RingCaptcha (ES6 and Promise version)
is a Node.js module for communicating with the RingCaptcha API, which simplifies the Onboarding and Verification of Users. This project is forked from https://github.com/ringcaptcha/ringcaptcha-node which uses callbacks.
This version is redesigned for codes that requires promises and does not want to be forced to implement the original version's strict configuration style.
Getting Started
Make sure you are runing at least NodeJS version 6.7
Run the following in the terminal
npm install ringcaptcha-es6
Add a reference to your code.
const RingCaptcha = require('ringcaptcha-es6');
Make sure you have registered in RingCaptcha (http://www.ringcaptcha.com/) and created an app. You should have an APP_KEY, API_KEY and SECRET_KEY generated. You will need these to create a new instance of the RingCaptchaClient.
const rc = RingCaptcha.init(APP_KEY, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY, OPTIONS);
*for now options is pretty useless, just leave it blank.
- getToken(language_code, country_code) - Gets a RingCaptcha session token
- @param language_code - The locale/language to send the Voice call in (optional, defaults to 'en')
- @param country_code - The country code to send the Voice call in (optional)
.then((data) => {
if (!data.token) {
throw new Error('NO_TOKEN_CREATED');
//store this token somewhere in your session for later use
req.session.ringcaptcha.token = data.token;
- sendVerificationCodeSMS(token, phone, language_code, country_code) - generate a new SMS verification code. Verification will be provided to the mobile number
- @param token - Should you have a token already created and valid, send it thru this parameter
- @param phone - Phone number in international format as described in E.123.
- @param language_code - The locale/language to send the Voice call in (optional, defaults to 'en')
- @param country_code - The country code to send the Voice call in (optional)
rc.sendVerificationCodeSMS("mytoken-qwertyuiop", '+639171234567')
.then((data) => {
if (data.status === "ERROR") {
throw new Error("RINGCAPTCHA_ERROR");
//data will contain lots of information so check it
- sendVerificationCodeVoice(token, phone, language_code, country_code) - generate a new Voice verification. Verification will be provided to the mobile number
- @param token - Should you have a token already created and valid, send it thru this parameter
- @param phone - Phone number in international format as described in E.123.
- @param language_code - The locale/language to send the Voice call in (optional, defaults to 'en')
- @param country_code - The country code to send the Voice call in (optional)
rc.sendVerificationCodeVoice("mytoken-qwertyuiop", '+639171234567')
.then((data) => {
if (data.status === "ERROR") {
throw new Error("RINGCAPTCHA_ERROR");
//data will contain lots of information so check it
- verifyCode(token, phone, code) - Validates the verification code the user recieved.
- @param token - The token received by the code endpoint when requesting a PIN code to be sent.
- @param phone - Phone number in international format as described in E.123.
- @param code - The 4 digit PIN code to verify with the one sent in the code endpoint
rc.verifyCode("mytoken-qwertyuiop", "+639171234567", 'WXYZ')
.then((data) => {
if (data.status === "ERROR") {
throw new Error("RINGCAPTCHA_ERROR");
//data will contain lots of information so check it
- getPhoneInfo(phone) - Obtains information on a phone number (e.g.: country, area, block, subscriber number, type of line, carrier name, etc).
- @param phone - Phone number in international format as described in E.123.
.then((data) => {
if (data.status === "ERROR") {
throw new Error("RINGCAPTCHA_ERROR");
//data will contain lots of information so check it
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