A collection of value objects
Common API
This method exposes a tcomb type validation base on instanceof
or the name of the type and it's properties.
Note that instanceof can't be used always because having this check will return false, because the application using
the value-objects package will create an instance that Node.js thinks to be from a different location that the
one referenced in this package's uri.js
# app.js
const URIValue = require('rheactor-value-objects/uri')
let u = new URIValue(…)
URIValue.Type(u) // will fail
# uri.js
URIValue.Type = t.irreducible('URIValue', (x) => x instanceof URIValue)
You can compare two value objects with the .equals()
const ex = new URIValue('https://example.com')
ex.equals(new URIValue('https://example.com'))
ex.equals(new URIValue('https://acme.com'))
You can check if a given value is of this value object:
const ex = new URIValue('https://example.com')