An modern RequireJS loader plugin for JSX.
- transform JSX with Babel 6
- fully functional React demo
- supports runtime transform and the RequireJS optimizer
Getting started
Note: If you haven't installed Node.js, do it now!
Use the package manager npm (comes with Node.js) on your command line to install the plugin into your project.
$ npm install requirejs-babel-jsx
Configure RequireJS
Now you need to configure RequireJS paths for babel and jsx plugin. If you're new to RequireJS configuration options, have a look at the documentation.
paths: {
'babel': '../node_modules/babel-standalone/babel.min',
'jsx': '../jsx',
// other dependencies
'react-dom': '../node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development',
'react': '../node_modules/react/umd/react.development',
After this step you can prefix your jsx dependencies with jsx!
and they are transformed at runtime and in build step.
requirejs(['react-dom', 'jsx!./Paragraph'], function(ReactDOM, Paragraph) {
ReactDOM.render(Paragraph, document.getElementById('root'));
You want to see it in action or what a real project with React could look like? Then run the following script in your command line and open http://localhost:3000/demo/ in your browser.
$ npm run demo
To make a build with the RequireJS optimizer (r.js) run the following script in your command line.
$ npm run build
The build file includes all dependencies, RequireJS itself and stubs the jsx plugin. To see it in action comment/uncomment the following in lines in demo/index.html.
<!--<script async data-main="main.js" src="../node_modules/requirejs/require.js"></script> -->
<script async src="main-built.js"></script>
Tested with:
- RequireJS 2.3.5
- Babel 6.26.0