reddit-explorer is a reddit client that allows you to fetch subreddit content easily. It only has 2 dependencies (typescript & axios).
To see what has been done on each version, you can consult the CHANGELOG.
Command line
npm install reddit-explorer
yarn add reddit-explorer
TODO: get subreddit media documentation
Create a dev application on Reddit (if you do not have already one)
You have to pass your app credentials, see how to generate some:
Go to
At the bottom of the page click "create another app...", fill all the fields and then click "create app". You
now see your clientId and secret.
For the moment reddit-explorer has 4 features:
- Authentication with clientId & secret & easily getting the
- Getting similar subreddit names of a
- Getting the content of one or multiple subreddit(s) (+ automatic pagination handling)
- Easily filter the posts of a response
I'm actively working on other features that are coming soon :)
Initializing the client
import { createRedditClient, SortingMethod, TimeRange, PostFilter, moreThanNComments } from "reddit-explorer"
const reddit = createRedditClient({
clientId: "<clientId>",
secret: "<secret>",
Getting the access token
You usually do not need this method, but can be useful if you want to see the authentication detail.
Getting subreddit names
reddit.getSubredditNames({ query: "photo" })
.then((res) => console.log("photo", res))
Include adult subreddit names
There are three ways to achieve that:
- At the initialization of the client:
import { createRedditClient } from "reddit-explorer"
const reddit = createRedditClient({
clientId: "<clientId>",
secret: "<secret>",
matureContent: true,
- When calling the method:
reddit.getSubredditNames({ query: "photo", include_over_18: true })
.then((res) => console.log("photo", res))
- After the initialization of the client
Getting the content of a subreddit
You have to pass a name and a SortingMethod
. Sorting method can be: Hot
, New
, Random
, Rising
, Top
If the sorting method is Top
or Controversial
, you can also pass a TimeRange
. Time range can be: Hour
, Day
, Month
, Year
, All
The package offers the type SubredditData
which is the type of all the [Object]
below (see at the end of the readme).
name: "meme",
sortMethod: SortingMethod.New,
.then((res) => console.log("meme", res))
name: "meme",
sortMethod: SortingMethod.Top,
t: TimeRange.Day,
.then((res) => console.log("meme", res))
Filter the results of a response
If you want to keep only specific posts in the response, you can use postFilters
when creating the client. This
attribute accepts an array of functions, each one taking a SubredditData
into parameter and returning a boolean
(see the type PostFilter
). The package also comes with multiple PostFilterCreator
's, which are basically functions
that return a PostFilter
, such as moreThanNComments(100)
const moreThan2Crossposts: PostFilter = (subredditData) => subredditData.num_crossposts > 2
const clientShowingOnlyPopularPosts = createRedditClient({
clientId: secrets.clientId,
secret: secrets.secret,
postFilters: [moreThanNComments(100), moreThan2Crossposts],
Loading next results
The API can only load a max amount of 100 posts (the default is 25). To load the next posts, you have to pass the after
You can find the value of the after
in the previous response of the request you made, in response.after
. It contains
the name
) of the last post in the previous call.
name: "meme",
sortMethod: SortingMethod.New,
after: "t3_u9osas",
.then((res) => console.log("meme", res))
Using iterators
If you do not want to memorize the after
attribute of the last response yourself, you can let the package handle it for
you, using getSubredditIterator
const memeSubredditIterator = reddit.getSubredditIterator({
name: "meme",
sortMethod: SortingMethod.New,
limit: 5,
const memeResults0To4 = await
const memeResults5To9 = await
console.log("memeResults0To4", memeResults0To4.value)
console.log("memeResults5To9", memeResults5To9.value)
Getting the content of multiple subreddits
Instead of passing a string
to the name
argument, you can pass a string[]
to it:
const res = await client.getSubreddit({
sortMethod: SortingMethod.Top,
name: ["news", "meme"],
Reddit simple client
allows to get only the essential. This client will return a modified response containing only:
- kind
- title
- url
- subreddit
- thumbnail
- permalink
- link
- createdAtUtc
- createdAtLocal
For the moment, the simple client only supports getSubreddit
and getSubredditNames
const reddit = createRedditSimpleClient({
clientId: "<clientId>",
secret: "<clientSecret>",
const result = await reddit.getSubreddit({
sortMethod: SortingMethod.Hot,
name: "memes",
fields: ["title", "url"],
In the above example, I picked only the fields that I needed, here is the response:
before: null,
after: 't3_1aihq82',
data: [
title: 'r/Memes is looking for new moderators! Interested? Fill out our application!',
url: ''
title: 'Worst days in University',
url: ''
// some other results...
This type offers the possibility to handle the response more easily (response.children[0]
export type SubredditData = {
approved_at_utc: any
subreddit: string
selftext: string
author_fullname: string
saved: boolean
mod_reason_title: any
gilded: number
clicked: boolean
title: string
link_flair_richtext: any[]
subreddit_name_prefixed: string
hidden: boolean
pwls: number
link_flair_css_class: any
downs: number
thumbnail_height: number
top_awarded_type: any
hide_score: boolean
name: string
quarantine: boolean
link_flair_text_color: string
upvote_ratio: number
author_flair_background_color: any
subreddit_type: string
ups: number
total_awards_received: number
media_embed: null | {
content: IFrame
width: number
scrolling: boolean
height: number
thumbnail_width: number
author_flair_template_id: any
is_original_content: boolean
user_reports: any[]
secure_media: null | {
type: string
oembed: {
provider_url: string
version: string
title: string
type: string
thumbnail_width: number
height: number
width: number
html: IFrame
author_name: string
provider_name: string
thumbnail_url: string
thumbnail_height: number
author_url: string
is_reddit_media_domain: boolean
is_meta: boolean
category: any
secure_media_embed: null | {
content: IFrame
width: number
scrolling: boolean
media_domain_url: Url
height: number
link_flair_text: string
can_mod_post: boolean
score: number
approved_by: any
is_created_from_ads_ui: boolean
author_premium: boolean
thumbnail: Url
edited: boolean
author_flair_css_class: any
author_flair_richtext: any[]
gildings: {
gid_1: number
post_hint: string
content_categories: any
is_self: boolean
mod_note: any
crosspost_parent_list?: SubredditData[]
created: number
link_flair_type: string
wls: number
removed_by_category: any
banned_by: any
author_flair_type: string
domain: Url
allow_live_comments: boolean
selftext_html: any
likes: any
suggested_sort: any
banned_at_utc: any
url_overridden_by_dest: Url
view_count: any
archived: boolean
no_follow: boolean
is_crosspostable: boolean
pinned: boolean
over_18: boolean
preview: {
images: [
source: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
resolutions: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
variants: {
obfuscated: {
source: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
resolutions: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
nsfw: {
source: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
resolutions: {
url: Url
width: number
height: number
id: string
reddit_video_preview: {
bitrate_kbps: number
fallback_url: string
height: number
width: number
scrubber_media_url: string
dash_url: string
duration: number
hls_url: string
is_gif: boolean
transcoding_status: string
enabled: boolean
all_awardings: any[]
awarders: any[]
media_only: boolean
can_gild: boolean
spoiler: boolean
locked: boolean
author_flair_text: null
treatment_tags: []
visited: boolean
removed_by: null
num_reports: null
distinguished: null
subreddit_id: string
mod_reason_by: null
removal_reason: null
link_flair_background_color: string
id: string
is_robot_indexable: boolean
report_reasons: null
author: string
discussion_type: null
num_comments: number
send_replies: boolean
whitelist_status: string
contest_mode: boolean
mod_reports: []
author_patreon_flair: boolean
crosspost_parent?: string
author_flair_text_color: null
permalink: string
parent_whitelist_status: string
stickied: boolean
url: Url
subreddit_subscribers: number
created_utc: number
num_crossposts: number
media: null | {
type: string
oembed: {
provider_url: Url
version: string
title: string
type: string
thumbnail_width: number
height: number
width: number
html: IFrame
author_name: string
provider_name: string
thumbnail_url: Url
thumbnail_height: number
author_url: Url
is_video: boolean
sr_detail: {
default_set: boolean
banner_img: string
restrict_posting: boolean
user_is_banned?: any
free_form_reports: boolean
community_icon?: any
show_media: boolean
description: string
user_is_muted?: any
display_name: string
header_img: string
title: string
previous_names: any[]
user_is_moderator?: any
over_18: boolean
icon_size: number[]
primary_color: string
icon_img: string
icon_color: string
submit_link_label: string
header_size: number[]
restrict_commenting: boolean
subscribers: number
submit_text_label: string
link_flair_position: string
display_name_prefixed: string
key_color: string
name: string
created: number
url: string
quarantine: boolean
created_utc: number
banner_size: number[]
user_is_contributor?: any
accept_followers: boolean
public_description: string
link_flair_enabled: boolean
disable_contributor_requests: boolean
subreddit_type: string
user_is_subscriber?: any
Here you'll find the official documentation of the reddit official endpoints that this package uses: