Tabs: Converted TabBar, Tab, and TabBar scroller to Foundation. is now evt.detail.activeTabIndex to match MDCs custom event api. (3b613d51)
Foundation: Removing class adapter handling due to repetitive renders #210 (caa23edc)
Checkbox: Implements Checkbox via Foundation #210#191 (1c6edfae)
FlowType: Fixes all flow type issues through codebase, adds flow check to test suite, correctly exports .flow definition files for 3rd party comsumption #210#159#40 (1158af9e)
TopAppBar: adding class adapter methods and dense story (88abec3c)
Documentation Changes
Readme: Updating Readme for latest release. #210 (a5dd8338)
New Features
ImageList: Adding new MDC ImageList component. #210 (3b8f0504)
ShapeContainer: Adding new ShapeContainer component and docs #210 (748294e6)
TopAppBar: New top app bar component added #210 (fc082b67)
Bug Fixes
Base: Removing apiRef from spread props #210 (94dab63a)