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A package that provides functions for performing actions on roblox, mostly for use with their HttpService feature.

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Roblox-js is a node module that provides functions for performing actions on roblox, mostly for use with their HttpService feature.

This is mostly a collection of functions to perform actions for groups, though others are included. The list of main functions is in the contents section, they all have detailed documentation.

Many of the functions use simple caches in order to server requests faster. Cache time can be changed in settings.json. Cached items include XCSRF tokens and group roles: unless you change your group roles often the default cache settings should be fine. The cache works by saving request responses for a set amount of time (of course), but will refresh immediately if the item has expired. You may also set a time (or boolean) in which the item will serve an item based on the conditions above but silently refresh it if that has expired.

To use this with HttpService simply set up API's on your node server for accessing the functions, this module does not provide examples or support for doing that specifically.


Simply install with npm: npm install roblox-js, no need to download anything manually.


ROBLOX user sessions are stored in a CookieJar, which can be created like so:

var request = require('request');
var jar = request.jar();

Be default, however, there is a single global cookie jar stored in the module which will automatically be used if you don't specify a custom jar. You can get the global cookie jar with the getJar function and set a new one with setJar. There is a custom property of the CookieJar user which is an object containing the id and name of the logged in player retrieved during the login.

The login function populates the cookie jar with the users cookies, including their .ROBLOSECURITY (session), if successful and any functions that perform non-guest actions need a cookie jar to do so. If you are only using this module for a single group with one promotion user I recommend simply using the default global cookie jar.

Be aware that you must set something to refresh this token every once in a while: otherwise it will expire. Logging in every server restart and making a login interval of 1 day should be enough.

Also remember to check the scripts in the examples and tests folder to see the module in action.

Function usage is below.


Documentation Info

All functions have alternate forms, arguments are either passed:

  • Through a single options object
  • Individually

The options object has all the arguments listed are manually named.

For example, you could do:

login('shedletsky','hunter2',jar, function() {
  console.log('It worked!');


var options = {
  username: 'shedletsky',
  password: 'hunter2',
  jar: jar,
  success: function() {
    console.log('It worked!');


Note that raw functions (required individually) do not support alternate forms. Furthermore, their arguments may not be the same or be in the same order: to find them you have to go into the source and check for yourself.

Success, failure, and always callbacks are executed when the goal of the function: succeeds, fails, or runs at all, respectively.

Failure will sometimes contain an error message and will always have an errorId to identify where the error originated. Their is a default failure callback that will be used if none is specified. It can be turned off by being set to false.

Cookie jars are all optional, if one isn't specified the function will automatically use the default global cookie jar.

Main Functions


group, target, roleset[, jar, success, failure, always]

Changes the role of target (UserID) in group to roleset or returns a general error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • target [number]
  • roleset [number]
  • rank [number]
    • Rank can only be used in the options array and will override roleset (making it not required). The rank in the specified group will be converted to its corresponding roleset id
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group, username, accept[, jar, success, failure, always]

Accepts or denies username's join request in group.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • username [string]
  • accept [boolean]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group, target[, deleteAllPosts, senderRoleSetId, jar, success, failure, always]

Exiles target in group and does not return an error if the action was unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • message [string]
  • optional deleteAllPosts [boolean]
  • Defaults to false.
  • optional senderRoleSetId [number]
    • Used for custom handling of the sender's roleset, which is required by the exile API. If not specified getRolesetInGroupWithJar will be used.
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


recipient, subject, body[, jar, success, failure, always]

Message recipient with the message body and subject subject and returns a detailed error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • recipient [number]
  • subject [string]
  • body [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group, message[, jar, success, failure, always]

Shouts message in group and returns a general error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • message [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group, message[, jar, success, failure, always]

Posts message on group wall and returns a general error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • message [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


asset[, currency, jar, success, failure, always]

Buys asset using currency, which can be 'robux' or default 'tickets' and return a detailed error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • asset [number]
  • optional currency [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


data, itemOptions[, asset, jar, success, failure, always]

Uploads data to asset (or creates a new one) and returns the assetId it uploaded to.

options [object]:

  • data [string]
  • itemOptions [object]
    • This is not required if asset is specified, otherwise it has to be set for the new item
    • name [string]
    • optional description [string]
    • locked [boolean]
    • allowComments [boolean]
    • optional groupId [number]
  • optional asset [number]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
    • assetId [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group[, roleset, online, limit, success, failure, always]

Gets players with in group with roleset (or all members) up to limit (if there is one), online only or not.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • optional roleset [number] or [array]
    • Gets players of all ranks if none is specified
    • Can be a single role as a number or multiple roles in an array eg. [11, 60]
  • rank [number] or [array]
    • Rank can only be used in the options array and will override roleset. The rank in the specified group will be converted to its corresponding roleset id
    • Can be a single rank as a number or multiple ranks in an array eg. [11, 60]
  • optional online [boolean]
    • Defaults to false
    • Gets online players only
  • optional limit [number]
    • Continues up to the last page of members if none is specified
  • optional success [function]
    • players [object]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]

Utility Functions


username, password[, jar, success, failure, always]

Logs in with username and password and puts the new cookie into jar (or the default global jar if unspecified) or returns a detailed error if unsuccessful.

options [object]:

  • username [string]
  • password [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


url[, jar, callback, failure]

Sends the X-CSRF-TOKEN used by the URL to callback. This only needs to be used if you want to custom handle tokens, normally it is handled automatically.

options [object]:

  • url [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional callback [function]
    • token [string]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]


url[, opt, callback, jar]

Sends an httpGet request to url using jar or default jar.

options [object]:

  • url [string]
  • optional opt [object]
  • optional callback [function]
    • err [error]
    • res [object]
    • body [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]


url[, jar, opt, callback]

Sends an http GET request to url using jar or default jar.

options [object]:

  • url [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional opt [object]
  • optional callback [function]
    • err [error]
    • res [object]
    • body [string]


url[, jar, opt, callback]

Sends an http POST request to url using jar or default jar.

options [object]:

  • url [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional opt [object]
  • optional callback [function]
    • err [error]
    • res [object]
    • body [string]


url[, jar, callback, failure]

Sends verification inputs used by URL to callback. This includes __VIEWSTATE, __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR, and __EVENTVALIDATION.

options [object]:

  • url [string]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional callback [function]
    • token [string]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]



Sets the default failure handler for all requests that will be used if none is specified for the request. This can be set to false to disable failure handling.

options [object]:

  • handler [function or boolean]



asset[, success, failure, always]

Gets detailed productInfo on asset.

  • asset [number]
  • optional success [function]
    • productInfo [object]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group[, rank, success, failure, always]

Returns role information of a group in the form [{"ID":number,"Name":"string","Rank":number},{"ID":number,"Name":"string","Rank":number}]. To be used with setRank.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • optional rank [number] or [object]
    • Used to select a specific role from the roles array.
    • Can be a single role as a number or multiple roles in an array eg. [11, 60]
  • optional success [function]
    • roles [object]
      • ID [number]
      • Name [string]
      • Rank [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]



Returns the UserId that the logged in user had. This is simply a saved ID and is not an accurate check if the user is still logged in.

options [object]:

  • optional jar [CookieJar]


[option, jar, success, failure, always]

Gets the current user from the ROBLOX website and feeds option or all options if successful, otherwise returns detailed error.

options [object]:

  • optional option [string]
  • Any one:
  • UserID, UserName, RobuxBalance, TicketsBalance, ThumbnailUrl, IsAnyBuildersClubMember
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
    • option [string] or all options [object]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


player, group[, success, failure, always]

Gets the rank of player in group group.

options [object]:

  • player [number]
  • group [number]
  • optional success [function]
    • rank [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


id[, success, failure, always]

Gets the username of the player with id.

options [object]:

  • id [number]
  • optional success [function]
    • username [string]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


username[, success, failure, always]

Gets the id of the player with username.

options [object]:

  • id [number]
  • optional success [function]
    • id [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


player, group[, success, failure, always]

Gets the roleset ID of player in group group.

options [object]:

  • player [number]
  • group [number]
  • optional success [function]
    • roleset [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]


group[, jar, success, failure, always]

Gets the roleset ID of player logged into jar in group group.

options [object]:

  • group [number]
  • optional jar [CookieJar]
  • optional success [function]
    • roleset [number]
  • optional failure [function]
    • error [string], errorId [string]
  • optional always or callback [function]



Returns the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie extracted from jar if it exists.

options [object]:

  • optional jar [CookieJar]


Returns the global cookie jar in use by the module.



Sets the global cookie jar for the module to use.

  • jar [CookieJar]


html[, find]

Returns verification inputs on the page with the names in find - or all inputs if not provided. Typically used for ROBLOX requests working with ASP.NET.

options [object]:

  • html [string]
  • optional find [array]



Short for getInputs(html,['__VIEWSTATE','__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR','__EVENTVALIDATION]'). Typically used for ROBLOX requests working with ASP.NET.

options [object]:

  • html [string]



Package last updated on 29 Jan 2016

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