What is rrweb?
rrweb is a library for recording and replaying user interactions on web applications. It captures user events such as clicks, scrolls, and form inputs, and allows you to replay these events to understand user behavior or debug issues.
What are rrweb's main functionalities?
Recording User Interactions
This feature allows you to record user interactions on a web page. The `record` function starts recording and emits events that can be sent to a server or saved locally.
const rrweb = require('rrweb');
const stopFn = rrweb.record({
emit(event) {
// send event to your server or save it locally
// To stop recording
Replaying Recorded Sessions
This feature allows you to replay recorded sessions. The `rrwebPlayer` takes the recorded events and replays them in a specified container element.
const rrwebPlayer = require('rrweb-player');
new rrwebPlayer({
target: document.body, // the container element
data: {
events: [], // the array of recorded events
Custom Event Handling
This feature allows you to handle custom events during the recording. You can filter and process specific types of events as needed.
const rrweb = require('rrweb');
const stopFn = rrweb.record({
emit(event) {
if (event.type === 'custom') {
// handle custom event
console.log('Custom event:', event);
// To stop recording
Other packages similar to rrweb
FullStory is a digital experience analytics platform that captures and analyzes user interactions on web and mobile applications. It provides similar functionalities to rrweb but includes advanced analytics and insights.
Mouseflow is a session replay and heatmap tool that tracks user interactions on your website. It provides functionalities similar to rrweb, including session recordings and heatmaps, but also offers funnel analysis and form analytics.
rrweb 是 'record and replay the web' 的简写,旨在利用现代浏览器所提供的强大 API 录制并回放任意 web 界面中的用户操作。
目前 rrweb 已经解决了许多录制与回放中的难点问题,但在 1.0 版本 release 之前数据结构仍有可能发生变化,请谨慎用于生产环境中。
rrweb 主要由 3 部分组成:
- rrweb-snapshot,包含 snapshot 和 rebuild 两个功能。snapshot 用于将 DOM 及其状态转化为可序列化的数据结构并添加唯一标识;rebuild 则是将 snapshot 记录的数据结构重建为对应的 DOM。
- rrweb,包含 record 和 replay 两个功能。record 用于记录 DOM 中的所有变更(mutation);replay 则是将记录的变更按照对应的时间一一重放。
- rrweb-player,为 rrweb player 提供一套 UI 控件,提供基于 GUI 的暂停、快进、拖拽至任意时间点播放等功能。
- rrweb
- 处理跨域请求错误
- 转移至 web worker 中执行
- 实现传输数据压缩
- 验证移动端录制效果
- rrweb-player
- 改进播放器 UI 样式
- 实现高效的进度条拖拽功能
- 增加全屏模式
- extensions
- 劫持 console API,记录对应的事件
- 劫持 Ajax/fetch API,记录请求事件
- 封装 TraceKit,记录异常事件
- 测试
Internal Design
Contribute Guide
为了保证录制和回放时可以对应到一致的数据结构,rrweb 采用 typescript 开发以提供更强的类型支持。
Typescript 手册
- Fork 需要修改的 rrweb 组件仓库
npm install
安装所需依赖- 修改代码并通过测试
- 提交代码,创建 pull request
除了添加集成测试和单元测试之外,rrweb 还提供了交互式的测试工具。
运行 npm run repl
,将会启动浏览器并在命令行要求输入一个测试的 url:
Enter the url you want to record, e.g https://react-redux.realworld.io:
Enter the url you want to record, e.g https://react-redux.realworld.io: https://github.com
Going to open https://github.com...
Ready to record. You can do any interaction on the page.
Once you want to finish the recording, enter 'y' to start replay:
此时可以在页面中进行交互,待所需录制操作完成后,在命令行输入 y,测试工具就会将刚刚的操作进行回放,用于验证录制是否成功。
Enter 'y' to persistently store these recorded events:
此时可以再次在命令行中输入 y,测试工具将把已录制的内容存入一个静态 HTML 文件中,并提示存放位置:
Saved at PATH_TO_YOUR_REPO/temp/replay_2018_11_23T07_53_30.html
该文件默认使用最新 bundle 的 rrweb 代码,所以我们可以在修改代码后运行 npm run bundle:browser