Note: This is a fork from boatmeme/Rebound-js and is in heavy development
An ElasticSearch ODM for Node.js. Use ElasticSearch as your primary document store...Elastic connection!
To provide an Object->Document Mapper (ODM) for Elasticsearch, enabling quick, OOTB development of CRUD apps backed by Elasticsearch as a document store, while still providing easy access to advanced configuration and search features.
We're just beginning, but I'm incorporating many of the lessons learned from several years of using Elasticsearch as a primary data store, running the gamut of use cases from schema-less "shove-it-and-forget-it" scenarios to highly specialized search analyzers and aggregations across multiple indices and document types.
npm install reboundodm
First you must establish your connection to your es node
var Rebound = require('reboundodm');
To create a Rebound schema:
var UserSchema = Rebound.Schema({
_id: { type: 'string', default: uuid() },
name: String,
description: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'not_analyzed' }
To create a Rebound Model:
var User = Rebound.modelIndex('ExampleIndex', 'Users', UserSchema);
Once you have a Rebound model you can now do CRUD opterations and Search query on the models index:
name: 'Alex',
description: 'Young male with a future'
.then(function (result) {
// returns a bluebird promise
query: {
match: {
name: 'Alex'
.then(function (result) {
// returns a bluebird promise
To find more about the model api check the API docs.
Check out the roadmap.
Check out the API. More examples are coming soon for right now these docs are basic.
Tests are written as integrated, behavioral tests of the exposed API. Included Vagrantfile to stand-up a live Elasticsearch instance.
- vagrant up or have an instance of Elasticsearch running locally
- npm test