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Comparing version 0.0.10 to 0.1.0




@@ -1,11 +0,13 @@ = require("./lib/rw/read");
exports.readSync = require("./lib/rw/read-sync");
exports.write = require("./lib/rw/write");
exports.writeSync = require("./lib/rw/write-sync");
exports.reader = require("./lib/rw/reader");
exports.writer = require("./lib/rw/writer");
exports.lineWriter = require("./lib/rw/line-writer");
exports.reader = require("./lib/rw/reader");
exports.lineReader = require("./lib/rw/line-reader");
exports.fixedReader = require("./lib/rw/fixed-reader");
exports.fileReader = require("./lib/rw/file-reader");
exports.fileWriter = require("./lib/rw/file-writer");
exports.readFile = require("./lib/rw/read-file");
exports.readFileSync = require("./lib/rw/read-file-sync");
exports.writeFile = require("./lib/rw/write-file");
exports.writeFileSync = require("./lib/rw/write-file-sync");
exports.lineParser = require("./lib/rw/line-parser");
exports.dsvParser = require("./lib/rw/dsv-parser");

@@ -1,44 +0,114 @@

var fs = require("fs");
module.exports = function(open, read, close) {
var reader = {
bufferLength: reader_bufferLength,
fill: reader_fill,
read: reader_read,
end: reader_end,
ended: false
error = null,
fillCallback = null,
channel = null,
bufferOffset = 0,
bufferLength = 1 << 16,
bufferAvailable = 0,
buffer = new Buffer(bufferLength);
module.exports = function(filePath) {
var error = null,
eof = false,
defers = [],
descriptor = null,
bufferLength = 1 << 14; // TODO options
process.nextTick(open.bind(null, function(newError, newChannel) {
error = newError;
channel = newChannel;
if (fillCallback) {
var oldFillCallback = fillCallback;
fillCallback = null;
function read(callback) {
if (!callback) throw new Error("callback is required");
function reader_bufferLength(newBufferLength) {
if (arguments.length) {
if (bufferAvailable) throw new Error("cannot change buffer length while the buffer is not empty");
if (fillCallback) throw new Error("cannot change buffer length while the buffer is filling");
if ((newBufferLength |= 0) <= 0) throw new Error("invalid length: " + newBufferLength);
buffer = new Buffer(bufferLength = newBufferLength);
return reader;
return bufferLength;
// If there’s an error, return the error.
if (error) return void callback(error);
function reader_fill(callback) {
if (error) return void process.nextTick(callback.bind(reader, error));
if (fillCallback) throw new Error("cannot fill while a fill is already in progress");
if (reader.ended) throw new Error("cannot fill after ended");
if (bufferAvailable >= bufferLength) return void process.nextTick(callback.bind(reader, null));
// If we’ve reached the end of the file, return null.
if (eof) return void callback(null, null);
// A fill is now in-progress.
fillCallback = callback;
// If there’s an operation already in-progress, wait for that to finish.
if (defers) return void defers.push(callback);
// If the channel is not yet open, wait for it.
if (!channel) return;
// Otherwise, read some bytes from the file.
defers = [];, new Buffer(bufferLength), 0, bufferLength, null, function(error_, bufferLength_, buffer) {
error = error_;
if (bufferLength_) callback(null, bufferLength_ < bufferLength ? buffer.slice(0, bufferLength_) : buffer);
else eof = true, fs.close(descriptor, callback);
var defers_ = defers;
defers = null;
// Move any unread bytes to the front of the buffer before filling.
if (bufferOffset) {
if (bufferAvailable) buffer.copy(buffer, 0, bufferOffset, bufferOffset + bufferAvailable);
bufferOffset = 0;
// Fill the buffer. If no bytes are read, the channel has ended.
read(channel, buffer, bufferAvailable, bufferLength - bufferAvailable, function(newError, readLength) {
fillCallback = null;
// If an error occurs, stop reading, and shut it all down.
// Or if no more bytes were available, then we’ve reached the end.
if ((error = newError) || !readLength) {
reader.ended = true;
// Close the channel, ignoring any secondary errors.
var oldChannel = channel;
channel = null;
close(oldChannel, ignore);
return void callback(error);
// Otherwise mark the read bytes as available.
bufferAvailable += readLength;
// Open the file for reading., "r", 438 /*=0666*/, function(error_, descriptor_) {
error = error_;
descriptor = descriptor_;
var defers_ = defers;
defers = null;
// Note: the returned data may not be read after the reader starts filling.
function reader_read(length) {
if (error) throw error;
if (fillCallback) throw new Error("cannot read while a fill is in progress");
if (length == null) length = bufferAvailable;
else if ((length |= 0) <= 0) throw new Error("invalid length: " + length);
return read;
// If all the requested bytes are not available, return null.
if (!bufferAvailable || length > bufferAvailable) return null;
// Otherwise, return the next slice of bytes from the buffer.
var oldBufferOffset = bufferOffset;
bufferAvailable -= length;
bufferOffset += length;
return oldBufferOffset || bufferOffset !== bufferLength
? buffer.slice(oldBufferOffset, bufferOffset)
: buffer;
function reader_end(callback) {
if (error) throw error;
if (fillCallback) throw new Error("cannot end while a fill is in progress");
if (reader.ended) throw new Error("cannot end after already ended");
reader.ended = true;
// Close the channel.
var oldChannel = channel;
channel = null;
close(oldChannel, callback);
return reader;
// A no-op callback used to ignore secondary errors on close.
function ignore(error) {}

@@ -1,67 +0,113 @@

var fs = require("fs");
module.exports = function(open, write, close) {
var writer = {
encoding: writer_encoding,
bufferLength: writer_bufferLength,
drain: writer_drain,
write: writer_write,
end: writer_end,
ended: false
error = null,
drainCallback = null,
channel = null,
encoding = "utf8",
bufferUsed = 0,
bufferLength = 1 << 16,
buffers = [];
module.exports = function(filePath) {
var error = null,
defers = [],
descriptor = null,
bufferLength = 1 << 14, // TODO options
buffer = new Buffer(bufferLength),
bufferIndex = 0;
process.nextTick(open.bind(null, function(newError, newChannel) {
error = newError;
channel = newChannel;
if (drainCallback) {
var oldDrainCallback = drainCallback;
drainCallback = null;
function write(data, callback) {
if (!callback) throw new Error("callback is required");
function writer_encoding(newEncoding) {
if (arguments.length) {
if (!Buffer.isEncoding(newEncoding = newEncoding + "")) throw new Error("unknown encoding: " + newEncoding);
encoding = newEncoding;
return writer;
return encoding;
// If there’s an error, return the error.
if (error) return void callback(error);
function writer_bufferLength(newBufferLength) {
if (arguments.length) {
if (bufferUsed) throw new Error("cannot change buffer length while the buffer is not empty");
if ((newBufferLength |= 0) <= 0) throw new Error("invalid length: " + newBufferLength);
bufferLength = newBufferLength;
return writer;
return bufferLength;
// If there’s an operation already in-progress, wait for that to finish.
if (defers) return void defers.push([data, callback]);
function writer_drain(callback) {
if (error) return void process.nextTick(callback.bind(writer, error));
if (drainCallback) throw new Error("cannot drain while a drain is already in progress");
if (writer.ended) throw new Error("cannot drain after ended");
if (!buffers.length) return void process.nextTick(callback.bind(writer, null));
// If the file is done, flush the buffer and close the file descriptor.
if (data == null) {
error = new Error("already closed");
return void writeAll(descriptor, buffer, 0, bufferIndex, function(error_) {
if (error_) return void callback(error_);
fs.close(descriptor, callback);
// A drain is now in-progress.
drainCallback = callback;
// Always copy the input data into our private buffer,
// so that we ignore changes to the input after this function returns.
var bufferAdded = Math.min(bufferLength - bufferIndex, data.length);
data.copy(buffer, bufferIndex, 0, bufferAdded);
bufferIndex += bufferAdded;
// If the channel is not yet open, wait for it.
if (!channel) return;
// If the buffer isn’t full, callback immediately.
if (bufferIndex < bufferLength) return void callback(null);
// Write each buffer, in their original order.
(function writeNext(newError) {
// Otherwise, write accumulated bytes to the file.
defers = [[data.slice(bufferAdded), callback]];
writeAll(descriptor, buffer, 0, bufferIndex, function(error_) {
error = error_;
bufferIndex = 0;
var defers_ = defers;
defers = null;
defers_.forEach(function(defer) { write(defer[0], defer[1]); });
// If an error occurs, stop writing, and shut it all down.
if (error = newError) {
drainCallback = null;
// Close the channel, ignoring any secondary errors.
var oldChannel = channel;
channel = null;
close(oldChannel, ignore);
return void callback(error);
// If there’s still data to write, write it. Otherwise callback.
var data = buffers.pop();
if (!data) return drainCallback = null, bufferUsed = 0, void callback(null);
write(channel, data, 0, data.length, writeNext);
// Caution: the specified data must NOT be modified after draining starts.
function writer_write(data) {
if (error) throw error;
if (drainCallback) throw new Error("cannot write while a drain is in progress");
if (!(data instanceof Buffer)) data = new Buffer(data + "", encoding);
bufferUsed += data.length;
return bufferUsed < bufferLength;
function writer_end(callback) {
if (error) throw error;
if (drainCallback) throw new Error("cannot end while a drain is in progress");
if (writer.ended) throw new Error("cannot end after already ended");
// Drain any buffered bytes.
writer_drain(function(error) {
if (error) return void callback(error);
writer.ended = true;
// Close the channel.
var oldChannel = channel;
channel = null;
close(oldChannel, callback);
// Open the file for writing., "w", 438 /*=0666*/, function(error_, descriptor_) {
error = error_;
descriptor = descriptor_;
var defers_ = defers;
defers = null;
defers_.forEach(function(defer) { write(defer[0], defer[1]); });
return write;
return writer;
function writeAll(descriptor, buffer, bufferIndex, bufferLength, callback) {
fs.write(descriptor, buffer, bufferIndex, bufferLength, null, function(error_, bufferLength_) {
if (error_) return void callback(error_.code === "EPIPE" ? null : error_); // ignore broken pipe, e.g., | head
if (bufferLength_ < bufferLength) return void writeAll(descriptor, buffer, bufferIndex + bufferLength_, bufferLength - bufferLength_, callback);
// A no-op callback used to ignore secondary errors on close.
function ignore(error) {}
"name": "rw",
"version": "0.0.10",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Wrappers of fs.{read,write}File that work for /dev/std{in,out}.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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