Command Line Interface for relogger
$ npm install -g relogger-cli
On your command line type
$ relogger
You can also specify the port (defaults to 9090)
$ relogger --port 9090
Once the server is up an running you will see an message like
$ relogger --port 1234
_______ ____ | | ____ ____ ____ ____ _______
\_ __ \_/ __ \ | | / _ \ / ___\ / ___\ _/ __ \ \_ __ \
| | \/\ ___/ | |__( <_> ) / /_/ > / /_/ >\ ___/ | | \/
|__| \___ >|____/ \____/ \___ / \___ / \___ > |__|
\/ /_____/ /_____/ \/
Relogger Server up and running on port: 1234
To enable remote logging please add the following script tag to your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:1234/relogger/reloggerclient.js"></script>
The logs are sent through a FIFO queue which ensures that the all the logs happen in order.
You add the script to your page and whenever you want to add a remote log you can do so with:'test log');'test warn log', {data: 'some data'}, ['MORE DATA']);'test debug log');'test error log');
Also once you have added relogger to your page, all uncaught errors will automatically be remotely logged.
Remote logging on a page that uses https
If you want to use relogger on a page that uses https, you need to pass a certificate to relogger so that he can serve the pages with it.
You can generate a certificate in unix/linux with the following commands:
openssl genrsa -out key.pem
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.pem
rm csr.pem
Once you have the certificate in place, you need to tell relogger where to get the private key and the cert.
If you call your private key, key.pem and your certificate cert.pem you can tell relogger where to search for them
$ relogger --cert-data PATH_TO_THE_CERTIFICATES_FOLDER
You may can also spefify where to seach for the key and the cert separately.
$ relogger --key PATH_TO_key.pem --cert PATH_TO_cert.pem