16.13.0 (February 26, 2020)
(@trueadm in #17878)style
may cause an unexpected collision (@sophiebits in #14181, #18002)unstable_createPortal
(@trueadm in #17880)onMouseEnter
being fired on disabled buttons (@AlfredoGJ in #17675)shouldComponentUpdate
twice when developing in StrictMode
(@bvaughn in #17942)version
property to ReactDOM (@ealush in #15780)toString()
of dangerouslySetInnerHTML
(@sebmarkbage in #17773)ReactDOM.createRoot()
(@trueadm in #17937)ReactDOM.createRoot()
callback params and added warnings on usage (@bvaughn in #17916)SuspenseList
CPU bound heuristic (@sebmarkbage in #17455)isPending
only being true when transitioning from inside an input event (@acdlite in #17382)React.memo
components dropping updates when interrupted by a higher priority update (@acdlite in #18091)