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Simple ORM to manage and query your state trees

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A small, simple and immutable ORM to manage data in your Redux store.

WARNING: Not ready for production.

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Declare Your Models

You can declare your models with the ES6 class syntax, extending from Model. You are not required to declare normal fields, only fields that relate to another model. redux-orm supports one-to-one and many-to-many relations in addition to foreign keys (oneToOne, many and fk imports respectively). Non-related properties can be accessed like in normal JavaScript objects.

// models.js
import {fk, many, Model} from 'redux-orm';

class Book extends Model {
    toString() {
        return `Book: ${}`;
    // Declare any static or instance methods you need.
Book.modelName = 'Book';

// Declare your related fields.
Book.fields = {
    authors: many('Author'),
    publisher: fk('Publisher'),

Write Your Model-Specific Reducers

Every Model has it's own reducer. It'll be called every time Redux dispatches an action and by default it returns the previous state. You can declare your own reducers inside your models as static reducer(), or write your reducer elsewhere and connect it to redux-orm later. The reducer receives the following arguments: the previous state, the current action, the model class connected to the state, and finally the Session instance. Here's our extended Book model declaration with a reducer:

// models.js
class Book extends Model {
    static reducer(state, action, Book) {
        switch (action.type) {
        case 'CREATE_BOOK':
        case 'UPDATE_BOOK':
        case 'REMOVE_BOOK':
            const book = Book.withId(action.payload);
        case 'ADD_AUTHOR_TO_BOOK':
        case 'ASSIGN_PUBLISHER':
            Book.withId(action.payload.bookId).publisher = action.payload.publisherId;

        return Book.getNextState();

    toString() {
        return `Book: ${}`;

// Below we would declare Author and Publisher models

Connect to Redux

To create our data schema, we create a Schema instance and register our models.

// schema.js
import {Schema} from 'redux-orm';
import {Book, Author, Publisher} from './models';

const schema = new Schema();
schema.register(Book, Author, Publisher);

export default schema;

Schema instances expose a reducer method that returns a reducer you can use to plug into Redux. Preferably in your root reducer, plug the reducer under a namespace of your choice:

// main.js
import schema from './schema';
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    orm: schema.reducer()

Use with React

In your top level component, you can begin a Session to query your data with redux-orm.

// components.js
import {Component} from 'React';
import schema from './schema';

class App extends Component {
    getORM() {
        return schema.from(this.props.orm);

    render() {
        const {
        } = this.getORM();

        const authors = => {
            // .bookSet is a virtual reverse field,
            // generated from book.authors = fk('Author').
            const authorBooks = author.bookSet;
            const bookNames = =>', ');

            return (
                <li key={author.getId()}>
                    {} has written {authorBookNames}

        return (

Understanding redux-orm


Well, yeah. redux-orm deals with related data, structured similar to a relational database. The database in this case is a simple JavaScript object database.


For simple apps, writing reducers by hand is alright, but when the number of object types you have increases and you need to maintain relations between them, things get hairy. ImmutableJS goes a long way to reduce complexity in your reducers, but redux-orm is specialized for relational data.

Reducers and Immutability

Say we're inside a reducer and want to update the name of a book.

const book = Book.withId( // 'Refactoring' = 'Clean Code' // 'Refactoring'

Assigning a new value has no effect on the current state. Behind the scenes, an update to the data was recorded. When you call

// the item we edited will have now values {... name: 'Clean Code'}

the update will be reflected in the new state. The same principle holds true when you're creating new instances, deleting them and ordering them.

How Updates Work Internally

By default, each Model has the following JavaScript object representation:

    items: [],
    itemsById: {},

This representation maintains an array of object ID's and an index of id's for quick access. (A single object array representation is also provided for use. It is possible to subclass Backend to use any structure you want).

redux-orm runs a mini-redux inside it. It queues any updates the library user records with action-like objects, and when getNextState is called, it applies those actions with its internal reducers. There's some room here to provide performance optimizations similar to Immutable.js.


Just like you can extend Model, you can do the same for QuerySet (customize methods on Model instance collections) and Backend (customize store access and updates).


The ORM abstraction will never be as performant compared to writing reducers by hand, and adds to the build size of your project (last I checked, minimizing the source files and gzipping yielded about 8 KB). If you have very simple data without relations, redux-orm may be overkill. The development convenience benefit is considerable though.



See the full documentation for Schema here


const schema = new Schema(); // no arguments needed.

Instance methods:

  • register(model1, model2, ...modelN): registers Model classes to the Schema instance.
  • define(name, [relatedFields], [backendOpts]): shortcut to define and register simple models.
  • from(state, [action]): begins a new Session with state. If action is omitted, the session can be used to query the state data.
  • reducer(): returns a reducer function that can be plugged into Redux. The reducer will return the next state of the database given the provided action. You need to register your models before calling this.


See the full documentation for Model here.

Instantiation: Don't instantiate directly; use class method create.

Class Methods:

  • withId(id): gets the Model instance with id id.
  • get(matchObj): to get a Model instance based on matching properties in matchObj,
  • create(props): to create a new Model instance with props. If you don't supply an id, the new id will be Math.max(...allOtherIds) + 1. You can override the nextId class method on your model.

You will also have access to almost all QuerySet instance methods from the class object for convenience.

Instance methods:

  • toPlain: returns a plain JavaScript object presentation of the Model.
  • set: marks a supplied propertyName to be updated to value at Model.getNextState. Returns undefined. Is equivalent to normal assignment.
  • update: marks a supplied object of property names and values to be merged with the Model instance at Model.getNextState(). Returns undefined.
  • delete: marks the Model instance to be deleted at Model.getNextState(). Returns undefined.


Use the ES6 syntax to subclass from Model. Any instance methods you declare will be available on Model instances. Any static methods you declare will be available on the Model class in Sessions.

For the related fields declarations, either set the fields property on the class or declare a static getter that returns the field declarations like this:

Declaring fields:

class Book extends Model {
    static get fields() {
        return {
            author: fk('Author')
// alternative:
Book.fields = {
    author: fk('Author')

All the fields fk, oneToOne and many take a single argument, the related model name. The fields will be available as properties on each Model instance. You can set related fields with the id value of the related instance, or the related instance itself.

For fk, you can access the reverse relation through author.bookSet, where the related name is ${modelName}Set. Same goes for many. For oneToOne, the reverse relation can be accessed by just the model name the field was declared on:

For many field declarations, accessing the field on a Model instance will return a QuerySet with two additional methods: add and remove. They take 1 or more arguments, where the arguments are either Model instances or their id's. Calling these methods records updates that will be reflected in the next state.

When declaring model classes, always remember to set the modelName property. It needs to be set explicitly, because running your code through a mangler would otherwise break functionality. The modelName will be used to resolve all related fields.

Declaring backend:

class Book extends Model {
    static get modelName() {
        return 'Book';
// alternative:
Book.modelName = 'Book';


See the full documentation for QuerySet here.

You can access all of these methods straight from a Model class, as if they were class methods on Model. In this case the functions will operate on a QuerySet that includes all the Model instances.

Instance methods:

  • toPlain(): returns the Model instances in QuerySet as an array of plain JavaScript objects.
  • count(): returns the number of Model instances in the QuerySet.
  • exists(): return true if number of entities is more than 0, else false.
  • filter(filterArg): returns a new QuerySet with the entities that pass the filter. For filterArg, you can either pass an object that redux-orm tries to match to the entities, or a function that returns true if you want to have it in the new QuerySet, false if not.
  • exclude returns a new QuerySet with the entities that do not pass the filter. Similarly to filter, you may pass an object for matching (all entities that match will not be in the new QuerySet) or a function.
  • map(func) map the entities in QuerySet, returning a JavaScript array.
  • all() returns a new QuerySet with the same entities.
  • at(index) returns an Model instance at the supplied index in the QuerySet.
  • first() returns an Model instance at the 0 index.
  • last() returns an Model instance at the querySet.count() - 1 index.
  • delete() marks all the QuerySet entities for deletion on Model.getNextState.
  • update(updateArg) marks all the QuerySet entities for an update based on the supplied argument. The argument can either be an object that will be merged with the entity, or a mapping function that takes the entity as an argument and returns a new, updated entity. Do not mutate the entity if you pass a function to update.

Plain/models flagging

When you want to iterate through all entities with filter, exclude, forEach, map, or get an item with first, last or at, you don't always need access to the full Model instance - a plain JavaScript object could do. QuerySets maintain a flag indicating whether these methods operate on plain JavaScript objects (a straight reference from the store) or a Model instances that are instantiated during the operations.

const clean = Book.plain.filter(book => === 'Tommi Kaikkonen')
// `book` is a plain javascript object, `clean` is a QuerySet
const clean2 = Book.filter(book => === 'Tommi Kaikkonen - An Autobiography')
// `book` is a Model instance. `clean2` is a QuerySet equivalent to `clean`.

The flag persists after settings the flag. The default is to operate on Model instances. You can invert the flag by chaining plain. You can flip it back with models.

clean.filter(book => book.release_year > 2014)
// Since the plain flag was used in `clean`, `book` is a plain instance.

clean.models.filter(book => book.isReleasedAfterYear(2014))
// `models` inverts the flag, `book` is a Model instance.


See the full documentation for Session here

Instantiation: you don't need to do this yourself. Use schema.from.

Instance properties: You can access all the registered Models in the schema for querying and updates as properties of this instance. For example, given a schema with Book and Author models,

const session = schema.from(state, action);
session.Book // Model class: Book
session.Author // Model class: Author
session.Book.create({id: 5, name: 'Refactoring', release_year: 1999});


Backend implements the logic and holds the information for Models' underlying data structure. If you want to change how that works, subclass Backend or implement your own with the same interface, and override your models' getBackendClass classmethod.

See the full documentation for Backend here

Instantiation: will be done for you. If you want to specify custom options, you can override the YourModelClass.backend property with the custom options that will be merged with the defaults. For most cases, the default options work well. They are:

    idAttribute: 'id',
    indexById: true, // if false, data will be held in a single object array
    ordered: true,
    arrName: 'items',
    mapName: 'itemsById', // will be ignored if `indexById` is `false`





Package last updated on 13 Dec 2015

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