset: { rightness: 0, bottomness: 0 },
else if (typeOf(anchorChoice) === "object") {
else if (utils_1.typeOf(anchorChoice) === "object") {
if (!anchorChoice.offset)

@@ -428,3 +253,3 @@ anchorChoice.offset = { rightness: 0, bottomness: 0 };

// now prepare this list of anchors to object expected by the `getShortestLine` function
let points = => ({
return => ({
x: anchorPos.x + pos.offset.rightness,

@@ -434,8 +259,7 @@ y: anchorPos.y + pos.offset.bottomness,

return points;
//end declare functions
let startPointsObj = prepareAnchorLines(props.startAnchor, sPos);
let endPointsObj = prepareAnchorLines(props.endAnchor, ePos);
let startPointsObj = prepareAnchorLines(startAnchor, sPos);
let endPointsObj = prepareAnchorLines(endAnchor, ePos);
const dist = (p1, p2) => {

@@ -461,4 +285,4 @@ //length of line

let { startPointObj, endPointObj } = getShortestLine(startPointsObj, endPointsObj);
let startAnchor = startPointObj.anchorPosition, endAnchor = endPointObj.anchorPosition;
let startPoint = _.pick(startPointObj, ["x", "y"]), endPoint = _.pick(endPointObj, ["x", "y"]);
let startAnchorPosition = startPointObj.anchorPosition, endAnchorPosition = endPointObj.anchorPosition;
let startPoint = lodash_pick_1.default(startPointObj, ["x", "y"]), endPoint = lodash_pick_1.default(endPointObj, ["x", "y"]);
let xarrowElemPos = getSelfPos();

@@ -474,4 +298,3 @@ let cx0 = Math.min(startPoint.x, endPoint.x) - xarrowElemPos.x;

let headOffset = ((headSize * 3) / 4) * strokeWidth;
let cu = Number(props.curveness);
let { path } = props;
let cu = Number(curveness);
if (path === "straight") {

@@ -491,3 +314,3 @@ cu = 0;

// arrow point to point calculations
let x1 = 0, x2 = absDx + 0, y1 = 0, y2 = absDy + 0;
let x1 = 0, x2 = absDx, y1 = 0, y2 = absDy;
if (dx < 0)

@@ -508,20 +331,24 @@ [x1, x2] = [x2, x1];

headAngel = (Math.PI - headAngel * xSign) * xSign;
xHeadOffset = ((Math.cos(headAngel) * headOffset) / 3 - (Math.sin(headAngel) * (headSize * strokeWidth)) / 2) * 1;
yHeadOffset = ((Math.cos(headAngel) * (headSize * strokeWidth)) / 2 + (Math.sin(headAngel) * headOffset) / 3) * 1;
xHeadOffset =
(Math.cos(headAngel) * headOffset) / 3 -
(Math.sin(headAngel) * (headSize * strokeWidth)) / 2;
yHeadOffset =
(Math.cos(headAngel) * (headSize * strokeWidth)) / 2 +
(Math.sin(headAngel) * headOffset) / 3;
headOrient = (headAngel * 180) / Math.PI;
else {
if (endAnchor === "middle") {
if (endAnchorPosition === "middle") {
if (absDx > absDy) {
endAnchor = xSign ? "left" : "right";
endAnchorPosition = xSign ? "left" : "right";
else {
endAnchor = ySign ? "top" : "bottom";
endAnchorPosition = ySign ? "top" : "bottom";
if (["left", "right"].includes(endAnchor)) {
if (["left", "right"].includes(endAnchorPosition)) {
x2 -= headOffset * xSign;
xHeadOffset = (headOffset * xSign) / 3;
yHeadOffset = (headSize * strokeWidth * xSign) / 2;
if (endAnchor === "left") {
if (endAnchorPosition === "left") {
headOrient = 0;

@@ -537,7 +364,7 @@ if (xSign < 0)

else if (["top", "bottom"].includes(endAnchor)) {
else if (["top", "bottom"].includes(endAnchorPosition)) {
yHeadOffset = (headOffset * ySign) / 3;
xHeadOffset = (headSize * strokeWidth * -ySign) / 2;
y2 -= headOffset * ySign;
if (endAnchor === "top") {
if (endAnchorPosition === "top") {
headOrient = 270;

@@ -605,13 +432,13 @@ if (ySign > 0)

let selectedCurviness = "";
if (["left", "right"].includes(startAnchor))
if (["left", "right"].includes(startAnchorPosition))
selectedCurviness += "h";
else if (["bottom", "top"].includes(startAnchor))
else if (["bottom", "top"].includes(startAnchorPosition))
selectedCurviness += "v";
else if (startAnchor === "middle")
else if (startAnchorPosition === "middle")
selectedCurviness += "m";
if (["left", "right"].includes(endAnchor))
if (["left", "right"].includes(endAnchorPosition))
selectedCurviness += "h";
else if (["bottom", "top"].includes(endAnchor))
else if (["bottom", "top"].includes(endAnchorPosition))
selectedCurviness += "v";
else if (endAnchor === "middle")
else if (endAnchorPosition === "middle")
selectedCurviness += "m";

@@ -636,3 +463,4 @@ if (absDx > absDy)

6 * cpx2 +
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * x1 - 12 * cpx1 + 6 * cpx2), 2) - 4 * (3 * cpx1 - 3 * x1) * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2))) /
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * x1 - 12 * cpx1 + 6 * cpx2), 2) -
4 * (3 * cpx1 - 3 * x1) * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2))) /
(2 * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2));

@@ -642,3 +470,4 @@ let txSol2 = (-6 * x1 +

6 * cpx2 -
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * x1 - 12 * cpx1 + 6 * cpx2), 2) - 4 * (3 * cpx1 - 3 * x1) * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2))) /
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * x1 - 12 * cpx1 + 6 * cpx2), 2) -
4 * (3 * cpx1 - 3 * x1) * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2))) /
(2 * (-3 * x1 + 9 * cpx1 - 9 * cpx2 + 3 * x2));

@@ -648,3 +477,4 @@ let tySol1 = (-6 * y1 +

6 * cpy2 +
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * y1 - 12 * cpy1 + 6 * cpy2), 2) - 4 * (3 * cpy1 - 3 * y1) * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2))) /
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * y1 - 12 * cpy1 + 6 * cpy2), 2) -
4 * (3 * cpy1 - 3 * y1) * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2))) /
(2 * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2));

@@ -654,6 +484,13 @@ let tySol2 = (-6 * y1 +

6 * cpy2 -
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * y1 - 12 * cpy1 + 6 * cpy2), 2) - 4 * (3 * cpy1 - 3 * y1) * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2))) /
Math.sqrt(Math.pow((6 * y1 - 12 * cpy1 + 6 * cpy2), 2) -
4 * (3 * cpy1 - 3 * y1) * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2))) /
(2 * (-3 * y1 + 9 * cpy1 - 9 * cpy2 + 3 * y2));
const bzx = (t) => Math.pow((1 - t), 3) * x1 + 3 * Math.pow((1 - t), 2) * t * cpx1 + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * cpx2 + Math.pow(t, 3) * x2;
const bzy = (t) => Math.pow((1 - t), 3) * y1 + 3 * Math.pow((1 - t), 2) * t * cpy1 + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * cpy2 + Math.pow(t, 3) * y2;
const bzx = (t) => Math.pow((1 - t), 3) * x1 +
3 * Math.pow((1 - t), 2) * t * cpx1 +
3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * cpx2 +
Math.pow(t, 3) * x2;
const bzy = (t) => Math.pow((1 - t), 3) * y1 +
3 * Math.pow((1 - t), 2) * t * cpy1 +
3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * cpy2 +
Math.pow(t, 3) * y2;

@@ -722,3 +559,2 @@ // canvas smart size adjustments

let yOffsetHead = st.y2 - st.arrowHeadOffset.y;
let { path = "smooth" } = props;
let arrowPath = `M ${st.x1} ${st.y1} C ${st.cpx1} ${st.cpy1}, ${st.cpx2} ${st.cpy2}, ${st.x2} ${st.y2}`;

@@ -729,5 +565,4 @@ if (path === "straight")

arrowPath = `M ${st.x1} ${st.y1} L ${st.cpx1} ${st.cpy1} L ${st.cpx2} ${st.cpy2} L ${st.x2} ${st.y2}`;
// console.log("test");
return (React.createElement("div", { style: { position: "absolute" } },
React.createElement("svg", Object.assign({ ref: selfRef, width:, height:, style: {
return (react_1.default.createElement("div", { style: { position: "absolute" } },
react_1.default.createElement("svg", Object.assign({ ref: selfRef, width:, height:, style: {
// border: "2px yellow dashed",

@@ -739,9 +574,9 @@ position: "absolute",

}, overflow: "auto" }, SVGcanvas),
React.createElement("path", Object.assign({ d: arrowPath, stroke: lineColor, strokeDasharray: `${dashStroke} ${dashNone}`, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, fill: "transparent",
react_1.default.createElement("path", Object.assign({ d: arrowPath, stroke: lineColor, strokeDasharray: `${dashStroke} ${dashNone}`, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, fill: "transparent",
// markerEnd={`url(#${arrowHeadId})`}
pointerEvents: "visibleStroke" }, props.passProps, arrowBody), animationSpeed ? (React.createElement("animate", { attributeName: "stroke-dashoffset", values: `${dashoffset * animationDirection};0`, dur: `${1 / animationSpeed}s`, repeatCount: "indefinite" })) : null),
React.createElement("path", Object.assign({ d: `M 0 0 L ${fHeadSize} ${fHeadSize / 2} L 0 ${fHeadSize} L ${fHeadSize / 4} ${fHeadSize / 2} z`, fill: headColor,
pointerEvents: "visibleStroke" }, passProps, arrowBody), animationSpeed ? (react_1.default.createElement("animate", { attributeName: "stroke-dashoffset", values: `${dashoffset * animationDirection};0`, dur: `${1 / animationSpeed}s`, repeatCount: "indefinite" })) : null),
react_1.default.createElement("path", Object.assign({ d: `M 0 0 L ${fHeadSize} ${fHeadSize / 2} L 0 ${fHeadSize} L ${fHeadSize / 4} ${fHeadSize / 2} z`, fill: headColor,
// pointerEvents="all"
transform: `translate(${xOffsetHead},${yOffsetHead}) rotate(${st.headOrient})` }, props.passProps, arrowHead))),
labelStart ? (React.createElement("div", { style: {
transform: `translate(${xOffsetHead},${yOffsetHead}) rotate(${st.headOrient})` }, passProps, arrowHead))),
labelStart ? (react_1.default.createElement("div", { style: {
transform: st.dx < 0 ? "translate(-100% , -50%)" : "translate(-0% , -50%)",

@@ -753,3 +588,3 @@ width: "max-content",

} }, labelStart)) : null,
labelMiddle ? (React.createElement("div", { style: {
labelMiddle ? (react_1.default.createElement("div", { style: {
display: "table",

@@ -762,3 +597,3 @@ width: "max-content",

} }, labelMiddle)) : null,
labelEnd ? (React.createElement("div", { style: {
labelEnd ? (react_1.default.createElement("div", { style: {
transform: st.dx > 0 ? "translate(-100% , -50%)" : "translate(-0% , -50%)",

@@ -771,2 +606,39 @@ width: "max-content",

const pAnchorPositionType = prop_types_1.default.oneOf([
const pAnchorCustomPositionType = prop_types_1.default.shape({
position: pAnchorPositionType.isRequired,
offset: prop_types_1.default.shape({
rightness: prop_types_1.default.number,
bottomness: prop_types_1.default.number,
const pAnchorType = prop_types_1.default.oneOfType([
prop_types_1.default.arrayOf(prop_types_1.default.oneOfType([pAnchorPositionType, pAnchorCustomPositionType])),
const pRefType = prop_types_1.default.oneOfType([prop_types_1.default.string, prop_types_1.default.object]);
Xarrow.propTypes = {
start: pRefType.isRequired,
end: pRefType.isRequired,
startAnchor: pAnchorType,
endAnchor: pAnchorType,
label: prop_types_1.default.oneOfType([prop_types_1.default.elementType, prop_types_1.default.object]),
color: prop_types_1.default.string,
lineColor: prop_types_1.default.string,
headColor: prop_types_1.default.string,
strokeWidth: prop_types_1.default.number,
headSize: prop_types_1.default.number,
path: prop_types_1.default.oneOf(["smooth", "grid", "straight"]),
curveness: prop_types_1.default.number,
dashness: prop_types_1.default.oneOfType([prop_types_1.default.bool, prop_types_1.default.object]),
passProps: prop_types_1.default.object,
Xarrow.defaultProps = {

@@ -784,9 +656,9 @@ startAnchor: "auto",

dashness: false,
consoleWarning: false,
passProps: {},
advanced: { extendSVGcanvas: 0, passProps: { arrowBody: {}, arrowHead: {}, SVGcanvas: {} } },
monitorDOMchanges: true,
registerEvents: [],
advanced: {
extendSVGcanvas: 0,
passProps: { arrowBody: {}, arrowHead: {}, SVGcanvas: {} },
export default Xarrow;
exports.default = Xarrow;
"name": "react-xarrows",
"version": "1.4.4",
"version": "1.5.0",
"author": "Eliav Louski",

@@ -30,3 +30,5 @@ "description": "Draw arrows (or lines) between components in React!",

"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.15"
"lodash.isequal": "^4.5.0",
"lodash.pick": "^4.4.0",
"prop-types": "^15.7.2"

@@ -38,2 +40,3 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"@types/react": "^16.9.19",
"react": "^16.12.0",
"typescript": "^3.7.5"

@@ -40,0 +43,0 @@ },

@@ -92,3 +92,2 @@ # react-xarrows

dashness?: boolean | { strokeLen?: number; nonStrokeLen?: number; animation?: boolean | number };
consoleWarning?: boolean;
passProps?: React.SVGProps<SVGPathElement>;

@@ -103,4 +102,2 @@ advanced?: {

monitorDOMchanges?: boolean;
registerEvents?: registerEventsType[];

@@ -144,5 +141,5 @@

- `endAnchor="middle"` will choose anchor or the end of the line to in the middle of the element
- `endAnchor="middle"` will set the anchor of the end of the line to the middle of the end element.
- `endAnchor= { position: "auto", offset: { rightness: 20 } }` will choose automatic anchoring for end anchor but will offset it 20 pixels to the right after normal positioning.
- `endAnchor= ["right", {position: "left", offset: {bottomness: -10}}]` only right and left anchors are allowed for endAnchor, and the left side will be offset 10 pixels up
#### label

@@ -214,6 +211,2 @@

#### consoleWarning
we provide some nice warnings (and errors) whenever we detect issues. see 'Example3' at the examples codesandbox.
#### advanced

@@ -236,13 +229,2 @@

#### monitorDOMchanges
A boolean. set this property to true to add relevant eventListeners to the DOM so the xarrow component will update anchors position whenever needed(scroll and resize and so on). (NOTE - maybe will removed in future updates )
- `monitorDOMchanges={false}` will disable any DOM monitoring.
#### registerEvents
you can register the xarrow to DOM event as you please. each time a event that his registered will fire the xarrow component will update his position and will call `callback` (if provided). (NOTE - planned to be removed)
### default props

@@ -265,15 +247,8 @@

dashness: false,
consoleWarning: false,
passProps: {},
advanced: { extendSVGcanvas: 0, passProps: { arrowBody: {}, arrowHead: {}, SVGcanvas: {} } },
monitorDOMchanges: true,
registerEvents: [],
## Versions
All version notes moved to [releases](
1.4.0 - changed `label` property API and added `path` property.
1.4.1-2 - minor bug fixes, performance improvement.
See in this repo.

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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