RhapsodyJS is a HMVC framework that runs on top of Express 4, it also creates a RESTful API for your models, supports sockets, middleware/policies system, and a lot of other features, give it a try and see with your own eyes!
Install RhapsodyJS
To install RhapsodyJS, you must run the command:
$ npm install rhapsody-cli --global
New app
To generate a new RhapsodyJS app, you should go to the folder where your app folder will be, and then run:
$ rhapsody-cli new APP_NAME
is the name of your app
This will generate the basic structure of your app
$ cd APP_NAME && npm install
$ rhapsody-cli run
And your app will be running in localhost:4242
Click here to see RhapsodyJS documentation
Click here to see some example apps