rm3 Tag Control
This will eventually be a linked data (I'm avoiding using the word RDF : ) ) tagging UI in React.
Right now, it lets you fill a linked-data-box object with plain string tags (say, something like Flickr tags) or JSON-LD compatible tags with predicates (say, something more like EXIF tags, where the predicate is "Camera name" and the camera is "Olympus E-M5 Mark II").
I designed it for my own usage in rm3, but there's nothing that will prevent you from using it as a general-purpose tagging editor.
See spa/bundle.js for usage example.
npm run prepubish
- will use babel to transpile jsx and es6 code to plain es5 javascript to the dist
foldernpm run spa
- starts a web server at http://localhost:9000
with a single page app that will require your already transpiled react module.npm test
- will use mocha to run all rm3-tag-control/test