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Easy and Robust Way to create a Web Server with Many Easy-to-use Features in NodeJS

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šŸ” v5 to v6 Migration Guide


npm i rjweb-server

# Yarn
yarn add rjweb-server

# pNPM
pnpm add rjweb-server

Update Infos

  • 0.X | Deprecated
  • 1.X | Deprecated
  • 2.X | Deprecated
  • 3.X | Deprecated
  • 4.X | Deprecated
  • 5.X | Deprecated
  • 6.X | Deprecated
  • 7.X | Security Patches
  • 8.X | Patches & Features


Custom Properties in HTTP Object (This also works in JavaScript, just remove the interface logic)

import { Server, HTTPRequestContext, Status } from "rjweb-server"
interface Custom {
  count: number

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.path('/', (path) => path
  .http<Custom, _, _>('GET', '/hello', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      if (!ctr.queries.has("name")) return ctr.print('please supply the name queries!!')

      return ctr.print(`Hello, ${ctr.queries.get("name")}! You are Visit nr.${ctr['@'].count}`)
  .http<Custom, { name: string }, _>('POST', '/hello', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      if (!('name' in ctr.body)) return ctr.print('please supply the name property!!')

      return ctr.print(`Hello, ${}! You are Visit nr.${ctr['@'].count}`)

let count = 0
server.on('httpRequest', async(ctr: HTTPRequestContext<Custom>) => {
  ctr.setCustom('count', ++count) 

  console.log(`request made to ${ctr.url.path} by ${ctr.client.ip}`)
}).on('httpError', async(ctr: HTTPRequestContext<Custom>, error) => {
  console.log(`error on path ${ctr.url.path}!!!`)

  ctr.print('server error')

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)


Initialize Server

const { Server, Status, size } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on
  proxy: {
    enabled: true // If enabled, alternate IPs will be shown
  }, body: {
    enabled: true, // Whether to enable recieving POST Bodies
    maxSize: size(10).mb(), // Use Size helper to easily get byte count
    message: 'Payload too large' // Message that gets sent if the Limit is exceeded
  }, httpCompression: {
    enabled: true, // whether compressing of http bodies is enabled
    disabledAlgorithms: ['br', 'deflate'] // algorithms to ignore for compression, in this case will only allow gzip

// ctr.params.get... is :name:, example /hello/0x4096
server.path('/', (path) => path // The / is the Path Prefix for all children paths
  .http('POST', '/post', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      return ctr.print(`Hello, ${ctr.body}! How are you doing?`)
  .http('GET', '/@{user}', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      return ctr.printFile(`../images/profile/${ctr.params.get('user')}.png`, { addTypes: true })
  .http('GET', '/reloadserver', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      if (!ctr.queries.has('password')) return ctr.print('provide the password to do this!!')
      if (ctr.queries.get('password') !== 'imApassword123!') return ctr.print('the password is incorrect!!')

      setTimeout(() => ctr.controller.reload(), 1000)
      return ctr.print('server reloaded')
  .http('GET', '/redirect/{website}', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      switch (ctr.params.get('website')) {
        case "google":
          return ctr.redirect('')

        case "youtube":
          return ctr.redirect('')

          return ctr.print('Im only smart enough to redirect to google and youtube :P')
  .ws('/echo', (ws) => ws
    .onUpgrade((ctr, end) => {
      if (!ctr.queries.has('confirm')) return end(ctr.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).print('Please dont forget the confirm query!'))
    .onMessage((ctr) => {
  .redirect('/googleplz', '')
  .path('/api', (path) => path
    .http('GET', '/', (http) => http
      .onRequest((ctr) => ctr.print('welcome to api!'))
    .path('/v1', (path) => path
      .http('GET', '/', (http) => http
        .onRequest((ctr) => ctr.print('welcome to v1 api!'))
    .path('/v2', (path) => path
      .http('GET', '/', (http) => http
        .onRequest((ctr) => ctr.print('welcome to v2 api!'))

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Print to multiple Websockets Periodically

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')
const { Readable } = require('stream')

// This Stream will count up every second
const dataStream = (() => {
	let i = 0

  return new Readable({
		objectMode: true,
		construct() {
			setInterval(() => {
      }, 1000)
}) ()

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.path('/', (path) => path
  .ws('/infos', (ws) => ws
    .onConnect((ctr) => {
      ctr.printStream(dataStream, {
        destroyAbort: false

Print Promises

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')
const wait = require('timers/promises').setTimeout

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

// this request will load for 5 seconds and send the returned value
const handleHello = async() => {
  await wait(5000)
  return 'You just waited 5 seconds !!'

server.path('/wait5sec', (path) => path
  // this request will load for 5 seconds
  .http('GET', '/func', (http) => http
    .onRequest((ctr) => {
      return ctr.print(handleHello)
  ) // this request will also load for 5 seconds
  .http('GET', '/promise', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      await wait(5000)
      return ctr.print('You just waited 5 seconds !!')

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Authenticate Requests

const { Server, Status } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.path('/account', (path) => path
  .validate(async(ctr, end) => { // Will Validate every request starting with the route block prefix (/account)
    if (!ctr.queries.has('password')) return end(ctr.status(Status.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY).print('Passwort Query Missing'))
    if (ctr.queries.get('password') !== '123456 or database request or sum') return end(ctr.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).print('Unauthorized'))

    // else everything is OK, the request will only end if the end() function is called
  .http('GET', '/', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      return ctr.print('Account Infos: idk')
  .http('POST', '/edit', (http) => http
    .onRequest(async(ctr) => {
      return ctr.print(`Edited Account Infos to ${ctr.rawBody}!`)

Use Middleware

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')
const someMiddleware = require('some-middleware')
const someOtherMiddleware = require('some-other-middleware')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on
}, [

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Serve Static Files

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.path('/', (path) => path
  .static('./html', {
    hideHTML: true // If enabled will remove the html ending from files when serving
  }) // The html folder is in the root directory, NOTE: Static files will be prioritized over the defined routes

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Add Headers on EVERY Request

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.defaultHeaders((dH) => dH
  .add('im-a-header', 'im the value')

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Override Content-Types

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '', // The IP thats bound to
  cors: false, // If Cors Headers will be added
  port: 5000, // The Port which the Server runs on

server.contentTypes((ct) => cT
  .add('.jsn', 'application/json')
  .add('.jn', 'application/json')

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Enable Dashboard

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '',
  cors: false,
  port: 5000,
  dashboard: {
    enabled: true,
    path: '/dashboard', // The Dashboad is now accessible at /dashboard
    password: '124' // The password to use, if not set will not ask to provide one

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Custom Not Found / Server Error Page

const { Server, Status } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '',
  cors: false,
  port: 5000,

server.on('route404', async(ctr) => {
  return ctr.print(`page "${ctr.url.pathname}" not found`)

server.on('httpError', async(ctr, error) => {
  ctr.print(`ERROR!!! ${error.stack}`)
  return console.log(ctr.error)

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Custom Function on every request

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '',
  cors: false,
  port: 5000,

server.on('httpRequest', async(ctr, end) => {
  return console.log(`request made to ${ctr.url.href} by ${ctr.client.ip}`)
  // you can also end the request here like in validations

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Cleaning Up Functions

Load routes from Directory

const { Server } = require('rjweb-server')

const server = new Server({
  bind: '',
  cors: false,
  port: 5000,

module.exports.server = server // Important! Needed to make route Files

server.path('/', (path) => path
  .loadCJS('./functions') // This loads CJS files (module.exports)
  .loadESM('./functions') // This loads ESM files (export default)

  .then((port) => {
    console.log(`server started on port ${port}`)
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error('An Error occured while starting the Server!\n', e)

Making a route File

const { server } = require('../index.js')

module.exports = new server.routeFile((file) => file
  .http('GET', '/say/{word}', (http) => http
    .onRequest((ctr) => {
      const word = ctr.params.get('word')

      ctr.print(`I will say it!!!!!!!!!\n${word}`)


Serve a Static Folder using CLI

rjweb serve [path to folder] [arguments]

# Example
rjweb serve ./static --port 4444 --hideHTML

Generate a Template using CLI

rjweb generate [path to destination folder]

# Example
rjweb generate ./chat-app

View Help

rjweb --help

Official Middlewares

  • rjweb-server-ejs (To Render EJS templates easily)
  • rjweb-server-ratelimit (To add rate limiting easily (for older versions than 8.6.0))

Full Example


šŸ‘¤ 0x4096

šŸ¤ Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

Show your support

Give a Star if this project helped you!

šŸ“ License

Copyright Ā© 0x7d8.
This project is MIT licensed.



Package last updated on 30 Jul 2023

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