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A local component state management library using Redux

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Local component state & actions in Redux.

Provides the means to hold up local component state in Redux state, to dispatch locally scoped actions and to react to global ones.

What Redux fractal offers is a Redux private store for each component with the notable difference that the component state is actually held up in your app's state atom, so all global and components ui state live together.

The unique and powerful approach consists in the fact that it allows you to use the built-in Redux createStore, combineReducers and others for defining the shape and managing the UI ,state with great benefits:

  • All state ( either application state or UI state) is help up in your app single state atom
  • Component state updates are managed via reducers just like your global app state which means predictability and easy testability
  • Reducers used for local state aren't aware that they are used for managing state for a component instance. As such they can be easily re-used across components or even used for managing global state.
  • You can have per component middleware. This opens up interesting possibilities like locally scoped sagas(eg redux-saga), intercepting and handling of all actions generated by a component before they reach the component's UI store.
  • By default a component intercepts in reducer only actions generated by itself but it;s easy to enable intercepting global actions or actions generated by other components.

It's easy to get started using redux-fractal


$ npm install --save redux-fractal


Importing the local reducer into global store

Add the local reducer to the redux store under the 'local' reducer key;

    import { localReducer } from 'redux-fractal';
    const store = createStore(combineReducers({
        local: localReducer,
        myotherReducer: myotherReducer

Adding the local HOC to components maintaining UI state

Decorate the components that hold ui state( transient state, scoped to that very specific component ) with the 'local' higher order component and provide a mandatory, globally unique key for your component and a createStore method.

The key can be generated based on props or a static string but it must be stable between re-renders. Basically it should follow exactly the same rules as the React component 'key'. In general it should be unique among components, unless you want multiple components to use the same store.

    import { local } from 'redux-fractal';
    import { createStore } from 'redux';

    const CompToRender = local({
        key: 'myDumbComp',
        createStore: (props) => {
            return createStore(rootReducer, { filter: true, sort: props.sortOrder })

Defining root reducer for the private store

Define a root reducer that will intercept own dispatched functions( by default only actions dispatched from the wrapped component, but the 'local' higher order component can be easily configured to intercept actions from global Redux instance or generated by other components):

const rootReducer = (state = { filter: null, sort: null, trigger: '', current: '' }, action) => {
     switch(action.type) {
         case 'SET_FILTER':
            return Object.assign({}, state, { filter: action.payload });
         case 'SET_SORT':
            return Object.assign({}, state,
                { sort: action.payload });
         case 'GLOBAL_ACTION':
            return Object.assign({}, state, { filter: 'globalFilter' });
        case 'RESET_DEFAULT':
           return Object.assign({}, state, { sort: state.sort+'_globalSort' });
            return state;

Note that the reducer is like any other ordinary reducer used in a Redux app. The difference is that it manages and controls the state transitions for a certain component state.

In fact, you can use whatever method of combining reducers you use for your app with no exceptions, also for the individual components:

import { combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    filter: filterReducer,
    sort: sortReducer
    key: (props) => props.tableID,
    createStore: (props) => {
        return createStore(rootReducer, componentInitialState);

Accessing local state and dispatching local actions

The well know mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and mergeProps familiar from react-redux connect are available having the very same signatures. In fact , internally, redux-fractal uses the connect function from 'react-redux' to connect the component to it's private store.

The difference is, that you get only the component's state in mapStateToProps as opposed to the entire app state and the dispatch function in mapDispatchToProps dispatches an action tagged with the component key as specified in the HOC config. mergeProps, on the other hand, is no different. mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and mergeProps are completely optional, define them if you need them.

Mapping component state to props

Beware that the components wrapped in 'local' HOC do not update when global state changes but only when their own state changes. These components are effectively connected to their own private store. Of course, you can also connect them to the global store using standard 'connect' function.

        key: 'mycomp',
        createStore: (props) => createStore(rootReducer, initialState),
        mapStateToProps: (componentState, ownProps) => {
            // Get component state from it's private store and
            // component own props.
            // You must return an object containing the keys that will become props to the component just like in react redux 'connect'
            return {
                filter: getFilter(componentState)


By default, if no mapStateToProps is defined, then all keys from the component's state become individual props in the wrapped component:

        key: 'mycomp',
        createStore: (props) => createStore(rootReducer, { filter: 'all', sort: 'asc' }),
        mapStateToProps: (componentState, ownProps) => {
            // Get component state from it's private store and
            // component own props.
            // You must return an object containing the keys that will become props to the component just like in react redux 'connect'
            return {
                filter: getFilter(componentState)


In the Table you now have access to the 'filter' state via props.filter.

Dispatching local actions

Local actions can be dispatched by defining a 'mapDispatchToProps' function. Note that local dispatches can be caught by the component's own reducer AND by global, application wide reducers.

    import { updateSearchTerm } from ''
        key: 'mycomp',
        createStore: (props) => createStore(rootReducer, initialState),
        mapDispatchToProps: (dispatch) => {
            // ALL actions dispatched via 'dispatch' function above have the component key tagged to the action.
            // You can see that by inspecting action.meta.reduxFractalTriggerComponent in redux dev tools.
            // All local actions are dispatched also on the global store
            // You must return an object containing the keys that will become props to the component just like in react redux 'connect'
            return {
                onFilter: (term) => dispatch(updateSearchTerm(term))


These actions can be caught in any global reducer and by default only in the originating component reducer. One can inspect the originating component by looking at action.meta.reduxFractalTriggerComponent to get the component's key that dispatched the action.

import { combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    filter: filterReducer,
    sort: sortReducer
    id: "mygreattable",
    createStore: (props) => {
        return createStore(rootReducer, componentInitialState);
    mapStateToProps: (componentState, ownProps) => ({
        filter:  getTableFilter(componentState)
    mapDispatchToProps: (localDispatch) =>({
        onFilter: (term) => localDispatch(updateSearchTerm(term))

Reacting to globally dispatched actions or actions dispatched from other components

By default your component will not react to when other components dispatch local actions or when something is being dispatched in the global store. You can change that using filterGlobalActions which must return either true if the action can be forwarded to the component's store or false otherwise. Locally dispatched actions are ALWAYS forwarded to the corresponding component reducer. You need to define only if you care in updating the component state based on actions happening globally or in other components.

    id:  (props) => props.itemID,
    filterGlobalActions: (action) => {
        // Any logic to determine if the actions should be forwarded
        // to the component's reducer. By default none is except those
        // originated by component itself
        const allowedActions = ['RESET_FILTERS', 'CLEAR_SORTING'];
        return allowedActions.indexOf(action.type) !== -1;

Now any RESET_FILTERS or CLEAR_SORTING global actions or originated by other components will be allowed. You have lots of flexibility with this method to react when a component updates it's UI state. Crazy example: when the sorting from one component changes all dropdowns from another component should close:

    id:  'dropdownsContainer',
    createStore: (props) => {
       return createStore((state = {isClosed: false}, action) => {
           switch(action.type) {
               case SET_SORT:
                   return Object.assign({}, state, { isClosed: true });
                   return state;
    filterGlobalActions: (action) => {
        // This component is interested in updating it's state
        // when things happen in the 'mygreattable' component, in this
        // case when sorting changes
        const allowedActions = ['SET_SORT'];
        return allowedActions.indexOf(action.type) !== -1 && actions.meta.reduxFractalTriggerComponent === 'mygreattable';

Merging local state, local dispatch, and own props

Just like in connect, you have the opportunity to transform the final props that are passed into your component using mergeProps:

    key: 'mycomp',
    createStore: (props) => createStore(rootReducer, initialState),
    mapStateToProps: (componentState, ownProps) => {
    mapDispatchToProps: (localDispatch) =>({
        onFilter: (term) => localDispatch(updateSearchTerm(term))
    mergeProps: (state, localDispatch, ownProps) =>({

Local middleware

Since Redux-fractal relies on redux for manging the component state and offers a private store for the component you can define middleware for the private component store using the exact same approach as you do when setting up the application's store. This opens up some interesting possibilities:

  • Use locally scoped sagas that get destroyed on component unmount(eg using Redux saga ). These sagas will have access only to the component's private store( so all yield select() would actually return the component's state) and also be able to react to all local actions and actions allowed by filterGlobalActions.
  • Apply per component throttling/debouncing of actions using middleware's such as redux-batch-subscribers
  • Transform the actions originating in components of a certain type
  • Track at all times the component that initiated for eg a server request, validations etc by using locally scoped redux-thunk middleware and dispatching thunks( in which case the 'dispatch' and getState functions will be the ones from the component local store)
  • Re-use middleware that you use on the global store on the component's private store

Local Redux saga example

First install redux-saga as describe here Redux saga. Define a saga somewhere( eg in sagas.js):

function* fetchUser(action) {
   const compState = yield select();
   try {
      const user = yield call(Api.fetchUser, action.payload.userId);
      yield put({type: "USER_FETCH_SUCCEEDED", user: user});
   } catch (e) {
      yield put({type: "USER_FETCH_FAILED", message: e.message});
export default function* mySaga() {
  yield* takeLatest("USER_FETCH_REQUESTED", fetchUser);

Then wrap a component in the 'local' HOC:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'

import reducer from './reducers'
import mySaga from './sagas'
    const componentRootReducer = (state = { user: {} }, action) => {
         switch(action.type) {
             case USER_FETCH_SUCCEEDED:
                return Object.assign({}, state, { user: action.payload });
                return state;
        key: 'formContainer',
        createStore: (props) => {
            // create the saga middleware
            const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
            const store = createStore(
            return { store: store, cleanup: () => sagaMiddleware.cancel() };
        mapDispatchToProps: (dispatch) => {
            onFetchUser: (userId) => dispatch({type: "USER_FETCH_REQUESTED", payload: userId })

All of the put() effects dispatch a local action. All of the select() effects return parts of the component's state. All of the take() effects react to the very same action's that local reducers are allowed to react:

  • Locally dispatched actions
  • Global or other component actions allowed by filterGlobalActions function.

It's important to note that by default component stores do not contain middleware, just as the global Redux store doesn't contain it by default and middleware needs to be added to it. This means for example that implictly you can only dispatch plain objects. To dispatch functions, promises etc configure the private component state with the needed middleware( eg redux-thunk etc )


I need access to global application state in mapStateToProps of the local() component

Access to only the component's internal state in mapStateToProps is a conscious design decision. If you need data from the global state and need to update the component when that data changes you can wrap the component returned by local in connect(). That way you will be able to pass data from the global store into the component returned by local via props.

    import { connect } from 'react-redux';
    import { local } from 'redux-fractal';
    import { createStore, compose } from 'redux';
    const wrapper = compose(
        connect((state) => ({
            userSettings: state.UserSettingsReducer.settings
            key: 'comp',
            createStore: (props) => {
                const filterVal = props.userSettings.defaultFilter;
                return createStore(componentRootReducer, { filter: filterVal });
    export default wrapper(MyComponent);

I need to keep the local state even if the component gets unmounted and restore it when it gets mounted again

In that case you can use the persist flag on the local HOC. When the flag is set to true you will get the existing component state, when the component re-mounts, as the second parameter to the createStore function.

import { local } from 'redux-fractal';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
const wrapper = local({
        key: 'comp',
        createStore: (props, existingState) => {
            const filterVal = 'search';
            return createStore(componentRootReducer, existingState || { filter: filterVal });
        persist: true
export default wrapper(MyComponent);

If there are multiple instance of MyComponent, using persist as shown above will persist the state of ALL instances. You can have fine grained control over which component instances get persisted and which do not by defining persist as a function receiving the component props.

const HOC = local({
    key: (props) => props.itemId,
    createStore: (props, existingState) => {
        return createStore(
            existingState || { filter: true }
    // Any logic depending on props here to decide if the component state should be persisted
    persist: (props) => props.keepState
const ConnectedItem = HOC(Item);

const App = (props) => {
    return (
               <ConnectedItem itemId={'a'} keepState={true} />
               <ConnectedItem itemId={'b'} keepState={false} />

In the above example only the state of component with itemId 'a' will be kept in the global state after the component unmounts.

I need to read a component's state somewhere else: eg in thunk action creators, sagas, in mapStateToProps

All the local components state is available at state.local[key] where key is the key for the component as return by the key property of the local HOC.

Sharing the same stores across multiple components

Starting with version 1.3 it's possible to share the same store across multiple components. All of the components having the same key will have access to the store's state and be able to dispatch actions on it. To do this in a sane manner there are a few rules to be followed:

  • Components having the same key value defined for local HOC use the same store
  • The component sharing the store state must be a parent of the components consuming it
  • Child components accessing the shared store should NOT define a createStore method. Only the parent component should do this.
  • The store lifetime is controlled by the parent defining it.

It sounds more complicated than it actually is. Let's see an example:

    // in containers/ParentComp.js
    const ParentComp = local({
        key: 'parentKey',
        createStore: (props) => createStore(rootReducer, {sort: 1})
    // in containers/ChildComp.js
    const ChildComp = local({
        key: 'parentKey',
        mapDispatchToProps: (dispatch) => {
            onSort: (val) => dispatch(onSort(val)) // I'm dispatching actions on ParentComp store
        mapStateToProps: (state, ownProps) => {
            // I got the whole ParentComp state in here. Take the state slices you need and inject
            // them in the child component

I would like to use React context on the components returned by local

There is only 1 thing to be aware: local returns a component that already has contextTypes defined in order to be able to access the global Redux store. As such take care to extend the contextTypes and not over-write them.

Also note that key, createStore and persist receive the component context as the last parameter so you can make use of everything on the context besides props to create a component's key, store state or control it's persistence settings.

    // in containers/ParentComp.js
    const WrappedComp = local({
        key: (props, context) => context.parentKey,
        createStore: (props, existingState,  context) => ...
        persist: (props, context) => ....
    WrappedComp.contextTypes = Object.assign({}, WrappedComp.contextTypes, {
        parentKey: React.PropTypes.string

I need to do some store cleanup(eg cancel middleware etc) upon component unmount

createStore can return either a Redux store object or an object having 2 keys:

createStore: (props, existingState) => ({
    store: createStore( .... ), // this is the result of Redux createStore
    cleanup: () => .... // cleanup is optional, you don't have to return it

When the component unmounts, if a cleanup method has been defined it will be automatically invoked.

I need to manually cleanup the state of components created with persist: true( a single one or all of them)

In some situations you might want to blow up a component state manually:

  • The component is unmounted and persist: true was set for that component
  • You navigate away from the page and want to cleanup the state of all components having persist: true

For these cases there are 2 actions that you can import and dispatch:

    import { destroyComponentState, destroyAllComponentsState } from 'redux-fractal';
    Store.dispatch(destroyComponentState(componentKey)); // Destroy a specific component state
    Store.dispatch(destroyAllComponentsState()); // Destroy all components state

Please note that if there are still components mounted that listen to the destroyed stores the components will not update anymore.

I want to re-use reducers in multiple components

You can use any strategy you want for creating the root reducer of a certain component. Eg you can use combineReducers from Redux or apply other strategies.

One strategy that we found usefull was the mergeReducers and it's shipped as part of redux-fractal. Let's suppose you have the following reducers:

  const EditableReducer = (state = { editState: false }, action) => {
      case EDIT_STARTED:
            return ..... // Determine new state somehow
      case EDIT_STOPPED:
            return .... // Determine new state somehow

  const FiltersReducer = (state = { filtersList: [] }, action) => {
      case SET_FILTER:
            return ..... // Determine new state somehow
      case REMOVE_FILTER:
            return .... // Determine new state somehow

What you would like is to take these 2 reducers and apply them to any components that have editable and filter behavior , basically which have the same way of updating their filters and edit state. Besides that it would be good if the component would also have it's own, component specific data.

    import { mergeReducers } from 'redux-fractal/utils';
    const ComponentSpecificReducer = (state = { data: {} }, action) => {
        case COMPONENT_ACTION:
                return .....
    const componentRootReducer = mergeReducers(ComponentSpecificReducer, EditableReducer, FiltersReducer)

Some interesting points:

  • The final component state would have the shape { data: {}, filtersList: [], editState: false }. Of course the initial values can be supplied via createStore as usual.
  • When an action comes in it will be passed throught all reducers from right to left: FiltersReducer then EditableReducer then ComponentSpecificReducer.
  • Each reducer will receive the full component state not only it's piece, but it doesn't need to be aware of that is concerned with only updating it's piece of data( so each one will receive { data: {}, filtersList: [], editState: false } )
  • The merged reducers must all return objects so that they can be merged together into a final state.

TODO (Help wanted)

  • Write additional tests
  • Verify server side rendering
  • Improve and better organize docs, add examples, add a contributing guide
  • Development warnings similar to React in dev mode for common mistakes

Feel free to add anything else I may have missed by opening an issue. We welcome every contribution!



Package last updated on 17 Jan 2017

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