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@@ -205,227 +205,78 @@ interface RoninSchemaMetadata {

interface SubFilter {
is: string | number;
isNot: string;
startsWith: string;
endsWith: string;
contains: string;
isGreaterThan: number;
isLessThan: number;
declare namespace RONIN {
interface SubFilter {
is: string | number;
isNot: string;
startsWith: string;
endsWith: string;
contains: string;
isGreaterThan: number;
isLessThan: number;
interface Where {
id: SubFilter;
description: SubFilter;
name: SubFilter;
slug: SubFilter;
amount: SubFilter;
interface With {
id: string | number;
description: string | number;
name: string | number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
slug: string | number;
pluralSlug: string | number;
amount: string | number;
handle: string | number;
usedAt: string | number;
createdAt: string | number;
updatedAt: string | number;
creationTime: string | number;
invoice: {
companyName: string;
team: string | number;
avatar: string | ReadableValue;
space: Partial<RoninSchemaSpace>;
type AllFields = 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt' | 'name' | 'slug' | 'amount';
type RecordFields = 'views' | 'accounts' | 'spaces';
interface OrderedBy {
/** Order the resulting records in descending order using a specific field. */
descending: AllFields[];
/** Order the resulting records in ascending order using a specific field. */
ascending: AllFields[];
type To = With;
type Variants = 'english' | 'german' | 'japanese';
export interface Filter {
/** Perform specific matching actions (such as "is", "contains", or "startsWith") on the fields of a record. */
where: Partial<Where>;
/** Perform "is" matching actions on the fields of a record. */
with: Partial<With>;
/** Order the resulting records using a specific field. */
orderedBy: Partial<OrderedBy>;
/** Resolve records in a specific variant. */
in: Partial<Variants>;
/** Resolve the records associated with certain fields of type "Record". */
including: Partial<RecordFields>[];
export interface FilterAndMutate extends Filter {
/** Perform mutations on the fields of a record or add new fields to it. */
to: Partial<To>;
export interface Counter extends Record<string, Filter> {
export interface Creator extends Record<string, Filter> {
export interface Dropper extends Record<string, Filter> {
export interface Getter extends Record<string, Filter> {
export interface Setter extends Record<string, FilterAndMutate> {
export {};
interface Where {
id: SubFilter;
description: SubFilter;
name: SubFilter;
slug: SubFilter;
amount: SubFilter;
interface With {
id: string | number;
description: string | number;
name: string | number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
slug: string | number;
pluralSlug: string | number;
amount: string | number;
handle: string | number;
usedAt: string | number;
createdAt: string | number;
updatedAt: string | number;
creationTime: string | number;
invoice: {
companyName: string;
team: string | number;
avatar: string | ReadableValue;
space: Partial<RoninSchemaSpace>;
type AllFields = 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt' | 'name' | 'slug' | 'amount';
type RecordFields = 'views' | 'accounts' | 'spaces';
interface OrderedBy {
/** Order the resulting records in descending order using a specific field. */
descending: AllFields[];
/** Order the resulting records in ascending order using a specific field. */
ascending: AllFields[];
type To = With;
type Variants = 'english' | 'german' | 'japanese';
interface Filter {
/** Perform specific matching actions (such as "is", "contains", or "startsWith") on the fields of a record. */
where: Partial<Where>;
/** Perform "is" matching actions on the fields of a record. */
with: Partial<With>;
/** Order the resulting records using a specific field. */
orderedBy: Partial<OrderedBy>;
/** Resolve records in a specific variant. */
in: Partial<Variants>;
/** Resolve the records associated with certain fields of type "Record". */
including: Partial<RecordFields>[];
interface FilterAndMutate extends Filter {
/** Perform mutations on the fields of a record or add new fields to it. */
to: Partial<To>;
interface Getter {
/** Retrieve a single record of the Account schema. */
account: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Account schema. */
accounts: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the App schema. */
app: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the App schema. */
apps: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Member schema. */
member: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Member schema. */
members: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Schema schema. */
schema: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Schema schema. */
schemas: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Space schema. */
space: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Space schema. */
spaces: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Session schema. */
session: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Session schema. */
sessions: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Team schema. */
team: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Team schema. */
teams: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the Variant schema. */
variant: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the Variant schema. */
variants: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve a single record of the View schema. */
view: Partial<Filter>;
/** Retrieve multiple records of the View schema. */
views: Partial<Filter>;
interface Setter {
/** Modify or create a single record of the Account schema. */
account: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Account schema. */
accounts: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the App schema. */
app: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the App schema. */
apps: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the Member schema. */
member: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Member schema. */
members: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the Schema schema. */
schema: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Schema schema. */
schemas: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the Space schema. */
space: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Space schema. */
spaces: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the Team schema. */
team: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Team schema. */
teams: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the Variant schema. */
variant: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the Variant schema. */
variants: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create a single record of the View schema. */
view: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
/** Modify or create multiple records of the View schema. */
views: Partial<FilterAndMutate>;
interface Dropper {
/** Remove a single record of the Account schema. */
account: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Account schema. */
accounts: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the App schema. */
app: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the App schema. */
apps: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the Member schema. */
member: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Member schema. */
members: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the Schema schema. */
schema: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Schema schema. */
schemas: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the Space schema. */
space: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Space schema. */
spaces: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the Team schema. */
team: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Team schema. */
teams: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the Variant schema. */
variant: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the Variant schema. */
variants: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove a single record of the View schema. */
view: Partial<Filter>;
/** Remove multiple records of the View schema. */
views: Partial<Filter>;
interface Creator {
/** Create a single record of the Account schema. */
account: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Account schema. */
accounts: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the App schema. */
app: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the App schema. */
apps: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Member schema. */
member: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Member schema. */
members: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Schema schema. */
schema: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Schema schema. */
schemas: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Space schema. */
space: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Space schema. */
spaces: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Team schema. */
team: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Team schema. */
teams: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Variant schema. */
variant: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Variant schema. */
variants: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the View schema. */
view: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the View schema. */
views: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create a single record of the Event schema. */
event: Partial<Filter>;
/** Create multiple records of the Event schema. */
events: Partial<Filter>;
interface Counter {
/** Count records of the Account schema. */
accounts: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the App schema. */
apps: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the Member schema. */
members: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the Schema schema. */
schemas: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the Space schema. */
spaces: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the Team schema. */
teams: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the Variant schema. */
variants: Partial<Filter>;
/** Count records of the View schema. */
views: Partial<Filter>;

@@ -498,3 +349,3 @@ type QueryProcessingOptions = {

get: Partial<Getter>;
get: Partial<RONIN.Getter>;

@@ -517,3 +368,3 @@ * Modify existing records.

set: Partial<Setter>;
set: Partial<RONIN.Setter>;

@@ -532,3 +383,3 @@ * Create a new record.

create: Partial<Creator>;
create: Partial<RONIN.Creator>;

@@ -544,3 +395,3 @@ * Drop existing records.

drop: Partial<Dropper>;
drop: Partial<RONIN.Dropper>;

@@ -556,3 +407,3 @@ * Count matching records.

count: Partial<Counter>;
count: Partial<RONIN.Counter>;
}) => void;

@@ -575,4 +426,4 @@

declare function handleScratchPadOrConfig(config?: RunScratchpadOptions): ScratchPadFactory;
declare function handleScratchPadOrConfig<T extends object | Array<unknown>>(scratchPad: ScratchPad, config?: RunScratchpadOptions): Promise<T extends [] ? [] : T extends [infer First, ...infer Rest] ? (Rest extends unknown ? T : Array<First>) : [T]>;
declare function handleScratchPadOrConfig<T extends object | Array<unknown> = [unknown]>(scratchPad: ScratchPad, config?: RunScratchpadOptions): Promise<T extends [] ? [] : T extends [infer First, ...infer Rest] ? (Rest extends unknown ? T : Array<First>) : [T]>;
export { AfterHook, BeforeHook, DuringHook, Query, QueryResult, Readable, ReadableValue, RunScratchpadOptions, ScratchPad, StoredReadable, handleScratchPadOrConfig as default, getQueriesFromScratchPad, processReadables, runQueries };
export { AfterHook, BeforeHook, DuringHook, Query, QueryResult, RONIN, Readable, ReadableValue, RunScratchpadOptions, ScratchPad, StoredReadable, handleScratchPadOrConfig as default, getQueriesFromScratchPad, processReadables, runQueries };
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"name": "ronin",

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ "scripts": {

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