restful interface to a filesystem
npm install rest-fs
to install
npm start
starts fileserver on port 3000
npm test
runs various file and folder test
npm start
starts server on port 3000 of your entire system
for access log
for debug info
app = require('express')();
restfs = require('rest-fs')
To use programmatically, pass in the app into restfs and it will add the routes.
you can attach a function to modifyOut to manipulate file output.
the function has one argument which is the full filepath and should return path to return
rest-fs supports ETags by default. Each api endpoint will return a strict ETag
that clients can utilize when making subsequent requests. Please see
[](this article) for more information on using ETags.
GET /path/to/dir/
list contents of directory
?recursive = list recursively default false
returns: list of full file or folder paths (trailing slash tells if dir)
res.body = [ { "fullDirPath" }, ... ]
File Stats
?stats = Return file stats for the directory instead of file listing.
res.body = {
dev: 16777220,
mode: 16877,
nlink: 31,
uid: 501,
gid: 20,
rdev: 0,
blksize: 4096,
ino: 604862,
size: 1054,
blocks: 0,
atime: Thu Mar 05 2015 11:38:47 GMT-0800 (PST),
mtime: Thu Mar 05 2015 10:52:41 GMT-0800 (PST),
ctime: Thu Mar 05 2015 10:52:41 GMT-0800 (PST)
GET /path/to/file
returns contents of file
if dir, redirect to dir path
?encoding = default utf8
res.body = { "file content" }
File Stats
?stats = Return file stats for the file instead of file's contents.
res.body = {
dev: 16777220,
mode: 16877,
nlink: 31,
uid: 501,
gid: 20,
rdev: 0,
blksize: 4096,
ino: 604862,
size: 1054,
blocks: 0,
atime: Thu Mar 05 2015 11:38:47 GMT-0800 (PST),
mtime: Thu Mar 05 2015 10:52:41 GMT-0800 (PST),
ctime: Thu Mar 05 2015 10:52:41 GMT-0800 (PST)
POST /path/to/file/or/dir
creates or overwrites file
creates dir if it does not exist.
renames or moves file if newPath exists
body.newpath = if exist, move/rename file to this location.
body.clobber = if true will overwrite dest files (default false)
body.mkdirp = if true will create path to new location (default false)
body.mode = permissions of file (defaults: file 438(0666) dir 511(0777))
body.encoding = default utf8
optional for stream
query.clobber = overwrite if exist
query.mode = permissions of file (defaults: file 438(0666) dir 511(0777))
query.encoding = default utf8
returns: modified resource. (trailing slash tells if dir)
req.body = { "fullFileOrDirPath" }
PUT /path/to/file
creates file
body.mode = permissions of file (438 default 0666 octal)
body.encoding = default utf8
returns: modified resource (trailing slash tells if dir)
req.body = { "fullFilePath" }
DEL /path/to/dir/
deletes folder
if file returns error
req.body = {}
DEL /path/to/file
deletes file
if folder returns error
req.body = {}