Roll A Die
Simple 3D dice roll animator by CSS3 Animation.
Vanilla JS
Copy dist/roll-a-die.js into your library folder
Load it into your HTML script
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/roll-a-die.js"></script>
You can use the UNPKG link
. Remember to update the package number to the most recent.
Call the method with its options.
rollADie({ element, numberOfDice: 2, callback});
With npm (and CommonJS builder)
Install with npm.
npm install --save roll-a-die
Install with yarn.
yarn add roll-a-die
import the library
const rollADie = require('roll-a-die');
import rollADie from 'roll-a-die';
Call the method
rollADie({ element, numberOfDice: 2, callback });
rollADie({ element, numberOfDice: 2, callback, soundVolume: 1 });
rollADie({ element, numberOfDice: 2, callback, delay: 1000 });
rollADie({ element, numberOfDice: 2, callback, values: [3, 4] });
Parameter Definitions
: The element to render die animation on. Type: HTMLElementnumberOfDice
: The number of dice to use.` Type: numbercallback
: Called when animation is finished. Returns an array of the values from throw. Type: FunctionsoundVolume
: Set volume of audio between 0 and 1. (Optional) Defaults to 1. Type: numberdelay
: Time in milliseconds to delay before removing animations (Optional). Type: numbervalues
: Values to show on die face. When provided, it overrides library genrated values. (Optional). Type: Array of numbers
MIT License