CardAction: Aligning with IconButton props. (6901499f)
Drawer: Matching MDC refactor of Drawers. persistent -> dismissible, temprorary -> modal. Permanent drawers are now used by default and dont have to be specified. DrawerContent is no longer an instance of the List component and can contain any content. (9a675b33)
IconButton: Refactor to match MDC refactor. The props interface has been simplified to support standard IconButtons and IconToggles (c2ea570e)
Menu: MenuSurface has been renamed to MenuSurfaceAnchor. If you’re using SimpleMenu you will not be affected. (c12a8358)
Tabs: TabBar and Tabs have been completely overhauled by material-components-web, the good news is, they’re much simpler! RMWC has insulated from changes as best as possible. onChange: evt.detail.activeTabIndex becomes onActivated: evt.detail.index. TabBarScroller no longer and exists and TabBars scroll by default when there is enough content. Also, TabIcons and TabIconText are now built into the Tab component directly. (5d0db7a2)
List: ListItemText is no longer required for single line lists. For multi line lists, it is required as a wrapper for PrimaryText and SecondaryText. If you’re using SimpleListItem, everything should just keep working without any changes. #281 (dfb6e266)
Switch: Upgrading to new switch component #281 (13a51019)
Documentation Changes
Styles: Docs now include where to import the individual component styles (f406bac3)
added section Theme and ThemeProvider in docs (4897e234)
Theming: fixed the link to theming with runtime css variables (1f0ec06c)
Styling: renamed docs menu and url name Styling to Styling and Theming (and their import in menuContent.js) (579510e8)
New Features
ThemeProvider: automatically determining light and dark text color palettes. (3378b2f8)
MenuSurface: Adds menu surface component (cd1f598b)
Bug Fixes
Select: corrects issue with label not floating. Fixes #283 (2fcca699)
Menu: Corrects JS error from timer being fired after unmount (b95fff80)
Tabs: Corrects focus issue when activating initial tab (0eac6982)
Checkbox: Corrects event handling with new foundation pattern. (12d42546)
TextField: Fixes issue with deprecated single line input (9663311f)
Type Defs: strengthened Typings for Provider and Icon (c4c9eabb)
Other Changes
ThemeProvider: Adding information about auto colors (5f9194d9)
Icon: The Icon component props interface has been altered to better accomodate other components that are extending the Icon. A deprecation notice is posted and the old props handling will be removed in the next release of RMWC. (ee826735)
Composition: added the ability to show a components extended props (mainly for icons). Not implementing until the Icon component gets a makeover. (9d57240b)
Bug Fixes
Switch: Corrects type issue with Switch component. (f07df980)
Version: Corrects a potential issue with MCW versioning, making sure to only grab the most recent patch since minor versions in their code can be breaking. (24af877e)
IconButton: New IconButton component has been added. IconToggles still exist but are now deprecated. The breaking changes are related to Cards and CardAction which now use the IconButton component instead of Icontoggle. #267#242 (e2abba59)
Documentation Changes
ThemePicker: added a global theme picker to the docs #90 (5ff0f0e8)
Ripple: Adding documentation on disabling Ripples #249 (420dbe93)
Tests: Updated documentation on testing #250 (cec3ec69)