What is renovate?
Renovate is a powerful tool for automating dependency updates in your projects. It helps keep your dependencies up-to-date, ensuring that your project remains secure and compatible with the latest versions of libraries and tools.
What are renovate's main functionalities?
Automated Dependency Updates
Renovate can automatically update your dependencies by creating pull requests for new versions. The configuration above extends the base configuration, which includes sensible defaults for most projects.
"extends": ["config:base"]
Customizable Configuration
You can customize Renovate's behavior using a configuration file. In this example, packages that match the pattern '^@my-org/' are grouped together in a single pull request.
"extends": ["config:base"],
"packageRules": [
"packagePatterns": ["^@my-org/"],
"groupName": "my-org packages"
Scheduling Updates
Renovate allows you to schedule when updates should be created. The configuration above schedules updates to be created before 5 AM on Mondays.
"extends": ["config:base"],
"schedule": ["before 5am on monday"]
Other packages similar to renovate
Dependabot is a GitHub-native tool for automating dependency updates. It is similar to Renovate in that it creates pull requests for new versions of dependencies. However, Dependabot is more tightly integrated with GitHub and may be easier to set up for users already using GitHub.
Greenkeeper is another tool for automating dependency updates. It was one of the first tools in this space and offers similar functionality to Renovate. However, Greenkeeper has been deprecated in favor of Snyk, which now includes similar features.
Snyk is a comprehensive security tool that includes features for automating dependency updates. While it offers similar functionality to Renovate, Snyk also provides additional security features such as vulnerability scanning and remediation.