Redux middleware for sending error reports to Sentry through raven-js.
Will automatically send an error report upon encountering a Javascript error
on dispatching any action. redux-raven-middleware will pass in the error as
well as extra information such as the action that caused the error and the
entire Redux application state.
RavenMiddleware(sentryDSN, sentryConfig, middlewareOptions)
Creates a Raven Middleware.
-- string representing your Sentry instance.sentryConfig
-- object that will be passed into Raven.config.middlewareOptions
-- object to customize the middleware:actionTransformer
-- transform the action before sending to SentrystateTransformer
-- transform the state before sending to Sentrylogger
-- log function to use instead of console.error
import {applyMiddleware, createStore} from 'redux';
import RavenMiddleware from 'redux-raven-middleware';
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(