What is remove-accents?
The remove-accents npm package is designed to help developers remove accents and diacritics from strings. This can be particularly useful for creating cleaner, ASCII-only versions of text that originally contains special characters from various languages. It's commonly used in applications that need to standardize user input, generate slugs for URLs, or simply ensure compatibility with systems that do not support such characters.
What are remove-accents's main functionalities?
Removing accents from a string
This feature allows you to remove all accents and diacritics from a given string, converting characters like 'À' to 'A', 'á' to 'a', etc. The code sample demonstrates how to use the package to convert a string containing various accented characters into its unaccented counterpart.
"use strict"; const removeAccents = require('remove-accents'); console.log(removeAccents('ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ'));
Other packages similar to remove-accents
The diacritics package offers similar functionality to remove-accents, allowing for the removal or replacement of diacritics in strings. It provides a more extensive API for handling different use cases, including the ability to get information about specific diacritics.
Unidecode is another package that provides functionality to remove accents from strings, but it goes a step further by attempting to transliterate the string into ASCII. This means it not only removes diacritics but also tries to represent the original sound of the name as closely as possible in ASCII, making it more comprehensive for certain applications.
Removes the accents from a string, converting them to their corresponding non-accented ASCII characters.
npm install remove-accents
An easy to use solution for converting all accented characters to their corresponding non-accented ASCII characters.
The string that you wish to remove accents from.
Call removeAccents()
by passing the string you wish to remove accents from, and you will get the non-accented string as result.
var input = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅ';
var output = removeAccents(input);